Azərbaycan fəLSƏFƏ VƏ sosial-siyasi

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Siyasi elmlər 
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international law such as “not to intervene in domestic affairs of states” and 
“co-operation among states”. Thus on the aforesaid date ASALA, claming 
responsibility for the explosions at the offices of the Trans World Airlines 
and British Airlines in Madrid, the capital of Spain, declared that it was an 
act of warning Rome Pope and demanded him to abandon his visit to 
Turkey [5, p. 150]. 
The numerous terrorist acts perpetrated by the Armenian terrorists 
against Switzerland, France, Italy, Great Britain and other countries in 
different parts of the world in 70-80s of the XX century on the one hand 
served to cast a shadow on the interest of those countries in Turkey and 
warm relations originated from these interests, to represent a danger to it, on 
the other hand made a destroying effect on mutual relations of the 
aforementioned countries with the states where the terrorist acts had been 
committed, i.e. of Switzerland with Lebanon, Great Britain, Sweden, Italy, 
France, Iran, Germany; of France adequately with other countries, etc. For 
instance, one of the main targets of the terrorist acts [5, p. 172] perpetrated 
in front of the French Embassy in Tehran on August 10, and October 1 and 
6, 1983 by Armenians was to influence France-Iran relations negatively. 
Or another fact: On December 8, 1982 two Armenians threw a bomb 
at the offices of the Saudi Arabia Airlines in Athens. As one of the bombs 
hit a power pylon, one of the terrorists died. His accomplice, Valeh 
Kontaverdiyan, an Armenian from Iran was arrested. It was revealed by 
investigation that these two terrorists worked for ASALA. The motive of the 
attack: friendly relations between Saudi Arabia and Turkey [7, p. 43]. 
As it is seen, the Armenian terrorism is an obstacle for the develop-
ment of the foreign contacts of states, and represents a danger for the normal 
course of international relations. International Armenian terrorism at the 
same time seriously tries international peace and security system which, lea-
ning on the principles of international law, is a guarantee of the develop-
ment of the system of international relations. The Armenian terrorism 
creates the atmosphere of distrust in the soundness of the international peace 
and security system.  
As the center of the Armenian terrorism is in the South Caucasus, first 

Fəlsəfə və sosial-siyasi elmlər – 2012, № 1 
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of all, it is a threat to the stable development and security of this region. 
The political – geographical region where Turkey, Georgia and 
Azerbaijan are situated, having favorable geographical location from the 
geopolitical point of view, plays the role of bridge between West and East, 
and is on the historic Great Silk Way and Europe – Caucasus – Asia 
transport corridor. At the same time, that there are rich hydrocarbon reserves 
in the Caspian Sea, increases the importance of this region. Under these 
circumstances, accepting the integration to the West as priority directions in 
the political strategy of the countries of the region (Turkey, Georgia and 
Azerbaijan) is of great importance. 
The listed factors made the mentioned political – geographical region 
one of the hottest spots of the ongoing globalization process in the modern 
world. As Heydar Aliyev mentioned: “The main tendencies of the current 
stage of the world development are cultural integration and globalization.” 
[3, p. 4]. 
The XX century, which is behind, was distinctive with very important 
global political, economical, social, scientific, technical changes and inno-
vations. After serious geopolitical changes the bipolar development of the 
world was replaced by monopolar development, the policy for new world 
order – the process of globalization began to be carried out. The characteris-
tic feature of this period (globalization period) is that “the interdependence 
of economy and its actors has become stronger. Networks, also the number 
of actors became more. The companies, which to date functioned within the 
national borders, i.e. borders of states, are crossing these borders to reach 
the markets spread over the planet. Ely Kohen says that globalization is a 
term presented to take into consideration dual reality: on the one hand the 
internationalization of markets of goods and production factors, on the other 
hand the appearance of the industrial firms which are able at once to think 
of their development on a global scale and for this purpose carry out the 
strategy of global production, trade and management.” [12, p. 131]. 
This development tendency has sharply weakened the restrictions 
formed by a boundary which is considered the symbol of state’s control 
over the lands, area, and resulted in economy’s becoming an affecting factor 

Siyasi elmlər 
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by getting a global character. Today the observance of globalization 
tendency in other fields, besides economy, gives grounds to say that the 
world states have stronger ties. 
At present, originating from the requirements of the globalization 
process, the geopolitical area where Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey are 
situated, being a single whole is becoming an inseparable constituent part of 
the world system. Several projects of global importance, being implemented 
in the region, including the repair of historic “Great Silk Way”, securing the 
Europe – Caucasus – Asia transport corridor, construction of “Baku – 
Tbilisi – Ceyhan” oil-pipeline and “Baku – Tbilisi – Erzurum” gas-pipeline 
in the frame of establishing East – West energy corridor, prove it once more. 
However, the fact of Armenian terrorism in the region (specifically, the state 
terror policy of Armenia and “Nagorno Karabakh” separatist regime under 
the control of the Armenian terrorists is the main source of danger to 
Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey which are ready to contribute to the 
globalization process. N.Abbasov, former National Security Minister of the 
Azerbaijan Republic, directing attention to the separatist regimes in the 
region, and also to Nagorno Karabakh, in one of his speeches said: “If to 
have a look at the map of the South Caucasus, we will clearly see that real 
and potential sources of military and terror threats to the co-operation 
among the states of the region, and also the economical co-operation with 
Armenia, which some the so called “specialists” are insistently trying to 
suggest Azerbaijan, are just the same separatist regimes.” [1, p.88]. 
That this region, having rich natural resources and being of transit 
character, has always been the focus of attention of the Armenian terrorists, 
has been proved by their activity and numerous terrorist acts perpetrated by 
them many times. Depleting the occupied 20% of the Azerbaijan territory 
which is rich with natural resources, choosing different means of transport 
and energy carriers as targets of perpetrated terror attacks, using the region 
as a transit for narcotic drugs and weapons of different types show how 
great the danger to the region is. 
Political scientist R.Novruzoglu notes in his researches: “ASALA is 
not satisfied with Karabakh only. Now it is hunting for Javakhetiya, the 

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