A city (or county) is not an accident but the result of coherent visions and aims

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Intent of Analysis
Recommended Data
Asthma can be worsened by environmental triggers such as poor air 
quality, poor housing quality, and climate change, examining baseline 
conditions can help inform siting decisions. 
Asthma (Prevalence, ED visits, hospitalizations)
Air quality has direct effects on people with respiratory disease.  Map-
ping baseline conditions can help inform policies around transportation, 
connectivity, siting, and industry.
Air quality (ozone, pm 2.5) 
Having a reference inventory of sites allows for improved mitigation, 
siting, and monitoring of sites
Inventory of permitted and clean up sites
Legal Requirements: CEQA and School Siting
CEQA requires that the environmental document prepared for a new school identify whether the proposed site is any of the 
following: a current or former hazardous waste or solid waste disposal facility, a hazardous substances release site identified by 
DTSC, the site of one or more pipelines that carry hazardous substances, or located within a quarter mile of a facility that emits 
hazardous air emissions or handles acutely hazardous material (Pub. Resources Code § 21151.8). If the site is within a quarter 
mile of such a facility, the school board must make findings that the facilities would not endanger the health of those attending 
or employed by the proposed school or that an existing order requires corrective measures that will result in the mitigation of 
any health endangerment (Id.). For sites within 500 feet of a a busy traffic corridor, the school board must determine through 
modeling that neither short-term nor long-term air quality exposure poses significant health risks (Id.).  If such findings 
cannot be made and no suitable alternative sites exist, the environmental document must include a statement of overriding 
considerations (Id.).
School districts are required to notify the planning commission of the city or county before acquiring property for new schools 
or expansion of an existing school. School districts are not bound by local zoning ordinances unless the ordinance provides for 
the location of schools and the city or county has adopted a general plan (
Gov. Code § 53094
). School districts can override the 
general plan and zoning ordinances with regard to the use of property for classroom facilities by a two-thirds vote of the school 
board if they comply with certain statutory requirements (Ibid.). The school board cannot exercise this power for non-classroom 
facilities, such as administrative buildings, bus storage and maintenance yards, and warehouses. If the school board exercises 
its override power, it must notify the city or county within 10 days (Ibid.). At least 45 days prior to completion of a master plan 
or other plan relating to the expansion of existing school site or acquisition of new sites, the school district governing board 
shall notify and provide relevant information to the city/county planning commission and meet with the city/county if requested 
Gov. Code §65352.2

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Promotion of Public Facilities
Requirement Description:
The Environmental Justice Element must identify objectives and policies to reduce the unique or compounded health risks in 
disadvantaged communities by promoting public facilities. Under SB 1000, “public facilities” include, but are not limited to, 
public improvements, public services, and community amenities, as defined in subdivision 
(d) of section 66000
General Public Facilities Considerations
Access to resources is an important component of a 
livable, vibrant community
. Ensuring access to public services and 
community amenities such as libraries, public transit, parks, and other amenities is important to promote 
access to 

S A M P L E   O F   O P R - R E C O M M E N D E D   D A T A   F O R   C O N S I D E R A T I O N   I N   A N A L Y S I S   O F   T H I S   E L E M E N T
Intent of Analysis
Recommended Data
Overall balance of resources is important to create a livable community.  Location of amenities such as parks, public transit, libraries.
Promotion of Food Access
Requirement Description:
The Environmental Justice Element must identify objectives and policies to reduce the unique or compounded health risks in 
disadvantaged communities by promoting food access.
General Food Access and Health Considerations
The paradigm around access to healthy food has been shifting nationally as the percent of obese adults and children has been 
on the rise. Health conditions related to obesity such as high blood pressure, 
high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer are also rising. In addition 
to public health messages targeted at individual behavior, the strategy also 
includes policy around food access. Research shows it is not just one approach, 
but multi-pronged approaches that are needed to support healthy food 
consumption. Creating access without addressing affordability, for instance, will 
not necessarily help change consumption of healthy food. Some jurisdictions 
have combined polices that address infrastructure and food access with 
community education and programming. 
Over consumption of less nutritional food is a component of the problem in 
addition to lack of access to healthy, fresh food. Some areas struggle with food 
deserts, areas that do not have adequate physical access to nutritious healthy 
 Many Californians have experienced food insecurity, defined as a 
time when they could not afford enough food or had to forgo other basic life 
Healthy produce at a famers market
Photo credit: Elizabeth Baca

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