Greenmead School’s send information Report

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Every Achievement Counts”
Greenmead School’s SEND Information Report

September 2017

Greenmead School is a Wandsworth maintained special school and will therefore follow guidance and advice from Wandsworth LA. Services in other Local Authorities may have different processes to follow.

SEND Code of Practice

The Special Educational Needs Code of Practice 2014 states that a child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or a disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for them. High quality of teaching that is differentiated and personalised will meet the individual needs of the majority of children and young people. Some children and young people need an educational provision that is additional or different from this. This is special educational under Section 21 of the Children and Families Act 2014. We use their best endeavours to ensure that such a provision is made for those who need it. Special educational provision is underpinned by high quality teaching and learning.

Pupils’ views – SEND Code of Practice 2014/Children and Families Act 2014

The views of pupils should be included in all discussions. This could be through involving the pupil in all or part of the discussions itself, or gathering their views as part of their presentation for their Annual Reviews or EHCP reviews. A young person may ask any family member or other advocate to support them in any way they wish, including filling in forms, attending meetings, making phone calls or helping them to make an important decision. The right for a young person to make their own decisions is subject to their capacity as set out in the Mental Capacity Act 2005. The underlying principles of the act is to ensure that those who lack capacity are empowered to make as many decisions for themselves as possible and that any decision made or action taken on their behalf is done so in their best interest.

Our Mission Statement at Greenmead School

At Greenmead Primary School, we focus on our children and what they can do now. Through close working relationships with families and the multi-disciplinary team around the child, we develop ambitious and meaningful expectations. Children at Greenmead work hard and we celebrate every single achievement.

We aim for all of our children to leave Greenmead as confident, independent life-learners who are able to express themselves and their choices, are problem-solvers and who can contribute to the community in which they live and learn.

We provide a friendly, supportive and safe environment with a climate of trust, honesty and positivity. Our new state-of-the-art building is co-located with our mainstream partner school Ronald Ross Primary School, creating novel opportunities for integration and development for all.

Greenmead School caters for pupils with a range of complex physical disabilities, severe and/or profound learning difficulties with additional communication needs. We continue to be recognised as an innovative centre that provides Outstanding outcomes for all children.

Frequently Asked Questions


How will I know that Greenmead School is meeting my child’s needs?

Greenmead values an open and honest relationship with all parents/carers as you know your child best. You will have daily contact from the class team via your child’s home/school diary but you are also more than welcome to phone the school office and leave a message and the class teacher will get back to you as soon as they can. You can request appointments with the class teacher whenever you feel the need to. We have a range of therapists and the school nurse working as part of a multi-disciplinary team and you can contact them via the school office. If you have concerns further concerns you can contact the Clinical Lead who oversees therapy and health or the Headteacher.

You will formally be invited to 2 parents’ evening events over the year (Autumn term and Summer term) to discuss your child’s progress and your child will have their Annual Review or EHCP Transfer meeting annually where you, your child, the class teacher, therapists, school nurse and a member of the school leadership team are invited to attend. This is led by a member of the school leadership team, usually the Headteacher. This is an opportunity to celebrate your child’s progress and achievements against their learning outcomes as agreed at their previous review or EHCP meeting. Before the Annual Review or EHCP meeting you will be sent a report from the class teacher and reports from any therapy your child is receiving. The class teacher’s report will include an evaluation of your child’s outcomes, the progress and achievements in these and PLevel or National Curriculum progress. Your child’s outcomes are evaluated, reviewed and revised each half term and measured against assessment tools (eg. PLevels, Small Steps, Routes for Learning). You will be invited to termly IEP meetings to discuss these outcomes and targets with the class teacher.


How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?

In the Early Years (Nursery and Reception) we broadly follow and adapt the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework but the curriculum is differentiated to individual learning needs and styles.

We ensure that the timetable covers the 7 main areas including:

Communication and language

Physical Development

Personal, Social and Emotional Development



Understanding of the world

Expressive art and design

Within each area there is a balance of:

Playing and exploring – pupil led

Active Learning – teacher/adult led

Creating and thinking critically

In order to provide pupils across Greenmead school with a curriculum that is relevant, interesting and challenging, and to enable progression, we have designed a curriculum structure which encompasses 3 broad levels (P1-P3ii, P4-8 and Level 1NC +).

P1-3ii PMLD

Each half term the curriculum follows a theme/topic which is cross curricular but the curriculum will focus on the following areas:

Communication – responding, interacting and communicating

Cognition – awareness, exploration, control, early problem solving

Personal , Social and Emotional Development (PSED) – bathroom independence, dressing and undressing, eating and drinking, attitudes to learning, routines, managing behaviour

Physical Development – body awareness, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, mobility


Each half term the curriculum follows a theme/topic which is cross curricular but the curriculum will focus on the following areas:

English – Communication, Reading and Writing

Maths – Matching, sorting and patterns, number, properties of 2 and 3D shapes, position, direction and movement, measurement

Knowledge and Understanding of the World – Developing a sense of time and place, scientific understanding, developing a sense of community and beyond


Expressive Arts and Design – exploring and using media, musical expression, designing and making

Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) – Understanding ourselves and others, organising and keeping ourselves safe, developing a healthier, safe lifestyle, caring, good citizens, relationships, self-care

Physical Development – Gross and fine motor skills, mobility, swimming, competitive sports, dance

Level 1NC + SLD/MLD

Each half term the curriculum follows a theme/topic which is cross curricular but the curriculum will focus on the following areas as discreet areas:

English – Spoken language, reading, writing

Maths – Number, measurement, geometry

Science – Working scientifically, living things and their habitats, plants, animals, including humans, everyday materials, seasonal changes


The following are taught as part of a creative curriculum which is timetabled as ‘Topic’:


Geography – Local knowledge, place knowledge, human and physical geography, geographical skills and fieldwork


Art and DT



PE – Dance, swimming, games, gymnastics, athletics


Is my child taught in attainment based groups?

Pupils are organised into class groups based on their needs. We have found that this is the most effective way to ensure that the classroom environment and programmes of learning can be organised and delivered to meet every child’s individual needs in a way which is optimal.

Most (but not all) pupils working at P1-3 will be taught in specific PMLD classes (early years pupils and/or those who are more able physically are taught in class groups with other pupils). Pupils working within the higher P Levels may be educated in a class group with children working within the National Curriculum. We have only a very small number of children who are beginning to work within the National Curriculum. Most pupils at Greenmead School are working between P1 and P8.

The organisation of our classes is evident in the way that:

  • Each class is equipped and organised to meet the specific needs of pupils within

  • Appropriate staff teams are allocated annually and specific training provided where required

  • The classroom environment can be specifically designed and organised to best meet the needs of the pupils within it

  • Routines can be designed, established and embedded which are appropriate to the needs of the pupils within them (eg snack times, toileting, communication strategies such as visual timetables and objects of reference)

  • Appropriate communication strategies can be established and embedded which are at an appropriate level, accessible and valued for the pupils within the class

  • The specific programmes for distinct groups of learners can be better implemented

Whilst pupils are grouped according to need there is still the need to offer differentiation for individual pupil targets, needs and learning styles.


How will Greenmead help me to support my child’s learning?

We welcome parent/carer partnership with all when it comes to supporting your child’s learning. As well as being invited to attend Annual Reviews and parent/carer evenings. You will receive IEPs termly and can be used to measure progress against your child’s annual outcomes. Where necessary, you will also receive your child’s Behaviour Support Plan (BSP). If you would like to discuss your child’s progress, you are always able to do this by making an appointment to see the class teacher. We will also send out half termly curriculum maps so that you know what your child is going to learn each half term. There are regular updates on the school website on your child’s class page where teachers will inform you of what the children are learning and how you can support their learning at home. There will be opportunities throughout the year for parents to have training from our multi-disciplinary team so keep a look out on the website and weekly newsletters for courses or workshops on offer. These may include sessions in PECs, reading, Makaton, etc.


What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?

At Greenmead School we have a firm belief that learning is not just about academic skills but includes a more holistic approach which is about ensuring that we support every child’s overall well-being too. We have a range of multi-therapy provision at school including music therapy and Intensive Interaction. As well as a SALT team we also have an Occupational Therapist and a Physiotherapist. We have a full-time Paediatric School Nurse who is available to discuss any medical concerns you may have about your child. The nurse arranges annual hearing checks and dental checks by a specialist SEN dentist. We also run a number of other specialist clinics on the school site including Orthotics, Orthopaedic and 6 monthly Paediatric Consultant meetings. All of our staff have training in Administration of Medication, Epi-Pen, Gastronomy, Oxygen Management and Epilepsy. Staff have regular training in Manual Handling and Dysphasia and feeding and Child Protection and Safeguarding. Staff also have Team Teach training to support children with their behaviours. A number of our support staff are first aid trained. We have access to an Educational Psychologist who is employed by the LA but is allocated to Greenmead. We can make referrals to the CAHMS team. We can also make referrals to the Wandsworth Advisory Service for Children with Hearing or Vision Impairments. Being part of a multi-agency team is very important to us at Greenmead and we work closely with social care teams and other health agencies. School will often attend TAC and CIN meetings to support you and your child.


What specialist services are available or accessed by the school?

There is a wide range of multidisciplinary staff working at Greenmead to support our pupils and their families. Some of these are employed by the school and others have their services commissioned by the NHS or by Wandsworth Local Authority.

Those employed by the school include:

  • Music therapist – to support the emotional and social development of pupils

  • Dance teacher – to develop pupils creative and expressive dance skills

  • Music Facilitator – to develop pupils creative and expressive communication through music, singing and composition

Those commissioned by the NHS include:

  • Speech and language therapists – to develop pupil’s communication skills and to ensure safe eating and drinking.

  • Occupational therapists – To ensure maximum independence for pupils and full access to the school curriculum.

  • Physiotherapists- To promote active movements and physical development for all pupils.

  • School nurse – to monitor the ongoing health needs of the pupils at Greenmead.


Those commissioned by the local authority include:

  • Teachers for pupils with visual impairments

  • Teacher for pupils with hearing impairments

  • School transport staff

  • Local authority social workers

  • Educational Psychologist

  • Disabled Children’s Team


What training do staff supporting young children and pupils with SEND have?

Up to date and relevant training is key to providing the correct support to our pupils at Greenmead School

All new and existing staff has a core of essential training they must receive when they begin working at Greenmead this includes:

  • Manual handling training

  • Dysphagia training

  • Safeguarding and child protection training

  • Team Teach behaviour support training

Medical training is provided to specific groups to meet the needs of the pupils in their direct care, this includes:

  • Gastrostomy training

  • Epilepsy management

  • Administering emergency medications

  • Oxygen management

Additional training opportunities include:

  • Makaton training

  • PECS training

  • PODD training

All of our teachers have qualified teacher status (QTS)


How will my child be included in activities in the community?

All students are supported and encouraged to be fully involved in their community by going on educational visits or learning in the community. These are all risk assessed and are fully supervised and supported by the school team. Individual arrangements are planned in advance to ensure that they are able to fully participate. We use a range of community based services to enhance our curriculum.

We have the wonderful opportunity in that Greenmead is co-located site with a mainstream primary school, Ronald Ross. This gives us many exciting experiences to do integration with mainstream peers. All of these are based on individual needs, interests and abilities are all individually planned by the class teacher and a teacher from the mainstream school.


How accessible is the school environment?

Staff, pupils and visitors are able to navigate easily and independently around school and to access all areas for their learning.


How will the school prepare my child when joining Greenmead School or transferring to another school/secondary school?

Prospective pupils/families coming into Greenmead:

Families are welcome to phone the school and make an appointment to do a tour of the school and meet with a member of

the school leadership team. Once we have received a request from your local authority for a placement at Greenmead School

we have 15 days to make an informed decision. During this time we will gather information about your child and their needs

through their current reports and statement/EHC Plans. All therapists will also be given your child’s paperwork to make a

decision on whether or not we are able to meet your child’s needs from a therapy provision. A class teacher or a member of

the school leadership team will visit your child in their current setting or home to talk with school staff or parents/carers and spend some time observing your child. This will help us to make an informed decision about whether or not your child’s needs can be met at Greenmead.

We will then give our decisions back to your local authority/case officer. Once a decision has been formally made it is then

often helpful for us to attend your child’s Annual Review meeting to ensure that we have as much up-to-date information as

necessary to plan for your child’s move to Greenmead and will give you the opportunity to ask us any questions.

In the summer term your child’s future teacher and their current school teacher will plan for transition. This looks very different for each individual depending on their needs and difficulties with transitions. Some examples for transition plans may include the following: the perspective teacher spending the morning or afternoon in their current school, inviting your child to attend some lessons with support from their current school (the number of these depends on individual pupils), photos and a social story to share at home, informal visits with parents or an invitation to our Transition afternoon scheduled in the summer term where all pupils in school spend the afternoon in their new class teams.

Pupils transitioning out of Greenmead and onto secondary settings:

At your child’s year 5 Annual Review or EHCP transfer meeting you can name a secondary school. We advise parents to visit a number of secondary special schools so that you have sufficient time and are able to make an informed choice of where you want your child to go. It is recommended you start thinking about secondary school placements when your child is in Year 4. The school can give you a list of schools available in Wandsworth and also in neighbouring boroughs. If you would like help and advice about which school you think is right for your child we can do this with you and may even be available to visit schools with you.

When pupils are then in year 6 we work closely with their new school and plan a series of visits to their new setting over the course of the summer term to support the transition in September.

All pupils in Year 6 are offered music therapy in the summer term as part of a leavers group. This group is offered to help them to become ready for the change and to give them the opportunity to express any concerns or worries they may be feeling.

The therapy team will ensure that all therapy information and reports are sent ahead to your child’s new school.


How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational need?

Statements of SEN/EHC Plans have funding attached to them that is relevant to your child. The amount of funding is decided

by the Local Authority’s SEN team and this is determined by the degree of need and following an assessment against learning,

health and social care outcomes. The school can ask for an increase of funding at the Annual Review or can call an interim

review to request additional funding for specific equipment or facilities. The first £6000 of the statement/EHC Plan is funded

from the school’s resources.

The school has a Pupil Premium grant. This grant is available for pupils who are eligible to apply for Free School Meals, where a

child is looked after by the local authority or adopted or where a child has a parent in the national forces. The grant was

introduced to narrow the gap in attainment between pupils from lower income families and their wealthier peers. This budget

can be used to provide support, materials or equipment for any students who qualify as above but is the school leadership

team and governors who decide how best to use the grant’s resources according to pupil need.


How is the decision made about what, how much support my child will receive?

Special educational provision is always underpinned by high quality teaching. Resources and support provision will be outlined

in your child’s SEN statement/EHC Plan and will be reviewed annually at their Annual Reviews. The school will be following

Wandworth’s policy and guidance for personal budgets.


How will I be involved in discussions about and planning for my child’s education?

We will be working closely with parents/carers to ensure that the transition from SEN statements to EHCPs is as smooth as possible and is individual to your child’s and your family’s need. We will do this in partnership with you, health and social care.

New pupils and their parents/carers have a review meeting six weeks after they start at Greenmead. At the six week review meeting the class teacher shares the baseline assessment that has been completed during their first few weeks of school and parents, class teachers and therapists set Individual Education Plan (IEP) targets.

For all pupils; IEPs are reviewed every term.

There are two parents evenings every academic year. Parents’ evenings focus on the progress their child is making and any areas of development that may be a cause for concern. Parents’ evenings are an opportunity for parents/carers and class teachers to discuss and plan future priority areas for children including any difficulties or concerns that parents may have at home.

At the final parents evening of the year, parents will receive a report on their child’s progress for the academic year. This will include progress and achievements made in areas of IEP targets and across curriculum subjects.

Parents meet with their child’s class teacher and a member of the Senior Leadership Team once a year to review their child’s EHCP or statement. At this meeting a thorough and detailed report outlines pupil progress and attainment over the course of the academic year. Parents and school review the progress made towards annual targets and together plan priorities for the next year.

For pupils making the transition to secondary school; All transitions are well planned for throughout the school as pupils move from class to class and phase to phase. In July we hold a new class day where pupils move up into their new class and spend the afternoon with their class teacher and team of special school support assistants who will work with them next year.

For pupils in Year 6 we work closely with their new school and plan a series of visits to their new setting over the course of the summer term to support the transition in September.

All pupils in Year 6 are offered music therapy in the summer term as part of a leavers group. This group is offered to help them to become ready for the change and to give them the opportunity to express any concerns or worries they may be feeling.


Who can I contact for further information?

You can contact the following for more information:

• Greenmead School

Tel. 0208 7891466



Headteacher: Toni Edmonds-Smith

School Business Manager: Sue Burke

• The Chair of Governors: Zoe White

• The multi-therapy team: Please leave a message via the school office

• Wandsworth website:

• For further information about Wandsworth’s Local Offer for SEND and the current changes:

• For further information about health provision for your child please contact your GP

• If you would value additional support you can contact Wandsworth Information, Support and Advice Service


What can I do if I have a concern or a complaint about the service being delivered by the school?

Please tell us of your concern as soon as possible. It is difficult for us to investigate an incident or problem properly if it took

place some time ago. We do appreciate the assistance we receive from parents in addressing any problems that arise. We

receive very few complaints. Problems sometimes arise from misunderstandings which are easily addressed. Most concerns and complaints can be sorted out quickly by speaking with your child’s class teacher. When parents and teachers treat each other with mutual respect and support, this provides a very good role model for all our children. If, having spoken to the class teacher, you still have concerns, you should see the Headteacher.

Greenmead’s complaints policy can be found on

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