Dallas Five-Leg Intersection Improvement Project
SR 0415, Section 303
Commencement of Utility Relocations: 2015
Commencement of Construction: 2016
Note: Upper Demunds Intersection Improvement Project (website coming soon) and improvements at the intersection of PA Route 415/PA Route 309 to be completed prior to Dallas Five-Leg construction.
PennDOT District 4 welcomes you to the Dallas Five-Leg Intersection Improvement Project Website. We encourage you to use this as a resource for accurate and timely project information.
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Project Purpose
Project History
Project Overview
Concerns Addressed by the Project
Public Involvement Summary
Educational Materials
Environmental Review and Approval
Alternatives Analysis
Preferred Design Alternative and Traffic Simulation
Roundabouts: Fact and Fiction
Roundabout Videos & Dallas Intersection Traffic Simulation
Roundabout Safety
Pedestrian Accommodations
Project Design and Construction Schedule
Construction – Traffic Control, Staging, and Duration
Construction Updates (Coming Soon)
Photo Gallery (Coming Soon)
Tunkhannock Highway (SR 0309) & Memorial Highway (SR 0415) Intersection Improvements
Join the Project Email List
Project Purpose
To improve the quality of life for the community and the traveling public by:
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Improving traffic flow
Providing safety, mobility, and access for pedestrians and bicyclists
Minimizing impacts to the environment and cultural resources
Development a cost-effective design for maximum use of funds
Project History
Back Mountain Area Transportation Study (2005)
The Back Mountain Area Transportation Study was completed in 2005 by the Edwards and Kelcey, on behalf of the Back Mountain Area Council of Governments.
Vision Statement:
To provide for a safe and efficient multi-modal transportation system that supports the current and future needs of residents, visitors, and businesses of the Back Mountain Area, that strengthens preferred land use patterns, protects the environment, preserves and enhances the quality of life and can be achieved at a publicly acceptable cost.
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Develop, optimize, maintain, and manage existing transportation facilities and services,
Focus transportation investments to encourage smart-growth land use patterns that maximize use of the transportation investments,
Offer mobility options to expand transportation capacity, and
Recognize the need to manage travel demand in addressing traffic congestion and environmental objectives.
Goal #1: Provide roads and bridges that are in good condition and increase transportation safety and efficiency while protecting environmental quality and supporting land use and economic development objectives.
Goal #2: Provide needed pedestrian and bicycle facilities to use as a safe and healty alternative to automobile travel. Support the role of walking and bicycling in promoting area tourism and quality of life.
Report Findings & Recommendations for Dallas Five-Leg Intersection:
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Route 415 at the Dallas Five-Leg approaching capacity at the time of the study.
Crash analyses concluded that Route 415 through Dallas Borough is routinely congested with pronounced horizontal and vertical curvature, little to no access management, and heavy left turns.
Transportation issues in the area from public comment included: Speeding, Bike/Pedestrian Safety and Facilities, Congestion, Trucks, Traffic Signals, Transit.
Dallas Five-Leg Intersection Improvements recommended to be completed within 5 years of the BMACOG study:
Roundabout was suggested as an improvement alternative based on preliminary analysis.
Project Overview
The Dallas Five-Leg Intersection Project, also documented by PennDOT as SR 0415, Section 303, is located at the intersection of Memorial Highway (SR 0415) and Lake Street (SR 1047)/Church Street (SR 1045)/Main Street (SR 1045) in Dallas Borough, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. The project involves the construction of a roundabout at the five-leg intersection, with a single circulating travel lane, incorporating all five legs of the currently signalized intersection. The roundabout will eliminate the need for signalization and allow more efficient and safer travel through the intersection. The project also includes modifications at the nearby intersection of Memorial Highway (SR 0415) and Machell Avenue to further improve traffic flow and safety.
Concerns Addressed by the Project
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The existing five-leg signalized intersection is inefficient and awkward traffic for the traveling public.
The existing traffic signal equipment is outdated and in need of replacement and upgrades.
Turning movements at an intersection create conflict points, or locations where collisions can occur. The existing five-leg signalized intersection configuration results in more conflict
points than a standard four-way intersection or a roundabout.
Example: A standard four-way intersection has 32 conflict points, while a four-leg
single-lane roundabout has only 8 conflict points.
The existing intersection configuration is not pedestrian-friendly.
There are currently no ADA-compliant pedestrian amenities.
Pedestrians must cross multiple lanes of traffic and multiple streets without refuge, resulting pedestrians feeling exposed and unsafe.
The intersection of Machell Avenue with Memorial Highway (SR 0415) is very close to the main project intersection and creates additional conflicts and confusion for drivers.
Existing Dallas Five-Leg Intersection
Traveling Eastbound along Memorial Highway (S.R. 0415)
Existing Dallas Five-Leg Intersection
Traveling Westbound along Memorial Highway (S.R. 0415)
Existing Dallas Five-Leg Intersection
Public Involvement Summary
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Selection of the Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC)
CAC Meeting #1: June 4, 2008
Project team presented three (3) preliminary alternatives
CAC members were subdivided into three (3) groups, each designated by a color
Each group was given a copy of conceptual plans for the preliminary alternatives to markup the pros and cons, and to note any specific concerns
CAC members asked if a larger six-leg oval roundabout could be constructed, to also incorporate Machell Avenue
Sample Meeting Feedback
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CAC Meeting #2: October 28, 2009
Project team presented the refined preliminary alternatives, including the larger six-leg oval roundabout with inclusion of Machell Avenue
CAC members were again subdivided into three (3) groups, each designated by a color
Each group was given a matrix table for each preliminary alternative, asking for information about more specific characteristics, impacts, and concerns
Traffic, Pedestrians, Right-of-Way, Environmental, Community, Other
Sample Meeting Feedback
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Public Meeting #1: November 18, 2008
Open house format
Various stations related to the project, with a project team member at each station to answer questions
All of the preliminary alternatives developed through the coordination with the CAC were presented to the public for review and comment. See the Alternatives Analysis section for more details.
Public Meeting #2: June 2, 2009
Open house format
Presented the selected preferred alternative, Build Option 1A, to the public prior to the start of Preliminary Engineering
Various stations related to the project, with a project team member at each station to answer questions
Representatives from Kairos Design Group, LLC were present to share the links between the proposed Dallas Five-Leg Intersection Improvement project and the Dallas Borough Downtown Master Plan 2009
Educational Materials
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Roundabout educational brochures distributed at various project meetings throughout the public involvement process
Current roundabout educational brochure, highlighting the latest safety
statistics at roundabouts in the United States
PennDOT’s “All About Roundabouts” webpage
Project before and after rendering
Educational Brochure
Environmental Review and Approval
The environmental review process can be complex and take several forms, depending on the size and scope of a project. A Categorical Exclusion Evaluation (CEE) is the review format for this project. The CEE document is used when the impacts of the project on the human and/or natural environment will be minimal. The impacts will be documented as part of the CEE, which will include resource evaluations of the following:
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Aquatic Resources
Cultural Resources
Section 4(F) Resources
Air Quality and Noise
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Socioeconomic Areas
Consistency Determinations
Public Involvement
Permits Checklist
Resources to be Avoided and Mitigation Measures
Scoping Field View
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