Evagrius on Psalms

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Evagrius, Scholia on the Psalms, [CPG 2455]

according to the collation of M.-J. Rondeau: Key in ‘Le commentaire sur les Psaumes d’Évagre le Pontique,

Orientalia Christiana Periodica 26 (1960):307-348. Where the far-left “*” column is empty, the Greek text has been corrected to reflect MS Vaticanus Graecus 754, with parallels to the following sources in brackets.

R = De La Rue, editor of Selecta in Psalmos , PG 12.1054 ff. (TLG Or.58; Sel.); P = Pitra, ed. Origenes in Psalmos pub. in Analecta Sacra v.2 p 444-483; v.3 p.1-364. (TLG Or. 44; Frag); M = Athanasius, Expositiones in Psalmos (PG 27.60 ff; TLG Ath 61; Exp)

1 – 1020253040506170 - 758090100110118 - 120130140150

[sugg: 68 88 104 118 126 131 47 87 [92, 97, 98, 117]
[in KG: 1, 5, 7, 9, 10, 13, 16, 24, 30, 32, 36, 44, 50, 54, 62, 67, 72, 80, 83, 91, 98, 99, 113, 117, 131, 135, 138, 141, 147]




1(1) maka/rioj a)nh\r o(\j ou)k e)poreu/qh e)n boulv= a)sebw=n,

1(1). Blessed the man who has not walked in the counsel of the ungodly,

1. boulh\ a)sebw=n e)sti logismo\j e)mpaqh\j ai)sqhtoi=j pra/gmasi to\n nou=n prosdesmw=n. Ou)k ei)=pe de\, « a)/nqrwpoj », a)ll' « a)nh\r », o(/ti pro\j a)gw=naj kai\ pa/laj kai\ ma/xaj ta\j u(pe\r a)reth=j kalei=: kai\ bou/letai kai\ ta\j gunai=kaj a)r)r(enw/pouj kai\ a)ndrei/aj ei)=nai. [cf PG 12.1085.]

1. The counsel of the ungodly is the [tempting-] thought that chains the intellect to sensual concerns. It does not say “human being” but man, for it summons to struggle and fighting and battle for virtue; and it counsels that both men and women be more virile [in this].

2. makario/thj de\, yuxh=j a)pa/qeia meta\ gnw/sewj tw=n o)/ntwn a)lhqou=j. [cf. PG 12.1085 mod.]

2. But blessedness is apatheia of the soul together with true knowledge of things that exist.

1(3) kaiì e)piì kaqe/dran loimw½n ou)k e)ka/qisen

1(3). and in the seat of the pestilential he has not sat

3. kaqe/dra loimw=n e)sti logikh=j yuxh=j e(/cij xeiri/sth, kaq' h(\n kai\ tou\j a)/llouj dida/skei paranomei=n. [= PG 12.1085.]

3. The seat of the pestilential is the worst habit of the reasoning soul by which it also teaches others to disobey the law.

2(2) kai\ e)n t%= no/m% au)tou= meleth/sei h(me/raj kai\ nukto/j.

2(2). and on his law he will meditate day and night.

4. ou(=toj dia\ panto\j meleth/sei t%= no/m% tou= qeou= o( ta\ kala\ e)/rga diapratto/menoj.

4. He meditates constantly on the law of God who is accomplishing good works.

3 kai\ e)/stai w(j to\ cu/lon to\ pefuteume/non para\ ta\j dieco/douj tw=n u(da/twn, o(\ to\n karpo\n au)tou= dw/sei e)n kair%= au)tou= kai\ to\ fu/llon au)tou= ou)k a)porruh/setai

3. And he will be like the tree that is planted near the running waters, which will bring forth its fruit in its season and its leaf shall not drop.

5. o(( karpo\j tou= pneu/mato/j e)stin a)ga/ph, xa/ra, ei)rh/nh kai\ ta\ e(ch=j. o(/ra pw=j e)myu/xwj ei)/rhtai dw/sei, a)ll' ou)k oi)sei. di/dwsi de\ o( di/kaioj e)n kair%= qumou= kai\ e)piqumi/aj makroqumi/an, a)ndrei/an, swfrosu/nhn, e)n loidori/# kai\ katalali#= th\n eu)logi/an, th\n siwph/n, tou\j e)painou/j, w(=n ta\j e)pikarpi/aj komi/setai e)n t%= me/llonti, qa/llei de\ kai\ w(=de komw=n w(j fu/lloij t%= e)lpi/di yuxagwgou/s$ th\n tw=n ko/pwn baru/thta h)\ t$= tapeinw/sei throu/s$ kai\ skepou/s$ tou\j karpou\j a)diaptw/touj.

5. ‘The fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace,’ (Gal 5:22) and so on. See how vividly it offers the reading, will bring forth; but not, will bear. For the just one, in the season of indignation and desire, can bring forth patient endurance, courage, and temperance: in abuse and slander - blessing, silence, and praise; these being the harvest-revenue he will receive back as his future reward. And he blooms exceedingly in hope; as if decked with leaves, [hope thus] accompanying the heaviest toil: or else he humbles himself, [thus] guarding and sheltering the unfailing fruit.

6. ta\ fu/lla deiknu/ousi ta\ de/ndra kai\ to\n di/kaion ta\ kaqh/konta. e)/sti de\ fu/lla gnwri/smata yuxh=j a)gaqh=j dia\ sw/matoj e)ktelou/mena, oi(=on ei)=doj e)sqh=toj, bh=ma podo/j, prosw/pou meidi/ama.

6. The trees brings forth leaves, and the just one his daily tasks. And the leaves are tokens of a good soul achieved by means of the body, like the appearance of clothes, a foot’s stride [“to set one’s foot on”] (Deut 2:5; Acts 7:5), a smiling face.

4(1) ou)x ou(/twj oi( a)sebei=j, ou)x ou(/twj,

4 (1) Not so are the impious, not so

7. e)sxhmatisme/nhn oi( a)/pistoi ke/kthntai th\n a)reth/n.

7. The unbelievers make a great show of having acquired virtue

5(1) dia\ tou=to ou)k a)nasth/sontai a)sebei=j e)n kri/sei [ou)de\ a(martwloi\ e)n boulv= dikai/wn:]

5(1). Therefore the ungodly shall not rise in judgment, nor sinners in the counsel of the just.

KG 3.48; 3.50

8. Kri/sij e)sti\ dikai/wn me\n h( a)po\ praktikou= sw/matoj e)pi\ a)ggelika\ meta/basij: a)sebw=n de\ a)po\ praktikou= sw/matoj e)pi\ skoteina\ kai\ zofera\ meta/qesij sw/mata. )Egerqh/sontai ga\r oi( [12.1100] a)sebei=j ou)k e)n tv= prote/r# kri/sei, a)ll' e)n tv= deute/r#. [cf. PG 12.1097-1100.]

8. Judgement is for the just the passage from a body for asceticism to an angelic one: but for the ungodly it is the change from a body for asceticism to a darkened and gloomy one. For the ungodly will not be raised in the first judgment, but rather in the second.

6(1) o(/ti ginw/skei ku/rioj o(do\n dikai/wn,

6(1). For the Lord knows the way of the just

9. mo/non to\ kalo\n oi)=den o( qeo\j, fau=lon de\ ou)de/n: a)na/cia ga\r th=j gnw/sewj au)tou=.

9. God looks only on the good, never on the wicked: for they are unworthy of his knowledge.




5(1). to/te lalh/sei pro\j au)tou\j e)n o)rgv= au)tou=

1. . )Orgh/ e)sti Qeou= ko/lasij e)pi/ponoj e)pi\ t%= sumfe/ronti tou= h(marthko/toj. [P 2.5(1)]

5(1). This he said to them in his anger

1. Anger is God’s painful punishment for the benefit of the one who has sinned.

7. ku/rioj ei)=pen pro/j me ui(o/j mou ei)= su/,
e)gw\ sh/meron gege/nnhka/ se:

2. a)/xri to\ sh/meron kalei=tai. [cf Pitra 2.7.2]

7 The Lord said to me you are my son,
today I have begotten you

2. Unto today he adresses [him thus].

8(1) ai)/thsai par' e)mou=, kai\ dw/sw soi e)/qnh th\n klhronomi/an sou

3. klhronomi/an e)ntau=qa w)no/masen th\n fu/sin th\n logikh\n klhronomou=san au)to\n w(j sofi/an kai\ gnw=sin kai\ a)lh/qeian kai\ dikaiosu/nhn. klhronomi/a de\ e)sti fu/sewj logikh=j qewri/a swmatw=n kai\ a)swma/twn kai\ tou= ai)ti/ou tou/twn Qeou=. [cf PG 12.1108.38]

8(1). Ask of me and I will give you the nations for your inheritance

3. Here inheritance means the reasoning nature inheriting him as knowledge and truth and justice. But inheritance of reasoning nature is contemplation of corporeal and incorporeal [beings] and the origin of these [beings] in God.

12(1). dra/casqe paidei/aj mh/pote o)rgisqv= ku/rioj

4. paidei/a e)sti\ metriopaqei/a paqw=n: o(/per sumbai/nein pe/fuken e)k th=j praktikh=j, ei)/ge praktikh/ e)sti didaskali/a pneumatikh\ to\ paqhtiko\n me/roj th=j yuxh=j e)kkaqai/rousa. [cf Pitra 2.12.1 ]

121. Lay hold of instruction so the Lord is not angered

4. Instruction is moderation of the passions, (cf. Clem Strom. which tends naturally to result from the praktike. For the praktike is spiritual teaching purifying the portion of the soul subject to passion.




2(1) Ku/rie, ti/ e)plhqu/nqhsan oi( qli/bonte/j me;

1. oi( proko/ptontej pollou\j tou\j qli/bontaj e)/xousi. [= Pitra 3.2.3 ]

2(1). Lord, why are they multiplied who afflict me?

1. Those making progress have many who afflict them.

4. su\ de/, ku/rie, a)ntilh/mptwr mou eiå, do/ca mou kaiì u(yw½n th\n kefalh/n mou.

2. to\ thnikau=ta u(you=tai nou=j o(phnika a)\n e)piba/l$ t$= polupoiki/l% sofi/# t$= tou= qeou=.

4. But you, Lord, are my helper; my glory, the one who raises up my head

2. In this instance the raised-up nous is that which has begun to apply itself to the “richly-varied wisdom of God” (Eph. 3:10).

5 fwnv= mou pro\j ku/rion e)ke/kraca, kaiì e)ph/kouse/n mou e)c oÃrouj a(gi¿ou au)tou=.

3. o)/roj a(/gio/n e)stin o( Xristo/j.

5. I cried to the Lord with my voice, and He heard me from His holy mountain.

3. Holy Mountain is the Christ.

8. )Ana/sta, Ku/rie, sw=so/n me, o( Qeo/j mou,o(/ti su\ e)pa/tacaj pa/ntaj tou\j e)xqrai/nonta/j moi matai/wj, o)do/ntaj a(martwlw=n sune/triyaj,

4. o)do/ntej a(martwlw=n ei)si logismoi\ a)/logoi, para\ fu/sin h(mi=n e)pisumbai/nontej: toi(=j ga\r logismoi/j w(j o)dou=si xrw/menoi polla/kij oi( a)ntikei/menoi proseggi/zousin h(mi=n tou= fagei=n ta\j sa/rkaj h(mw=n, toute/sti ta\ e)k th=j sarko\j fuo/mena: « fanera\ de/ e)sti ta\ e)/rga th=j sarko\j,» fhsi\n o( qei=oj a)po/stoloj. [cf PG 12.1132 ]

8. Arise, O Lord, deliver me, my God; for you have struck all who were in vain my enemies; you have broken the teeth of sinners.

4. The teeth of sinners are irrational [tempting-] thoughts occuring to us contrary to nature; for thjese tempting-thoughts are like many teeth the enemies use to draw near to us in order to eat our flesh (Ps 26:2) that is, those [things] that sprout forth from the flesh: “For the works of the flesh are manifest,” (Gal. 5:19) as the divine apostle says.




2(1) e)n t%= e)pikalei=sqai/ me ei)sh/kouse/n mou o( qeo\j th=j dikaiosu/nhj mou

1. ou) meta\ to\ e)pikalei=sqai ei)sh/kouse/n me, a)ll' e)n t%= e)pikalei=sqai. [= Pitra 4.2.4 ]

2(1) When I called the lord of my justice answered me

1. It was not after I called that he heard me, but rather when I called.

2(2) e)n qli/yei e)pla/tunaj moi

2. o(tan qli/yewn kai\ tw=n peirasmw=n tou\j lo/gouj e)piginw/skwmen, to/te ma/lista platuno/meqa. [cf PG 27.72 ]

2(2) In distress you widened me

2. The more we understand the logoi of distress and temptation, the more we are widened.

3(1) ui(oi\ a)nqrw/pwn, e(/wj po/te baruka/rdioi

3. e)nteu=qen ginw/skomen o(/ti barei/aj fu/sew/j e)stin h( kaki/a, dio/per o( e)rxo/menoj ei)j th\n Ai)/gupton ku/rioj, e)pi\ nefe/lhj le/getai kaqe/zesqai kou/fhj. nefe/lh de\ kou/fh e)sti\ fu/sij logikh\, pa/shj a)reth=j peplhrwme/nh kai\ gnw/sewj. [= P 4.3.1 ]

3(1) O sons of men, how long will you be heavy - hearted?

3. Thus we know that vice is naturally heavy: from the fact that the Lord coming into Egypt is said to be {lightly} seated upon a cloud. (Is 19:1) So a light cloud is the reasoning nature “filled with all” virtue “and knowledge”. (Rom 15:14)

5[1] o)rgi/zesqe, kai\ mh\ a(marta/nete

4. Parainei= mh\ sugkatati/qesqai tv= fantasi/# mhde\ to\ e)/rgon e)pa/gein kurou=n th\n o)rgh/n. [= P 4.5.1 ]

5[1] Be angry and do not sin.

4. It urges: do not battle [you enemy] in your imagination, nor bring about the deed that causes anger.

6. qu/sate qusi/an dikaiosu/nhj, kai\ e)lpi/sate e)pi\ ku/rion.

5. qusi/a dikaiosu/nhj e)sti\n a)pa/qeia yuxh=j logikh=j, prosferome/nh qe%=. e)lpi\j de/ e)stin a)gaqh\ prosdoki/a gnw/sewj a)lhqou=j. [= P 4.6.1 ]

6. Sacrifice the sacrifie of justice and hope in the Lord

5. The sacrifice of justice is the reasoning soul’s apatheia, which it offers up {or: “offers it up”} to God; while hope is eager expectation of true knowledge.

7(2) e)shmeiw/qh e)f' h(ma=j to\ fw=j tou= prosw/pou sou, ku/rie

6. oi( me\n a)/ggeloi dia\ panto\j ble/pousi to\ pro/swpon tou= qeou=, oi( de\ a)/nqrwpoi to\ fw=j tou= prosw/pou au)tou=: pro/swpon ga\r kuri/ou e)sti\n qewri/a pneumatikh\ pa/ntwn tw=n e)pi\ gh=j gegono/twn. fw=j de\ prosw/pou e)sti\n h( merikh\ gnw=sij tou/twn au)tw=n, ei)/per kata\ th\n sofh\n Qhkwi+ti/da: w)/sper a)/ggeloj qeou= h)=n o( Daui\d, pa/nta ei)dw\j ta\ e)pi\ th=j gh=j. [= P 4.7.1 ]

7(2). The light of your face has been manifested to us.

6. Now the angels continually see the face of God, while human beings [see] the light of his face. For the face of the Lord is spiritual contemplation of everything that has come to be on the earth, while the light of His face is partial knowledge of these things; since according to the wise Tekowitha David was “like an angel of God”, seeing everything upon the earth (cf 2Sam 14:20).

8. )/Edwkaj eu)frosu/nhn ei)j th\n kardi/an mou, a)po\ karpou= si/tou kai\ oi)/nou kai\ e)lai/ou au)tw½n e)plhqu/nqhsan.

7. si=toj kai\ oi)=noj kai\ e)/laion plhqu/nei a(martwlou/j: eu)frosu/nh de\ qeou= eu)frai/nei dikai/ouj. [= P 4.8.2, 18 ]

8. You have put joy into my heart; with the fruit of their grain and wine and oil they have been satisfied.

7. Grain and wine and oil satisfy sinners; but the joy of God rejoices the just.



1. ei)j to\ te/loj u(pe\r th=j klhronomou/shj.

1. h( klhronomi/a tou= xristou= e)stin h( fu/sij h( logikh/. [= P 5.1.3 ]

1. For the end, concerning she who inherits.

1. The inheritance of the Christ is the reasoning nature.

4. to\ prwi\+ ei)sakou/sv th=j fwnh=j mou, to\ prwiì parasth/somai¿ soi kaiì e)po/yomai

2. o( a)poqe/menoj ta\ e)/rga tou= sko/touj kai\ e)ndusa/menoj ta\ o(/pla tou= fwto\j, tau=ta lege/tw ta\ r(h/mata. [= PG 12.1168 ]

4. In the morning you will hear my voice.

2. The one putting off the works of darkness and clothing himself in the armor of light (Rom 13:12) is to say these words.

7[1] a)polei=j pa/ntaj tou\j lalou=ntaj to\ yeu=doj

3. ouk ei)=pen) tou\j lalh/santaj, a)lla\ tou\j lalou=ntaj. ei) de\ a)po/llusi ku/rioj tou\j lalou=ntaj to\ yeu=doj, pa=j de\ a)/nqrwpoj yeu/sthj kata\ to\n Daui/d, pa/ntaj a)/ra tou\j a)nqrwpouj kata\ to\n lo/gon tou=ton a)po/llusi ku/rioj, i(/n’ a)poqe/menoi to\ ei)=nai a)/nqrwpoi ge/nwntai qeoi/, e))peidh\ kai\ qeoi\ gegono/tej kai\ ui(oi\ u(yi/stou gego/nasin pa/ntej a)/nqrwpoi. [cf PG 12.1169 ]

7[1]. You will destroy all who speak falsehood

3. It does not say who spoke {??}, but who speak {??} falsehood. For if the Lord were to destroy these, inasmuch as all human beings lie (),

{have lied ??}, God would destroy all [solely] on account of their being human.

8(2) proskunh/sw pro\j nao\n a(/gio/n sou e)n fo/b% sou

4. nao\j a(/gio/j e)sti tou= qeou= o( Xristo\j, dio/ti o( Qeo\j h)=n e)n Xrist%= ko/smon katalla/sswn e(aut%=. [= P 8.1]

8(2). I will worship toward your holy temple in your fear.

4. Holy temple is the Christ of God, for “God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself.” (2Cor 5:19).

5. ei) t%= fo/b% kuri/ou e)kkli/nei pa=j a)po\ kakou=: e)n fo/b% de\ kuri/ou proskunei= to\n nao\n, o(/j e)sti Xristo/j: lu/sate ga\r, fhsi\n, to\n nao\n tou=ton, kai\ e)n trisi\n h(me/raij e)gerw= au)to/n. [cf. P 8.1 ]

5. Ifthe fear of the Lord turns all away from vice” (Prv 15:27), then, in the fear of the Lord [all] worship the temple which is Christ; for he says, “destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.” (Mt 26:61, Jn 2:19)

9(1) ku/rie, o(dh/ghso/n me e)n tv= dikaiosu/nv sou e(/neka tw=n e)xqrw=n mou.

6. e)n tv= kata\ praktikh\n dikaiosu/nv e)n t%= Xrist%=. [=P 9.1]

9(1). Lead me, O Lord in your justice because of my enemies.

6. In the justice which accords with [ascetical] practice in the Christ.

10(1) o(/ti ou)k e)/stin e)n t%= sto/mati au)tw=n a)lh/qeia, h( kardi/a au)tw=n matai/a.

7. pro/teron, ou)demi/a a)lh/qeia, h)\ o( Xristo/j: kai\ ta/xa to\ deu/teron. [= P 10.1]

10(1). For there is no truth in their mouths; their heart is vain.

7. First: neither truth nor the Christ; and perhaps the second.

10(3) ta/foj a)ne%gme/noj o( la/rugc au)tw½n

8. nekrw=n e)/rgwn peplhrwme/noj. [= P 10.3]

10(3). their throat is an open tomb

8. Filled with dead works.

11(2) a)popesa/twsan a)po\ tw=n diabouliw=n au)tw=n

9. makario/thj e)sti\, boulh=j pa/shj e)kpesei=n. [= P 11.3]

11(2). may they fail in their plots

9. Blessedness is to expel every plot.

11(3) kata\ to\ plh=qoj tw=n a)sebeiw=n au)tw=n e)/cwson au)tou\j

10. e)cwson au)tou\j a)po\ th=j a)sebei/aj eu)sebei=j au)tou\j e)rgasa/menoj. [= P 11.2]

11(3). according to the multitude of their impieties cast them out,

10. [To] Cast them out from the[ir] impieties [is] to effect pieties for them..

KG 3.36

12(2) ei)j ai)w=na a)gallia/sontai, kai\ kataskhnw/seij e)n au)toi=j,

11. ai)w/n e)sti su/sthma fusiko\n, e)k swma/twn poiki/lwn logika\ diafora\ perie/xon th=j tou= qeou= gnw/sewj e(/neken. [cf PG 12.1172 ]

12(2). Unto the ages they will rejoice; and you will dwell among them.

11. An age is a natural system [composed] of varying bodies, encompasing different logikoi for the sake of the knowledge of God,

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