Самостійна робота студентів з

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Самоосвіта студентів в умовах кредитно-модульної системи набуває особливо актуального значення. Її зміст, мета та завдання зумовлені цілями вивчення дисципліни „Країнознавство”, які визначено навчальною програмою. Самостійна робота організовується за таким алгоритмом.

    1. Вивчіть теоретичні питання, що виносяться на самостійне опрацювання.

    2. Складіть тези до кожного з питань.

    3. Для здійснення самоконтролю вивченого виконайте тести. Перевірте себе за допомогою ключів до тестів (Див. Додаток Б посібника). Проаналізуйте власні помилки. Якщо виявиться, що матеріал засвоєно недостатньо, слід повторити теоретичний матеріал, виконати додаткові вправи, а потім знову пройти тестовий контроль.

    4. Перевірка вивченого матеріалу та нарахування балів проводиться викладачем під час співбесіди за темами самостійної роботи. У завданнях до самостійної роботи наводиться перелік орієнтовних запитань для співбесіди.

Самостійна робота студента виконується студентом у вигляді повідомлень та одніє презентації (будь-яка тема, з переліку запропонованих). Для підготовки повідомлення студентові необхідно дотримуватися алгоритму:

  1. Ознайомтесь за підручниками, додатковою літературою та Інтернет ресурсами із основними аспектами проблеми, що Вами вивчається.

  2. Складіть список джерел, автори яких займались даним питанням.

  3. Опрацюйте ці джерела (Див. вище).

  4. Складіть план. Він повинен містити не менше 5 розділів.

  5. У Вступі до повідомлення обґрунтуйте його актуальність, мету й завдання.

  6. Основна частина присвячується вивченню теми.

  7. У Висновках дайте узагальнені відомості щодо досліджуваної теми.

  8. Загальний обсяг повідомлення має становити не менше 3 друкованих сторінок (кегль – 14; інтервал – 1, 5; шрифт – Times New Roman; формат – А 4; параметри сторінки – всі поля 2см). Список літератури має містити не менш, ніж 5 джерел.

  9. Титульний аркуш оформляється за загальноприйнятими стандартами.

  10. Повідомлення виконується англійською мовою.



ТЕМА: The People of Britain and Their Everyday Life.


  1. English National Character.

  2. Four National Characters of the British: What is an Englishman? Who are the Scots? The Welsh. The Irish.

  3. The English Family.

  4. English Dwelling.

  5. The English-man's Day.

  6. Popular English Hobbies.

  7. English Meals.

Перелік орієнтовних питань для співбесіди

  1. What are the generally recognized features of the English
    national character?

  2. How does a typical Englishman look like?

  3. What differs a Scot from an Englishman?

  4. On what is hatred between the Irish and the English based?

  5. What is the Scottish national clothes?

  6. What is the Scottish national musical instrument?

  7. What surnames are typical for the Scots and for the Irishmen?

  8. How can you explain the English saying "The Englishman's home is his castle"?

  9. What is the motto of the English sportsmen?

  1. How does the English show his respect for women?

  2. Do you believe that self-possession and reserve are good qualities? Why do you think so?

  3. How did the English feel and act in their numerous colonies?

  4. How can you prove that the English are short-spoken people?

  5. Prove that the English are very punctual people.

  6. What kind of dwelling do the English prefer to have?

  7. What do the English like to have in front of their house and round or behind the house?

  8. What newspapers do the English like to look through at breakfast?

  9. What does "good plain food" mean for the English?

  10. What does "high tea" mean for the English?

  11. What is the biggest meal of the day in Britain?

  12. When do the English have lunch and where?

  13. What is the usual English meal?

  14. What is the usual English breakfast?

  15. How do people relax at weekends in England?

  16. What sports are popular in England?

  17. How long does the usual English holiday last?

  18. Where do English people usually spend their holidays?

  19. What are the most popular hobbies in Britain?

  20. Where did the first in the world stamp appear?

  21. When did the first in the world stamp appear?

Test № 1

1. Choose the proper words and fill in the blanks.

1. For centuries the English had ruled the seas and continents and felt __to the native people.

a) simple; b) superior; c) modest.

2. The English are very __in their political and social views.

a) characteristic; b) conscious; c) conservative.

3. The Englishman's day begins when he sits down to breakfast with___ or "The Times ".

  1. "The Wall Street Journal";

  2. "The Guardian";

  3. "The Washington Post".

4. The English people spend many hours trying to grow beautiful flowers as ___is their traditional pastime.

a) gardening; b) collecting; c) kite-flying.

5. Englishmen prefer to have______at a cafe, canteen or a restaurant.
a) breakfast; b) dinner; c) lunch.

6. The English like to say: "Life is short, but there is always time for___ . "

a) courtesy; b) indifference; c) punctuality.

7. The English can understand a good joke and their humour is often______ .

a) self-assured; b) self-critical; c) self-sufficient.

8. It is very un-English to lose one's head in a situation of___ .

a) employment; b) embarrassment; c) emergency.

9. The English women complain that because of their husbands' ____ in speech they cannot pay compliments to.

a) reticence; b) modesty; c) superiority.

10. The motto of the English sportsman is "Win as if you were ____ to it, lose as if you liked it".

a) acquainted; b) accounted; c) accustomed.

Основна література

  1. Голицынский Ю.Б. Великобритания. Страноведение. – СПб.: КАРО, 2003.

  2. Гапонів А.Б., Возна М.О. Лінгвокраїнознавство. Англомовні країни. Підручник для студентів та викладачів вищих навчальних закладів. –Вінниця: НОВА КНИГА, 2005.

  3. Радовель В.А. Страноведение: Великобритания. –Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2005.

  4. Сhistopher Garwood, Gugliemo Gardani, Edda Peris. Aspects of Britain and the USA. – Oxford University Press, 1992.

  5. James O’Driscoll. Britain. - Oxford University Press, 1995.

  6. Павлоцкий В.М. British Studies. Книга по страноведению. – СПб.: КАРО, 2000.

  7. Гужва Т.М., Гусак Т.М. The Parth to University.Тести з англійської мови для студентів університетів та абітурієнтів: Навчальний посібник. – Київ: Фірма «ІНКОС», Центр учбової літератури, 2008.

  8. Полупан В.Л., Полупан О.П., Махова В.В., English-speaking countries: Х.: Видавнича группа «Академія», 2000.

  9. Susan Sheerin, Jonathan Seath, Gillian White. Spotlight on Britain. Oxford University Press, 1990.

Додаткова література

  1. World Book Encyclopedia. Chicago, 1993.

  2. British Multimedia Encyclopedia.

  3. Microsoft Encyclopedia Deluxe “Encarta 2000”.



ТЕМА: Famous Historical Figures of Great Britain.


  1. King Alfred the Great.

  2. Thomas More.

  3. Francis Drake.

  4. Oliver Cromwell.

  5. Admiral Nelson.

  6. Winston Churchill.

  7. Tony Blair.

Перелік орієнтовних питань для співбесіди

  1. Vikings behave on the British Isles during the reign of King Alfred?

  2. Which of the kingdoms became the centre of resistance?

  3. What reforms did King Alfred make in the Army and Navy?

  4. What important books were written in the time of Alfred the Great?

  5. What were T. More's interests in life?

  6. What important posts did More hold?

  7. What did Thomas More attract King's attention for?

  8. What was he accused of?

9. How did Sir Thomas More finish his life?

  1. What is Francis Drake famous for?

  2. What is Oliver Cromwell famous for?

  1. What was the result of Drake's first sea-fight against Spanish men-of-war?

  2. What was the result of Drake's second courageous sea battle against the Spanish Armada?

  3. How long did the first voyage round-the-world last?

  4. What role did the sea victory over Spain play in the life of England?

  1. Why did Oliver Cromwell attack Ireland and Scotland?

  2. How did Cromwell rule as Lord Protector?

  3. At what age did Horatio Nelson enter the Royal Navy?

  4. At what seas was Admiral Nelson Commander-in-Chief?

  1. What signal did Nelson send to his fleet before the Battle of Trafalgar?

  1. How did the British commemorate Nelson's victory at Trafalgar battle?

  2. What was Winston Churchill?

  3. What happened to Churchill in South Africa?

  4. What posts did Churchill occupy during his life?

  5. What were Churchill's hobbies?

26. What was W. Churchill awarded the Nobel prize for?
27. What family was Tony Blair born into?

  1. What is Tony Blair?

  2. At what age did Tony Blair occupy the highest post in the UK?

  3. What period does Tony Blair serve as Prime Minister?

Test № 2

1. Choose the proper words and fill in the blanks.

1. The Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms waged a constant struggle for____ over the country.

a) preference; b) predominance; c) prediction.

2. The British honour for the victory he won over Napoleon's fleet.

a) Francis Drake; b) Admiral Nelson; c) Winston Churcill.

3. Charles Stuart was brought to for organization a civil war and beheaded.

a) throne; b) trail; c) trial.

4. The Prime Minister (Tony Blair) of the UK was born in the family of a____ .

a) judge; b) politician; c) barrister.

5. was awarded the Nobel prize for literature.

a) Winston Churchill; b) Thomas More; c) Tony Blair.

6. Oliver Cromwell became Lord of the Commonwealth and ruled over the country by the advice of the Council.

a) Chancellor; b) Speaker; c) Protector.

7. The great victory over the Spanish made England stronger and helped the English to conquer other countries.

a) Navy; b) Armada; c) Fleet.

Основна література

  1. Голицынский Ю.Б. Великобритания. Страноведение. – СПб.: КАРО, 2003.

  2. Гапонів А.Б., Возна М.О. Лінгвокраїнознавство. Англомовні країни. Підручник для студентів та викладачів вищих навчальних закладів. –Вінниця: НОВА КНИГА, 2005.

  3. Радовель В.А. Страноведение: Великобритания. –Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2005.

  4. Сhistopher Garwood, Gugliemo Gardani, Edda Peris. Aspects of Britain and the USA. – Oxford University Press, 1992.

  5. James O’Driscoll. Britain. - Oxford University Press, 1995.

  6. Павлоцкий В.М. British Studies. Книга по страноведению. – СПб.: КАРО, 2000.

  7. Гужва Т.М., Гусак Т.М. The Parth to University.Тести з англійської мови для студентів університетів та абітурієнтів: Навчальний посібник. – Київ: Фірма «ІНКОС», Центр учбової літератури, 2008.

  8. Полупан В.Л., Полупан О.П., Махова В.В., English-speaking countries: Х.: Видавнича группа «Академія», 2000.

  9. Susan Sheerin, Jonathan Seath, Gillian White. Spotlight on Britain. Oxford University Press, 1990.

Додаткова література

  1. World Book Encyclopedia. Chicago, 1993.

  2. British Multimedia Encyclopedia.

  3. Microsoft Encyclopedia Deluxe “Encarta 2000”.



ТЕМА: Famous British Scientists and Inventors.


  1. Isaac Newton. Adam Smith.

  2. James Walt.

  3. Michael Faraday.

  4. Charles Darwin.

  5. James Clerk Maxwell.

  6. Ernest Rutherford.

Перелік орієнтовних питань для співбесіди

  1. What was Newton's greatest discovery?

  2. What was Faraday's greatest discovery?

  3. What family was Michael Faraday born?

  4. What family was Isaak Newton born?

  5. How did Newton come to his greatest discovery?

  6. What does his law state?

  1. What fields of science did Newton make contribution to?

  2. When did M. Faraday live?

  3. Why did he have to work when being a teenager?

  1. What kind of research did Faraday make at the laboratory?

  2. What kind of a person was M. Faraday?

  3. What nickname was C. Darwin given by his schoolmates?

  4. Why did Darwin not finish the University?

  5. What was Darwin fond of at the University?

  6. What voyage did Charles make when being a student?

  7. What was the influence of Darwin's theory on the future of mankind?

  8. What great discoveries did James Watt make?

  9. What Watt's discovery became the basis of industry?

  10. What were J. Maxwell's scientific interests?

  11. What fields of science did J. Maxwell work?

  12. What Maxwell's efforts in the field of experimental physics made Cambridge world known?

  13. What small book on a great subject did Maxwell write?

  14. Where was Ernest Rutherford born?

  15. What were Rutherford's scientific interests?

  16. What is his most famous book?

  17. What problem did Rutherford's most famous book deal with?

  18. Who of Russian scientists did Rutherford influence greatly?

  19. What was Adam Smith?

  20. What are his most important books?

  21. What ideas did A. Smith describe in his most important book?

Test № 3

1. Choose the proper words and fill in the blanks.

1. It is well known that Isaak Newton studied and worked at ___University.

a) Oxford; b) Cambridge; c) London.

2. Newton's greatest discovery was____.

a) the rotating engine; b) the discovery of electrolysis; c) the law of gravity.

3. The discovery of electromagnetic induction made ____the scientist known all over the world.

a) M. Faraday; b) J. Maxwell; c) A. Smith.

4. ____was the first important book written by Charles Darwin.

  1. Matter and Motion; b)Wealth of Nations; c)The Origin of Species.

5. One of the most outstanding British scientists_____ was born very far from Britain, spent a great part of his life far away but was buried in Westminster Abbey.

a) Ch. Darwin; b) M. Faraday; с) Е. Rutherford.

6. According to the inscription at his monument it was_____who surpassed all the men of science.

a) I. Newton; b) J. Maxwell; c) A. Smith.

Основна література

  1. Голицынский Ю.Б. Великобритания. Страноведение. – СПб.: КАРО, 2003.

  2. Гапонів А.Б., Возна М.О. Лінгвокраїнознавство. Англомовні країни. Підручник для студентів та викладачів вищих навчальних закладів. –Вінниця: НОВА КНИГА, 2005.

  3. Радовель В.А. Страноведение: Великобритания. –Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2005.

  4. Сhistopher Garwood, Gugliemo Gardani, Edda Peris. Aspects of Britain and the USA. – Oxford University Press, 1992.

  5. James O’Driscoll. Britain. - Oxford University Press, 1995.

  6. Павлоцкий В.М. British Studies. Книга по страноведению. – СПб.: КАРО, 2000.

  7. Гужва Т.М., Гусак Т.М. The Parth to University.Тести з англійської мови для студентів університетів та абітурієнтів: Навчальний посібник. – Київ: Фірма «ІНКОС», Центр учбової літератури, 2008.

  8. Полупан В.Л., Полупан О.П., Махова В.В., English-speaking countries: Х.: Видавнича группа «Академія», 2000.

  9. Susan Sheerin, Jonathan Seath, Gillian White. Spotlight on Britain. Oxford University Press, 1990.

Додаткова література

  1. World Book Encyclopedia. Chicago, 1993.

  2. British Multimedia Encyclopedia.

  3. Microsoft Encyclopedia Deluxe “Encarta 2000”.



ТЕМА: American National Holidays and Traditions.


  1. New Year.

  2. Memorial Day.

  3. Independence Day.

  4. Thanksgiving Day.

  5. Easter.

  6. Christmas.

  7. St. Valentine's Day.

  8. Halloween.

Перелік орієнтовних питань для співбесіди

  1. What have many of American holidays originated from?

  2. What is Kwanzaa?

  3. Where do people hold contests for the best sculpture carved in ice?

  4. How do people in Minnesota hold winter Carnivals?

  5. When is New Year celebrated in America?

  6. What shows are broadcasted on TV on January 1st in America?

7. What is Tournament of Roses Parade?
8. What is Mummer's Parade?

9. What resolutions do people write on New Year's Day?

  1. When did the Civil War take place in America?

  2. What was the reason of that war?

  3. When was Memorial Day declared a national holiday in America?

  4. Whom do Americans honour on this day?

  5. Why did the British colonists find difficult to be ruled by the English King?

  6. What did the colonists express in their document adopted at the First Continental Congress?

  7. How do Americans mark their Independence Day?

  8. In what games do children participate, celebrating Independence Day?

  9. Why did the people leave their Motherland for the New World?

  10. Why was the first winter in the New World so difficult for the settlers?

  11. Who taught the first settlers to survive in the New World?

  12. How did the Indians help the new settlers survive?

  13. What kind of a holiday is Christmas?

  14. What do children leave for Santa Claus to put presents in?

  15. What does reunion day mean?

  16. How do American people congratulate each other and what do they wish?

  17. What did the settlers thank the Indians and God for?

Test № 4

1. Choose the proper words and fill in the blanks.

1. To honour the servicemen who gave their lives in the wars,American people mark ______ Day.

a) Memorial; b) Independence; c) St. Valentine's.

2. The Day of resurrection of Jesus Christ is celebrated in___.

a) February; b) April; c) June.

3. The origin of Haloween celebration is connected with___.

a) greeting cards; b) colourful eggs; c) evil spirits.

4. hides the eggs to make children hunt for them.

a) Santa Claus; b) the Easter Rabbit; c) St. Valentine.

5. A large colourful garland of flowers worn around the neck is____ for the people of Hawaii.

  1. a sign of friendship;

  2. a beautiful decoration;

  3. a warning of hostility.

6. Children enjoy to sing carols, recite poems and get presents on____.

a) Haloween; b) Christmas; c) April Fool's day.

8.A winter festival in __offers a contest for the best sculpture carved in ice.

a) Mississippi; b) Massachusetts; c) Michigan.

7. On January Is'Americans enjoy the football game in California.

a) Christian; b) Mummer; c) Rose Bowl.

8. St. Valentine's Day is a wonderful holiday when boys and girls, husbands and wives and even the office staff for each other.

  1. enjoy watching TV;

  2. express their affection;

  3. demonstrate ways of cooking.



ТЕМА: Great Americans.


  1. Christopher Columbus.

  2. Amerigo Vespucci.

  3. George Washington.

  4. Abraham Lincoln.

  5. Franklin Roosevelt.

  6. John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

  7. George Bush.

  8. Martin Luther King.

  9. Charlie Chaplin.

Перелік орієнтовних питань для співбесіди

  1. How could Columbus, to his point of view, reach India?

  2. Who helped Columbus carry out his plans?

  3. Why did Columbus call the native people Indians?

  4. What did people in Europe reproach and censure Columbus for?

  5. What part of the American continent did Amerigo Vespucci explore?

  6. What important idea did Vespucci prove in his book?

  7. What was Washington's participation in the war against Britain?

  8. When did the colonists declare their independence from Britain?

  9. Why did Washington refuse to be elected for the third term?

10. What is Abraham Lincoln noted for?

11. What was a burning question in American politics at the time?

12. When was Lincoln elected president of the U.S.A.?

  1. Why did the Southern states oppose the abolition of slavery?

  2. What political party did Franklin Roosevelt represent?

  3. How many terms did F. D. Roosevelt hold office of American President?

  4. What event restored the national unity of America on the eveofWorldWarll?

  5. What steps did Roosevelt take for peace in the postwar world?

  6. What happened in the Pacific when Kennedy served in the navy?

  7. What was John Kennedy awarded Pulitzer Prize for?

  8. How did the world happen to be on the brink of a nuclear war?

  9. When was G. Bush elected President?

  10. What steps did he take in domestic policy as President?

  11. What family was Martin Luther King born to?

  12. What made King join the black civil-rights movement?

  13. What event took place in Washington D. С in 1963?

  14. What did the march of protest result in?

  15. What Prize was M. King awarded?

  16. What character did he play on the stage and in his films?

  17. What films brought Ch. Chaplin great fame?

  18. What was Chaplin persecuted in America for?

Test № 5

1. Choose the proper words and fill in the blanks.

1. Due to great talent of George Washington, his _____ army of patriots defeated the British troops.

a) well-trained; b) highly-paid; c) badly-equipped.

2. A very popular President____ , holding office for about 13 years, succeeded to overcome the great economic crisis in America.

a) Franklin Roosevelt; b) George Bush; c) Abraham Lincoln.

3. Columbus spent his last days in disappointment and died___ of his great discovery.

a) happy; b) rich; c) ignorant.

4. The new continent was called the land of Amerigo, the navigator who explored the coasts of .

a) North America; b) South America; c) Canada.

5. , a symbol of democracy, was the most remembered andrespected American President.

a) Abraham Lincoln; b) John Kennedy; c) Franklin Roosevelt.

6. Because of the political events around Cuba the world happened to be a nuclear war.

a) induced in; b) preparing for; c) on the brink of.

7. By organizing peaceful marches M. L. King made Congress topass laws guaranteeing to every American.

a) free education; b) equal civil rights; c) sosial insurance.

8. After the terrorist actions on_____ , Americans took various steps to protect the country from terrorist attacks.

a) October 2000; b) September 2001; c) April 2002.

9. Though born in___, Chaplin spent 40 years in America where he achieved great success.

a) Switzerland; b) France; c) England.

10 .Charlie Chaplin enjoyed wide popularity due to his talentedcharacter of a short twitchy man with a wadding______ walk.

a) peacocklike; b) penguinlike; c) ostrichlike.



ТЕМА: The Main Cities of the U.S.A.


  1. New York. — the International City.

  2. Philadelphia — Historical City of Independence.

  3. Chicago.

  4. Illinois.

  5. Boston.

  6. Massachusetts.

  7. Los Angeles.

  8. California.

  9. San Francisco.

Перелік орієнтовних питань для співбесіди

1.What name did the city of New York have when it was founded?

  1. What districts does New York consist of?

  2. How many people live in the city and its suburbs?

  3. Why is the city called "modern Babylon" now?

  4. When was Philadelphia founded?

  5. What was the main decision of the first Congress, held in Philadelphia?

  6. What did the second Continental Congress in Philadelphia result in?

  7. How long did Philadelphia remain the capital of the U.S.A.?

  8. What do you know about the Independence Hall?

  9. In what state is Chicago situated?

  10. What is the population of the city?

  11. When was the city founded?

  12. What lakes or rivers surround the city of Chicago?

  13. What interesting facts have you got to know about the Chicago river?

  14. What historic events took place in Boston?

  15. What is the "Boston Massacre" connected with?

  16. What do you remember about the Boston Tea Party?

  17. What river flows near Boston?

  18. What cultural and educational institutions are there in Boston?

  19. Where is Los Angeles situated?

  20. What area does Los Angeles occupy?

  21. What is Los Angeles famous for?

  22. What made Los Angeles the best recreation place of the country?

  23. What are the major attractions of the city of Los Angeles?

  24. What is the development of San Francisco connected with?

  25. What role did the first transcontinental railroad play in the development of San Francisco?

  26. What unique bridges connect San Francisco with the Mainland?

  27. What scientific and technical centre makes San Francisco known all over the world?

  28. What are scientists in the Silicon Valley engaged in?

Test № 6

1. Choose the proper words and fill in the blanks.

/. The first most flourishing colonies of North America was founded in___.

a) Chicago; b) Boston; c) New York.

2. The city of____is proud of its heritage, as the most important historic documents were adopted in their city.

a) Philadelphia; b) Boston; c) Detroit.

3. New York was founded at the beginning of the 171' century and was called____.

a) New Jersy; b) New Hampshire; c) New Amsterdam.

4. The greatest railway centre of the country is ___, where 30railroads'meet.

a) Washington; b) Chicago; c) Los Angeles.

5. Among the five major districts of New York,____ is the centre of business and finance.

a) Brooklyn; b) Bronx; c) Manhatten.

6. One of the cities in the west of the U.S.A. is-famous for___, the centre of America's picture industry.

a) Hollywood; b) Metropolitan; c) Music Conservatory.

7. The scientific centre____, known all over the world, is situated north from San Francisco.

a) Rockfeller Centre; b) Independence Hall; c) Silicon Valley.

8. The incident, when British troops fired into a crowd of people,is known as___.

  1. The Boston Tea Party;

  2. The Boston Massacre;

  3. The Act of Independence.

9. The water of the____river was reversed and it flows up-hill now.

a) Ohio; b) Colorado; c) Chicago.

10.The was the first building in America erected as a Legislative Assembly.

a) Capitol; b) White House; c) Independence Hall.
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