Youareme“ The Earevelation of the jhwh volume 2

particles of determined “accusatives”

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particles of determined “accusatives” (= fourth declination case (conjugation); it is the answer to the question: whom? Or what? [me, you – him, she – us, you (plural) – this, that – the same, the identical – the one, which]). With a preceding Beth [a means as [ab “at the same time” (2 / 1-400). [a 1-400 is therefore also being used for the word “with”, but also for “spade” (that you have to dig with “in yourself”, in order to find “yourself” – that is to say the creator of your world). Ultimately you are only a creature of your own thoughts, but also a cell of a “timeless whole” – which is (not yet) graspable/comprehensible for you logically. Well, and now to the “track switch”/”turnout”, which now you are supposed to set into the “right direction”!

After …Myhlaarb[ywarb = (In the beginning created…) it continues further with [a, to be even more accurate, there then follows:

Jrah[avMymwh ([a) = 1-400 if read as “at”, it means: “you” and is “feminine!” (Eva, the first woman greets you ). But now if you “include” with it the next sign, the He – your “value free view” – then h[a stands opposite of you.

Jrah[avMymw (h[a) = 1-400-5 “ata” and this means also “you”, but as “masculine”.

Adam kadmon”, “the preceding Adam” is born!

h[a means spoken as “ita” “to say you” (Germ. = “duzen”). “You” are the “centre” (Germ.= “Zentrum”) of the “space-time being” that surrounds you. You too are going to, at the end of your development, that is to say, when you have arrived at the end of your “space/time-path of

growth”, (the way it is described to you in the Revelation of John) and the way that my son of

man is doing it already “now”, sit next to me on my throne. Then you are also going to be on “you to you” terms with me! But now you have to first of all bring order into your being here/existence, which is still standing opposite of you as a “dozen” (Germ. = “Du-zen-d”). (2x12 hours are one day [and this one in reality is as a thousand years]). The German saying: “Kommt Zeit, kommt Rat” = ”Time will tell” is being reversed into: “Kommt Rat, geht Zeit” which literally translated means: “When advice comes, time goes!”

If now I would continue in this way and also “inter-pret” (Germ.=aus-legen=spread out) these signs “qualitatively-mathematically”, then we would need for this kind of “Bible-translation” a few more thousand pages. As I said, you do need a completely new structure of thinking in order to be able to “grasp” this amount of data “in the now”. But since you are not able to read more out of this book than what your momentary rational logic makes it possible for you to, the real secret of your being here/existence can only be revealed to you by my son of man – from mouth to ear. The same system can actually also be applied to the Hindu Veda which are written in Sanskrit. You then are going to be confronted with absolutely the same HOLO-FEELING-context.

With the help of the number 31, that is to say the word “EL” (Aleph/Lamed) = “godly power”),

with the other numerical Bible symbols, and with the measurements which I have used in the great pyramid of Egypt, you are going to find the mathematical bridge between your psyche and the space/time perceived world which is generated out it. I am going to mathematically “prove” to you the “perfect” equality between the measurements of this your “world of death” and the Cheops-pyramid, but also the gematrial number-values of the Garden of Eden and the “names” of Adam and Eve and of the subsequent patriarchs! Everything contains everything! The Cheops-pyramid contains “in itself” the structural entirety of my “Genesis”. The cosmic foundational ratio value is π2 x 3-3. Out of this small formula one can (if one can ) without effort unfold important measures of the pyramid, but also of your solar system and its planets and of your atomic periodic system. But it also reveals the astronomical and physiological secrets of the world perceived by you, which I have hidden in the symbols and the glyphs of this pyramid (but about this I will only later on tell you more).
You are your own light and godly thought. You are the “nous” (Greek/Latin = “the ability of spiritual perception”; “the spirit which is ordering the world”) and “demiurge” (Greek/Latin = “world-creator” [“demi-vierge” = “half-virgin”]) of your own world. You are in your entirety far older, than the “normal-human-principal”, which you have perceived so far, which only springs up like a shadow of your immaturity out of your entirety. Everything you perceive so far is only a fruit, which springs forth out of the germ of your judging thoughts. Your word is the word of a God. Start now to comprehend your wholeness, you small God. Learn first to understand the words used by you in the right way, and how to handle them. Only then you are in the position to create with them a harmonious heaven on earth, only then are you a creator according to my image.
And always remember:

Everything, which you see and hear in you, is only a product of my harmonious verbum which is being judged by you. Everything is only the verb of …..of that which you are not supposed to make any pictures/images of for yourself. And even though nothing has ever really been separated from you, your conscious self-uniting with your world means to finally really be “LIVING”!

And now tell me, you small God, you who finds itself in its own purgatory: What is it by which you stamp on all of your appearances the stamp of “your own self-glorifying opinion”? And who is trying to define his appearances, in order to then put them under a yoke? And who besides yourself is able to do that in your world (= dream)?
Only the words, which you are using and your “spirit”!
And where do you have “your words” from and your “spirit”?
If you “think about” it (re-flect > Germ. = nach-denken > think after), then this already tells you everything. You only think “after” something, which already exists since eons. Not a trace of real freedom. By your “creating” of only tiny fragments out of your eon-like nescience/not-knowing-ness – which you idiotically always view as “the whole truth” – you yourself produce the time, in which you, just like a “seed/sperm(thread)”, swim towards your real life. You contain everything that grows out of you.
If you understand how to read my revelatory writings in the original way and then interpret it correctly, you then are going to overthrow the system of Christian theology and that of your natural sciences which has been built up laboriously by your shortsighted archetypes; because my revelatory writings confirm to you in their irrefutable harmony and complexity, that behind you – the creative deity/divinity – there is still another “higher God”, a planner/designer and architect that is neither verbally comprehensible nor definable, and that you are only one of my performing “homunculus” (Latin= “small human”; human being equipped with miracle powers). So you are only one of my cells, even better expressed – a “homo-cell-us”, that is to say a holographic cell of my eight dimensional being and you should now slowly become aware of your real function “in my wholeness”.
You are living in a world full of contradictions. The cause for this is the shortsighted and therefore disharmonious definition of the words “used” (Germ.=”ver-wendet”= turned around) words. By your mis-interpretation of many of my words and the “a-miss- usage” which is linked to this, it is not possible for you to speak a language which is all-encompassing and harmonious. Hardly two of even the most learnt language-researchers – no matter if it is thereby about Hebrew, Sanskrit or any other kind of ancient language – do agree in their interpretation of the old signs. As soon as one of them starts to make the effort to try to publish a dictionary, the other ones right away are going to jump on him, together start to fight against him and point out to him his sins of omitting or adding to. But there is a context, which unites in itself harmoniously all languages – and the appearances of your world that come forth out of them – its name is HOLO-FEELING.
Isch-Amon” – the Pleroma or “the limitless circle” – within which “all forms” lie, which you are able to perceive with your five senses, symbolizes your “tautological thoughts”. Your own thoughts are the actual substance of all appearances that are perceived by you. They are the godly power, which I have bestowed on you and by which you are in the position to harmonize EVERYTHING. The word “thought” / Germ. = “Ge-danke” tells it all. It stems from the word “thinking” (Germ. = ”denken”) and this in turn has its origin in the Indo-German “teng” (=”to sense, to feel”). Your “nescience/not knowing-ness” – your “timeless knowing all” that is – works “in you” with “silence” on your becoming perfect. You have lost the “unity” (= the “ge”/”ce” = Gimel) of your “silen[ce]” (Germ.=”schwei[ge]n”) out of sight and thereby do act most of the time just like a selfish “pig” (Germ.= “Schwein”). If you have stepped across a certain point in your spiritual development, then suddenly the darkness of your nescience becomes pregnant with your consciousness, this then is the birth of your entire/whole feeling of/sensing of your being here/existence, your world now is able to “get on the scene”. This “second life” which comes after the “not perceivable” first one, is the contrast which is needed by you, which you need for your dual world-perception.
The rvayhyvrvayhy which describes this pro-ceed-ure, is mistakenly being translated as “It shall be light! And it was light”, even though in the ancient Hebrew there is no past tense.
Rrvayhyvrvay (hy) = 10-5 “jah[we]” means “God” (short form).

Rrvayhyvrv (ayh) y = 5-10-1 “hi” means “she” as “feminine singular pro-noun” (= a word, which stands for a noun or points to a noun. In German pro-noun = “Fürwort” > “Fü(h)rwort” >leading word.

Rrvayhyv (rva) yhy = 1-6-200 “or” means “light”, spoken as “ur”, “fire”. Each “godly pro-noun” (leading-name; = each named soul) is in my creation its own light and its own fire (symbolizes heaven and hell).
rvayhy (v) rvayhy = After a connecting/linking (=“and”) now this “phrase” (= a short section of a “composition” which portrays its own motive) is repeating itself.
So it is about “two lights”, of which “the second one” is being omitted/withheld by your knowledge/belief with its dogmatically “pre-dictate-ed” (assumed) “past tense”.
But in Genesis 1; 3 it says definitely “wajomer Elohim jahi or wa jahi or”.
“The Elohim say: God is light “and” “God is light” !”

(rvayhy “v” rvayhy).

In consideration to the “feminine pro-noun” it would be better to say:
God indeed creates the world, but “she” does not know, that “she” consists of two “halves”.

The terminology “God” relates here not only to me – the androgynous none/not-existence and/or “the unending/infinite multiplicity” (“she”) – but rather also to your “woman which is preceding you”, that is to say your rational logic.

So in the Bible is written “jahi or and jahi or”. The ancient primal knowledge “in you” does therefore know: It is light (outside) and it is light (inside). There is a duality in the light. This “two-fold light” (divided in two) is the apodictic cause of all prerequisites of existence for the reality which is perceived by you. This fact by the way contains also the mathematical (ex)plane-ation and solution for the (by all natural scientists out of ignorance silently accepted) particle/wave-paradox. My creation would not exist, if I would not have first created the “light” with this duality. The term 10-5, as “jehi”, can also be translated as “It is”. Also the name JHWH (10-5-6-5) begins with this “It is” (10-5), followed by a “linking/connecting” (6) of the “view” (5). But if this “It is” is followed by a 10-200 (“jare” 10-200[-1] = to be ”afraid”), then you have got your unconscious fear in front of your eyes, which results from always taking yourself too seriously. “Jahir” 10-5-10-200, therefore means “arrogant” and “haughty”.

So here you have the cause and the beginning of “duality” of your conscious and of your unconscious being here/existence. Hereby it is about the root of your being, about the “differentiating” view of your spirit. The one light is the “masculine (conscious/aware) spirit light” in you, which “pre-thinks” (to think ahead) for you all of your conscious appearances. The other light is the “feminine (unconscious) spirit light” of the “re-flector” (Germ. = “Nach-denker” > to think after), which judges the pre-thought appearances constantly and attributes (Germ. = bei-messen = to measure) to them a quality, instead of giving itself (yield/submit) to them “un-con-dit(i)o-nally” (Germ.=”be-Ding-ungslos > thing-less), in order to get into a harmonious marriage with them.

I now took one of these two lights and hid it until this messianic time from the still immature Elohim. Only “purified souls”, which have developed in their Hades to “right-eous ones” and long for unity, will unite “the inner light, that which is still unconscious to them”, which I am revealing here, with their outer/outside light “in themselves” to one single “great (life)fire”, whose smoke (Rauch) “ruach ha kodesch” (=holy ghost) then establishes the connection between their earth (the this-side) and the real heaven (the beyond side).
From these two “spiritual lights” rva 1-6-200 and/or “fire”, seen as radix, there are built up some very interesting words, namely:

By an attaching of an unconscious duality (Beth) there grows out of it “orev”, “the lurking one” (1-6-200/2) and by the attaching of a Gimmel (the becoming/development) it turns into “oreg”, the “[thought]weaver” (1-6-200-3). If now a “small God” (Jod) joins/follows this “weaver”, who “can see” (He, the window), thus 1-6-200-3/1-5, you get “orgja” and this means “the orgy”. The orgy of a “space/time being-here/existence” resounds only in a split/divided spirit which therefore is also situated in a time/space. This still split/divided “subject/object-spirit” will now, according to the maturity of its own “being” conscious “of itself” – that is to say of its own “perception ability” – feel/experience/sense its being-here/existence as harmonious or as disharmonious. If now you attach a Nun to this “[thought]weaver”, who is unconscious “of himself”, you get first the queen of all musical instruments, namely an organ” 1-6-200-3-50, that is to say a “pipe organ”, and this word then leads you, if you add yourself by an attaching of a Jod, to your own “bodyorgan”, on which you let your world perception resound. The word “organi” 1-6-200-3-50-10, which means “organic”, then shows you the “composite of pipes” of this life-organ, these are your “organs”, which are only going to produce a harmonious sound of life in a harmonious function, that is to say a healthy “whole/entire/complete organism”. The humans which are being perceived by you in your outside world (= in your dream) are, as already told a few times, only a spiritual projection of your inner collectivity and all belong to your life-organ. So you are only then going to feel really “healthy”, if you understand how to harmonize all pipes inside- and outside of you. The word “h-ealth” (Germ.=”Ge-sund”) tells it all. The prefix “Ge” shows you the timeless connection of all “sunja” (AHG. = “truth(s) > “sun of God”), which your fellow humans (which you in turn again carry within yourself) carry within themselves. By an over-estimation of your own truth you now separate yourself from the others and thereby put yourself into the “offside” (AHG. = “sun-tar” > “Sun of Tar[tarus]”). The result of this is the world-symphony which by you is perceived disharmoniously. In the Bible your [co-]human parts are being depicted symbolically as the peoples of Israel – as Jews. Your task now consists in uniting them “in you”, in order to then move in/enter into my promised land as “harmonious whole/entirety”.

S#s’’rva 1-6-200’’60 (to the light/fire a Samech (=circuit/cycle) is attached) it means “O.R.T.”, this is the “Hebrew abbreviation for the “Society for the support/promotion of the professional/vocational training of a Jew”.

All humans are Jews, because all humans stem symbolically from Adam and Eve. Your place (Germ. = ORT) of vocational training are the “scenes” which are perceived by you in the “now”. Your “act-u-al” (Germ.=”Ei”-gen-tlich”>Ei=egg) existence and its development did not begin with the fertilization of your human egg by a sperm, but already eons ago. You are “the cell” of a “collective soul” (=the mankind perceived by you). This one develops – seen from a space/time perspective – in a “spiral shape kind of circuit/cycle”, similar to a whirlwind. All cells, which are in its “center” (is also being called “The Eye of the Cyclopes”) are thereby being automatically lifted up to the top (smoke > Rauch <> “ruach”). But now if you have lost

“this center of your being here/existence” out of your view, because you are only able to “orient” (=Hebr. “orjentatsa”) 1-6-200/10-50-60-90-10-5) yourself on your “assumed knowledge” and your “material values”, you will inevitably “end up beneath the earth” and thereby also not rise up into “the real heaven”. Everyone who does not want to pay attention to my “real teaching” (=Hebr. “orajta” 1-6-200/10-400-1 [the Thora]), misses the exit into the next higher level of his being/existence. Inevitably this “egocentric human” has to once more do another round with “disharmonious world-perception” and has to lead once again another fight for his missed “sur-vive-al” (Germ. = “Über-leben” >above/-life).
You will exist for so long in a world of “Chiaroscuro” (“Helldunkel”) (= Hebr. “ort-sel” 1-6-200/100-6-30; also “half-shade”), until you start to only believe in “the actual real” – into that “which really is”/ “which is real”.

You as “deeply believing materialist”, precisely because of this kind of attitude, can only resort to your “audio-visual” perception (=Hebr. “orkoli” 1-6-200/100-6-30-10). The two most important of your seven senses are not yet available to you, precisely because of your so far dogmatic “mistaken-belief” – this is materialism.

Real development / evolution:

I also would like to say a few words about the “spiral-like cycle” (Germ. = spiral-förmig > form of a spiral) of human development/evolution. I should better say to the “spiral-like development” of assumed knowledge that has been available to you so far.

All forms of life go through nine stages of growth in their development, which are composed of three main stages, with each having three lower stages. If through your conscious per-re-ceptions (= the calculating-capacity of your rationality) you have reached a certain maturity, you will clearly recognize this godly law in all appearances – starting with the crystals all the way to your assumed(as)true (perceived as true) human cultures. You take for example the (once) existence of Cesar or of a Pharaoh “as true”, even though you have never “perceived” both yourself empirically with your five senses. If they would have told you something else about the course of history, then you would have “re-flected” (thought after) these assumptions just as uncritically to be 100 % true and this way “other fairytale-stories” would probably have become your dogma. Every time you “reflect” (think after) your past, you only chew – without any kind of real own independently made train of thought – that which is put before you, brainless just like a parrot. Only then are you going to experience your real “sur-vive-al” > ”above-life”, if you start “to think on your own”. This means to say, that you have to unfold your real origin/descent yourself out of yourself, in order to find the exit out of your present misery of existence/being. So you should stop to only “re-flect”/”think after” that which I set before you in this your life-dream, even if you are as sure as can be that you “are awake”, believe me, you are still sleeping and you are only dreaming this existence. Your belief into the universal validity of the laws of nature perceived by you, have been “incorporated into you” (by your education) in this dream in such a way, that these have materialized in your psycho-somatic surrounding. This is exactly how it is with your mother-tongue. But just as in your dream there are also other languages – which are functioning just as perfect as does your own language – there are also “other natural laws”, namely “the actual real ones”. To be staying with this metaphor, just as one is only able to “communicate” with a “certain language” in a small part of the world, so with your “natural laws so far” it is only possible to describe and therewith to experience a small part of “the entire/whole actual reality”. The real “collectivity of your soul” – that is to say your very own collectivity – still escapes your present self-consciousness completely.
What actually is it, that you call “your self-consciousness”?
So far it only consists of a thoughtless repeating after of given presented facts. So it is only a “childlike ex-ecution/ex-cursion” of your real consciousness in a restricted/confined purely material world.
What then now is “real consciousness”?
It is a biological product of development/evolution. “Biology” (Greek = “the teaching of real life”) shows clearly, that the development of consciousness comprehensible to you, goes parallel with the increase and progression of the ability to organize all of the appearances which are “made alive” by you – that is to say all the ones which are (Germ. “be-findlich” > to be found) in space and time. You as human are the “most complicated” (Latin “complico” = “to fold together”; “complexus” = “enclosure”) and therewith also the “most comprehensive creature”. You, being viewed in your entirety/holism, are therefore also in possession of the most developed consciousness in your world which is perceived by you. With a “normal human”, as you yourself also do “embody”, your self-awareness by far has not yet reached its end. Already the starry sky should inform you about it, that “your conscious knowledge” compared to that which you “don not know” (yet), is in comparison like a drop to the ocean. Only a “vanishing” small part of that “which is really there”, has reached so far through/by “your belief” in(to) your “personal” (= “per-sona” = “sounding-through”) area/realm of per-ception. The imaginary, for you not perceivable border of your belief does thereby determine the performance/capacity of your senses and dictates to you thereby also your own spiritual greatness and the quality of your perceptions that are linked to it. Your eyes are only receptive for the seven-colored spectrum of the rainbow. But that this spectrum also possesses/has an extension of expansion on this side and in the beyond which is not known to you, you will not refute, because you too believe in infra-red and ultra-violet rays. But there are also powers in your range of perception, which you are not able to grasp with any of your five senses. Yet you “believe” in them, because your rational logic explains to you, that only then they will become empirically perceivable to you, if they have transformed into other powers. Do thereby think for example of magnetism and electricity. Why do you at times have such a hard time to believe into the truth of my words. I know, you really would like to, but first you would like to have a proof. How can I, as mainframe computer prove to you pocket-calculator, that my “calculate-ions” of the “real world” are more accurate, more splendid, and more colorful, than the way you could ever calculate with your pocket calculator logic for yourself, without you getting up the humility to blindly trust me? You now have to leave your present logical structure, which seems rational to you, in order to be able to follow me spiritually into the heavenly kingdom.
Truly, I say to you:
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