Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

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Humcat 1965-27

Source: Humcat quoting Newspaper source

Type: G


Location. Renton Washington

Date: August 13 1965

Time: 0700A

As he drove away after dropping off his two daughters, sisters, Ellen Grace, 16, and Laura Jean Ryerson, 13, next to a bean field, a Mr. Ryerson noticed two unusual “persons” walking along the side road of the bean field. As the girls walked along this road they approached the two very unusual people. The first “person” was like a gnome, little, gray wrinkled elf-like being. He wore a gray shirt and pants, and a funny little hat. He was dancing and jumping around in front of the other being as they approached closer and closer. He was cackling and the girls thought it sounded like laughter. The other being was approximately 5 ft tall. He had a very unusual head. His face was gray but the back of his head had a bulbous extension with veins showing through it. It pulsated. On the rest of his cranium there were large pores and this part of his head was white. His eyes were described as like a frog’s eyes. In his mouth he had a little pipe. He was blowing in it and making a shrill sound. The tallest one wore shiny clothes, like satin. The top was purple and it was put together with the pants into once piece. The top had deep pockets and it had its hands in the pockets so they did not see what its hands were like. At first the girls thought they were dressed in Halloween costumes, but as they got closer they realized that this was something they had never seen before. The oldest girl felt that they were going to grab her. Fear filled her body and she yelled to the other girl to run. They had just purchased new shoes and they didn’t want to run into the muddy field. When they looked back both beings had completely disappeared.
Humcat 1965-32

Source: Jerome Clark, FSR Vol. 12 # 2, also Leneesa Garoutte in “Alternate Perceptions On line Magazine” February 2005

Type: E

The second source indicates that there were 3 girls and has a more detailed description of what actually transpired.


Location. Waverly Iowa

Date: August 13 1965

Time: 1600

David G, 14, and his father and sister were sitting in their yard when they heard a high-pitched whining sound and saw an aluminum object 15-20 ft in diameter, looking like “two saucers glued together,” descending slowly from the sky. It disappeared behind a hill a third of a mile away, and the young man walked to the hill to investigate. When about 150 yards from the site, he saw a being 3.t ft tall, with a baldhead, peeking out from behind a tree. He did not see the figure leave, but a minute or so later he saw a “blur” and heard a rush of air. At the landing site, in an old quarry, he found a 15-20 foot circle of charred glass, within which were indentations of 5” x 12” and an inch deep. The sighting occurred during a minor wave of reports in Iowa and elsewhere.
Humcat 1965-33

Source: Ralph DeGraw for Apro & Mufon

Type: C


Location. Cruziero Santa Caterina Brazil

Date: August 14 1965

Time: daytime

While Joao Do Rio was fishing, a saucer landed nearby and a little man 28 inches tall with large luminous eyes introduced himself, in perfect Portuguese, as a flying saucer crewmember. He authorized do Rio to tell others about him, and gave him as proof a piece of “unearthly” metal. The metal was under study by the national railroad car factory.
Humcat 1965-34

Source: Humcat quoting Reuters dispatch

Type: B?


Location. Ville Lemoyne, Quebec, Canada

Date: August 14 1965

Time: 2200

Two youngsters, Marc & Luc Lafreniere were in their home when a strong light attracted them to the window. Looking outside they saw a large oval-shaped craft floating just above the ground. A tall humanoid figure wearing a silvery jumpsuit stood in front of the craft, he had long dangling arms. The figure walked towards the house and touched the front door briefly and then returned to the craft, while the terrified witnesses hid in their room. Apparently they did not see the craft and alien depart.
HC addendum

Source: Marc Leduc, CASUFO

Type: C


Location. Salto Uruguay

Date: August 15 1965

Time: 2300

Five persons in a car heard a loud hum and saw a UFO land directly in front of the car, stalling the engine. Its brilliant white luminescence changed from red to yellow and green. The object itself, a leaden color, was 9 ft high and as wide as the road. Three beings, which looked human, illuminated by green light, could be seen moving about inside the UFO. Then, with a burst of orange flame, the object rose vertically and vanished.
Humcat 1965-35

Source: The Humanoids by Hanlon

Type: A


Location. Sedalia Missouri

Date: August 16 1965

Time: 2300

The witness, an anonymous woman, was driving home at 2300 and was within a mile of her house when she saw a light in a field, with “smoke” around it. In the ditch she noticed two large “birds,” one of which flew at her car. She arrived home at 0025A, unable to account for the lapse of time. Under hypnotic regression she recalled that the “birds” in the ditch where in fact two entities wearing space suits; one carried a sack on its back, into which the other was putting clumps of grass and soil samples. They were “bouncing up & down, their arms flopping at their sides” in a “stiff” manner suggestive of robots. One started to come out of the ditch, slipped back, then emerged and stood in front of her; its helmet began to glow brilliantly, and she could now see that its head was wrapped up in tape like a mummy, with only the eyes visible. It stood slightly over 5 ft tall. At this point, a “thing---a football shaped UFO---landed on the road ahead of her car.” Two beings with slightly pointed heads & “wrap around” eyes emerged from it and opened her car door. They conducted her into the object, assuring her telepathically that she would not be hurt. The air inside the UFO was “heavy” and difficult for her to breathe. Once she was inside, they flew the ship over a nearby field, which caused its interior lights to change from white to red. One of the entities, who did most of the talking, appeared to be a scientist or doctor; he wore an insignia of 3 rings on his chest. Another had a red lighting flash symbol on his uniform; she took him to be the pilot. A third entity appeared to be a woman. All these stood 5’10” tall. The “doctor” put an object of some kind over her head; she felt as if something were going into her brain. A round black object was then taken out of the wall, and with it “pictures” were taken of her; the object glowed blue when the pictures were taken. On a screen on the wall appeared a pattern---7 vertical lines with markings between them---, which she thought must be a tabular representation of her brain and body. The two figures, about a foot shorter, made their appearance; resembling “gnomes,” they aroused fear in the witness. They appeared old; their foreheads were wrinkled. She was told by the humanoids that they and the “mummies” came from different planets. Finally she was led back to her car; the UFO ascended, and then vanished while still at low altitude.
Humcat 1965-78

Source: Ron Owen & Jerome Clark

Type: G


Location. Lima Peru

Date: August 17 1965

Time: night

Hilda Santa Cruz, a police employee, was visited by “an extraterrestrial being, presumably a Martian” who knocked on her house door. She gave the alarm and the neighbors appeared, but the being had vanished; immediately afterwards, a luminous sphere was seen passing overhead at fantastic speed. No other information.
Humcat 1965-36

Source: The Humanoids by Hanlon

Type: C?


Location. La Victoria Lima Peru

Date: August 19 1965

Time: unknown

Dora Nakamura, a waitress at the El Pollon restaurant, reported that a “little man with green skin and only one eye in his forehead” entered the restaurant and ordered chicken “with plenty of red pepper and powdered saffron.” Speechless, Miss Nakamura served the dinner and was paid in strange coins with “indecipherable signs” on them. Attempts to investigate this report were unsuccessful; the witness, claiming she was in a “delicate state of health,” said the report had bee a hoax and she would say no more about it.
Humcat 1965-77

Source: IPRI in FSR Vol. 13 # 6

Type: E


Location. Canete Peru

Date: August 19 1965

Time: unknown

At a place southeast of Lima, Peru, 200 peasants affirmed that they saw “a little being with shining eyes” who came from the sky in a flying saucer. The “Institute Peruano de Relaciones Interplanetarias investigated the case” but their results are not known.
Humcat 1965-76

Source: Humcat quoting Newspaper source

Type: B?


Location. Mexico City Mexico

Date: August 19 1965

Time: 0830A

Two students at the National Polytechnic Institute, Yago and Payo Rodriguez, saw a large luminous disc, surmounted with a cupola, land on tripod legs in an adjacent field. From it emerged two beings 31” tall, wearing “gas masks,” which laid before the students a metal bearing an inscription, then got back in and took off again. The metal was under study at the Institute. At the site were found scorched grass and landing gear marks.
Humcat 1965-37

Source: John A Keel & UPI Dispatch

Type: B


Location. Luumaki, Finland

Date: August 19 1965

Time: about noon

A family of four, Matti, Maria, Teuvo and Tapani went to the forest near the village of Hermunen to pick blueberries. They scattered in four directions however always keeping eye contact with each other. About noon, two of them, father Matti and his eldest son Teuvo had an experience they shared with the others only later. Already when they had arrived at the forest Matti Kuningas had observed a large stone, or so it looked like, which he had never seen before although the forest was very familiar to him. The distance to the stone was about 30 meters .The stone was about 2 meters high and three meters in width and on it there was some very green moss and a rowan tree. Suddenly a gust of wind rose, which astonished Teuvo Kuningas since the day was clear and calm. Both he and his father Matti observed now from their respective positions a little man, about one meter tall, which appeared near the stone. The man’s skin was reddish like that of a carrot and he wore a green overall. The head was large and his shoulders broad. Teuvo Kuningas observed a box in the man’s chest, from which came some kind of flash. Now the little man started to run away from the stone, and Matti Kuningas, who was closer, heard him make a “mourning” like sound. Teuvo Kuningas heard a voice resembling human speech. Suddenly the little man turned and ran towards Matti Kuningas. He stopped at a distance of 15 meters and for a minute or so looked at Matti. He seemed to have a human like face, however it appeared elderly. Then he turned and started to run away. About 50 meters from Matti he seemed to turn a somersault and disappear. Teuvo saw also the disappearance, but he saw also the man reappear, now closer to him. He was now somehow deterred by some unknown force and could not even look at the man properly. He could not move either. He also smelled a terrible odor in the air. After the man had again disappeared, he heard a noise from the direction of the stone but nothing could be seen. When the whole thing was over, Teuvo noticed to his astonishment that over a half an hour had passed. When they were on their way home, Teuvo decided to have a closer look on the stone to see if there were any footprints. When he came near he also noticed the moss and the little rowan tree and some silvery gray on its surface. When he tried to get closer to the stone and touch it with his berry basket, the same unknown force deterred him again and even turned him around and forced him to go walk away. He thought of throwing a stick at it but could not do that either. In the car he suddenly found himself unusually tired. He intended to tell the others about the experience but soon it all vanished from his thoughts. Only gradually could he remember the event, but it was some six months later when he told of the experience to his younger brother Tapani. Teuvo had thought that he had been the only one to have seen the little man, but soon found out that his father had also seen him. In the meantime Tapani Kuningas became one of Finland’s leading Ufologist.
HC addendum

Source: Mervi Virtanen, Finland

Type: E


Location. Near Cuzco Peru

Date: August 20 1965

Time: 1150A

A group of people, including Mr. & Mrs Alberto Ugarte, and Edwin Voter, observed a small disc, only 5’ in diameter, and of a vivid silvery color, land on a terrace of Sacsahuaman. From it there emerged two beings “of strange shape and dazzling brightness.” They at once went back inside into their vehicle, which then flew off.
Humcat 1965-38

Source: The Humanoids & Apro Bulletin Jan/Feb 1966

Type: B


Location. Mar Del Plata Buenos Aires Argentina

Date: August 20 1965

Time: 2300

Eduardo Lujan Yacobi and his wife, Teresa Ernestina Acuna, were returning to their home when, inside the city itself, they heard a loud hum and saw an oval reddish object, luminous and rotating, pass overhead and land 200 yards away. The object brushed the tops of nearby trees in its passage overhead and, after landing, the Yacobis could see luminous red or violet figures moving about it as if in some repair operation; after a short while these figures re-entered the machine, which took off and disappeared within a few seconds. Others in the neighborhood had seen the object’s passage overhead, and still others had heard the humming noise.
Humcat 1965-39

Source: The Humanoids citing newspaper source

Type: B


Location. Near Mexico City Mexico

Date: August 21 1965

Time: unknown

It was reported that two independent groups of students, 3 from La Salle University and a party of high school boys, had separate but identical meetings with strange visitors. Each group had come upon a huge landed metallic disc 150 ft wide, emitting intense white light. Its blond and blue-eyed crewmembers, entirely human in appearance but 7 ft tall, wore seamless one-piece garments of metallic appearance. The students were invited into the craft and taken for a 3-hour journey to a huge space station. The humanoids communicated entirely by telepathy, and operated their instruments by thought-power. Many varieties of beings were seen at the space station; the students hosts were from the Jovian moon Ganymede. They said they knew 700 languages, and informed their guests that they would make mass landings, for “peaceful conquest,” in October of 1965.
Humcat 1965-40

Source: The Humanoids citing Newspaper source & UPI Dispatch

Type: G


Location. San Antonio Texas

Date: August 22 1965

Time: 0100A

Two brothers, Gregory, 15, and Ralph Jr., 11, saw a luminous object passing by their bedroom window; it was cigar shaped, and moving slowly at the heights of trees outside the house. Shortly after the object passed out of view from the window, the boys heard a thump on the roof, followed by a knocking sound and footfalls. Being somewhat shaken by the appearance of the object, one of the boys jokingly called out, “Come in,” whereupon there was a bright flash at the doorway of the room, followed by the appearance of the silhouette of a man about the height of their father. By now badly frightened, they hastened to their parent’s room, where they insisted on spending the remainder of the night. The family lives in the vicinity of Brooks Air Force Base.
Humcat 1965-41

Source: Richard Hall for Nicap

Type: C?


Location. Apostoles Misiones Argentina

Date: August 24 1965

Time: 0100A

Casimiro Zuk was riding his bicycle near a railroad crossing when he saw a luminous object above him that circled, then landed near the tracks. It was round, 15 ft in diameter, and 7-8 ft high. A door opened, and a man dressed in a sparkling outfit that covered him from head to toe emerged, walked around, and then re-entered the object, which flew off in a spiral making a droning noise as it did.
Humcat 1965-42

Source: LDLN # 92, & Jacques Vallee

Type: B


Location. Near Cuenca Ecuador

Date: August 26 1965

Time: 0130A

Hector Crespo, a highway engineer, his son Urgenio and Francisco Lopez, were approaching Zhulleng, 11 miles from Cuenca, when they saw two beams of bright light shining up into the sky. On going to investigate what they believed was a car wreck; they found a circular object 20 ft in diameter, with a transparent dome on top. A bright amber light kept flashing around the edge, and flickering red and blue beams were shining downwards. The 3 witnesses approached within 60 ft of the UFO and could see through an open door instruments and lights inside it. Three human like figures were seen outside the object, one apparently adjusting the light beam projector and the others handing him tools. All moved very slowly, “as if under water.” They were dressed in metallic looking silvery white close-fitting coveralls, with wide white belts, dark epaulets, and shiny helmets. At one point two of the “men” turned and looked directly at the spot where the witnesses were watching, as though knowing the operation was being watched, and then returned to the repairs. The object was standing on telescopic legs with curved dish like footpads, although they were uncertain as to whether there were three or four legs. Crespo’s son became so frightened that he was nauseated, so they went back to their car; after some time they saw the object take off, the light moving around the edge now a brilliant red and the vertical white beams now extinguished. Just before it “took off like lighting,” it became too bright to look at.
Humcat 1965-43

Source: Wendelle C Stevens, Saga UFO Report Spring 1975

Type: C


Location. Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

Date: August 27 1965

Time: unknown

Gabriel Rubens Hellurg reported encountering a landed disc-shaped object on a rice field. He reportedly communicated via telepathy with several human-like occupants that informed him that they hailed from another solar system. Hellurg asserted that he was able to communicate telepathically and understood what he was being told. No other information.
HC addendum

Source: Fabio Picasso

Type: C?


Location. Near Arequipa Peru

Date: not later than August 30 1965

Time: unknown

Two unidentified people driving on the Pan-American Highway near this city saw “a strange being, a Martian, who resembled a shrub,” which was only 31” tall, and had one golden colored eye in its head, but also had “other smaller eyes located along its body.” A few seconds later, they saw a flying saucer pass overhead.
Humcat 1965-44

Source: The Humanoids citing Newspaper source

Type: C?


Location. Espoo Finland

Date: August 31 1965

Time: unknown

A silent washtub-shaped 20-foot long object was seen hovering just above the treetops. A vague humanoid figure is seen moving inside through an apparent opening. No other information.
HC addition # 2406

Source: Contact/Awareness 1976

Type: A


Location. Seattle Washington

Date: late August 1965

Time: 0200A

The witness suddenly awoke and realized she was paralyzed and could not move. Her bedroom window was open and then a small dull gray football shaped object entered. It hovered above her carpet; it then lowered three tripod legs and landed on the floor. A small ramp descended from it and five or six tiny man-like figures emerged. They wore tight fitting outfits and seemed to work on something on the object. They went up the ramp again and the object then floated silently out the window. At that point the witness was able to move again.
HC addition # 1218

Source: John A Keel, UFOs Operation Trojan Horse

Type: B


Location. Near Little Jedito Wash Arizona

Date: Fall of 1965

Time: afternoon

A man driving through a local Hopi Indian reservation was nearing the Second Mesa area when he noticed a strange figure on the side of the road. The witness stopped, pointed a gun out the window, and stared at the figure. The figure was shiny black in color, man-like with very long arms, a round head and appeared harmless. The figure then bounded away into the desert brush using his arms to propel himself.
HC addition # 692

Source: Loren Coleman, Strange Magazine # 7

Type: E


Location. Joyce Louisiana

Date: Autumn 1965

Time: evening

The young witness noticed some movement inside the backyard, then saw a four-foot tall figure with a huge pumpkin shaped head and glowing cat-like eyes that stood in the yard and stared at the witness. It then darted quickly across the yard and disappeared into the neighbor’s rush covered yard.
HC addition # 1443

Source: Andy Maxwell, Strange Magazine # 13

Type: E


Location. Near Blanca, California

Date: Autumn 1965

Time: evening

Claudette Cranshaw was walking along the beach when she saw a strange luminescent globe land nearby. Half-dozen eerie semi-humanoids emerged, garbling horrible sounds at one another. The sextet caught sight of, and began pursuing Claudette. She was swiftly caught, overwhelmed, and raped by the six “monsters”---twice each. Subsequently the 19-year old was supposed to have given birth to a blue skinned seven fingered web-toed baby. No other information.
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