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Ingliz tili
Read the text and answer the questions according to it.
A poor potato harvest in Europe this summer means that French fries will be up to three 
centimeters shorter than usual. The poor harvest is because o f very hot summer Europe had. 
The heat caused a lack o f rain, which meant farmers produced a lot fewer potatoes than they 
normally do. Pierre Lebrun, a spokesman from a potato growers’ association in Belgium, said 
that the farmers grew 25 per cent fewer potatoes than normal. The effect of this is that potato 
prices are up and the average size of potatoes is smaller. Fries are the national dish in Belgium. 
Belgians love their fries so much that they rename them “ Belgian fries” instead of “ French fries” 
because they say the fries were invented in their country. Mr Lebrun explained why fries would 
be shorter. He said, “ Generally, to have long fries, we work with potatoes with a diameter of 
more than 50 mm. Then you get fries of 
to 9 cm. This time, as the potatoes are smaller, the 
fries will be shorter.”
133. According to the passage, why was there a 
poor potato harvest in Europe?
A) due to renamed fries
B) due to bad weather
C) due to lazy farmers
D) due to heavy rain
134. According to the passage, why will the 
fries be shorter than usual?
A) There is poor harvest.
B) There are many potatoes.
C) There is enough harvest.
D) There are light potatoes.
135. According to the passage, where do
Belgians believe French fries were
A) in Belgium
B) in France
C) in Germany
D) in Denmark
136. All of the following statements are TRU E,
E X C E P T ...
A) Potato prices are up because potatoes 
aren’t sufficient enough.
B) People in Belgium prefer the name 
“ French fries”.
C) Farmers in Belgium produced 25% 
fewer potatoes than usual.
D) French fries will be shorter because of 
poor potato harvest.
Read the text and answer the questions according to it.
D o you ever wonder why we yawn? A new study from Nottingham University in the UK has 
done research on this. Researchers found that yawning is contagious which means spreading 
or affecting others. It is impossible to stop this reaction. People automatically want to yawn 
when they see other people yawning. The researchers said people actually yawn more when 
they try to stop yawning. Even reading about yawning could be enough to make people yawn. 
You might even want to yawn right now. The researchers studied the reactions and brain 
activity o f 36 adult volunteers. The volunteers looked at video clips o f other people yawning. 
They had two choices: either to stop themselves yawning or to allow themselves to do it. The 
volunteers were videoed as they yawned or tried not to yawn. The researchers also monitored 
the brain activity o f the volunteers and checked how strong their feelings to want to yawn 
were. Understanding more about yawning will help to treat some diseases.

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