Educational and Research Institute of Environmental Safety

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National Aviation University

Educational and Research Institute of Environmental Safety

Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology

Acting Rector



Quality Management System




Field of Study: 14 "Electrical Engineering"

Speciality: 142 "Power Machinery "

Specialization: “Gas Turbines Plants and Compressor Stations”

Year of Study – 1st Semester – 1st

Classroom Sessions – 68 Examination – 1st semester

Self-study – 52

Total (hours/ECTS credits) – 120/4,0

Index CB-1-142/16-2.1.4

QMS NAU S 10.02.02-01-2017

The Syllabus on "Chemistry" is based on the educational and professional program and Bachelor Curriculum № CB-1-142/16 for Speciality 142 "Power Machinery", Specialization “Gas Turbines Plants and Compressor Stations” and correspondent normative documents.

Developed by:

Associate Professor of the Department of

Chemistry and Chemical Technology Ye. Novoselov
Junior lecturer of the Department of

Chemistry and Chemical Technology T. Kravchuk

Discussed and approved by the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Minutes № _____ of " " 2017
Head of the Department V. Chumak
Discussed and approved by the Graduate Department for the Speciality 142 "Power Machinery" and Specialization “Gas Turbines Plants and Compressor Stations” - Aeroengines Department, Minutes №___ of "_____"___________201___.
Head of the Department_____________________________ M. Kulyk

Discussed and approved by the Scientific – Methodological – Editorial Board of the Educational and Research Institute of Environmental Safety,

Minutes № ____ of "_____"___________201___.
Head of the SMEB __________________________________ О. Matvyeyeva


Director of ER IES
______________ O.Zaporozhets

Director of the Center

of Advanced Technologies

_______________ V. Kazak



Document level – 3b

The planned term between the revisions – 1 year

Registered copy

  1. Explanatory Notes

The Syllabus on "Chemistry" is developed on the basis of “Methodical instructions for development and issuance of syllabus and course training programs of the subjects” enacted by order as of 16.06.2015 №37/роз.

This educational discipline is theoretical and practical basis of integrity of knowledge and skills, which form expert’s profile in the field of energy machinery.

The primary purpose of a discipline teaching is the study of theoretical basics of general chemistry as one of the fundamental natural sciences, knowledge of which is necessary for activity of any specialist. During studying of this discipline students will obtain knowledge about chemical processes used in machinery, will be able to use obtained knowledge and skills of independent performance of experiments and generalization of observations in the future activity.

Objectives to study the subject are:

- mastering the leading ideas, statements and laws of chemistry;

- forming of general educative and special skills and habits for the usage of chemical laws and processes;

- formation of skills of usage of chemical substances and processes.

As a result of this discipline mastering a student should know:

- modern state and ways of chemistry development;

- basic laws of chemistry and methods of their use for the solving of practical tasks;

- modern ideas about structure of atoms, molecules and crystals;

- properties of solutions of electrolytes and nonelectrolytes including safety rules when working with them;

- basics of electrochemical processes.

Learning outcomes:

- to use knowledge of theoretical part of discipline for the explanation of properties of chemical substances, core of chemical processes, which are used in energy machinery;

- to determine conditions of proceeding of chemical reactions and theirs energy effects;

- to calculate the composition and prepare technological solutions and mixtures;

- to use knowledge about chemical properties of substances, which are used in energy machinery.

Educational material of discipline is structured on module principle and consists of two educational modules, such as:

- educational module # 1 “Atomic-molecular theory. Structure of atom. Chemical bond”;

- educational module # 2 “Chemical thermodynamics. Kinetics. Solutions. Electrochemical processes”, each of them is logically complete, relatively independent, integer part of the educational discipline. Writing of module test and analysis of results of its execution is the finishing stage of educational module studying.

Educational discipline “Chemistry” is based on the knowledge of such disciplines as: “High math”, “Physics”, “Techniques of power engineer”, and is a basis for the studying of such disciplines: “Theoretical mechanics”, “Hydrogasmechanics”, “Material science and technology of constructional materials”.
2. Subject Content
2.1. Module 1 “Atomic-Molecular Theory. Structure of Atom. Chemical Bond”

Topic 2.1.1. Modern state and ways of chemistry development. Classification of inorganic compounds. Types of chemical reactions

Basic problems of the modern chemistry: problem of the environment protection, problem of the obtaining of food staffs, problem of the creation of new ecologically pure sources of energy production.

Oxides. Acidic, basic, amphoteric oxides. Bases. Acids. Salts. Acidic, basic and neutral salts.

Topic 2.1.2. Chemical reaction equations and stoichiometric calculations on them

Basic concepts of chemistry. Mole, molar mass.

Chemical reaction equations. Balancing of chemical reaction equations. Calculations using chemical reaction equation.

Topic 2.1.3. Basic principles of atomic-molecular concept

Basic statements of atomic-molecular concept. Atom, chemical element, molecule, valence, atomic and molecular masses.

Avogadro’s law and its implications. Ways of molecular mass determination of gaseous substances.

Topic 2.1.4. Basic laws of chemistry. Gas laws

Laws of conservation of matter, energy and substance. Law of constant composition.

Equivalent, equivalent mass. Law of equivalents.

Charle’s law, Boyle-Mariotte law. Mendeleev-Klapeyron equation.

Topic 2.1.5. Structure of atom. Quantum-mechanical model of atom

Composition of atom: nucleus and electron shell. Theory of the hydrogen atom structure. Spectrum of hydrogen atom as experimental confirmation of Boron theory.

Wave properties of electron. De Broglie’s equation.Concepts about quantum mechanics. Energy levels and sublevels. Shapes of s-, p-, d- and f-orbitals.

Pauli principle. Hund rule. Sequence of energy sublevels filling by electrons. Periodic law and periodic system and electron structure of atoms.

Change of properties of elements in the period and group. Place of element in the periodic system as its most important characteristics. Foreseeing of the unknown element with help of periodic law. Quantity of elements in the period: s-, p-, d- and f-elements. Peculiarities of electron structure of atoms in the main and minor subgroups. Electron slippage.

Topic 2.1.6. Periodic law and periodic system of D.I.Mendeleev

Attempts of classification of chemical elements, executed before D.I. Mendeleyev. Periodic law of D.I. Mendeleyev, its formulation. Structure of the periodic system: periods, groups, subgroups. Group number and valence of elements

Mozeley’s law. Modern formulation of the periodic law. Periodic system and its connection with structure of atom. Period number. Its physical meaning.

Topic 2.1.7. Chemical bond. Basic types of chemical bond

Valent electrons and valencies of atoms in the ground and exited states. Two central and double electrons bond on the example of H2 molecule. Length and energy of covalent bond.

Nature of chemical bond. Valence of elements. Basic types of chemical bond: covalent and ionic bond.

Covalent bond. Method of valence bonds. Peculiarities of covalent bond: saturation and direction. Sigma- and pi- bonds. Configuration of molecules in space. Polarity of covalent bond and molecules. Hybridization of atomic orbitals.

Topic 2.1.8. Structure and nomenclature of coordination compounds

Donor-acceptor bond. Structure, composition and properties of coordination compounds. Hydrogen bond. Special substances with hydrogen bond.

Coordination compounds. Basic positions of coordination theory: central ion, ligands, coordination number, inner and outer sphere.

2.2. Module 2 “Chemical Thermodynamics. Kinetics. Solutions. Electrochemical Processes”

Topic 2.2.1. Energy of chemical reactions. Heat effects of chemical convertations

Energy of chemical convertations. Physical meaning of energy effects of chemical reactions. Internal energy and enthalpy. Enthalpy of chemical compound formation. Laws of thermochemistry. Change of enthalpy in different processes.

Concept of entropy. Entropy change at chemical processes and phase transitions. Gibbs free energy and its change in chemical processes. Conditions of spontaneous flowing of chemical processes.

Topic 2.2.2. Chemical kinetics. Influence of temperature on the rate of chemical reactions

Chemical reactions in homogeneous and heterogeneous systems. Rate of chemical reaction. Law of mass action. Rate constant. Temperature dependence of rate of chemical reaction. Concept of activation energy. Chain reactions. Concept of catalysis. Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalytic reactions.

Topic 2.2.3. Chemical and phase equilibrium. Le-Chatellier’s principle

Chemical equilibrium in homogeneous and heterogeneous systems. Equilibrium constant. Le-Chatellier principle. Conditions of chemical equilibrium replacement.

Topic 2.2.4. General properties of solutions and other dispersed systems. Ways of determination solution concentration

Basic characteristics of solutions and other dispersed systems. Classification of dispersed systems. Concepts of suspensions, emulsions, aerosols and foams.

Doctrine about solutions, solvate theory of D.I. Mendeleyev. Physical properties of solutions. Mass fraction. Mole fraction. Molar concentration. Molal concentration. Molar concentration of equivalent.

Topic 2.2.5. Process of dissolution. Boiling and freezing of water

Solubility. Influence of temperature and pressure on the dissolution process. Coligative properties of solutions. Henry’s law.

Dissolution of gases in water. Saturated vapour pressure of solutions. Raoult law. Freezing and boiling of solutions. Osmosis and osmotic pressure.

Topic 2.2.6. Theory of electrolytical dissociation. Ionic product of water. pH

Aqueous solutions of electrolytes. Theory of electrolytic dissociation. Strong and weak electrolytes. Degree and constant of dissociation of weak electrolytes. Reactions of ion exchange in the solutions. Ionic product of water. pH. Indicators.

Topic 2.2.7. Hydrolysis of salts

Hydrolysis of salts formed by different types of acids and bases. Ionic equilibrium in the heterogeneous systems. Solubility product. Conditions of the precipitation and dilution of substances.

Topic 2.2.8. Redox processes. Mechanism of redox reactions proceeding. Nernst law.

Electrochemical processes. Redox processes. Concept of redox reactions. Oxidation state. Composition of redox reactions. Factors which influence on the redox reactions proceeding.

Concept of electrode potentials. Standard hydrogen electrode. Nernst equation.

Topic 2.2.9. Electrochemical processes. Voltaic cells. Electrochemical raw of voltages and activity of metals. Electrolysis. Faraday laws of electrolysis.

Voltaic cells. EMF of voltaic cells. Electrochemical series of metal voltage.

Electrolysis of solution and melts of electrolytes. Sequence of ion’s discharge. Anode and cathode processes. Electrolysis with soluble and unsoluble anodes. Faraday laws. Usage of electrolysis in industry.
3. List of References

3.1 Basic literature

3.1.1. Ivanov S.V. Chemistry: Textbook for students of all specialities / S.V. Ivanov, G.V. Sokolsky, Ye.O. Berezhniy. – K.: ”NAU-druk” Publishing, 2009. – 348 p.

3.1.2. Загальна та неорганічна хімія: У 2-х ч. / [Степаненко О.М., Рейтер Л.Г., Лєдовських В.М., Іванов С.В.] – К.: Педагогічна преса, 2000. – Ч.1 – 518 с; Ч.2 – 687с.

3.1.3. Hill G. Chemistry in context / Hill G., Hoflman J. – T. Nelson & Sons Ltd, 2000. – 629 p.

3.1.4. Houk C.C. Chemistry: Concept and Problems / C.C. Houk, R.Post. – N.Y.: John Wiley & Song, Inc., 1996. – 303 p.

3.1.5. Robinson W.R. General Chemistry / W.R. Robinson, J.D. Odom. – N.Y., Boston: Houghton Miffin Co, 1997. – 1029 p.

3.1.6. Грігор’єва В.В., Самійленко В.М., Сич А.М. Загальна хімія. – К.: Вища школа, 1991 – 431 с.

3.1.7. Карапетьянц М.Х., Дракин С.И.. Общая и неорганическая химия – М.: Высшая школа, 1993. – 592 с.

3.1.8. Ахметов Н.С.. Общая и неорганическая химия. М.: Высш. шк., 1998. – 743с.

3.1.9. Романова Н.В. Загальна та неорганічна хімія / Романова Н.В. – К.: Перун, 2001. – 487 с.

3.1.10. Hawley`s Condensed Chemistry Dictionary. — N.Y. .: John Wiley & Song, Inc., 1997. —1229 p.

3.1.11. Lewis M. Advancing Chemistry / M. Lewis, G. Walter. – Oxford University Press, 1982. - 856p.

3.2. Additional literature

3.2.1. Л.Б.Цвєткова. Неорганічна хімія: Теорія і задачі. Навчальний посібник. Львів: Видавн.«Магнолія плюс», 2006.-412 с.

3.2.2. Л.Б.Цвєткова. Неорганічна хімія: Теорія і задачі. Навчальний посібник. Львів: Видавн.«Магнолія плюс», 2006.-412 с.

3.2.3. Зайцев О.С.Задачи и вопросы по химии.- М.:Химия,1985.-304с.

3.2.4. Глинка Н.Л. Общая химия - Л.:1988.-702с.
(Ф 03.02 – 01)



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