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23 All of the following statements are 
’ FALSE, E X C E P T ... .
A) People need 24 hours ahead to book a 
table at the restaurant.
B) It is the tenth time an Italian 
restaurant has won the award.
C) The restaurant is on the top of the 
world’s best restaurants.
D) An Italian restaurant was “ Number 
One” restaurant of 2014.
1 24 . According to the passage, how long in 
advance should you book a table in the 
Osteria Francescana?
A) one and a half months
B) half a year
C) two weeks
D) six days
Read the text and answer the questions according to it.
Scientists believe that they have found a se cre t how flamingos stand on one leg. We all love 
the image of these beautiful birds standing in water on just one leg. The reason why the birds 
do this has wondered scientists for decades. Researchers say they have revealed this secret. 
Professor Young-Hui Chang says a flamingo can stand on just one leg for many hours because 
of its skeleton. The flamingo’s hip and leg bones are in a special shape and position that help the 
bird to balance. Flamingos don’t have to use their muscles a lot to do this. Another researcher, 
Lena Ting said, “ The flamingo is very unique because it can stand still for a long time on one 
leg. It would be very difficult for a human to stay still without moving, even for an hour. Most 
of people aren’t aware of that they are moving around all the time. Even when people stand still, 
they actually move and use a lot of energy.” The muscles in humans’ bodies constantly change 
to stop them from falling over.
125. According to the passage, what does the 
word “ a secret” refer to?
A) bird’s flying high ability
B) human’s standing straight
C) flamingo’s standing on one leg
D) flamingos’ using a lot of energy
126. According to the passage, what helps the 
flamingo stand on one leg?
A) Its swimming ability
B) Its hip and leg bones
C) Its hand and wing bones
D) Its flying feature
127. All of the following statements are TRUE, 
EX C E PT ...
A) Most people don’t know that they are 
moving all the time.
B) A flamingo’s hips and leg bones help it 
to balance.
C) A flamingo’s skeleton stops it from 
standing on one leg.
D) It is difficult for humans to stay still 
without moving.
128. According to the passage, what do the 
muscles in our body constantly do to keep 
us straight?
A) break 
B) grow
C) slide 
D) change
Read the text and answer the questions according to it.
Two different types of educational systems developed in ancient Greece. In Sparta, the 
government encouraged games, exercises, and athletics. Boys lived in camps and were trained 
for wars and may not have learnt to read or write, since these were considered not useful for

Ingliz tili
a soldier. But music and dance were regarded as good skills for a military man, and were 
therefore a part of a Spartan’s education. Girls received similar training to boys, although 
they didn’t leave home. In contrast to the Spartans’ military skills, the people o f Athens put 
a stress on education, both in arts and in physical skills. The schools were private but cheap, 
and even the poorest people could send their children. Athenian girls didn’t attend schools but 
were taught at home. Boys learned to read and write, to develop an interest in music, poetry, 
and other arts.
Homer’s poems, the Odyssey and Iliad, were taught to all pupils. As soon as the children 
were able to write, the teacher would dictate passages from Homer poems for the children to 
write down and memorize.
129. What is the passage mostly about?
A) Girls’ role in early education
B) Education in ancient Greece
C) Physical skills in Athens
D) Spartans’ military skills
130. According to the passage, why
did the Spartan boys not learn to read
and write?
A) There weren’t educational systems in 
ancient Greece.
B) These subjects were thought to be not 
much useful.
C) The government didn’t encourage any 
D) The Spartan boys had natural abilities 
to read books.
131. According to the passage, what did the
Spartans think about music?
A) Music was considered as a useful skill 
for them.
B) Music was considered bad for 
C) Music was regarded the same as 
reading or writing.
D) Music was considered not good for 
military man.
132. All of the following statements are TRU E, 
E X C E P T ...
A) Boys didn’t learn how to read and 
write in Sparta.
B) Athenian girls could attend schools 
only in the evenings.
C) The private schools were cheap for all 
families in Athens.
D) The Athenian boys had chance to 
study reading and writing.
Read the text and answer the questions according to it.
The bottom of the ocean is a cold and dark place. The Marianas Trench in the Pacific Ocean 
is the deepest place in the world. It is almost 11 kilometres below sea-level. In 1960, Jacques 
Piccard and Dan Walsh were the first people to go down to the bottom of the Marianas Trench. 
It is impossible for humans to dive so deep under the sea because there is too much pressure.
So Piccard and Walsh went to the bottom in a special submarine. The third person to go 
down to the Marianas Trench was a film director James Cameron in 2012. Nobody else has been 
there since then. In technical terms, the deep sea begins from 200 metres below sea-level. The 
pressure is 20 times greater than the pressure on the surface. At 1000 metres below sea-level, it 
is completely dark. At ten kilometres below the surface, the pressure is 1000 times greater than 
the pressure on the surface. But somehow, sea creatures manage to live there. Many of them 
survive by eating bits of food that fall from the surface.

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