Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula

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BB 243-ABCD-XXZ² (blue ray)

CC-458 ABCD-42T (red ray)

CD-379 ABCD-H1² (yellow ray)

CE-211 -ABCD-JKL (green ray)

CF-531-ABCD-ZZU (purple ray)

TMFT.47 ZONES 7-12

17876747270 OCEAN SIDE

PORT 18,22,34,41 CONTACT






17876747270 COL. BLACK PATCH

TO MALL 76747270 THIEF


11,4,6,9,32,101, 70




[This program is related to a slave contacting

other slaves in some end time operation.]

A team leader will have a down line of around 4 people--which are coded red ray, yellow ray, green ray, blue ray. When the activation code hits a slave team leader during the end times, they will in turn activate their people, who in turn will have people who are team leaders and have a down line. At least two false callback alarms will be sounded (tested) before the real one.

J.>> Omicron programming—relates to programming of slaves for the Combination (between Intelligence- the Mafia and Government.)

K. TWINNING (teams)

L. THETA (Psychic warfare)

The following is only speculatory, but worth taking note of. This author believes that some of the Theta models got chess programming. Within the system of Enochian magic is the magical system of Enochian Chess. The Golden Dawn has been identified as one of the groups carrying out mind-

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control. Some Golden Dawn leaders have recently put out a reference book Enochian Chess of the Golden Dawn by Chris Zalewski (St. Paul: Llewellyn Pub, 1994). Enochian chess is played with four players, on a chess board that is divided up into four squares, one for each of the magical watchtowers of air, water, earth, and fire. It has only been since 1992 that researchers within the Golden Dawn (specifically the New Zealand branch which is called the Emerald of the Sea) reinvented a set of rules to play enochian chess. The moves for Enochian chess may have been used in recent years as a programming script. Since only a few people have mastered the game, and since the game is more than a game, it is magic, it would stand to reason that the temptation would be there to use it as a programming script if the programmer knew the game.


· What follow is a list of Nursery Rhymes Used As Triggers, & Songs which have Monarch programming meanings &, such as access parts, or soliciting a behavior or thinking.


The Illuminati create imaginary worlds for many of the deeper alters to live in. They keep these alters living in such unreality and nonsense that deeper alters have a difficult time separating their subjective programmed reality from the objective reality of the outside world, which doesn’t understand them. Nursery rhymes function well for programming in messages. Often these nursery rhymes are distorted slightly to serve their programming purpose. Some of the programming distortions and uses of these nursery rhymes are provided below. Major corporations and advertising groups working for the Network place nursery rhymes into their television ads. These nursery rhymes are constructed in the ad to activate on certain slaves which usually are sleepers. Some were given in Vol. 2, here are some additional nursery rhymes beyond those listed in Vol. 2:

A Tisket A Tasket

Baa, Baa, Black Sheep (used for money laundering scripts, and drug money, drug carrying scripts)

Bye, Baby Bunting (used with actual rituals where the slave child is placed within a skin, cocoon programming with a butterfly coming forth etc.)

Diddle, Diddle Dumpling

Ding, Dong Bell (Dr. Mengele liked to use this--message: don’t disturb the mouse that runs the internal system clock.)

Fa Fe Fi Fo Fum (Movement within the system’s bean sprouts in the system, and also a death threat.)

Farmer in the Dell, The (Used by the CIA for a serious program)

Georgy Porgy

Gingerbread Man

Hey! Diddle Diddle! (used for astral projection programming)

Hot-Cross Buns!

Humpty Dumpty (used for shattering the mind programming)

I’m a Gold Lock (used to instill cover programming to hide the truth)

I Love Little Pussy (kitten programming)

Jack, Be Nimble

Jack and Jill

Jack Sprat (possibly cannibalism programming)

Little 80-Beep (come home to Papa programming)

London Bridge (This was used at the Presideo and other sites for learning the chants, and the spells. At the Presideo it was used with barber pole programming. They all fall into a stupor at the end.)

North Wind, The

Queen of Hearts, The (swearing an obedience oath programming)

Rub-a-Dub-Dub (refers to the 3 internal programmers)

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There was an Owl

Three Blind Mice

Three Little Kittens

It should be pointed out that the mind-control programmers have long ago discovered the power of a rhyme in the mind. Rhymes have a hypnotic quality to them. An example of how rhyming was used by internal programming alters to reprogram an alter wanting free is given in Daniel M. Traver’s book (Phd dissertation) Dissociative Disorders and Mind Control. Wichita, KS: Daniel Traver, 1996, p. 52,

"What the hell man/ you can’t stand! a winter worse yet/ you’ll cry and you’ll die/ as we place the mind-set/ you won’t know what to do now/ you’ll hear every rhyme/ and you’re cravings will be as an addict in crime...." This rhymed program would accomplish its goal of wearing down the alter and bringing that alter into line.


Yankee Doodle (used for sexual obedience programming "mind the step" and the word "girls" was changed to "boys" to make "and with the boys be handy". "Yankee Doodle keep it up" was ref ramed to mean "slave yank yankee doodle (the penis) sexually up." MTV is blatantly using programming rock-and-roll songs. Aleister Crowley is featured in some of these. Maiden (a satanic rock and roll band) blatantly places the words "POWER SLAVE" on one of their CD covers along with snakes and an enlightening pyramid. Anton LaVey has had an MTV song video shown, where he sings in detail how he is going to make the listener into a sex-slave, etc. etc. Some of this is blatantly mind-control in the open, it is so open it is dismissed by many of the public.


In the Vol. 2 book, it was written about how telephone tones are used for codes. These type of codes tie in with the computer and the lower levels, such as the dungeon. You will find that access to items has been encoded by using the telephone tones to spell them backwards. For instance, if we were to take castle, find the numbers that correspond to C=1, A=1, S=8, etc. on the telephone, and then put those tones out backward. But to make this code unbreakable the programmers will add something like some piano cords--something that can still be played out via the tones. To make it further unbreakable the programmers will have a code (such as a combination of cards) assigned to that level which also must be toned in. An example of this in its totality would be 14 tones + 3 cords to open up a person’s dungeon (hell pit the lowest level). In other words, such an access would take the programmer from a distance about 11/2 mm. to open up the dungeon, whatever time he needed to work in it and 1 1/2 mm. to close it down. A 5 mm. phone call might be sufficient. This gives the programmers the ability to internationally use telephone tones to access deeper items within the victim’s mind. And as standard practice the reversal of the code closes down that part of the mind, and gets the programmer out.


A ring with a snake swallowing its tail called Ouraboros signifies rank in the Illuminati. Rings, credit cards, business cards, tokens and keys are all used as codes, triggers and signals. For instance, one slave had an old distinctive skeleton key. In another instance, a slave was given a token from a particular business as a BONA FIDE. In another instance, the BONA FIDE was a programmer’s business card from his notional job. In another instance, a particular credit card would get the user into particular parts of the slave’s system.

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Zeta is the sixth letter, and it’s ancient meaning was a sacrifice. (These codes are not known by the author.)


As an example of the type of code names (called operational cryptonyms) used for an intelligence asset one intelligence asset had the following cryptonyms: AECHALK, ARINIKA, CHICKADEE, HERO, IRONBARK, RUPEE, & YOGA.

Monarch I.D. code reviewed:

These codes are purely a representative model-not any particular real system. The overall system code at times consists of [birthdate + programming site codes + birth order + number of gener- ations family was in the Illuminati.] For our hypothetical system Mary we have the hypothetical overall system code of: 6-13- 51- 14 - 02 - 12. In order to give the codes for a hypothetical alter system we will have to explain some things as we go. The Programmers have for each slave both medical programming files, and a grey or black binder with the programmed access, trigger, codes & cues, & structure. A typical Illuminati system will be a cube (although spheres and pyramids are also used). The principle alters will be the "a" alters. A typical section of alters will consist of a 13 x 13 grid of alters. These are alters who live in a world together and must function together. A 13 x 13 section will have 13 families of "a" through "in" alters. The "a" alters will be the primary alters that the Programmers will interact with. The Programmer may call up an "a" alter and ask it to go get the "c" alter in its family, rather than directly asking for it. This initial page of alter codes will be the primary or "a" alters. If we are dealing with a 13 x 13 x 13 cube of alters, then the initial page has 13 "a" alters of each section. Each of these alters will have an access code which will often include the following components: AN ASSIGNED COLOR + AN ALPHA NUMERIC CODE + A PERSONALIZED MAGICAL NAME. This will equal 1/3 their access code. These code words must be repeated three times to pull the alter up. However, if an alter is trained well, and hears his master’s voice, an alpha-numeric code can pull the alter up. For many of the alters, the reversal of their access code puts them back to sleep. This is an important point, because some alters would be dangerous to leave in control of the body. The "a" alters are regular alters. Many of them have been hypnotically age advanced to see themselves as teenagers or adults. Sometimes "b" and "c" alters are also aged. The "d" through "in" alters are generally left as they were split and most of them are infantile, with little concept of how old they are. The little ones will be the ones who often remember the programming very well, and know things about the system. The top alters will also sometimes receive personal names from their handler. This is in addition to all their codes. If the alter is responsive to its master, the personal name might pull the alter up too. Do all of the alters get charted? There are several groups of alters which get charted separate from the rest or don’t get charted at all. Because of the competition and distrust between the different programmers, they often place in secret back doors into the person’s mind that only they know about. Worlds of secret alters loyal and devoted to the programmer may be built into the system and not appear on the regular charts. The core, and some of the primal splits from the core will not appear on the regular grids. They will be placed on a separate sheet, and their codes will be in some magical language. The Illuminati

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commonly employs 20 magical languages, and Hebrew, Latin and Greek are also often used for charting the core and its primal splits. Enochian is a good example of a magical language used by the Illuminati. Some alters will be created solely by the slave in order to cope with life. Hour glass alters have entire sentence access codes. Deaf & blind alters need their access code signed on their hands by moving their fingers up and down, etc. End time alters may have access codes that may entail reading an entire page. Reporting alters are often small children, that are hidden in each section, and may require slaps to the face or jabs with a needle to pull them up. Spinner kittens will be accessed via their mama cat, who acts like a Madam in a "cat house". The codes for this was given in the Beta section codes of Vol.2.

Telephone tones are frequently used to be able to key in (that is access or trigger) parts of the computer program matrix. Dominoes also are used for the computer programming. The dominoes are put in so that the programmers can get a domino effect, if they want to set off a series of programs. Dominoes and flashing sequences of lights were used to train the child to automatically respond to a certain pattern of dots.

P. Catholic Programming (by Jesuits etc.)

KEYS TO THE KINGDOM = world domination by mind control

In the 1940’s, the Jesuit branch of the Illuminati placed tatoos onto their mind-controlled slaves. These tatoos consisted of the sacred heart with a rose & a dagger, & were generally placed upon the left hand. The Jesuits have discontinued the practice of tattooing their slaves. Now all types of people are using this sacred heart tatoo.

The Rite to Remain Silent is a programming trauma which is a satanic refersal of the Catholic Mass. The VOW OF SILENCE is a keep quiet program activated by "THE WALLS HAVE EARS & THE PLANTS HAVE EYES SO YOUR SILENCE IS TANTAMOUNT TO SUCCESS." It is explained to the victim that the sea shells & the plants have the ability to hear, and that a sensitive occultist (programmer) can psychically pick up what the plants and sea shells hear. "MAINTAIN IT" --is a command to maintain the Vow of Silence. "MAINTAIN IT & LISTEN."-- a command to keep silent & listen to a command.

"ENTER INTER INNER DIMENSION TWO" is a standard Jesuit infinity program (2 is a sacred voodoo no.) Pontifax is a demon &/or alter placed in Jesuit systems.

BABY BREATH, BLACK ROSE, and WHITE ROSE are codes/triggers that are all used in Jesuit mind control. The Baby Breath and the black rose relate to programming having to do with death. The WHITE ROSE is a trigger to cue a person to release programming. The black rose is also used by the Mafia. The black rose was also used by George Bush, drug kingpin for the Illuminati, on his no. 1 helicopter for the upholstery pattern.

When the Catholic Priests do the handsignal genuflection across their chest, this has the second meaning which is a programming meaning of north, south, east and west.

Q. Mensa Programming (by MENSA)

The MENSA codes are sequences of numbers.


Masons and monastic orders who program are very keen on hand signals. A very skilled handler can do morse code with winks and eye rolls.

Rotating the hands around each other and then gesturing with the hands toward the person with both hands means--"did you get the signal?"

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Sign of distress. Arms raised over the head with palms forward. Then lowing the arms to a bent position with the hands at head level, and then lowing the hand to chin level, and then dropping them to the side.

Drawing the right hand across the throat with the thumb of the hand pointing to the throat. (used in connection with oaths, such as fidelity to death.)

· Sign of faith. Hand on the heart.

· Sign of plucking out the heart.

· Sign of Reverence.

· Sign of Satan made over solar plexus.

· Sign of touching the crown of the head.

· Sign of two hands pointing to the solar plexus.

· Sign of Preservation. Consists of placing one hand over the heart, and raising the other to form a right angle at the elbow, with the hand pointing to heaven.

The movie "Dune" showed male & female Ilium, hierarchy hand greetings, as well as showing signet rings, which are indeed often worn on pinky fingers. (The movie also shows the Karat goddess, how a man becomes a Grand Master by learning control of the demons, astral projection through the spheres which are conquered by the Grand Master, & control of the int. weather, etc.)

S. SCRIPTURES USED IN PROGRAMMING (cont. from Vol. 2. chap. 10)

· 1 KGS 7:21 --talks about 2 pillars on the outside of the Temple. The pillars of Joachin and Boaz are important to Freemasonry and are built in the slaves mind at an intermediate level. Joachin is a white pillar

of light associated with fire. It is easy to see how this association could be built by certain traumas. Boaz is the shadowy pillar of darkness and is also associated with water. A dark water torture would make

this association. The two pillars represent the two sides of the Illuminati’s "the Force". Between them is the door to the Illuminati’s House of God.

· 1 KGS 10:18--description of Solomon’s Temple used to build the imagery and the lion guards to the internal Temple programmed into victims.

· 23rd Psalm--used as a cue to signal a ritual time.

· Song of Solomon--Used in the ritual of the Great Rite, a ritual pertaining to the Middle Earth, where the High Priest & Priestess join in sexual union as the God & Goddess creating fertility for the land.

· Ezekiel chap. 1 and chapter 12 are being used for endtime callback codes.


· Blue beams of light are used as a hypnotic induction for slaves who are given the cover story of being abducted by aliens.

· The All-Seeing Eye is used to represent the planet Sirius. Sirius is important to the Hermetic magicians, and some of the programmers are deeply into hermetic magic. Satan is said to come from Draco or Sirius, esp. the dog star Canis major. Masonic programming may well have the "blazing star" portrayed in the programming as a pentagram, with the name Sirius. Sirius may represent the Master, the creator of the system in some systems where the programmer is steeped in Masonic philosophy. A sickle may be involved with the Garden of Eden story for some victims of this type of programming, because supposedly the Golden Age ended with a sickle splitting heaven from earth. The ability of the handlers signals to the slave in so many mediums makes it difficult to communication and accessing, to send different prevent communication and accessing.

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Program Codes During 1972-1976 for Dr. Green

One mind-controlled slave, using her photographic memory, managed to sneak into the programming files of her programmer, who went by the code name Dr. Green. Her information was included in the book U.S. Government Mind Control Experiments On Children which was compiled by Jon Rappoport and presented before a congressional committee & put on public record. The co-authors recognize some of the programs. In the late 60’s and early 70’s, all the programming was revamped. The best programs were identified and then used. The continual revamping, editing and modernizing of programs has continued to strengthen the mind-control. The recovering victim’s name is Chris De Nicola, b. 7/62. She worked full-time at Disneyland for 7 years (from ’83-’90). Her father Donald Richard Ebner worked with her major programmer who was Dr. Green. She received standard Illuminati trauma-based mind-control. In 1970, she received Radiation Experiments on her neck, throat, & chest. In 1972, the experiments concentrated on her chest, and in 1975 the radiation tests concentrated on her uterus. She was programmed in Kansas City Univ., Tucson, AZ, & in the desert in AZ. During her programming, the assistants were careless and she was able to sneak into the Programmer’s office and look at the files with her photographic memory. She was caught twice in the files, and tortured, but simply used her ability to nest memories to their disadvantage. Chris was such a poor programming subject, so much so that finally the programmer tried to trigger her suicide programs to activate, but they failed and she managed to survive. Suicide alters repeatedly tried to kill her body, and they came very close to killing her. On 3 occasions she had to have her stomach pumped, and one occasion when the paramedics found her she’d stopped breathing. She has survived her suicide programming countless times, praise the Lord, and provided what she saw with her photographic memory. The following codes were remembered by Chris without the aid of hypnosis. Cisco and this author recognize some of these programs. What Chris saw were the files. Each program (script) is given a name and then its file has a standard access code assigned to it. Chris saw the standard access codes. The standard method for coding a program is to use the DAY OF BIRTH CODE, THEN THE DAY OF THE TRAUMA that puts in the program into the slave’s mind, and then the STANDARD ACCESS CODE. Evidently, Chris got into the file with level D programs, which means she was looking at programs 4 levels deep. Comments about the programs are this author’s and reflect his understanding, and may be subject to correction. [Spellings are exactly as program names were spelled.]

Program Name Standard Code

Relevance D-1000

Kick-It-Back D-1010

Cross Fire D-1011

Sophis. Electromagnetic Fields D-1012

(D-1012 makes the slave think they have an electrical field on them. In order to cover their electrical field tests, that they actually do place on slaves, they have the ability to confuse the slave, and prevent detection by activating a programmed abreaction that makes the field seem real, when it doesn’t exist. This prevents detection.)

Gorilla Warfare D-1013

Retreat D-1 014

Nautical Science D-1015

River Runs Deep D-1016 (D-1016 is a powerful program which tells the slave that there is no escape, because the programming runs deep through every fiber of the person.)

Educated Mentality D-1017 (D-1017 is a program to allow the slave to look intelligent when needed.)

Glass House D-1018

Corporate Extrapulation D-1019

Closing In D-1 020

Frog Man D-2000

Catastrophic Indifferences D-2020

Quality Control D-2030

Protocol Virus D-2040

Operation 2000 D-2050 (This relates to Project 2000, which is end time programming.)

Pro-Life-Go D-2060

Conspiracy Action D-2070

Verified Suggestion D-2080

Finish Line Protocol D-2080

Fraternity Leads D-2090

Rotten Egg D-3000

Kaiser Confrontation D-3010

Co-Op Protocol D-4701

Forensic Criterion D-4702

Mediator Response D-4703

Mentor Divisible D-4704

Biopsy Synchroization D-4705 [This is a very harsh program.]


D.O.A. D-6000

Laser Documentation D-7000

Freak Out [just what it sounds like] D-7010

-[From here on I will select specific programs, and will not review the

entire list of programs that she saw the files for.]

Foolish Games D-7060

Periodic Mind Lapse [a forget code] D-7080

Creepy Crawlers D-8040

Shock Permanence [to shock oneself] D-9000

One-For-All D-95452

[punish all for 1 alter’s misbehavior]

Counter-Transference DIA-5001

Border-Line-Schizophrenic DIA-5009

[If the slave misbehaves, they can be triggered to act schizophrenic

& get themselves incarcerated into a mental hospital for prgrmmg.]

Lens-Reverse-Angle DIA-5011

Canary-Sings DIA-5015

[reporting alters tattle-tale or an alter sings a script.]

Suicidal Mission [just as it sounds] DIA-5017

Mission Completed [go to "sleep" prgm] DIA-5018

Train-Wreck-Perception DIA-5021

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