Cumulative Index 1930-1937

Scottsboro Block Committees

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Scottsboro Block Committees:
“Camp Hill Cropper At Chattanooga Meet,” Aug 29 1931, 1

“Active Chatt. Worker Jailed,” Sep 5 1931, 1

Scottsboro Boys:
“Set Trial On Fair Day To Assure Mobs,” Apr 4 1931, 1

“Demonstrate May Day!” Apr 18 1931, 1

“Organize L.S.N.R. at Pell City,” Apr 18 1931, 1

“Protest Against State Lynching Grows Rapidly,” Apr 18 1931, 1

“‘Save Us’ Negro Boys Write Folks In Chattanooga,” Apr 18 1931, 1

Blurb, “Demand New Trial for Eight Negro Youths With Negro Jurors!,” Apr 18 1931, 3

“The Scottsboro Facts,” Apr 25 1931, 4

“The Issues of the Scottsboro Case,” Apr 25 1931, 4

“Scottsboro to Be Heard Thruout Country on May Day,” May 2 1931, 1

“Rousing Welcome to Mrs. Patterson In New York,” May 2 1931, 1

“Parade Welcomes Mrs. Patterson,” May 2 1931, 1

“Try Railroad Atl’nta Workers,” May 2 1931, 1

“Pickens Supports I.L.D. Campaign,” May 2 1931, 2

“A United Front to Save Scottsboro Boys,” May 2 1931, 4

“Scottsboro Justice—A Legal Lynching,” May 2 1931, 4

“2 Meetings in Atlanta,” May 9 1931, 1

“Demonstrations Round World,” May 9 1931, 1

“Dastardly Trick To Fool Parents Fails,” May 9 1931, 1

“Police Attacker Free, Scottsboro Boys Face Chair,” May 9 1931, 3

“For A United Front Conference!” May 9 1931, 4

“Scottsboro Protest Pours In From All Parts of Country,” May 9 1931, 4

“Mrs. Patterson, Back From N.Y., Tell of Mass Drive To Save 9,” May 9 1931, 4

“N.C. Scottsboro Meet on May 24th,” May 16 1931, 1

“Delegates To All-Southe’n Meet Elected,” May 16 1931, 1

“Mass Protest Already Gains Points in Court,” May 16 1931, 1

“I.L.D. Wins Freedom For Oregon Worker,” May 16 1931, 2

“Parents See Boys In Kilby; Solid For ILD,” May 23 1931, 1

“Thousands In Protest March In New York,” May 23 1931, 1

Caption, May 23 1931, 1

Subscription blank, May 23 1931, 2

“Ga. [sic] Ministers’ Alliance As Bad As In Chatta.,” May 23 1931, 3

“Scottsboro Parents Statement,” May 23 1931, 4

Caption, “Make Life Easier For Them,” May 23 1931, 4

“Boy’s [sic] Parents To Be At Scottsboro Conference,” May 30 1931, 1

“118 Churches Represented In Chicago,” May 30 1931, 1

“White, Negro Pledge Unity in Charlotte,” May 30 1931, 1

Subscription blank, May 30 1931, 2

“Expose Lies in ‘B’ham Truth’ on Scottsboro,” May 30 1931, 2

Captions to photos, “Scottsboro Scenes,” May 30 1931, 4

“Conference Denounces Traitors To Nine Boys,” Jun 6 1931, 1

Subscription appeal, “Attention,” Jun 6 1931, 1

“Mrs. Williams In Greenville Meet,” Jun 6 1931, 2

“Home Town of One of Scottsboro Boys Welcomes S. Worker,” Jun 6 1931, 3

“‘Fair and Impartial’,” Jun 6 1931, 4

“‘Peace And Harmony’ of an Electric Chair,” Jun 6 1931, 4

Subscription blank, Jun 13 1931, 2

“N.A.A.C.P. Joins Lynching Mob,” Jun 13 1931, 4

“400 Cigar Workers Cheer I.L.D. Speaker,” Jun 20 1931, 1

“Resident Com. Works Out Scottsboro Defense Plans; Block Committees Formed,” Jun 20 1931, 2

“Scottsboro Boys Solid With I.L.D.,” Jun 20 1931, 2

Subscription blank, Jun 20 1931, 2

“Boys In Kilby Say They Will Stick to I.L.D.,” Jun 27 1931, 1

“Mrs. Montgomery Speaking In Charlotte; Committee Challenges Others,” Jun 27 1931, 2

Subscription blank, Jun 27 1931, 2

Caption, “Workers’ Shacks,” Jun 27 1931, 3

“Negro Workers Boycott Vicious Bosses’ Paper,” Jun 27 1931, 3

“‘Times Better’ Take $1.50 Week,” Jun 27 1931, 3

“Boys Tormented By Jailer At Kilby Prison,” Jul 4 1931, 1

Untitled, Jul 4 1931, 1

“Great Activity In Greenville,” Jul 4 1931, 2

Subscription blank, Jul 4 1931, 2

“Would Keep Job But Not Save Boys,” Jul 4 1931, 2

“YCL Holds Dance In Charlotte A Success,” Jul 4 1931, 2

“Framed Himself Helps Nine Boys,” Jul 4 1931, 3

“Young Workers Active In Scottsboro Defense,” Jul 4 1931, 3

“8,000 In Two Demonstrations In Detroit,” Jul 18 1931, 1

“2,500 Join Protest in San Francisco,” Jul 18 1931, 1

“Huge Demonstration in Chicago,” Jul 18 1931, 1

“Huge Demonstration in Chicago,” Jul 18 1931, 1

“Scottsboro Protest Grows Thruout [sic] World,” Jul 18 1931, 1

“Jail Speakers At Y.C.L. Meet,” Jul 18 1931, 2

“International Solidarity,” Jul 18 1931, 4

“Scottsboro Protest In U.S.S.R.,” Jul 25 1931, 1

“500 At Charlotte Scottsboro Meet,” Jul 25 1931, 2

“Greenville Law Frames Worker,” Jul 25 1931, 3

“White and Negro, Fight Starvation on Farms,” Jul 25 1931, 4

“Ala. Hearing Postponed, Some Released on Bail,” Aug 1 1931, 1

“Scottsboro Interrupts Show In Moscow,” Aug 1 1931, 2

“The Civilization They Tell us To Defend,” Aug 1 1931, 4

“Worker in Soviet Union Tells of Scottsboro Protest There,” Aug 1 1931, 3

“Workers Protest Terror Against Ala. Croppers,” Aug 1 1931, 1

“Put Furniture Back Twice In Same House,” Aug 8 1931, 1

“Charlotte Meet Hits Murder of Chicago Workers,” Aug 15 1931, 2

“Kill 1, Wound 4, Jail Communist Organizer,” Aug 15 1931, 1

“Mass Demonstration August 22,” Aug 15 1931, 1

“Negro Fakers Meet a Flop,” Aug 15 1931, 2

“Parents Visit Scottsboro Nine In Kilby Prison,” Aug 22 1931, 1

“Roddy, Trial Lawyer For 9, Goes Crazy,” Aug 22 1931, 2

“Atlanta Family Victims [sic] of Police Brutality,” Aug 29 1931, 2

“Camp Hill Cropper At Chattanooga Meet,” Aug 29 1931, 1

“Charlotte Workers Expose O. De Priest,” Sep 12 1931, 3

“Legal Lyncher In Scottsboro Appeal Threat,” Sep 19 1931, 2

“Negro Fakers Aid Bosses In Hunger Drive,” Sep 19 1931, 3

“Protest McDowell Frame-Up In Chattanooga Tuesday,” Sep 19 1931, 2

“Insult Memory of Nat Turner,” Sep 26 1931, 3

“No Illusions About Darrow,” Sep 26 1931, 4

“Night Raids To Scare Leaders Of Unemployed,” Oct 3 1931, 3

“I.L.D. Broadcasts Call From Prison,” Oct 3 1931, 2

Untitled, Oct 3 1931, 1

“N.A.A.C.P. Lawyer to Defend Lynch Fiend,” Oct 17 1931, 1

“[Illegible] Immediate [Illegible] of Roy Wright,” Oct 17 1931, 3

“Preparing To Take Demands To Washington,” Oct 31 1931, 1

“Farewell Banquet,” Nov 7 1931, 4

“Fourteen Years of Soviet Power,” Nov 7 1931, 1

Photo, “In the Shadow of the Electric Chair,” Nov 7 1931, 4

“Winter Relief Demand Before U.S. Governm’t,” Nov 7 1931, 1

“Southern Commission Exposed as Aid Of the Bosses in Lynch Terror Drive,” Dec 5 1931, 2

“Scottsboro Frame-Up Part of War Game Says Ohio Conference,” Dec 5 1931, 4

“Mass Action Wins Defense for Jones,” Dec 12 1931, 1

“Politicians In Panic Try To Evade Issue,” Dec 12 1931, 1

“Scottsboro Challenges Lynch Senators,” Dec 19 1931, 1

“Peterson Jury Cannot Agree; Another Trial,” Dec 19 1931, 2

“Demand Release of Boys From Kilby Death Cells,” Dec 26 1931, 1

“New Trickery In Scottsboro Case Appeals,” Jan 2 1932, 2

“Legally Lynch Texas Negro On Dope Fiend Lie,” Jan 2 1931, 3

“Wants Free Hand In Lynchings,” Jan 2 1932, 4

“Willie Peterson, Scottsboro and the Awful Situation in Stockham Pipe,” Jan 2 1932, 4

“Boys Denounce NAACP; Want Real Defense,” Jan 9 1932, 1

“Mass Power Will Free the Scottsboro Boys,” Jan 9 1932, 4

“Try To Frame-Up Scottsboro Atty. Chamlee,” Jan 16 1932, 1

“Negro Judases Must Give Up Stolen Money,” Jan 16 1932, 3

“Capitalist ‘Law and Order’ in Harlan and Scottsboro,” Jan 16 1932, 4

“All Readers of the Southern Worker Must Rally to Save Paper,” Jan 30 1932, 4

“Court System Of All South Under Attack,” Feb 6 1932, 1

“Entire Story of Scottsboro Case In New Bulletin,” Feb 6 1932, 2

“N. Orleans Seamen Hail Ky. Strikers & Class Prisoners,” Feb 6 1932, 3

“‘Liberator’ Special Scottsboro Number,” Feb 6 1932, 3

“Manifesto of the League of Struggle for Negro Rights on Case of Scottsboro Boys,” Feb 6 1932, 4

“Workers of World Demand Release of Scottsboro Boys,” Feb 20 1932, 3

“Communism Stronger Each Year, Says Prof.,” Feb 20 1932, 3

“Bundle Orders Must Be Paid For,” Feb 20 1932, 3

“The Murder of Harry Simms a Challenge to the Working Class,” Feb 20 1932, 4

“Tom Mooney’s Mother Pleads For Prisoners,” Mar 5 1932, 2

“Over $10,000.00 Spent By I.L.D. On Scottsboro,” Mar 5 1932, 3

“Whitewashing Franklin D. Roosevelt,” Mar 5 1932, 4

“Present Negro Rights [illegible] Ruby Bates One [illegible] of March,” May 20 1933, 1

“He Must Not Die,” May 20 1933, 1

“Why We Need a Paper of Our Own,” May 20 1933, 4

Caption to photo of Tom Mooney, May 20 1933, 4

“Move to Release Two Scottsboro Boys,” May 20 1933, 4

“Where We Differ With Mr. Liebowitz [sic],” May 20 1933, 4

“New Trial Hearing For Patterson June 22,” Jun 10 1933, 2

“State Still Plans to Demand Their Electrocution,” Jun 10 1933, 2

“Mass Protests Again Snatch Scottsboro Boy From Death Chair,” Jul 12 1933, 1

“Force Innocent Scottsboro Boys To Trial Again,” Aug 15 1933, 1

“Tuscaloosa Lynch Officials Drive Out Lawyers For I.L.D.” Aug 15 1933, 1

“Rise In Mighty Protest Against the Savage Tuscaloosa Lynching,” Aug 31 1933, 4

“Call State-Wide Ala. Meeting To Fight Lynchings,” Sep 20 1933, 1

Caption, Sep 20 1933, 1

“Scottsboro Trials Set For Nov. 27, in Decatur,” Nov 15 1933, 2

“Sentences Two Boys To Death,” with photo, Dec 20 1933, 1

“‘Southern Worker’ Challenges N.R.A.’s Lower Wage-Scale for South; Shows that Talk of Cheaper Living Here is Lie,” Dec 20 1933, 2

Red Rhymes, Jan 20 1934, 4

Caption to photo of KKK, Jan 20 1934, 1

“Alabama Rulers Push Plan For Legal Massacre February 9; I.L.D. Sends Protest Delegation to Montgomery,” Feb 10 1934, 4

“Governor Bars I.L.D. at Fake Hearing for Willie Patterson,” Mar 25 1934, 1

“I.L.D. Foils Legal Trick To Murder Scottsboro Boys,” Mar 25 1934, 2

“Herndon Granted Bail,” Jul 1934, 1

“I.L.D. To Appeal Lynch Verdict of Alabama Supreme Court; Demands Action from Roosevelt,” Jul 1934, 1

Important News In Short: Decatur, Ala., Jul 1934, 2

Important News In Short: Montgomery, Ala., Oct 1934, 3

“I.L.D. Pushes Mass Scottsboro Defense; Brands Liebowitz [sic] Traitor,” Nov 1934, 1

Important News in Short: Pecs, Hungary, Nov 1934, 4

Important News in Short: Concord, N.C., Nov 1934, 4

“B’ham Girl Goes Anti-War Meet,” Nov 1934, 5

“They Shall Not Die,” Nov 1934, 6

“Scottsboro Deaths Halted By I.L.D., Mothers Berate Liebowitz [sic],” Dec 1934, 1

“Rape Frame-Ups Sweep South,” Dec 1934, 3

“United Front Burning Need In Fight Against Hunger and Terror, Say Communists!” Dec 1934, 4

“U.S. Supreme Court Faces Negro Rights in Scottsboro Case,” Feb 1935, 3

“U.S. Supreme Court Reverses Scottsboro Death Sentence,” Mar-Apr 1935, 1

“New Efforts to Free Scottsboro Boys Made by I.L.D.,” May 1935, 1

“United Front, All-Southern Conference For Union And Civil Rights Set for May 26 in Chattanooga, Tenn.,” May 1935, 1

“What the U.S. Supreme Court Said—The Scottsboro Decision,” May 1935, 3

“Negro Traitor Backs Lynch Paper—I.L.D. Calls for Boycott,” May 1935, 4

“I.L.D. Gains Removal From Death Cell For Patterson,” Jun 1935, 4

“United Front Fighting For Scottsboro Freedom,” Jan 1936, 1

“Sheriff Shoots Scottsboro Boy,” Feb 1936, 1

“Scottsboro Defense Committee,” Feb 1936, 6

“London Calling,” Feb 1936, 6

“Scottsboro Trial Set for April 1st,” Mar-Apr 1936, 6

“2 Scottsboro Boys Face Murder Court,” Jun 1936, 2

Caption, Nov 1936, 4

“It Can’t Happen Here?” Dec 1936, 2

“Grand Jury Refuses To Indict Thugs Who Kidnapped Joseph Gelders,” Dec 1936, 14

“‘Scottsboro Boys’ to Be Tried Again,” Jul 1937, 13

“AF of L Reactionaries Block Support of Scottsboro Boys,” Jan 1937, 4

“All Scottsboro Boys are Innocent,” Sep 1937, 12

Scottsboro Defense Block Committees:
“Already Elect 40 Delegates To Conference,” May 23 1931, 1

“Put Furniture Back Twice In Same House,” Aug 8 1931, 1

“Demonstrate On August 22,” Aug 22 1931, 1
Scottsboro Defense Committees:
“2 Meetings in Atlanta,” May 9 1931, 1

“Delegates To All-Southe’n Meet Elected,” May 16 1931, 1

“Organize Scottsboro Defense Committee!” May 16 1931, 4

“Scottsboro Conferences in 12 Cities,” May 16 1931, 4

“Already Elect 40 Delegates To Conference,” May 23 1931, 1

“Mass Protest Wins Freedom For Robinson,” May 23 1931, 1

“Chatta. Tag Day June 20th, 21st For Scottsboro,” Jun 20 1931, 1

“Mrs. Montgomery Speaking In Charlotte; Committee Challenges Others,” Jun 27 1931, 2

“Would Keep Job But Not Save Boys,” Jul 4 1931, 2

“2,500 Join Protest in San Francisco,” Jul 18 1931, 1

“500 At Charlotte Scottsboro Meet,” Jul 25 1931, 2

“Jail Evicted Worker; I.L.D. Defends Him,” Aug 15 1931, 1

“Mass Demonstration August 22,” Aug 15 1931, 1

“Negro Fakers Meet a Flop,” Aug 15 1931, 2

“Sheriff Shoots Scottsboro Boy,” Feb 1936, 1

“Scottsboro Defense Committee,” Feb 1936, 6

Scottsboro Defense Conference:
“Thousands In Protest March In New York,” May 23 1931, 1
Scottsboro Defense Fund:
“Workers of World Demand Release of Scottsboro Boys,” Feb 20 1932, 3

“Over $10,000.00 Spent By I.L.D. On Scottsboro,” Mar 5 1932, 3

Scranton, Pa.:

“Four Main Columns Will Reach Capitol Dec. 7th,” Oct 24 1931, 2

“Preparing To Take Demands To Washington,” Oct 31 1931, 1
Scribener, Paul:
“As the Oranges Grow,” Jul 6 1937, 15
Scripps-Howard newspapers:
“We Defy Harlan Censors,” Sep 19 1931, 4

“Don’t Spill The Beans,” Aug 29 1931, 3

“Capitalist ‘Law and Order’ in Harlan and Scottsboro,” Jan 16 1932, 4

“Nanking Govt. Troops Flock To Red Army,” Jan 30 1932, 4

“What About Sit-Down Strikes?” Mar 1937, 5
Scruggs, Estelle:
“Fight To Free Framed N. Car. Strikers,” Jun 1935, 2
Sea Services Bureau:
“Enslave Sailors With New Ruling,” Dec 20 1930, 1
Seabrook Farms:
Important News In Short: Bridgeton, N.Y., Dec 1934, 6
Seagram and Calvert:
“Distillers Unfair,” Jun 1936, 6
Seamen’s Bethel:
“Happenings In Norfolk,” Dec 20 1930, 3
Seamen’s Church Institute:
“Crisis Works In Houston,” Sep 13 1930, 3

“25¢ An Hour On Ringling Yacht,” Oct 25 1930, 3

“Low Wages for Food Workers in A.F. of L.,” Nov 1 1930, 2

“Sailor Jailed As Vagrant; Reveals Graft,” Nov 8 1930, 3

“120 Men - 60 Bunks in Jail for Jobless,” Nov 15 1930, 3

“Made Sick By Poor Ship Food,” Nov 15 1930, 3

“Sea Institute Is A Black Hole,” Nov 22 1930, 3

“We Guess So!” Nov 22 1930, 4

“Demand Food, Not ‘Pie In The Sky’,” Dec 13 1930, 3

“Police Round Up Houston Sailors,” Dec 27 1930, 2

“Full Wages, Full Crews, For Seamen,” Mar 5 1932, 3
Sears Roebuck and Co.:
“Sears Roebuck Pay Cut,” Feb 6 1932, 4
Seattle, Wash.:
“Build The Southern Worker,” Oct 18 1930, 2

“Hunger Marches Demand Cash Relief From the City Councils,” Jan 24 1931, 1

“Thousands In Protest March In New York,” May 23 1931, 1

“Two Centralia Prisoners Out After 12 Years,” Jan 9 1932, 2

“Burn Unemployed Shacks,” Jan 9 1932, 4
Sedalia, N.C.:
News of the Month in the South, “Negro Youth Conference Extends Work Through South,” May 1937, 12
Sedition laws:
“Will Nominate Negro Workers In Tenn., Ala.,” Aug 16 1930, 1

“T.C.I. Hounds Birmingham Workers,” Aug 16 1930, 1

“Workers Must Save 6 Organizers In Atlanta,” Aug 16 1930, 2

“Steel Barons Reopen Case Against Reds,” Nov 22 1930, 2

“Plan Mass Fight For Release of 5 B’ham Workers,” Feb 7 1931, 1

“B’ham Bosses Give Jobless More Terror,” Feb 14 1931, 1

“Convicted Of Sedition,” Feb 14 1931, 3

“‘10 Years In Prison For Every Communist In Alabama’,” Feb 14 1931, 4

“B’ham Trials Up; Another Jailed,” Feb 28 1931, 1

“Rush to Defense of Our Comrades,” Mar 7 1931, 4

“Propose Laws To Stop Farmers and Workers From Organizing,” Mar 14 1931, 1

“Chatta. Trial Set March 19,” Mar 14 1931, 1

“Aim To Stop Militants In Dock Strike,” Mar 14 1931, 1

“Outlawing Communist Party in Alabama,” Mar 14 1931, 4

“4 Southern States Plan To Outlaw Communists,” Mar 21 1931, 2

“Chattanooga Trial Set March 31,” Mar 28 1931, 1

“Propose New Gag Law In Atlanta,” Apr 18 1931, 2

“Try Railroad Atl’nta Workers,” May 2 1931, 1

“Try Gag Paper In New Orleans,” May 2 1931, 2

“Mass Defense Drive Frees Kassay in Ohio,” May 9 1931, 3

“I.L.D. Wins Freedom For Oregon Worker,” May 16 1931, 2

“2,500 Join Protest in San Francisco,” Jul 18 1931, 1

“30 Delegates From Harlan At Pitt. Meet,” Jul 18 1931, 1

“Deputies Murder One, 6 Wounded, 4 ‘Missing’,” Jul 25 1931, 1

“Miners Prepare Strike In Ky. Despite Thugs,” Aug 1 1931, 1

“Fla. Bosses Try To Stop Organizing,” Aug 8 1931, 2

“Jail Ky. Strike Leaders; Terror Of Thugs Grows,” Aug 15 1931, 1

“Kill 1, Wound 4, Jail Communist Organizer,” Aug 15 1931, 1

“Jackson Held; 3 Vag Cases Postponed,” Aug 22 1931, 1

“Machine Guns Ready, Trained On Miners,” Aug 22 1931, 1

“Camp Hill Cropper Free, Tells Story,” Aug 29 1931, 2

“Judge ‘Fixes’ Miners Change of Venue,” Aug 29 1931, 1

“Reign of Terror Sweeping B,ham [sic],” Aug 29 1931, 1

“‘Free’ Fla. Workers Get 40 Cents a Day,” Sep 5 1931, 4

“Miners [sic] Wife Tells of Thugs [sic] Activities In Harlan County,” Sep 5 1931, 3

“Socialists Aid Bosses,” Sep 12 1931, 4

Blurb, “Demand the Release of the Scottsboro Boys!,” Sep 19 1931, 1

“Defeat Raid Against Homes by Mass Action,” Sep 19 1931, 4

“Hundred and Twenty-Five at Conference,” Sep 19 1931, 1

“Lane Turns Over Harlan Members,” Sep 19 1931, 1

“We Defy Harlan Censors,” Sep 19 1931, 4

“Jesse Wakefield Is Welcomed In N.Y.,” Sep 26 1931, 1

“New Orleans Police Arrest Ten Workers,” Sep 26 1931, 1

“Arrest Kimbel In Harlan,” Oct 3 1931, 4

“Penn. Bosses Jail Working Class Leaders,” Oct 17 1931, 2

“Secret Jailing of Miners Is Exposed In Ky.,” Oct 24 1931, 3

“Unemployed In New Orleans Build Council,” Oct 31 1931, 2

“Denied Hospital Treatment,” Oct 31 1931, 4

“Politician Wants An Anti-Red Law,” Dec 12 1931, 3

“Scab Mine Union Officers Aid Cops,” Dec 26 1931, 1

“W. Va. Miners Organizing,” Dec 26 1931, 1

“Victims of Tampa Red Raids Sue for $12,000 Damages,” Jan 2 1931, 1

“Police Continue Attacks on Hunger Marchers Return,” Jan 2 1932, 2

“Spread Strike As Thugs Raid Union Center,” Jan 9 1932, 1

“National Relief On For Kentucky Striking Miners,” Jan 16 1932, 2

“Pineville Gang Steals Food; And Slugs Two,” Feb 20 1932, 1

“Three Sentenced To Prison,” Feb 20 1932, 2

“Rank and File U.M.W. Locals Plan Struggle,” Mar 5 1932, 2

“Strike on R.F.C. Jobs in Memphis Stops Wage-Cut,” Jul 12 1933, 1

“Girl Pickets Refuse Betray Struggle, Framed In Georgia,” Oct 1934, 1

“Fifteen Arrested In Georgia Terror Drive Under Slave Law,” Nov 1934, 1

“Arrests Are Made Under New Law,” Nov 1934, 3

“For The Patriots Who Advocate Sedition Bills,” Mar-Apr 1935, 8

Important News in Short: Birmingham, Ala., Jan 1935, 4

“Mitch Attacks Reds, Fails Prepare Strike at U.M.W.A. Meet,” May 1935, 1

“United Front, All-Southern Conference For Union And Civil Rights Set for May 26 in Chattanooga, Tenn.,” May 1935, 1

“Eighteen Held on Herndon Law in Atlanta Jail,” Jun 1936, 1

“Ark. Legislature Attempts to Gag Commonwealth Labor College,” Mar 1937, 12

The American Scene, “Washington Repeals Syndicalism Law,” Apr 1937, 10
Seeley Transportation Co.:
“Speed-Up Kills A Longshoreman,” Dec 20 1930, 3
Seffered, Dewey:
“Mine Explosion Kills Six Miners,” Jan 30 1932, 4
Seffered, Frank:
“Mine Explosion Kills Six Miners,” Jan 30 1932, 4
Seffered, Harvey:
“Mine Explosion Kills Six Miners,” Jan 30 1932, 4
“Issue Platform Of Workers In Chatta. Election,” Jan 31 1931, 2

“Steel Men Join Union Fast, CIO Leader Reports,” Nov 1936, 1

Selassie, Haile:
“Ethiopia Drives Back Fascist Armies,” Jan 1936, 1
Self-determination for the Black Belt:
“The Election Campaign,” Nov 1 1930, 6

“Plan Nation Fight For Negro Rights,” Nov 29 1930, 1

“Fakers Seek To Stop Anti-Lynch Fight,” Jan 3 1931, 2

“The National Revolutionary Struggle of the Negroes,” Feb 28 1931, 4

“Guilty Of Race Prejudice,” Mar 14 1931, 1

“Demonstrate May Day!” Apr 18 1931, 1

“‘All Legal Forms Strictly Observed’,” Apr 18 1931, 4

“Workers Of South Must Carry Out Mass Fight Against War Plotters,” Oct 31 1931, 1

“The Soviet Union Solves Problem of Natl. Minorities,” Nov 7 1931, 2

“Fourteen Years of Soviet Power,” Nov 7 1931, 1

Photo, “In the Shadow of the Electric Chair,” Nov 7 1931, 4

“Camp Hill; A Beacon Light For Mass of Southern Land Slaves,” Dec 5 1931, 4

“Again the Flood Horror,” Jan 9 1932, 4

“What We Stand For,” May 20 1933, 1

“The Workers’ Greatest Leader,” Jan 20 1934, 4

“Ex-Klansmen Denounce K.K.K., Join Communist Party,” Feb 10 1934, 1

“I.L.D. To Appeal Lynch Verdict of Alabama Supreme Court; Demands Action from Roosevelt,” Jul 1934, 1

“Communists In Elections With Fighting Slate,” Oct 1934, 1

Sellers, Guy:
“Cops And Klan Found Guilty In Florida,” Jun 1936, 3
Sellars, Julia, also Sellers, Julia:
“Lynch Law at Work,” Oct 11 1930, 2

Untitled, Nov 22 1930, 3

Selma, Ala.:
“Framed Himself Helps Nine Boys,” Jul 4 1931, 3

“Scheme to ‘Save’ Miners, on Rocks,” Sep 5 1931, 3

“Lynch Negro Who Avenges Dead Brother,” Jan 9 1932, 2

“Men Fight Buzzards For Rotten Meat,” Jun 10 1933, 3

“Southern Textile Workers Strike As Code Brings Pay Cuts,” Aug 15 1933, 1

“Croppers Forced To Plow Up Their Best Cotton Acres,” Aug 15 1933, 3

“Landlords Get High Profit On Stored Cotton,” Aug 15 1933, 3

“Negro Textile Workers for Unity With Whites—Fight Speed-Up, Oct 1934, 5

“Selma Negro Free On ‘Rape’ Charge,” Dec 1934, 2

“Croppers Organize Against Landlord Robbery,” Feb 1935, 5

“Cropper’s Strike Wins Big Gains Despite Terror,” Jun 1935, 1

“45,000 Workers Cut from WPA In Ala. April 1,” Mar-Apr 1936, 4

Selma Manufacturing Company:
“Southern Textile Workers Strike As Code Brings Pay Cuts,” Aug 15 1933, 1

“Selma Bag Mill Cuts Force Half As New Deal,” Sep 1934, 5

“Negro Textile Workers for Unity With Whites—Fight Speed-Up, Oct 1934, 5

“The Boss Thanks You,” Feb 1935, 5

Senate Munitions Investigation Committee:
“Investigation Puts War Blame On Big Bankers,” Feb 1936, 1
Contributor, “American Writer Finds New World Where Oil Kings Once Ruled,” May 1936, 6
Seneca, S.C.:
“Strikes At Belton And Seneca,” Jun 10 1933, 2
Separk, J.H.:
The Reds Say, Sep 27 1930, 4
Serber, William:
“Herndon Granted Bail,” Jul 1934, 1
“World War Veteran Sounds A Warning,” Aug 1 1931, 4
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