Cumulative Index 1930-1937

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Paris Mountain, S.C.:
“2,000 Demonstrate In Greenville For Jobs,” Feb 28 1931, 1
Parker, first name unlisted:
“Fire Union Militant Then Speed Up At American Casting,” Feb 1935, 4
Parker, Cecil:
“Set for Final Dock Sell-Out,” May 9 1931, 4
Parker, George:
“Don’t Spill The Beans,” Aug 29 1931, 3
Parker, Homer C.:
“Says Sheriff Shot Grant,” Oct 11 1930, 1

Lynch Law At Work, Oct 18 1930, 2

Parker, John:
Lynch Law At Work: De Witt, Ala., Aug 15 1931, 2

“Bloody Lynch Law Toll Mounts For This Year,” Sep 5 1931, 2

Parker, Julia:
“Spread Strike As Thugs Raid Union Center,” Jan 9 1932, 1

“Jail Defense Attorney On Arrival In Ky.,” Jan 16 1932, 1

Parker, Samuel:
Untitled, Oct 18 1930, 4
Parker, Walter:
Important News In Short: Mena, Ark., Dec 1934, 6
Parker, W. O.:
“Fifteen Arrested In Georgia Terror Drive Under Slave Law,” Nov 1934, 1
Parker, W.S.:
“Strengthen And Extend Share Croppers Union As Anwer [sic] To Dadeville Sentences,” May 20 1933, 2
Parkersburg, W. Va.:
News of the Month in the South, “T.W.O.C. Signs Up Viscose Largest Rayon Co.,” May 1937, 11
Parks, Emmett:
“Rome Foundry Strikers Hold Ranks Solid,” Mar 25 1934, 1

“Union Leader Murdered,” May 1936, 5

Parks, Willie:
“Fight for Right to Plant Corn,” Apr 18 1931, 3
Parnell, Harvey:
“Forced Labor In Arkansas Cotton Fields,” Oct 31 1931, 3
Parrish, Ala.:
“Ala. Farmers Union Convention Votes State Organization Drive,” Dec 1936, 7
Parrish, Bennie:
“Struggle For Bread,” May 9 1931, 2
Parrott, Va.:
“Mine Explosion Kills Six Miners,” Jan 30 1932, 4
Parsons, Agee:
“Lynch Negro Who Avenges Dead Brother,” Jan 9 1932, 2
Pascagoula, Miss.:
Lynch Law At Work: Pascagoula, Miss., Mar 7 1931, 2

Lynch Law At Work: Pascagoula, Miss., Apr 18 1931, 2

Passaic, N.J.:
“‘Education’ for A.F. of L. Sell-Outs Is Line of Labor Fakers,” Jun 13 1931, 2
Pate, Marcus:
“Murder Charges Hurled Against Judge, Sheriff, Deputies Of Tuscaloosa County By I.L.D.,” Sep 20 1933, 1
Pate, Murray:
“These Three Men Are Parties To A Foul Murder: Demand Their Arrest,” Aug 31 1933, 1

“Rise In Mighty Protest Against the Savage Tuscaloosa Lynching,” Aug 31 1933, 4

“Murder Charges Hurled Against Judge, Sheriff, Deputies Of Tuscaloosa County By I.L.D.,” Sep 20 1933, 1
Pathfinder, The:
“Hoover Gives Out 5 Jobs—We’re Fired,” Dec 27 1930, 3
Patman, Wright:
Important News In Short: Washington, D.C., Jun 1935, 6
Patrick, Luther:
Trade Union Topics, Jun 1936, 2

“Labor Party Need Shown by Miner Who is Tired of Politicians,” Jun 1936, 6

Build the New South: Alabama, Apr 1937, 2
Patterson, Claude:
“Rousing Welcome to Mrs. Patterson In New York,” May 2 1931, 1

“Scottsboro Parents Statement,” May 23 1931, 4

“Mob Threatens ILD Lawyers In Scottsb. Hearing,” Jun 13 1931, 1

“Parents Visit Scottsboro Nine In Kilby Prison,” Aug 22 1931, 1

Patterson, Dock:
“Striker Framed By U.T.W. Leader,” Mar 21 1931, 1
Patterson, Ed:
Important News In Short: Birmingham, Ala., Jul 1934, 2
Patterson, Haywood:
“Set Trial On Fair Day To Assure Mobs,” Apr 4 1931, 1

“Protest Against State Lynching Grows Rapidly,” Apr 18 1931, 1

“‘Save Us’ Negro Boys Write Folks In Chattanooga,” Apr 18 1931, 1

Caption, “Home of Haywood Patterson,” Apr 25 1931, 1

Caption, “Nine Boys In Alabama Courthouse Lynching,” Apr 25 1931, 2

“The Scottsboro Facts,” Apr 25 1931, 4

“Statement of Parents,” May 2 1931, 1

“A United Front to Save Scottsboro Boys,” May 2 1931, 4

“Dastardly Trick To Fool Parents Fails,” May 9 1931, 1

“Mob Threatens ILD Lawyers In Scottsb. Hearing,” Jun 13 1931, 1

“Scottsboro Boys Solid With I.L.D.,” Jun 20 1931, 2

“Boys In Kilby Say They Will Stick to I.L.D.,” Jun 27 1931, 1

Photo, “In the Shadow of the Electric Chair,” Nov 7 1931, 4

“Present Negro Rights [illegible] Ruby Bates One [illegible] of March,” May 20 1933, 1

“He Must Not Die,” with illustration, May 20 1933, 1

“New Trial Hearing For Patterson June 22,” Jun 10 1933, 2

“Mass Protests Again Snatch Scottsboro Boy From Death Chair,” with photo, Jul 12 1933, 1

“Force Innocent Scottsboro Boys To Trial Again,” Aug 15 1933, 1

“Scottsboro Trials Set For Nov. 27, in Decatur,” Nov 15 1933, 2

“Sentences Two Boys To Death,” Dec 20 1933, 1

“Alabama Rulers Push Plan For Legal Massacre February 9; I.L.D. Sends Protest Delegation to Montgomery,” Feb 10 1934, 4

“I.L.D. Foils Legal Trick To Murder Scottsboro Boys,” Mar 25 1934, 2

Important News In Short: Montgomery, Ala., Oct 1934, 3

“I.L.D. Pushes Mass Scottsboro Defense; Brands Liebowitz [sic] Traitor,” Nov 1934, 1

“Scottsboro Mother Appeals For Support To I.L.D.,” Nov 1934, 5

“They Shall Not Die,” Nov 1934, 6

“Scottsboro Deaths Halted By I.L.D., Mothers Berate Liebowitz [sic],” Dec 1934, 1

“U.S. Supreme Court Faces Negro Rights in Scottsboro Case,” Feb 1935, 3

“I.L.D. Gains Removal From Death Cell For Patterson,” Jun 1935, 4

“Sheriff Shoots Scottsboro Boy,” Feb 1936, 1

“Attorneys For Scottsboro Boys Issue Statement.” Feb 1936, 3

“Alabama’s New Game,” Feb 1936, 8

“AF of L Reactionaries Block Support of Scottsboro Boys,” Jan 1937, 4
Patterson, Janie:
Caption, “Mother of Haywood Patterson,” Apr 25 1931, 1

“Rousing Welcome to Mrs. Patterson In New York,” May 2 1931, 1

“Parade Welcomes Mrs. Patterson,” May 2 1931, 1

Caption, May 9 1931, 1

“Dastardly Trick To Fool Parents Fails,” May 9 1931, 1

“Mrs. Patterson, Back From N.Y., Tell of Mass Drive To Save 9,” May 9 1931, 4

“Scottsboro Parents Statement,” May 23 1931, 4

“Boys In Kilby Say They Will Stick to I.L.D.,” Jun 27 1931, 1

“Pickens Causes Arrest of Eight Chicago Workers,” Jul 11 1931, 1

“Pickens Hounded Out Of Meeting By Angry Workers,” Jul 18 1931, 2

“Present Negro Rights [illegible] Ruby Bates One [illegible] of March,” May 20 1933, 1

“Governor Bars I.L.D. at Fake Hearing for Willie Patterson,” Mar 25 1934, 1

“I.L.D. Foils Legal Trick To Murder Scottsboro Boys,” Mar 25 1934, 2

“Scottsboro Mother,” Jan 1935, 2

Patterson, Jane:
“Parents Visit Scottsboro Nine In Kilby Prison,” Aug 22 1931, 1
Patterson, Leonard:
Lynch Law At Work: Washington, D.C., Jan 3 1931, 2
Patterson, Lucille:
“Samoset Mill Claims Second Labor Victim,” Jan 1937, 8
Patterson, N.J.:
“N.T.W.U. Wins Strike,” Sep 20 1930, 1

“Donations,” Oct 18 1930, 2

“8,000 In Mill Strike In New Jersey, R.I.,” Aug 1 1931, 2

“F.D.R., Gorman Bust General Textile Strike—Many Workers Fight On!” Oct 1934, 1

Patterson, Pat:
“Hod Carriers Hold Big Rally at Chattanooga,” Feb 1936, 4
Patterson, William L.:
“Celebrating 50th Anniversary at Tuskegee,” Apr 25 1931, 4

“The Korean Uprising,” Aug 1 1931, 4

“I.L.D. To Appeal Lynch Verdict of Alabama Supreme Court; Demands Action from Roosevelt,” Jul 1934, 1

Caption, “Urges Struggle,” Feb 1935, 3

Patton, Greer:
“Strike Wave Sweeps South,” Jul 1934, 1
Patton’s Funeral Home:
“Stool Pigeons Exposed,” Jul 1937, 15
Paul Reveres:
“Racketeers in Patriotism,” May 1937, 6
Pavo, Ga.:
“Three Negroes Are Lynched In One Week,” May 1936, 1
Paw Creek Mill:
“Slashing Wage Cuts In Mills of Charlotte Area,” Jan 24 1931, 3
Pawtucket, R.I.:
“Defeat Wage-Cut In Mill Strike,” May 23 1931, 2

“Textile Strike In R.I. Spreads Led by N.T.W.U.,” Jul 18 1931, 1

“8,000 In Mill Strike In New Jersey, R.I.,” Aug 1 1931, 2

“Textile Strikers Fight On,” Aug 15 1931, 1

Paxton, J.M.:
Contributor, “‘Wouldn’t Quit The Reds For All The Mules in Alabama,’ Says Paxton,” with photo, Mar 25 1934, 2
Payne, Clifton:
Lynch Law At Work: Birmingham, Ala., Jan 3 1931, 2
Payne, Clyde:
“Shoots Husband of of [sic] Woman Worker,” Sep 19 1931, 4
Payne, Viola:
“Shoots Husband of of [sic] Woman Worker,” Sep 19 1931, 4
Pea Farm:
“Sentence Red Speakers In Houston Meet,” Oct 18 1930, 2

“Jail Seamen In Houston Daily,” Nov 22 1930, 2

“Sea Institute Is A Black Hole,” Nov 22 1930, 3

“A ‘Vagrant’,” Nov 22 1930, 4

“Freights Crowded With Women as Well as Men,” Dec 20 1930, 2
Peabody Coal Co.:
“Troops Enforce Injunction Against Striking Ky. Miners,” May 23 1931, 1

“Mass Arrests of Harlan Miners; I.L.D. on Scene,” Jun 13 1931, 1

“40,000 Strikers Hit U.M.W. of A. Strike-Breaking,” Jul 11 1931, 1

“Morgan, Mellon, Ford, Insull Back of Murder Gang Active in Harlan,” Oct 3 1931, 1

“Secret Jailing of Miners Is Exposed In Ky.,” Oct 24 1931, 3
Peabody and Scarritt College:
“Southern Students Join Strike Against War and Fascism,” May 1935, 4
Peacher, Paul D.:
“Convict Planter of Slavery,” Jan 1937, 12
Pearl River, La.:
“Must Not Permit This To Happen Helps Boss,” Oct 18 1930, 3
Pearlman, Miron, aka Dundee, Danny:
“Try To Frame-Up Scottsboro Atty. Chamlee,” Jan 16 1932, 1

“Capitalist ‘Law and Order’ in Harlan and Scottsboro,” Jan 16 1932, 4

Peavey, Mary King, also King-Peavey, Margaret, also Peavy, Mary:
“Demand Death for Lynchers; Right to Build Negro Nation,” Nov 15 1930, 1

“Plan Nation Fight For Negro Rights,” Nov 29 1930, 1

“Mrs. Mary King Peavy Shows Her Treachery,” Jan 31 1931, 4
Pecan Shellers Union:
“Texas Pecan Pickers Fight For Code Wage As NRA Stalls And Bosses Pay 15¢ A Day,” with photo, Jan 1935, 2
Pecs, Hungary:
Important News in Short: Pecs, Hungary, Nov 1934, 4
Pedigree Dairy:
“Workers Buy 50% Less Milk, As Cost Sky-Rockets,” Aug 31 1933, 3
Pee Dee Mills:
“Rockingham, N.C. Mills Cut Wages,” Nov 15 1933, 3
Peel, John A.:
“Mill Movies Hide Misery,” Feb 1936, 6
Pell City, Ala.:
“Organize L.S.N.R. at Pell City,” Apr 18 1931, 1

“NTWU Organizing Mill Workers In Pell City,” Apr 18 1931, 2

“What Do We Stand For?” Aug 16 1930, 1

“Unemployment And Farm Crisis Looses Pellagra On Workers,” Sep 13 1930, 2

Charlotte Notes, Nov 29 1930, 2

Untitled, Jan 10 1931, 2

“Catch Crabs to Live in Tampa,” Aug 1 1931, 3

“Pellagra In Hamilton County,” Aug 15 1931, 4

“Relief Refuses Aid To Starving Family,” Aug 22 1931, 3

“Starved, Steals Cantaloupe—Gets 30 Days on Gang,” Aug 22 1931, 3

“W. Va. Miners Organizing,” Dec 26 1931, 1

“National Relief On For Kentucky Striking Miners,” Jan 16 1932, 2

“Welcome to Dixie,” May 1936, 3

“Diet, Not Climate, Responsible for Disease Says Southern Writer,” Sep 1936, 5

“South’s Starvation Wages Responsible for ‘Germ of Laziness,’ Declares Writer,” Oct 1936, 4

“Diseases in South Result of Low Living Standard,” Nov 1936, 7

A Page For Southern Women, Mar 1937, 14
Pelley, William Dudley:
Important News In Short: Asheville, N.C., Feb 1935, 4
Pelzer, John:
“Boss Justice—A Case In Point,” Feb 7 1931, 3

“Militant? Then We’ll Deport You,” Mar 7 1931, 3

Pelzer, S.C.:
“‘Southern Worker’ Challenges N.R.A.’s Lower Wage-Scale for South; Shows that Talk of Cheaper Living Here is Lie,” Dec 20 1933, 2

“Mill Workers Freed Of Frame-Up Charge,” Jan 1936, 2

Penal conditions:
“Slavery On The Chain Gang,” Sep 6 1930, 1

“Drunk Bosses Beat Prisoners,” Sep 13 1930, 1

“Sentence Red Speakers In Houston Meet,” Oct 18 1930, 2

“Prison Brutality,” Nov 8 1930, 2

“120 Men - 60 Bunks in Jail for Jobless,” Nov 15 1930, 3

My Life, Nov 15 1930, 4

“Jobless Dies In Jail,” Nov 22 1930, 2

“Brushy Mt. Mine, Nashville State Jails Are Living Hells,” Feb 28 1931, 2

“Disease in Alabama Jails,” Mar 7 1931, 2

“Prisoners Burned To Crisp,” Mar 14 1931, 3

“Reveal Whipping, Rice Diet in Miss. Prisons,” Mar 14 1931, 4

“Prisoners to Take Workers’ Jobs,” Mar 21 1931, 2

“Tenn. Prisons Hell Holes Report Shows,” Mar 28 1931, 1

“Murder Five As Prisoners Demand Food,” Mar 28 1931, 2

“Is This Convict Labor Mr. Fish?” Mar 28 1931, 4

Untitled, May 9 1931, 1

“Brutal Forced Labor In Miss. Prisons,” May 16 1931, 3

“Admit Brushy Mt. Mines Are A Living Hell,” Jun 6 1931, 2

“Negro Prisoners Burned To Death,” Jun 13 1931, 3

“Convicts Sweat In Ala. Jails for 15 Cents a Week,” Jun 20 1931, 3

“Boys In Kilby Say They Will Stick to I.L.D.,” Jun 27 1931, 1

“Exposes Brutal Treatment In Ala. Prisons,” Jun 27 1931, 2

“Boys Tormented By Jailer At Kilby Prison,” Jul 4 1931, 1

“Ala. Bastilles Use ‘Persuader’ On Prisoners,” Jul 11 1931, 3

“Chain Gang Prisoner Dies Of Brutality,” Jul 18 1931, 4

“In the Rayon Mill Jail,” Aug 15 1931, 4

“Parents Visit Scottsboro Nine In Kilby Prison,” Aug 22 1931, 1

“No ‘Bacy For 30 Days—50¢ for S.W.,” Sep 5 1931, 3

Lynch Law At Work: Union, S.C., Sep 26 1931, 4

“Hell In Prison Coal Mines Of ‘Sunny’ Tennessee,” Oct 10 1931, 3

“Crooked Boss Jails Tampa Fraud Victim,” Oct 17 1931, 3

“Negroes Escape; Clerk Dies of Shock Effect,” Oct 24 1931, 4

“Polish Terror Rages Against Working Class,” Oct 31 1931, 4

“Denied Hospital Treatment,” Oct 31 1931, 4

“Vicious Police Torture 60-Year-Old Farm Worker,” Nov 7 1931, 2

“Lash Sick War Vet In Alabama Prison,” Dec 19 1931, 2

“Talk of Mutiny In Alabama Prisons,” Jan 2 1932, 2

“Two Centralia Prisoners Out After 12 Years,” Jan 9 1932, 2

“Clarina Michelson Leaves Pineville Jail for Hospital,” Feb 20 1932, 1

“Arkansas Police Squad Mob [sic] and Torture Worker,” Mar 5 1932, 3

“Rulers Fight to Go on Sweating Prison Labor,” May 20 1933, 4

“Expose Murder of Negro in N. O.,” Jun 10 1933, 4

“I.L.D. Organizer Is Mistreated In Jail,” Jul 12 1933, 2

“‘Everything’s Lovely,’ Says Tennessee’s Prison Head!” Aug 31 1933, 4

“Herndon Granted Bail,” Jul 1934, 1

“Bail Forced For Angelo Herndon; Appeal To Go To U.S. Supreme Court,” Jul 1934, 4

“Girl Textile Pickets Make Stirring Speeches In Court,” Nov 1934, 3

“Twenty Negroes Burned Alive In Prison Truck,” Feb 1936, 1

Pendergrass, Ga.:
My Life, Oct 4 1930, 4

My Life, Oct 18 1930, 4

My Life, Oct 25 1930, 4

My Life, Nov 29 1930, 4

My Life, Dec 6 1930, 4
Pennington Auto Co.:
“Lay Off 1,200 At Ensley T.C.I.,” Aug 1 1931, 1
Pennsylvania Coal and Iron Co.:
“The Miners’ Strike Can Be Won!” Jun 20 1931, 4
Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia Striking Miners Relief Committee:
“Evicted Miners Need Tents,” Jul 11 1931, 2

“Miners! Unite And Fight!” Jul 4 1931, 1

“Relief Is Big Issue In Mine Strike Now,” Jul 18 1931, 1

“A Kiss and A Snake,” Jul 25 1931, 4

Penny, T. L.:
“Racketeers In Patriotism,” May 1937, 6
Pensacola, Fla.:
“400 Cigar Workers Cheer I.L.D. Speaker,” Jun 20 1931, 1
“ACIPCO Pipe Shop Is Turning Off Workers Nearing Pension Age,” Aug 31 1933, 2
People’s Auditorium:
“Delegates of Toiling Farmers Will Plan Mass Fight On Hunger, Low Prices, and Mass Evictions From Land at National Conference in Chicago, Illinois,” Nov 15 1933, 2
People’s Bookstore:
Caption, Jul 1937, 7

“Book Burners Defeated,” Jul 1937, 7

People’s Demands, The”:
“A People’s Program,” Mar 1937, 4
People’s National Liberation Alliance:
“Leader of Brazilian Workers Faces Death in Prison,” Mar-Apr 1936, 4
Perilla, Jack:
“C.P. Leader Framed On Vagrancy Charge,” May 1936, 6
Perkins, Frances:
“Outlaw Company Unions,” Dec 1936, 2
Perkins, Frank T., also Perkins, L.F.:
“More Arrests in Harlan; Strikers Denounce U.M.W.A.,” Jun 20 1931, 1

“U.M.W. of A. Fakers Feeding Harlan Strikers On Promises,” Jun 20 1931, 3

“30 Delegates From Harlan At Pitt. Meet,” Jul 18 1931, 1
Perkins, Mrs. L.F.:
“Miners Begging For More Papers Help Send Them,” Jul 25 1931, 3
Perkins, Marion:
“Joe Dobbs Shot On Picket Line By Boss’ Agent,” Jul 1936, 1
Perrien, Jesse:
“Rome Foundry Strikers Hold Ranks Solid,” Mar 25 1934, 1
Perry, Ga.:
Lynch Law At Work: Perry, Ga., Nov 8 1930, 2

“Georgia Butchers Burn Two Negroes in Chair,” Oct 24 1931, 3

Perry, George:
Lynch Law At Work: St. Joseph, Mo., Jan 17 1931, 2
Perry, John L.:
News of the Month in the South, “T.C.I. Ore Miners Talk Strike Against Stretchout,” Mar 1937, 11
Pershing, John J.:
“Red Cross Refused To Treat Negro Wounded in World War,” Jul 25 1931, 4
Persons, John C.:
“Ala. Miners Down Tools, Defy Strike-Breaking Order Of N.R.A. Board,” Mar 25 1934, 1
Perth Amboy, N.J.:
Lynch Law At Work: Perth Amboy, N.J., Feb 28 1931, 2
“Revolt Growing In So. America,” Nov 22 1930, 1
Peterlin, Joseph:
“Grand Jury Frees Murderer,” Oct 10 1931, 4
Peters, C.:
Contributor, “Soviet Collective Farms Successful in Five-Year Plan,” Sep 19 1931, 4

Contributor, “Farm Communes Bring New Life To Soviet Peasants,” Sep 26 1931, 3

Peters, Charles:
“Jail Defense Attorney On Arrival In Ky.,” Jan 16 1932, 1
Peters, H.T.:
“Morgan, Mellon, Ford, Insull Back of Murder Gang Active in Harlan,” Oct 3 1931, 1
Peters, Marion:
“Communist Prevents Lynching,” Nov 8 1930, 1
Peters, Paul:
“Unity Only Hope For White and Negro, Southern Author Says In Letter,” Jan 1935, 3
Petersburg, Va.:
“White Man Rapes 6-Year-Old Negro Girl,” Oct 24 1931, 4
Peterson Coal Co.:
“Worked Nine Hours; Owed Boss 25 Cents,” Sep 19 1931, 2
Peterson Defense Block Committees:
“I.L.D. Defends Victims Of Ala. Lynch Justice,” Oct 31 1931, 1
Peterson, Mrs. Henrietta:
“N.A.A.C.P. Misleaders Betray Peterson In Death Cell,” Feb 10 1934, 2

“‘Save Him By Your Protest And Outcry’—Mrs. Peterson,” Feb 10 1934, 2

Peterson, Marie:
“We Shan’t Forget,” Oct 1934, 2
Peterson, Willie:
“White Thug Shoots Helpless Negro Prisoner,” Oct 10 1931, 3

“N.A.A.C.P. Lawyer to Defend Lynch Fiend,” Oct 17 1931, 1

“Wounded Man To Face Lynch Court Nov. 9th,” Oct 24 1931, 2

“I.L.D. Defends Victims Of Ala. Lynch Justice,” Oct 31 1931, 1

“Death Sentence for Self Defense,” Nov 7 1931, 4

“Southern Commission Exposed as Aid Of the Bosses in Lynch Terror Drive,” Dec 5 1931, 2

“Southern Liberals Defense of Lynching,” Dec 5 1931, 4

“[Illegible] Setting for Trial of Peterson,” Dec 12 1931, 1

“Politicians In Panic Try To Evade Issue,” Dec 12 1931, 1

“Smash The Lynching Campaign,” Dec 12 1931, 4

“Police Murderer Is Praised by Coroner,” Dec 12 1931, 4

“Scottsboro Challenges Lynch Senators,” Dec 19 1931, 1

“Peterson Jury Cannot Agree; Another Trial,” Dec 19 1931, 2

“Legally Lynch Texas Negro On Dope Fiend Lie,” Jan 2 1931, 3

“Willie Peterson, Scottsboro and the Awful Situation in Stockham Pipe,” Jan 2 1932, 4

“Beddow Leads Lynch Plot In Peterson Case,” Jan 30 1932, 1

“Lynch Verdict In Frame-Up Against Jones,” Jan 30 1932, 2

“All Readers of the Southern Worker Must Rally to Save Paper,” Jan 30 1932, 4

“Harry Simms Murdered By Gun Thug,” Feb 20 1932, 1

“The Murder of Harry Simms a Challenge to the Working Class,” Feb 20 1932, 4

“I.L.D. Calls Mass Conference Aug. 13 In B’ham to Save Willie Peterson,” Jul 12 1933, 1

Caption, Feb 10 1934, 1

“N.A.A.C.P. Misleaders Betray Peterson In Death Cell,” Feb 10 1934, 2

“‘Save Him By Your Protest And Outcry’—Mrs. Peterson,” Feb 10 1934, 2

“Governor Bars I.L.D. at Fake Hearing for Willie Patterson,” Mar 25 1934, 1
Petroleum industry:
“Kentucky Pipe Liners March On County, Aug 22 1931, 3
Peterson, Minnie:
“Bosses’ Wives In Camp Hill Drive Slaves,” Jan 16 1932, 3
P.H. Haynes Knitting Company:

“Boss Lives In $30,000,000 Palace; Workers Get $6,” Nov 1 1930, 2

“N.C. Firms ‘Do Their Part’ By Cutting Wages, Aug 31 1933, 3
Philadelphia, Pa.:
“Atlantic Seamen’s Conference,” Sep 20 1930, 3

“Big Election Gains by Reds Throughout Land,” Nov 15 1930, 1

“The Bank Failures,” Dec 27 1930, 4

“North Greets Chattanooga Pioneers,” Jan 17 1931, 3

Our Sustaining Fund, Jan 24 1931, 2

“Masses Prepare For February 10,” Feb 7 1931, 1

“Convicted Of Sedition,” Feb 14 1931, 3

“Tries Suicide,” Feb 21 1931, 1

“Government Cuts Navy Yard Wages,” Mar 21 1931, 2

“Don’t Give In, Fight!” Apr 18 1931, 3

“Try Force Workers Back,” Apr 18 1931, 4

“Facts Show 9 Negro Boys Innocent; Protest Grows,” Apr 25 1931, 1

“Sell Out 2,000 Phila. Weavers,” May 9 1931, 2

“Scottsboro Conferences in 12 Cities,” May 16 1931, 4

“Relief Eviction of Negro Worker In Philadelphia,” May 30 1931, 2

“Ellis Silk Mill Workers Strike,” Jul 18 1931, 4

“Workers Protest Terror Against Ala. Croppers,” Aug 1 1931, 1

“Six Dead, 30 Hurt,” Sep 19 1931, 1

“Capitalist Politics In Tennessee,” Oct 10 1931, 4

“Tennessee Miners Organizing in N.M.U.,” Oct 10 1931, 2

“Penn. Bosses Jail Working Class Leaders,” Oct 17 1931, 2

“Probe Extends To Principal Cities In U.S.A.,” Oct 24 1931, 1

“Another Bank Crash,” Oct 24 1931, 1

“Four Main Columns Will Reach Capitol Dec. 7th,” Oct 24 1931, 2

“Finds Job; Dies of Hunger and Old Age,” Oct 24 1931, 4

“Lacemakers’ Wages Cut,” Oct 24 1931, 4

“Preparing To Take Demands To Washington,” Oct 31 1931, 1

“Tammany Roosevelt ‘Winning South’,” Oct 31 1931, 4

“Southern Commission Exposed as Aid Of the Bosses in Lynch Terror Drive,” Dec 5 1931, 2

“Big Wage Cut In Lawrence Since Recent Strike,” Jan 16 1932, 2

“Police Murder Boy Fighting Eviction,” Jan 16 1932, 3

“Many Workers Rally To Take Simms’ Place,” Mar 5 1932, 1

“Rank and File U.M.W. Locals Plan Struggle,” Mar 5 1932, 2

“South Rallies For Kentucky Strike Relief,” Jan 30 1932, 1

“Herndon Granted Bail,” Jul 1934, 1

Important News in Short: Washington, D.C., Nov 1934, 4

“WPA Strikers in Alabama Win Partial Demands,” May 1936, 1

“Organizing Dixie,” May 1936, 8

Philadelphia Spokesman:
“Scottsboro Conferences in 12 Cities,” May 16 1931, 4
“Demonstrate May Day!” Apr 18 1931, 1

“New Stage in War Against China and the Soviet Union,” Dec 26 1931, 4

“Nanking Govt. Troops Flock To Red Army,” Jan 30 1932, 4
Phillips, C.J.:
“Another Rev. Butcher,” Jan 2 1932, 2
Phillips, E.J.:
“K.K.K. and New Fascist Gangs Organize,” Nov 1934, 3
Phillips, E.:

“Harlan Prisoners Praise ILD Help,” Dec 19 1931, 2

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