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ull-time graduate students
may take a maximum of 15
credits a semester. Stu-
dents in the Teacher Educa-
tion program with full-time
employment may take a
maximum of six credits in any semes-
ter. Students who want to exceed these
limits must receive the permission of
both their academic department and
the Office of Graduate Studies.
The following grades are used in the
Graduate Division of Queens College: 
A+, A, A–, B+, B, B–, C, F.
To ensure uniformity of grading stan-
dards, the Committee on Graduate
Scholastic Standards has approved the
following table of equivalents:
A+ 97-100
B– 80-82
A– 90-92
B+ 87-89
The following special grades are also
used in the Graduate Division:
W (Withdrawn Passing): Given when
a student withdraws formally after the
third week of the semester with a pass-
ing grade in the course work completed.
WF (Withdrawn Failing): Given
when a student withdraws formally
after the third week of the semester
with a failing grade in the course work
WU (Withdrawn Unofficially): Given
when the student ceases to attend
classes without formally withdrawing
from the course. WU is equivalent to a
WA (Administrative Withdrawal):
Given when the student fails to comply
with New York State Public Health
Law 2165 (Immunization).
is a passing grade that is valid
only in those few courses that are des-
ignated as permitting this grade.
is a temporary grade assigned
when an instructor does not submit a
Audit (Aud.) indicates that a student
registered and paid for a course and
attended classes, but was not required
to do course work and will receive no
credit for the course. Courses that have
been audited may not later be repeated
for credit, nor will credit be granted for
an audited course.
Withdrawal Procedure
Withdrawals from courses during the
first eight weeks of the semester are
considered changes of program for
which no special approval is required.
Beginning with the first day of the
ninth week of the semester, graduate
students must complete a Request for
Permission to Withdraw from a Course.
This form is obtainable from the Office
of the Registrar and the Office of Grad-
uate Studies. It must be signed by the
course instructor and by the student’s
Graduate Adviser and filed in the Reg-
istrar’s Office.
Beginning with the fourteenth week
of the semester, the approval of the
Office of Graduate Studies is also
required. In both cases, the instructor
must indicate whether the student is
passing or failing as of the date of the
withdrawal. An indication of failure
results in the grade of WF, which has
the same effect on the student’s grade-
point average as an F. Course with-
drawals at the graduate level are
allowable up to the official last day of
A course (or courses) dropped during
the first three weeks of the semester
may result in a refund of some portion
of the tuition fee. The activity fee is not
refundable unless the student has for-
mally withdrawn from classes prior to
the first official day of classes.
Incomplete Work
Incomplete (Inc.): This grade, which
must be requested by the student prior
to the end of the semester, is given by
the instructor to indicate that a student
has made a satisfactory record in
course work but, for good and sufficient
reason, is unable to complete the
course. A graduate student receiving
this grade must complete the work of
the course by the end of the next two
regular semesters. Requests for exten-
sions of time may be addressed to the
Office of Graduate Studies. If the work
of the course is not completed, the
grade remains on the transcript with-
out penalty. Students preparing to com-
plete a course in which the grade is
Incomplete must not register for the
course a second time.
Absent (Abs.): This is a temporary
grade indicating that the student
missed the final examination, which
was the only work in the course that
was not completed. The Absent grade is
given only when it is expected that the
student will be able to achieve a pass-
ing grade in the course by taking a
make-up examination. A graduate stu-
dent receiving this grade is required,
with the permission of the departmen-
tal adviser, to take a make-up final
examination by the end of the next two
regular semesters. A fee of $15 is
charged when a special examination is
given. (See number 7 under Special
Fees, page 21.)
Note: Students may not graduate
with an unresolved grade of Abs. on the

Important Note Regarding
Completion of Courses
Full-time graduate students who were
eligible to receive New York State
Tuition Assistance Program (TAP)
awards for the first time in Fall 1981 or
thereafter should be aware that in
order to receive their awards they must
have completed 12 credits in the semes-
ter of the award. For graduate stu-
dents, the grades W, WF, WU, Inc., and
Abs. are counted as “not complete” and
may jeopardize eligibility for the TAP
Matriculated students are urged to con-
sult with their Graduate Adviser before
registering for courses. New matricu-
lants and non-matriculated students
are required to obtain permission from
the Graduate Adviser each semester
prior to registering for courses. Instruc-
tors have the right to dismiss from
class any non-matriculated student
who did not obtain permission to enroll.
Grade-Point Average
The grade-point average, which is a
numerical index of the student’s acade-
mic record at Queens College, is com-
puted in the following manner:
1. Multiply the total number of cred-
its earned at Queens College with each
specific grade (A+ to C) by the numeri-
cal values of these grades.
2. Add the number of credits taken
at Queens College. This sum includes
credits for courses failed (WU, WF, or
F) as well as courses passed with
grades A+ to C. Credits completed with
a grade of are not included in this
sum. (See also the Important Note
3. Divide the result obtained in step
1 by the result obtained in step 2. This
result becomes the grade-point average,
which is indicated by two decimal
Important Note: Grades for courses
transferred from other institutions are
not included in the computation of the
grade-point average, which is based
only on grades received in Queens Col-
lege courses.
Grade Replacement Policy
Effective September 1, 1996, graduate
students shall be entitled to the follow-
ing grade replacement policy, which is
limited to graduate courses: With the
exception of courses that are designated
as repeatable for credit, graduate stu-
dents may repeat a graduate course and
have the last grade received replace the
previous grade in the cumulative grade-
point average. No more than four cred-
its may be replaced.
There is a fee of $4 to order a copy of
your Queens College record. (However,
there is no fee for transcripts to be sent
to any other branch of CUNY for pur-
poses of admission.) To order a tran-
script, go first to the Bursar on the
second floor of Jefferson Hall. When
you pay your fee, you will be given a
voucher to bring to the Office of the
Registrar, Jefferson 100. You must give
the Registrar’s representative the Reg-
istrar’s copy of the voucher and com-
plete a transcript request form. Be sure
to sign the request. Return both copies
of the form to the Registrar’s Office.
Allow two to three weeks for delivery.
If you want to request a transcript
by mail, ask for a form from Queens
College, Attention: Transcripts, Jeffer-
son Hall, Room 100, Flushing, NY
11367-1597. Fill out the form complete-
ly and return it to the above address.
Include a check or money order (send
no cash) that lists your address and
social security number. The fee, which
must be received in order to process the
request, covers one complete transcript
for all divisions attended. You will be
notified if a “hold” has been placed on
your record. Requests for transcripts
will not be honored until the “hold” has
been cleared.
Required Grade Average,
Probation, and Dismissal
All programs must be completed with a
minimum average of at least (3.0). A
matriculated graduate student whose
grade-point average falls below 3.0 dur-
ing the course of the program will be
placed on probation. The student will
then have up to 12 graduate credits
within which to raise the grade-point
average to 3.0. If this is not achieved,
the student will be dismissed.
A matriculated graduate student
who is dismissed must remain out of
the College for at least one semester.
To return, the student must file a for-
mal application for reentry and pay a
non-refundable reentry fee by the
appropriate deadline (see page 19). The
student must also petition the Office of
Graduate Studies for permission to
reenter. Requests for reentry will be
reviewed on an individual basis.
Permission to reenter following a
suspension may be granted one time
Students who have completed the
total credits required by their degree or
certificate program may not take addi-
tional credits at another institution to
raise the grade-point average. At the
completion of the total credits allotted
to a program, if a student does not have
a 3.0 average and wishes to register for
additional courses at Queens to
attempt to raise the grade-point aver-
age, permission to do so must be
obtained from the Office of Graduate
Appeals of Grades
A student who believes he or she has
received an inappropriate grade should
take the following steps:
1. Consult with the instructor.
2. If there is no satisfactory resolu-
tion, consult with the departmental
Chair. The Chair may convene a faculty
committee to review the appeal.
3. If there is still no satisfactory res-
olution, appeal to the Office of Gradu-
WU, WF,* F
101.1 ÷ 33 = 3.06
The grade-point average is 3.06.
*No credit counted.

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