How to do presentation works powerpoint

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With PowerPoint on your PC, Mac, or mobile device:

  • Create presentations from scratch or a template.

  • Add text, images, art, and videos.

  • Select a professional design with PowerPoint Designer.

  • Add transitions, animations, and motion.

  • Save to OneDrive, to get to your presentations from your computer, tablet, or phone.

  • Share and work with others, wherever they are.

Create_a_presentation__Open_PowerPoint.__In_the_left_pane,_select_New'>Create a presentation

  1. Open PowerPoint.

  2. In the left pane, select New.

  3. Select an option:

    • To create a presentation from scratch, select Blank Presentation.

    • To use a prepared design, select one of the templates.

    • To see tips for using PowerPoint, select Take a Tour, and then select Create, .

Add a slide

  1. In the thumbnails on the left pane, select the slide you want your new slide to follow.

  2. In the Home tab, in the Slides section, select New Slide.

  3. In the Slides section, select Layout, and then select the layout you want from the menu.

Add and format text

  1. Place the cursor inside a text box, and then type something.

  2. Select the text, and then select one or more options from the Font section of the Home tab, such as FontIncrease Font SizeDecrease Font SizeBoldItalicUnderline, etc.

  3. To create bulleted or numbered lists, select the text, and then select Bullets or Numbering.

Add a picture, shape, and more

  1. Go to the Insert tab.

  2. To add a picture:

    • In the Images section, select Pictures.

    • In the Insert Picture From menu, select the source you want.

    • Browse for the picture you want, select it, and then select Insert.

  3. To add illustrations:

    • In the Illustrations section, select ShapesIcons3D ModelsSmartArt, or Chart.

    • In the dialog box that opens when you click one of the illustration types, select the item you want and follow the prompts to insert it.


Kompyuter, Mac yoki mobil qurilmangizda PowerPoint bilan:

 Taqdimotlarni noldan yoki shablondan yarating.

 Matn, tasvir, sanʼat va video qoʻshing.

 PowerPoint Designer yordamida professional dizaynni tanlang.

 O'tish, animatsiya va harakatni qo'shing.

 Kompyuter, planshet yoki telefon orqali taqdimotlarga kirish uchun OneDrive-ga saqlang.

 Qaerda bo'lishidan qat'iy nazar, boshqalar bilan baham ko'ring va ular bilan ishlang.

Taqdimot yarating

1. PowerPoint dasturini oching.

2. Chap panelda Yangi ni tanlang.

3. Variantni tanlang:

 Noldan taqdimot yaratish uchun Blank Presentation-ni tanlang.

 Tayyorlangan dizayndan foydalanish uchun shablonlardan birini tanlang.

 PowerPoint-dan foydalanish bo'yicha maslahatlarni ko'rish uchun Turga chiqish-ni, so'ngra Yaratish-ni tanlang.

Slayd qo'shing

1. Chap paneldagi eskizlarda yangi slaydingiz kuzatilishini xohlagan slaydni tanlang.

2. Bosh sahifa ilovasining Slaydlar bo‘limida Yangi slaydni tanlang.

3. Slaydlar bo'limida Layout-ni tanlang va menyudan kerakli tartibni tanlang.

Matn qo'shish va formatlash

1. Kursorni matn maydoniga qo'ying va keyin biror narsa yozing.

2. Matnni tanlang, so‘ngra Bosh sahifa yorlig‘ining Shrift bo‘limidan bir yoki bir nechta variantni tanlang, masalan, Shrift, Shrift hajmini kattalashtirish, Shrift hajmini kamaytirish, Qalin, kursiv, tagiga chizilgan va hokazo.

3. Belgilangan yoki raqamlangan roʻyxatlar yaratish uchun matnni tanlang va undan soʻng Marker yoki raqamlash-ni tanlang.

Rasm, shakl va boshqalarni qo'shing

1. "Qo'shish" yorlig'iga o'ting.

2. Rasm qo'shish uchun:

 Rasmlar bo'limida Rasmlar ni tanlang.

 Insert Picture From menyusida kerakli manbani tanlang.

 Oʻzingizga kerakli rasmni koʻrib chiqing, uni tanlang va keyin Qoʻshish-ni tanlang.

3. Tasvirlar qo'shish uchun:

 Rasmlar bo‘limida Shakllar, Belgilar, 3D modellar, SmartArt yoki Diagrammani tanlang.

 Rasm turlaridan birini bosganingizda ochiladigan muloqot oynasida kerakli elementni tanlang va uni kiritish uchun ko‘rsatmalarga amal qiling.
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