Article II. Membership

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The graduate and professional students of East Carolina University recognize the Graduate and Professional Student Senate, hereafter referred to as the GPSS, as the official Council serving as the unified voice of the graduate and professional student body of East Carolina University. The graduate and professional students of East Carolina University form a unique, distinctive, and important segment of the population of the University, making it necessary to have such a Council, drawing upon members from various graduate departments, programs, and graduate student organizations (GSOs) from within the university. The GPSS works to promote and support the Graduate School in the continuous advancement of its standards, provides input on the behalf of graduate and professional students in regards to the formation of general University policy, and serves as a conduit of information concerning matters relevant to graduate student education. The GPSS also acts as a funding board, allocating funding to registered GSOs.


The GPSS is the officially recognized collegiate association of the Graduate School and is the primary representative, administrative, and service organization for the graduate and professional students at East Carolina University. It serves as the unified voice of the graduate student population to the Student Government Association, the University administration and faculty, and to all other organizations at the University. The GPSS also assists in the administration of resources designated to, and for, graduate students and works to establish and maintain programs and activities of interest to graduate students. As an established funding board, the GPSS will also allocate funding provided by graduate student fees to registered GSOs.



The GPSS consists of the elected or appointed representatives of each GSO that is recognized as the official GSO of their respected graduate programs or colleges. Membership in the GPSS shall be divided into three classes of participation: full senators, alternate senators, and at-large senators.


        1. Members of the graduate student body are eligible for election or appointment to the GPSS from their own GSO.

        2. Members must be in good academic and financial standing with the University.

        3. No person shall hold more than one elected seat in the GPSS.

        4. Each member GSO must hold elections at least two weeks prior to the second to last meeting of the spring semester. If GSO member turnover occurs between semesters or during the summer, the member GSO must hold elections prior to the first meeting of the next semester.

        5. GSOs must change the contact information for officers on OrgSync and add the contact information to a GPSS contact list created by the Executive Associate by the conclusion of the last general assembly meeting. If GSO member turnover occurs between semesters or during the summer, GSOs must change the contact information for officers on OrgSync and add the contact information to the GPSS contact list no later than one month after officers have been elected or at the next GPSS general meeting, whichever comes first.

2. Representation

        1. Representation in GPSS shall be based on the number of registered graduate students in each GSO.

          1. Students are considered registered if they are members of the GSO’s OrgSync and are enrolled in the graduate program or college the GSO represents.

        1. Each GSO shall be allotted one full senator per fifty registered students.

        2. Each GSO shall be allotted at least one alternate per senator elected or appointed from that GSO.

        3. A GSO shall be considered to have active representation in the GPSS if no more than two of the general assembly meetings of the GPSS during the current academic year were not attended by at least one senator, alternate senator, or designated representative of a senator from that GSO.

        4. The GPSS reserves the right to favor GSOs that have active representation in decisions regarding the allocation of resources to those GSOs.

3. Full Senators

        1. Full senators are the primary representatives within the GPSS of the GSO from which they are elected.

        2. Full senators have voting rights on any matter that comes before the GPSS.

        3. Full senators are expected to regularly attend general assembly meetings of the GPSS.

          1. Any senator who cannot attend a general assembly meeting, and cannot send an alternate senator, or a designated representative to that meeting must inform the President of the GPSS with an explanation of the absence prior to the meeting.

        1. Full senators are expected to insure that information and resources from the GPSS are distributed as appropriate in their GSO.

        2. Full senators have the responsibility to notify their alternate senators in the event they cannot attend a meeting.

4. Alternate Senators

        1. An alternate senator shall serve as the representative of the full senator when the full senator is unable to attend a general meeting.

        2. When serving as the representative of a full senator, an alternate shall have all the privileges and powers of a full senator.

        3. Alternate senators are not required to attend general assembly meetings at which the full senator is present, but are encouraged to do so.

        4. Alternates may serve on GPSS appointed committees.

5. At-Large Senators

        1. An At-large senator shall serve as a representative to the graduate student body, but not to his/her GSO, graduate department, or college.

        2. Members of the graduate student body are eligible for appointment to the GPSS as an At-large senator by submitting their intention to do so in writing to the President.

        3. At-large senators must be in good academic and financial standing with the University.

        4. At-large senators do not have voting rights on matters that come before the GPSS.

        5. At-large senators maintain the right to the floor in GPSS meetings.

        6. At-large senators may serve on GPSS appointed committees.

6. Election of Full and Alternate Senators

Each GSO is responsible for electing or appointing their own full and alternate senators.

7. Terms

Any member of the GPSS is elected for a one-year term, and may be re-elected for as long as he or she is a registered graduate student at East Carolina University.

8. Ex-officio Members

  1. The advisor to the GPSS shall be the Dean of the Graduate School.

  2. The Associate Dean of the Graduate School, the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, the Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Leadership and Involvement, the Associate Director and SGA Advisor, the SGA Finance Advisor, and the President of the Student Government Association are ex-officio members of GPSS.


The elected officers consisting of President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Executive Associate form the Executive Board of the GPSS.

A. President

The President of the GPSS is the chief executive officer to the GPSS, and the primary advocate on behalf of graduate students both to the Graduate School and the University at large. Certain duties of the President will vary from year to year, and the president shapes the overall agenda and direction of the GPSS.

      1. The President shall serve as the Graduate Student Body President.

      2. The President shall serve as the GPSS correspondent to the Graduate Student body, faculty, and administration.

      3. The President shall serve as a representative of GPSS in the Student Government Association.

      4. The President shall serve as the graduate student representative on the Chancellor’s Roundtable.

      5. The President shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Graduate Council, with voting rights.

      6. The President shall serve on the Student Affairs Advisory Council.

      7. The President shall schedule and set the agenda for all meetings of the GPSS.

      8. The President shall preside over all GPSS general assembly meetings.

      9. The President schedule and chair all meetings of the Executive Board.

      10. The President appoints the chairs of the various standing and ad hoc committees that may be formed during his or her tenure. The President is an ex officio members of all standing committees.

      11. The President is to hold a maximum of ten office or electronic hours per week.


The Vice-President of the GPSS assists the President in carrying out the functions of the GPSS and shall assume the duties of the President when the President is absent.

1.The Vice-President shall serve on the Student Affairs Advisory Council.

2.The Vice-President shall be responsible for compiling a yearly report on the activities and accomplishments of the GPSS, and each GSO within the GPSS.

3.The Vice-President shall serve as a liaison between the GPSS and those organizations and committees at East Carolina University which the Executive Board sees fit.

4.The Vice-President is to hold a maximum of eight office or electronic hours per week.


The Treasurer of the GPSS is responsible for the administration of all GPSS funds and business affairs.

1.The Treasurer serves as the chair of the Finance Committee, and as such, in conjunction with the GPSS Executive Board, plans the annual budget for the GPSS.

2.The Treasurer, with the Finance Committee, collects and makes recommendations on annual and emergency funding requests submitted by GSOs.

3.The Treasurer shall serve as the liaison between the GPSS and the Student Organization Funding Office.

4.The Treasurer shall prepare a statement on the current finances of the GPSS prior to each general assembly meeting.

5.The Treasurer is to hold a maximum of eight office or electronic hours per week.

D.Executive Associate

The Executive Associate assists the President in assuring the smooth and efficient running of the GPSS.

1.The Executive Associate is responsible for keeping the minutes of all GPSS meetings, and for distributing those minutes as appropriate.

2.The Executive Associate shall notify all GPSS members about meetings and serve as the custodian for all GPSS records and correspondence.

3.The Executive Associate, along with the President, shall be responsible for routine maintenance of the GPSS Blog site and OrgSync page.

4.The Executive Associate is responsible for maintaining accurate records of quorum, attendance, and voting history of each GPSS meeting.

5.The Executive Associate shall serve as the liaison between the GPSS and the Student Organization Center.

6.The Executive Associate is to hold a maximum of eight office or electronic hours per week.

E. Elections

      1. An Executive Board appointed Elections Committee Chair Person shall have the responsibility for taking nominations, conducting elections, and tabulating results of elections for the new Executive Board members.

      2. The Executive Board members of the GPSS shall be elected at the second to last general assembly meeting of the academic year preceding that in which they serve.

      3. The nomination period for Executive Board members shall begin at the meeting preceding that in which they are elected, and shall be closed for each office one week preceding the election for that office.

      4. Nominations for Executive Board members may be made by any full senator.

      5. Any member of the GPSS, whether a full, alternate or at-large senator is eligible to be nominated for an Executive Board position.

      6. Elections shall be conducted in the following order: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Executive Associate.

      7. All Executive Board members must be elected by a majority vote of the full senators present at the meeting at which the election is held.

        1. If no person receives the majority on the first ballot, all nominees not receiving one of the two highest vote tallies shall be removed, and a second ballot shall be taken with the remaining candidates.

F. Terms

1. No member shall have more than one Executive Board position at a single time.

2. Executive Board members shall serve for one year terms.

3. Executive Board members are eligible for re-elections, but may not hold any single position for a period of time exceeding two terms.

4. Terms of Executive Board members shall begin the month following the last general meeting of the academic year.

G. Removal

1. An Executive Board member shall be removed in the following circumstances:

  1. If the Executive Board member fails to maintain membership in good standing, a simple majority vote of the voting membership present at any general assembly meeting shall suffice to remove that officer. This process shall be initiated by another Executive Board member.

  2. A motion of confidence against any officer may be introduced at a general assembly meeting by any full senator. Such motion shall be subject to the agenda procedures of a bill, and requires a two-thirds majority of full senators present to pass.

      1. Any vacancy among the elected officers shall be filled at a special election held at the next general assembly meeting of the GPSS, and according to procedures as closely in accord with an ordinary election as is practical.


The GPSS Executive Board shall be eligible to be compensated with an educational award in consideration for performance of duties during their term in office.

  1. The GPSS Executive board members shall be responsible for performing their respective duties each term for which East Carolina University is in session, including summer semesters, for which service shall be eligible for regular compensation.

    1. The President’s compensation shall be for $12.50 per hour for 6 hours per week.

        1. Flexibility will be given in hours and dollar per hour for future officers, given the combined funding of the officer (e.g. departmental assistantships as a primary source of funding at 10-20 hours per week)

        2. The President may work a maximum of 10 hours per week and shall not exceed $300.00 per month.

        3. If they are to exceed the 25 hour/week cap imposed by the Graduate School, they will require approval from the Dean of the Graduate School to do so.

    2. The Vice-President, Treasurer and Executive Associate compensation shall be for $12.50 per hour for 5 hours per week.

  1. Flexibility will be given in hours and dollar per hour for future officers, given the combined funding of the officer (e.g. departmental assistantships as a primary source of funding at 10-20 hours per week)

  2. The Vice-President, Treasurer, and Executive Associate may work a maximum of 8 hours per week and shall not exceed $250.00 per month.

  3. If they are to exceed the 25 hour/week cap imposed by the Graduate School, they will require approval from the Dean of the Graduate School to do so.

  1. Any GPSS Executive Board member removed by from office as outlined in Article III, subsection G, a. shall be subject to recover of compensation by the GPSS through a three-fourths vote of voting members present.


Standing and ad hoc committees shall be established by the GPSS as its business requires. Full, alternate and at-large Senators may serve on committees. Chairs of committees shall be appointed by the President, under the advice of the Executive Board. All committees are required to make regular reports to the GPSS.

  1. Standing Committees

The standing committees of the GPSS shall consist of the following: The Finance Committee, the Social Committee, the Elections Committee, and the Constitution Review Committee.

  1. The Finance Committee

    1. The Treasurer shall serve as the chair of the Finance Committee.

    2. The Finance Committee is responsible for receiving, and reviewing all annual and emergency funding packets, and making allocation recommendations to the general assembly for a vote.

    3. All proposed budget allocations shall require a two-thirds majority of the GPSS general assembly for approval.

  2. The Social Committee

    1. The Social Committee is responsible for sponsoring recreational events that foster a sense of community throughout the graduate student population.

    2. The Social Committee shall plan at least one event per semester.

3. The Elections Committee

a. The Elections Committee is responsible for carrying out elections for Executive Board positions.

4. The Constitution Review Committee

a. The Constitution Review Committee shall be chaired by the GPSS President.

b. A non-Executive Board member co-chair shall be selected by the President.

c. The Constitution Review Committee shall review the GPSS Constitution at the beginning of each semester and make recommendations to the general assembly on amendments and revisions to the constitution.

5. Ad Hoc Committees

        1. Ad Hoc Committees shall be formed for specific purposes as the needs of the GPSS require.

        2. The Executive Board of the GPSS has the power to establish ad hoc committees.

        3. An ad hoc committee shall exist until fulfillment of the purpose for which it is established or until otherwise dissolved by the Executive Board.


Legislation of the GPSS shall be in four types: Resolutions, Bills, Allocations, and Constitutional Amendments.

  1. Quorum

    1. Quorum will be two-thirds of all registered GSOs in good standing with GPSS.

    2. The only business that can be transacted in the absence of a quorum is to take measures to obtain a quorum, to fix the time which to adjourn, and to adjourn, or to take a recess.

  2. Resolutions

    1. Resolutions state the opinion of the GPSS

    2. Resolutions may be passed only at general assembly meetings.

    3. Any member of the GPSS may submit a resolution for consideration by the membership.

    4. In order for a resolution to be considered at a given meeting, it must be submitted to the Executive Associate at least one week in advance to the meeting. The Executive Associate will then give it to the President for incorporation into the agenda.

    5. Proposed resolutions will be distributed to the membership of the GPSS with the agenda for that meeting.

    6. The Executive Board may add a resolution to the agenda at any point before the beginning of a meeting in matters of urgency and importance.

    7. A majority vote of those present with voting privileges is sufficient to pass any resolution.

    8. When a resolution is passed, the President of the GPSS is responsible for distributing it per the requirements of the resolution.

  3. Bills

    1. Bills call for some specific action on behalf of the GPSS.

    2. Bills may be passed at any meeting of the GPSS.

    3. Any member of the GPSS may submit a bill for consideration by the membership.

    4. In order for a bill to be considered at a given meeting, it must be submitted to the Executive Associate at least one week in advance to the meeting. The Executive Associate will then give it to the President for incorporation into the agenda.

    5. Proposed bills will be distributed to the membership of the GPSS with the agenda for that meeting.

    6. The Executive Board may add a bill to the agenda at any point before the beginning of a meeting in matters of urgency and importance.

    7. A majority vote of those present with voting privileges is sufficient to pass any bill.

    8. When a bill is passed, the appropriate Executive Board member or Committee Chair within the GPSS will be responsible for assuring that bill is carried out.

  4. Allocations

    1. Allocations allow for the expenditure of monies administered by the GPSS.

    2. The annual budget of the GPSS shall be subject to approval by the membership.

    3. All annual and emergency funding must be approved by the Finance Committee which will make a recommendation to the general assembly.

    4. The general assembly must then approve of all funding by a majority vote.

    5. Allocations may be passed at any meeting.

  5. Constitutional Amendments

    1. Amendments and Revisions to this constitution may be initiated by persons having the right to the floor of the GPSS.

    2. Proposed Constitutional Amendments and Revisions must be submitted to the Executive Board at least two weeks prior to the meeting at which they will be introduced. The Executive Board must report the proposed amendment to the membership ten days in advance to the meeting at which it will be considered.

    3. Constitutional Amendments and Revisions may be introduced at general meetings.

    4. A two-thirds majority of voting members present at a meeting of the GPSS shall be sufficient to pass any Constitutional Amendment or Revision.

  6. Roberts Rules of Order

    1. Robert’s Rules of Order shall be used as a guide in proceedings at all meetings of GPSS.

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