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Read the text and answer the questions according to it.
A beetle is an insect with a hard covering on its body. Almost everyone has seen a beetle 
at some time in their lives. They often enter houses. Almost anywhere humans go, beetles can 
follow. There are more than 300,000 different kinds of beetles on Earth, and they all have 
some similarities. For example, all beetles have six legs and two antennae. And their bodies are 
divided into three parts. There are also differences among species of beetles. Some beetles, such 
as ladybugs can fly.
Other species, such as the ironclad beetle, can only walk. Beetles also vary greatly in size. 
Some are about the size of a grain of sand. In contrast, titan beetles from South American 
rainforests can grow to more than 15 cm in length. Beetles have different ways of defending 
Bombardier beetles can spray a hot chemical to warn enemies. Acrobat beetles scare enemies 
by doing headstands. Still other types of beetles, such as leaf beetles, can hide themselves in 
their surroundings. Most beetles are helpful to humans. Ladybugs feed on pests that damage 
41. According to the passage, what do all 
beetles have in common?
A) They all can spray a hot chemical.
B) They all do not have any antennae.
C) They all have three-part bodies.
D) They all hide in their surroundings.
42. According to the passage, bombardier and 
acrobat beetles differ ....
A) in the size of their legs and antennae
B) in the way they move on the land
C) in the number of body parts they 
D) in the way they defend themselves
43. According to the passage, what makes titan 
beetles different from other beetles?
A) their size of body
B) antennae and legs
C) the way they hide
D) the number of legs
44. According to the passage, all statements are 
A) Bombardier can spray a hot chemical
B) Beetles can follow humans anywhere 
they go
C) All beetles have some similarities
D) Ladybugs and ironclad beetle can fly
Read the text and answer the questions according to it.
Humans are a complex species. We build structures to live in. We communicate with each 
other, which enables us to work in teams. We can adapt to any climate on Earth. W e can eat 
almost any plant or animal, and we can grow our own food. There is another type of creature, 
however, that can do all these things and more, in fact, these animals can also lift almost 
twenty times of their own body weight. They’re ants. Ants live on every continent except 
They use their antennae to communicate with one another, and they also work in teams to 
build homes. Like humans, they also farm. Leafcutter ants farm fungus, bacteria like organisms, 
in their homes and use leaves as soil. Other species of ants bring up aphids, small insects that 
produce a special liquid.
The ants take care of the aphids and keep them nearby so the ants can drink the liquid. The 
ants’ life span is much shorter than ours. Ants typically live for only about three months, while 
humans can live for decades.

4 5 .
According to the passage, why do ants use
their antennae?
A) To bring up aphids which give a special 
B) To communicate with other ants.
C) To drink liquids from aphids.
D) To lift heavier than their weight things.
4 6 . According to the passage, what is the
difference between people and ants?
A) People can live for decades but ants 
B) People can build homes but ants cannot.
C) People can communicate but ants cannot.
D) People can work in teams but ants 
47. According to the passage, all statements are 
TRU E, E X C E P T . . . .
A) Ants use their antennae to communicate
B) Ants can live everywhere in the world
C) Ants drink a special liquid from aphids
D) Ants can carry heavy things easily
4 8 . According to the passage, we can conclude 
that ... .
A) humans are superior to ants in every way.
B) humans and ants are adapted to live 
everywhere in the world.
C) humans and ants have more in common 
than it may seem.
D) ants are a lot better farmers than 
humans are.
______________________ _______________ Ingliz tili
Read the text and answer the questions according to it.
Spiders are not insects. They are actually invertebrates which mean animals without backbones. 
All spiders have eight legs and poisons. Spiders can live on every continent except Antarctica. 
There are over 44,000 known kinds of spiders. Spiders are found in every hole o f houses. Spiders 
are unique among animals that many of them spin webs out of silk. The webs catch insects to 
be eaten later. Larger spiders, such as wolf spiders, huntsman, and tarantulas, attack insects 
rather than spin webs. Most spiders eat insects, but some of them such as tarantulas and larger 
spiders will eat small lizards as well. Many people fear spiders. Most spiders, however, are totally 
harmless to humans and are actually useful because they eat other insects or pests. Even the 
largest tarantula, the Goliath - bird eating spider, is harmless to humans. It is said that a 
tarantula’s bite is about as painful as a bee’s sting. Some spiders, however, such as the black 
widow spider, are dangerous to humans. Their bite can kill people within a few days without 
immediate medical attention.
49. According to the passage, which of the 
following statements is NOT true about 
A) They all have eight legs.
B) They are without backbones.
C) They all eat lizards.
D) They all have poisons.
50. According to the passage, where are spiders 
NOT found?
A) in Antarctica
B) in houses
C) in deserts
D) in hot climate
51. According to the passage, black widow’s bite 
is ... .
A) very harmless
B) not dangerous
C) not serious
D) very dangerous
52. All of the following statements are 
FALSE, E X C E P T ... .
A) All spiders’ bites can kill people.
B) All spiders are very dangerous.
C) Spiders can be found everywhere.
D) Some spiders can help people.

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