Contemporary Problems of Social Work Современные проблемы социальной работы academic journal


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• PPP parties are the state and private business;
• cooperation of the parties is attached to the official, the legal basis;
• cooperation of the parties is equal nature;
• PPP has clearly expressed public, social orientation;
• During the implementation of projects based on PPP consolidated combined resources and 
contributions of the parties;
• financial risks and costs, as well as the results achieved by the parties in advance of certain 
The most common cause of different countries PPP in one form or another is the increasing 
public demand for services while reducing government spending problem. It should again be 
emphasized that society sends to the system state, and the state, in turn, uses the economic 
possibilities of the society for the realization of tasks.
The experience of developed countries has shown that PPP provides effective operation 
of the industries in which the impossibility of complete privatization. This primarily relates 
to the manufacturing industry and public infrastructure, stability and predictability of 
development which is the basis of economic security, as well as to the social sphere. For 
example, in the structure of state property a high proportion of cultural heritage, for which 
currently has a moratorium on privatization. Therefore, all contracts between the state and 
private capital in these industries should be for the long term and not to assume the transfer 
of ownership.
Of course, the PPP helps to solve a number of public issues and should also be noted the level 
of use of this mechanism in developed countries: The most developed country in the field of 
PPP is United Kingdom. It is considered a representative of the third stage of PPP development 
among the countries using this model. Next for it in this stage is Australia, as in a transitional 
stage between the third stage and the second stage is Ireland. In the second stage, the leaders 
are Spain, France, Canada, the United States, Japan and Germany. And the representatives of the 
first stage of PPP development can be found already and our country.
It should also be noted gradation stages of development [12]. The first stage is characterized 
by the following: formulation of the main objectives of PPP policy, the definition of the most 
significant for the state and society projects, the construction services market PPP. The initial 
stage, in my opinion, the most difficult due to its versatile consideration in the set of disciplines. 
Quite difficult to isolate the most important social problems and their gradation, as well as the 
design of all of this list and implementing it through the prism of the legal superstructure.
Second step: Preparation of practical guidelines for the implementation of various projects, 
the formation of structures of PPP, continued market development of PPP and attract new 
sources of funding. As for the second step – it’s laconically follows from the first one. It is a 
kind of maintenance services and new market expansion.
The third step begins at a workable system of PPP (eliminated the main legal barriers, the PPP 
model brought to the conditional perfect level): Feed concluded socially significant contracts, 
achieved long-term agreement, expanding range of investments, and it already includes the 
pension, insurance, etc. private foundations, the formation of a certain system of knowledge 
about PPP and its models.
Further, it should be noted the prospects of such a union state and private business. 
Functioning in the UK led to a significant transformation in the institutional environment, as 
well as in the relationship of the state apparatus and the private sector. “As a result, in various 
fields, including the social sphere, to date, sold more than 450 projects worth 24 billion pounds. 
The cost of most projects is relatively small and varies between 1,1–15 million pounds. Every 
year is up to 80 new agreements. Over the next three years it is planned to implement projects 
worth a total of $ 12 billion. ft. Art. According to the British government, such projects provide 
a 17% savings for the budget”[13].

VOLUME 2, No. 1, 2016
As part of the PPP government plays a main role, however, does not always work for the 
organization of this mechanism can be considered adequate, and consider the PPP [7].
Scheme 1.
 Functions in the PPP: Failures and Solutions [19]
Based on the proposed functions should learn all the functions of the state in the 
implementation of PPPs:
• Developing policies for the development of GCHP- require special inspection profitability 
incentives to participate in such projects. Coverage of social issues and the importance of 
addressing these issues, as well as the social impact of their decisions as well as the need to 
introduce a system of incentives. 
But differentiation is not the end of the selection process for these projects [21]. The 
feasibility of these projects should be considered from the point of view of positive experience 
of countries leading in this area, and pilot projects should take into account the social 
characteristics of our country, for example.
• Identifying potential projects – this problem accompanies the PPP from the first phase of the 
reproduction of the PPP. Because of the lack of coordination of the state, many social problems 
remain illuminated, and consequently cannot be solved. Politics ranking the importance of 
problems should help in this regard, however, it is quite difficult to implement in practice.
• Analysis of individual projects – to provide this function, the state must necessarily support. 
In my opinion, it is necessary to take into account the potential of social institutions (relief 
funds, social organizations, etc.) that can provide this support with minimal resources.
• Transactional management- high transaction costs can be reduced through a series 
of special government programs. The state can ensure this, however, there is also a way to 
popularize schemes and PPP models from their lows on this article. It’s as reduce transaction 
costs. Funds pommerol of the state in socially significant projects must be prioritized at all 
levels of social protection.
Project Management, Monitoring and coercion – inadequate information support and not 
enough stimulate the participants creates a risk of hindered the development of PPP projects. 
This should not be allowed, but it happens often enough.
It is also worth noting that the state functions within the organization PPP linked and often 
(as shown in the diagram) the failure of the state caused by insufficient multiple functions. The 
level of social status is largely dependent on the state, so the organization of PPP is not only 
important to the society and the state in which society lives. That is, both entity relationships 
need special form of relationship.

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