Amnesty International Report 2017/18

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Amnesty International Report 2017/18

in unfair trials, and long-term 

imprisonment. Prominent activists faced 

restrictions on movement and were subject 

to surveillance, harassment and violent 

assaults. Prisoners of conscience were 

tortured and otherwise ill-treated. 

Suspicious deaths in police custody were 

reported, and the death penalty was 



Dozens of state company officials were 

arrested and prosecuted during an anti-

corruption campaign, including those also 

holding government and Communist Party of 

Viet Nam positions. Several were sentenced 

to death for embezzlement. In July, state 

security officials abducted a former 

businessman and government official while 

he was seeking asylum in Germany, and 

forcibly returned him to Viet Nam to stand 

trial for embezzlement and economic 

mismanagement; Vietnamese authorities 

maintained that he had returned voluntarily.

During the assessment of Viet Nam’s 

human rights record under the UN UPR 

process, the government stated that by 

February it had implemented 129 out of 182 

recommendations made during the review in 

2014. No amendments were made to vaguely 

worded national security legislation used 

against peaceful dissidents to bring it into line 

with international law and standards.

Viet Nam hosted meetings of the Asia-

Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum 

throughout the year, including the leaders’ 

summit in November.


The crackdown on freedom of expression 

and criticism of government actions and 

policies intensified, causing scores of 

peaceful activists to flee the country. At least 

29 activists were arrested during the year, 

and others went into hiding after arrest 

warrants were issued. They were charged 

mostly under vaguely worded provisions in 

the national security section of the 1999 

Penal Code or detained on other spurious 

charges. Bloggers and pro-democracy 

activists were particularly targeted, as well as 

social and environmental activists 

campaigning in the aftermath of the 2016 

Formosa Plastics toxic spill that killed tonnes 

of fish and destroyed the livelihoods of 

thousands of people. At least five members of 

the independent Brotherhood for Democracy, 

co-founded by human rights lawyer and 

prisoner of conscience Nguy

ễn Văn Đài, were 

arrested between July and December.



were charged under Article 79 (activities 

aimed at overthrowing the People’s 

Administration), which carried a punishment 

of up to life imprisonment or the death 

penalty. Several were previous prisoners of 

conscience. In August, the same additional 

charge was brought against Nguy

ễn Văn Đài 

and his associate Lê Thu Hà, who had been 

held incommunicado since their arrests in 

December 2015 on charges of “conducting 

propaganda against the state” under Article 


At least 98 prisoners of conscience were 

detained or imprisoned, an increase on 

previous years despite some releases on 

completion of sentences. They included 

bloggers, human rights defenders working on 

land and labour issues, political activists, 

religious followers and members of ethnic 

minority groups. The authorities continued to 

grant early release to prisoners of conscience 

only if they agreed to go into exile. Đ


Xuân Di

ệu, a Catholic social activist and 

blogger arrested in 2011, was released in 

January after serving six years of a 13-year 

prison sentence. He was immediately flown 

into exile in France. In July, Pastor Nguy


Cong Chinh was released four years before 

the end of his 11-year sentence and 

immediately flown to exile in the USA. Both 

men were tortured and otherwise ill-treated 

while imprisoned.

Trials of dissidents routinely failed to meet 

international standards of fairness; there was 

a lack of adequate defence as well as denial 

of the presumption of innocence. Human 

rights defender and blogger Nguy

ễn Ngọc 


ư Quỳnh, also known as Mẹ Nấm, 

(Mother Mushroom), was sentenced to 10 

years’ imprisonment for 

Amnesty International Report 2017/18


“conducting propaganda” (Article 88) in 

June. Land and labour activist Tr

ần Thị Nga 

received a nine-year sentence on the same 

charge with five years’ house arrest upon 

release in July.


 In October, after a trial lasting 

just a few hours, student Phan Kim Khánh 

was sentenced to six years’ imprisonment 

and four years’ house arrest upon release, 

after conviction under Article 88. He had 

criticized corruption and lack of freedom of 

expression in Viet Nam on blogs and social 

media. He was also accused of being in 

contact with “reactionaries” overseas.

In May, the authorities revoked the 

Vietnamese citizenship of former prisoner of 

conscience Ph

ạm Minh Hoàng, a member of 

Viet Tan, an overseas-based group peacefully 

campaigning for democracy in Viet Nam. He 

was forcibly deported to France in June.


Reports continued of torture and other ill-

treatment, including beatings and other 

assaults, of peaceful activists by individuals 

believed to be acting in collusion with 

security police. In September, Viet Nam’s 

initial report on implementation of the UN 

Convention against Torture, ratified in 

November 2014, acknowledged challenges 

and difficulties in implementation due to an 

“incomplete legal framework on human 

rights”, among other reasons.

Prisoners of conscience were routinely held 

incommunicado during pre-trial detention, 

lasting up to two years. Detainees were 

denied medical treatment and transferred to 

prisons distant from their family home.

The whereabouts of Nguy

ễn Bắc Truyển, a 

human rights defender arrested in secret in 

July, were not disclosed to his family until 

three weeks later. He was held 

incommunicado and denied access to 

medication for pre-existing medical 



Denial of medical treatment was used to try 

to force prisoners of conscience to “confess” 

to crimes. Đinh Nguy

ễn Kha, an activist 

sentenced to six years’ imprisonment for 

distributing leaflets critical of Viet Nam’s 

response to China’s territorial claims in the 

region, was denied follow-up treatment after 

a medical operation.


 Hòa H

ảo Buddhist and 

land rights activist Tr

ần Thị Thúy continued 

to be denied adequate treatment for serious 

medical conditions since April 2015.


The authorities used unnecessary or 

excessive force to disperse and prevent 

peaceful gatherings and protests, in 

particular those relating to the Formosa 

Plastics toxic spill in April 2016. In February, 

police and plain-clothes men attacked 

around 700 mainly Catholic peaceful 

protesters gathered in Ngh

ệ An province 

before marching to present legal complaints 

against Formosa Plastics. Several individuals 

were injured and required hospital treatment, 

and others were arrested.



Deaths in police custody in suspicious 

circumstances continued to be reported. Hòa 


ảo Buddhist Nguyễn Hữu Tấn died after 

his arrest in May. Police claimed that he 

committed suicide, but his father said that 

the injuries on his body suggested that he 

was tortured before being killed.


A Ministry of Public Security report published 

in February revealed the extent of 

implementation of the death penalty, with an 

average of 147 executions annually between 

August 2013 and June 2016. The report 

stated that five new lethal injection centres 

were to be built. Only one execution was 

reported by official media during 2017, but 

more were believed to have been carried out. 

Death sentences were handed down for drug 

offences and embezzlement.

1. Viet Nam: Four peaceful activists arrested in connection with long-

detained human rights lawyer (

ASA 41/6855/2017


2. Viet Nam: Female activist sentenced to nine years in prison (




3. Viet Nam: Missing human rights defender at risk of torture − Nguy



ắc Truyển (

ASA 41/6964/2017


4. Viet Nam: Necessary medical treatment denied to prisoner − Đinh 


ễn Kha (

ASA 41/5733/2017


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