Solomon Transaction Import Release Notes

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Errors List Reported By Solomon Transaction Import (98.500.00) Process - AR System Help Desk Number  360-664-7722 

Test File

Data Value

Import Actual Behavior

Error occurs in the first record

Import Actual Behavior

Error is NOT in the first record


Batch header:


Reject entire file

No batch created in DBs.

No logs indicating that this is a fatal error at the batch level.
First valid record is logged as: 'Application Error: A valid AR Type must be provided for the batch before transactions can be entered.
'System Message 2: Data must be entered in this field
'System Message 8034: Error in Field: cartype_0 Value:
Remaining valid records are logged as:

'System Message 8055: ========Error Processing Document Data Line========

'Application Error: A valid AR Type must be provided for the batch before transactions can be entered.’
'System Message 2: Data must be entered in this field
'System Message 8034: Error in Field: cartype_0 Value:
Best recognition of error is that a batch number was not assigned, indicating that a batch was not created and that the entire data file failed the import.



Batch header:

Invalid batch header: ‘XXXXX’ instead of ‘BATCH’

Reject entire file.

No batch created in DBs.

Invalid record is searchable with: 'System Message 8021: Invalid Level specified. Treated as a comment Line
First valid record is logged as: 'Application Error: A valid AR Type must be provided for the batch before transactions can be entered.
'System Message 2: Data must be entered in this field
'System Message 8034: Error in Field: cartype_0 Value:
Remaining valid records are logged as:

'System Message 8055: ========Error Processing Document Data Line========

'Application Error: A valid AR Type must be provided for the batch before transactions can be entered.’
'System Message 2: Data must be entered in this field
'System Message 8034: Error in Field: cartype_0 Value:
Best recognition of error is that a batch number was not assigned, indicating that a batch was not created and that the entire data file failed the import.





Entire data file will import.

Use system’s default Biennium




Invalid biennium - closed biennium

Reject entire file.

No batch created in DBs.

Invalid record is searchable with: '*Invoice And DR Memo Entry v1.0.316 (OF.010.00): Closed Biennia may not be entered
'System Message 8002: Error In Field: cfybiennium_0 Value: ""2003"" Column 9
'System Message 8004: Data File Record/Line Number: 1 Column: 9
'*Invoice And DR Memo Entry v1.0.316 (OF.010.00): Closed Fiscal Months may not be entered
'System Message 8002: Error In Field: cfiscalmonth_0 Value: ""13"" Column 16
'System Message 8004: Data File Record/Line Number: 1 Column: 16
'System Message 8055: ========Error Processing Batch Data Line
First valid record: no report of error.
Second valid record logged as: 'Application Error: A valid AR Type must be provided for the batch before transactions can be entered.
'System Message 2: Data must be entered in this field
'System Message 8034: Error in Field: cartype_0 Value:
Remaining valid records are logged as:

'System Message 8055: ========Error Processing Document Data Line========

'Application Error: A valid AR Type must be provided for the batch before transactions can be entered.’
'System Message 2: Data must be entered in this field
'System Message 8034: Error in Field: cartype_0 Value:
Best recognition of error is that a batch number was not assigned, indicating that a batch was not created and that the entire data file failed the import.




Invalid biennium - future biennium

Reject entire file.

No batch created in DBs.

Invalid record is searchable with: '*Invoice And DR Memo Entry v1.0.316 (OF.010.00): Future Biennia may not be entered
'System Message 8002: Error In Field: cfybiennium_0 Value: ""2023"" Column 9
'System Message 8004: Data File Record/Line Number: 1 Column: 9
'System Message 8055: ========Error Processing Batch Data Line
First valid record: no report of error.
Second valid record logged as: 'Application Error: A valid AR Type must be provided for the batch before transactions can be entered.
'System Message 2: Data must be entered in this field
'System Message 8034: Error in Field: cartype_0 Value:
Remaining valid records are logged as: 'System Message 8055: ========Error Processing Document Data Line========
'Application Error: A valid AR Type must be provided for the batch before transactions can be entered.’
'System Message 2: Data must be entered in this field
'System Message 8034: Error in Field: cartype_0 Value:
Best recognition of error is that a batch number was not assigned, indicating that a batch was not created and that the entire data file failed the import.




Invalid biennium - alpha characters biennium

Reject entire file.

No batch created in DBs.

Invalid record is searchable with: 'System Message 8002: Error In Field: cfybiennium_0 Value: ""XXXX"" Column 9
'System Message 8033: Invalid data. Value ""XXXX"" does not match Mask ""9999""
'System Message 8055: ========Error Processing Batch Data Line
First valid record: no report of error.
Second valid record logged as: 'Application Error: A valid AR Type must be provided for the batch before transactions can be entered.
'System Message 2: Data must be entered in this field
'System Message 8034: Error in Field: cartype_0 Value:
Remaining valid record logged as: 'System Message 8055: ========Error Processing Document Data Line========
'Application Error: A valid AR Type must be provided for the batch before transactions can be entered.’
'System Message 2: Data must be entered in this field
'System Message 8034: Error in Field: cartype_0 Value:
Best recognition of error is that a batch number was not assigned, indicating that a batch was not created and that the entire data file failed the import.




Invalid biennium - even year biennium

Reject entire file.

No batch created in DBs.

Invalid record is searchable with: '*Invoice And DR Memo Entry v1.0.316 (OF.010.00): Invalid Biennia may not be entered
'System Message 8002: Error In Field: cfybiennium_0 Value: ""2004"" Column 9
'System Message 8004: Data File Record/Line Number: 1 Column: 9
'System Message 8055: ========Error Processing Batch Data Line
First valid record: no report of error.
Second valid record logged as: 'Application Error: A valid AR Type must be provided for the batch before transactions can be entered.
'System Message 2: Data must be entered in this field
'System Message 8034: Error in Field: cartype_0 Value:
Remaining valid record logged as: 'System Message 8055: ========Error Processing Document Data Line========
'Application Error: A valid AR Type must be provided for the batch before transactions can be entered.’
'System Message 2: Data must be entered in this field
'System Message 8034: Error in Field: cartype_0 Value:
Best recognition of error is that a batch number was not assigned, indicating that a batch was not created and that the entire data file failed the import.




Invalid biennium –

Not four-digits biennium

Reject entire file.

No batch created in DBs.

Invalid record is searchable with: '*Invoice And DR Memo Entry v1.0.316 (OF.010.00): Invalid Biennia may not be entered
'System Message 8002: Error In Field: cfybiennium_0 Value: ""200"" Column 9
'System Message 8004: Data File Record/Line Number: 1 Column: 9
'System Message 8055: ========Error Processing Batch Data Line
First valid record: no report of error.
Second valid record logged as: 'Application Error: A valid AR Type must be provided for the batch before transactions can be entered.
'System Message 2: Data must be entered in this field
'System Message 8034: Error in Field: cartype_0 Value:
Remaining valid record logged as: 'System Message 8055: ========Error Processing Document Data Line========
'Application Error: A valid AR Type must be provided for the batch before transactions can be entered.’
'System Message 2: Data must be entered in this field
'System Message 8034: Error in Field: cartype_0 Value:
Best recognition of error is that a batch number was not assigned, indicating that a batch was not created and that the entire data file failed the import.




Invalid biennium –

Not four-digits biennium

Reject entire file.

No batch created in DBs.

Invalid record is searchable with: '*Invoice And DR Memo Entry v1.0.316 (OF.010.00): Closed Biennia may not be entered.
'System Message 8002: Error In Field: cfybiennium_0 Value: ""05"" Column 9
'System Message 8004: Data File Record/Line Number: 1 Column: 9
'System Message 8055: ========Error Processing Batch Data Line========
First valid record: no report of error.
Second valid record logged as: 'Application Error: A valid AR Type must be provided for the batch before transactions can be entered.
'System Message 2: Data must be entered in this field
'System Message 8034: Error in Field: cartype_0 Value:
Remaining valid record logged as: 'System Message 8055: ========Error Processing Document Data Line========
'Application Error: A valid AR Type must be provided for the batch before transactions can be entered.’
'System Message 2: Data must be entered in this field
'System Message 8034: Error in Field: cartype_0 Value:
Best recognition of error is that a batch number was not assigned, indicating that a batch was not created and that the entire data file failed the import.



Fiscal Month:

Empty Fiscal Month

Entire data file will import.
Transaction Import uses system’s default fiscal month.



Fiscal Month:

Invalid fiscal month -

Closed Fiscal month

Reject entire file.

No batch created in DBs.

Invalid record is searchable with: '*Invoice And DR Memo Entry v1.0.316 (OF.010.00): Closed Fiscal Months may not be entered
'System Message 8002: Error In Field: cfiscalmonth_0 Value: ""01"" Column 16
'System Message 8004: Data File Record/Line Number: 1 Column: 16
'System Message 8055: ========Error Processing Batch Data Line========
First valid record: no report of error.
Second valid record logged as: 'Application Error: A valid AR Type must be provided for the batch before transactions can be entered.
'System Message 2: Data must be entered in this field
'System Message 8034: Error in Field: cartype_0 Value:
Remaining valid record logged as: 'System Message 8055: ========Error Processing Document Data Line========
'Application Error: A valid AR Type must be provided for the batch before transactions can be entered.’
'System Message 2: Data must be entered in this field
'System Message 8034: Error in Field: cartype_0 Value:
Best recognition of error is that a batch number was not assigned, indicating that a batch was not created and that the entire data file failed the import.



Fiscal Month:

Invalid fiscal month - future fiscal month

Reject entire file.

No batch created in DBs.

Invalid record is searchable with: '*Invoice And DR Memo Entry v1.0.316 (OF.010.00): Future Fiscal Months may not be entered
'System Message 8002: Error In Field: cfiscalmonth_0 Value: ""25"" Column 16
'System Message 8004: Data File Record/Line Number: 1 Column: 16
'System Message 8055: ========Error Processing Batch Data Line========
First valid record: no report of error.
Second valid record logged as: 'Application Error: A valid AR Type must be provided for the batch before transactions can be entered.
'System Message 2: Data must be entered in this field
'System Message 8034: Error in Field: cartype_0 Value:
Remaining valid record logged as: 'System Message 8055: ========Error Processing Document Data Line========
'Application Error: A valid AR Type must be provided for the batch before transactions can be entered.’
'System Message 2: Data must be entered in this field
'System Message 8034: Error in Field: cartype_0 Value:
Best recognition of error is that a batch number was not assigned, indicating that a batch was not created and that the entire data file failed the import.



Fiscal Month:

Invalid fiscal month - alpha characters fiscal month

Reject entire file.

No batch created in DBs.

Invalid record is searchable with: 'System Message 8002: Error In Field: cfiscalmonth_0 Value: ""XX"" Column 16
'System Message 8033: Invalid data. Value ""XX"" does not match Mask ""99""
'System Message 8055: ========Error Processing Batch Data Line========
First valid record: no report of error.
Second valid record logged as: 'Application Error: A valid AR Type must be provided for the batch before transactions can be entered.
'System Message 2: Data must be entered in this field
'System Message 8034: Error in Field: cartype_0 Value:
Remaining valid record logged as: 'System Message 8055: ========Error Processing Document Data Line========
'Application Error: A valid AR Type must be provided for the batch before transactions can be entered.’
'System Message 2: Data must be entered in this field
'System Message 8034: Error in Field: cartype_0 Value:
Best recognition of error is that a batch number was not assigned, indicating that a batch was not created and that the entire data file failed the import.



Fiscal Month:

Invalid fiscal month - not 01-25 & 99 fiscal month

Reject entire file.

No batch created in DBs.

Invalid record is searchable with: '*Invoice And DR Memo Entry v1.0.316 (OF.010.00): Invalid Fiscal Months may not be entered
'System Message 8002: Error In Field: cfiscalmonth_0 Value: ""26"" Column 16
'System Message 8004: Data File Record/Line Number: 1 Column: 16
'System Message 8055: ========Error Processing Batch Data Line========
First valid record: no report of error.
Second valid record logged as: 'Application Error: A valid AR Type must be provided for the batch before transactions can be entered.
'System Message 2: Data must be entered in this field
'System Message 8034: Error in Field: cartype_0 Value:
Remaining valid records are logged as:

'System Message 8055: ========Error Processing Document Data Line========

'Application Error: A valid AR Type must be provided for the batch before transactions can be entered.’
'System Message 2: Data must be entered in this field
'System Message 8034: Error in Field: cartype_0 Value:
Best recognition of error is that a batch number was not assigned, indicating that a batch was not created and that the entire data file failed the import.



AR Type:

Empty ar type

Reject entire file.

No batch created in DBs.

No logs indicating that this is a fatal error at the batch level.
First valid record is logged as: 'Application Error: A valid AR Type must be provided for the batch before transactions can be entered.
'System Message 2: Data must be entered in this field
'System Message 8034: Error in Field: cartype_0 Value:
Remaining valid records are logged as: 'System Message 8055: ========Error Processing Document Data Line========
'Application Error: A valid AR Type must be provided for the batch before transactions can be entered.’
'System Message 2: Data must be entered in this field
'System Message 8034: Error in Field: cartype_0 Value:
Best recognition of error is that a batch number was not assigned, indicating that a batch was not created and that the entire data file failed the import.



AR Type:

AR type having 4 characters with first 2 characters matching value in DBs.

Data example has first two digits matching a valid AR type

Entire data file will import.
TI will truncate AR Type greater than allowed length.
If first 2 digits is a value matching a valid value in AR, entire data file will import.
Note: How TI treats AR Type value from data file with regards to length is different from the online edits.
TI will truncate the ‘4 digits’ AR type on the data file and only use the first 2 characters to validate against DBs. If first 2 characters match value in DBs, import happened.



AR Type:

Invalid AR type - value not exist in AR Type table

Reject entire file.

No batch created in DBs.

Invalid record is searchable with: 'System Message 8002: Error In Field: cartype_0 Value: ""#$"" Column 15
'System Message 8033: Invalid data. Value ""#$"" does not match Mask ""WW""
'System Message 8055: ========Error Processing Batch Data Line========
First valid record is logged as: 'Application Error: A valid AR Type must be provided for the batch before transactions can be entered.
Second valid record logged as: 'Application Error: A valid AR Type must be provided for the batch before transactions can be entered.
'System Message 2: Data must be entered in this field
'System Message 8034: Error in Field: cartype_0 Value:
Remaining valid records are logged as:

'System Message 8055: ========Error Processing Document Data Line========

'Application Error: A valid AR Type must be provided for the batch before transactions can be entered.’
'System Message 2: Data must be entered in this field
'System Message 8034: Error in Field: cartype_0 Value:
Best recognition of error is that a batch number was not assigned, indicating that a batch was not created and that the entire data file failed the import.



AR Type:

Inactive AR Type value

Reject entire file.

No batch created in DBs.

Invalid record is searchable with: 'System Message 9: Item not found, please reenter.
'System Message 8002: Error In Field: cartype_0 Value: ""T4"" Column 15
'System Message 8004: Data File Record/Line Number: 1 Column: 15
'System Message 8055: ========Error Processing Batch Data Line========
First valid record logged as: 'Application Error: A valid AR Type must be provided for the batch before transactions can be entered.
Second valid record logged as: 'Application Error: A valid AR Type must be provided for the batch before transactions can be entered.
'System Message 2: Data must be entered in this field
'System Message 8034: Error in Field: cartype_0 Value:
Remaining valid records are logged as:

'System Message 8055: ========Error Processing Document Data Line========

'Application Error: A valid AR Type must be provided for the batch before transactions can be entered.’
'System Message 2: Data must be entered in this field
'System Message 8034: Error in Field: cartype_0 Value:
Best recognition of error is that a batch number was not assigned, indicating that a batch was not created and that the entire data file failed the import.



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