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. According to the passage, initially, spices 
were ... .
A) sold in the West by Arabs
B) given in exchange for oil
C) sold for very low prices
D) grown by Arab traders
. According to the passage, spices were first 
used ... .
A) in the West in the early Middle Ages
B) mostly in medicine and religion
C) to make partially spoiled meat edible
D) to change the flavour of foods
Ingliz tili
__________________________ _
7. According to the passage, the ancient Greeks 
and Romans used spices for all the following, 
except . .. .
A) in certain drinks to add flavour
B) to keep food from going bad
C) to make food taste even better
D) in religion to please their gods
. According to the passage, all statements are 
TRUE, E X C E P T ... .
A) Ancient Romans never used spices to 
flavour food
B) Eastern peoples have known spices for a 
long time
C) Spices were expensive things
D) Spices were used in medicine in very early 
Read the text and answer the questions according to it.
The human race’s progress on the Earth has been due in part to the animals that people 
have been able to use throughout history. Such domesticated animals carry people and 
their burdens. They pull machinery and help cultivate fields. They provide food and clothing. 
As pets they may amuse or cheer up their owners. Domesticated animals are those that have 
been raised in captivity for many generations. While a single animal may be domesticated, only 
a species o f animal can be considered domesticated. In the course of time, certain animals have 
changed greatly in appearance and behaviour from their wild parents. There is a vast difference 
between the thin red jungle bird of southern Asia and its child, the meaty, egg-laying farm 
chicken. Not all domestic animals are domesticated at all times. An angry bull, a mother goose, 
or a mother pig with young piglets can be cruel. Some creatures confined in zoos are raised in 
captivity. The lion is an example. These animals are not domesticated for they remain wild and 
9. The author suggests that . .. .
A) it would be impossible to transport 
machines without the help of 
B) without the help of animals, 
people wouldn’t have progressed 
so far
C) animals are generally better at working on 
farms than people are
D) people have contributed greatly to the 
advancement of animals
. According to the passage, the lions kept in 
zoos ... .
A) are capable of helping with many 
B) are not domesticated and still wild
C) much altered from their parents
D) cannot be raised in captivity

_________ __________________________________ Inglizw
. According to the passage, over the
1 2. According to the passage, all statements are
time ... .
T R U E , E X C E P T ... .
A) friendly animals may become very
A) Domesticated animals may amuse or
cheer up their owners
B) certain animals altered their appearance
B) Domesticated animals help cultivate
and behaviour
fields and carry burdens
C) domestic animals are taught to choose
C) Domesticated animals provide food and
their owners
clothing for people
D) any wild bird is changed into
D) All animals in the world are
a chicken
domesticated and kept in cages
Read the text and answer the questions according to it.
China is the only country in the world which has had literature in one writing for more than
3,000 years. This order results largely from the nature o f the written language itself. It is the 
use of symbols, not letters as in Western languages that is the most important in the Chinese 
language. The symbols represent things or ideas; unlike groups o f letters they cannot be sounded. 
Thus Chinese writing remains the same and can be read by people in all parts o f the country 
in spite of gradual changes in pronunciation, the appearance o f regional dialects. The advantage 
of the written language has had significant effects on the development o f the literature. In 
handwriting or in print, a piece of literature has visual appeal. This has given a rise to calligraphy 
or writing in China, where it has been regarded the same as painting. The main disadvantage 
o f written Chinese, however, is the great number of symbols it contains. Even basic reading and 
writing require knowledge of more than 
13. According to the passage, Chinese
literature . . . .
A) is the largest in the world with a great 
number o f works
B) is using the same writing for over three 
thousand years
C) appeals to the eye rather than to the 
D) contains the same writing that any other 
countries have
14. The main reason why written Chinese has
changed so little over the } ars is that . . . .
A) it has no relationship to the spoken 
B) the Chinese start learning to write at an 
early age
C) the Chinese all have much the same 
D) China has always been a large country 
in Asia
15. A ccording to the passage, calligraphy ... .
A) was mainly founded in China in the 
16th century
B) is considered as important as painting in 
C) contains 1,000 different symbols in 
D) is considered easier than painting by the 
16. All o f the following statements are TRUE, 
E X C E P T . . . .
A) China has had literature in one writing 
for a long time
B) Symbols represent things or ideas in the 
Chinese language
C) Symbols and letters are used in the 
Chinese language
D) Basic reading requires more than a 
thousand symbols

fnaliz tili
Read the text and answer the questions according to it.
Polo is an unusual sport. It uses a ball and a mallet, the stick which is used to hit the ball. 
It also requires caps to protect the player’s heads, gloves for their hands and boots to protect 
their legs. The players hit the ball into a goal to score. The game of polo suddenly becomes very 
exciting when you discover the final piece of “equipment “ the players need: a horse. It is played 
entirely on horseback. The game of polo was developed in Persia around 2,000 years ago, but 
the British made modern polo world-famous. The British came in contact with the sport, in the 
Indian city of Silchar 150 years ago. T h e re , the oldest existing polo club, the Calcutta Club, was 
founded by the British in 1862. A polo club opened in England just ten years later, and British 
soon began to travel and show others this great “ new” sport. Only after then polo quickly spread 
around the world. Twenty years later, clubs as far away as in Argentina and Australia were 
17. What is the main idea of the passage?
A) How polo developed in Persia
B) People who play the game of polo
C) Games which the British love
D) The origin of the game of polo
18. According to the passage, the word “ There” 
in the text refers to ... .
A) Silchar 
B) Calcutta
C) Persia 
D) Britain
Read the text and answer the questions according to it.
The house cat has lived with people for at least 3,500 years. The ancient Egyptians used cats 
to keep mice and rats away from grain and other food. It is possible that humans kept them 
as pets even before that, because scientists found the 8000-year-old bones of people and cats 
together in a grave in Northern Cyprus. The typical cat sleeps for about 14 hours a day, and some 
sleep even 20 hours. As well, when cats jump or fall around in the air their feet point towards the 
ground. That is probably one reason why people say that cats have “ nine lives”. House cats also 
point their ears in different directions. If a cat is walking one way, it can point its ears backwards 
to a noise coming from behind. A domestic cat’s sense of smell is about 14 times stronger than 
a human’s. In addition, the house cat can feel things with its whiskers when a cat is moving at 
night. Nowadays, however, people don’t usually keep house cats for their hunting ability.
19. When was the first polo club founded in 
A) in 1862 
B) in 1872
C) 150 years ago 
D) 2,000 years ago
20. How was polo spread all around the world?
A) on horseback
B) by British travelers
C) by polo teams
D) by the Calcutta Club
21. According to the passage, it is probable that 
cats have been pets for ... .
A) less than 3,500 years
B) 3,500 years
C) more than 8,500 years

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