Describe your favorite season of the year

Describe an achievement that you are proud of

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Describe an achievement that you are proud of.
You should say

  • What you do

  • When, where, and how you do it;

  • How difficult it is

  • Why are you proud of it

I would like to talk about one of my personal achievements that I take pride in, and that is passing my university entrance examination. This exam is known to be nerve-wracking and challenging, especially when you wish to attend the prestigious schools in town. To be honest, back in high school, I wasn't much of a diligent student. I had no appreciation of hard work and self-improvement. Higher education wasn't something I aimed at all I wished for was to graduate from high school. But in my senior year, I had a chance to study with a dedicated English teacher. The messages that she delivered in each lesson were mind-opening and thought-provoking, activating my desire for self- betterment. At the same time, I harbored my hope of being a teacher. I know that it was not easy for a student with bad academic results like me to get into the Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, but when I set my heart on something, I will go to great lengths to attain it. The exam included three core subjects, namely Maths, mother tongue and literature, English as well, Languages were my forte, but Maths was not my thing. I started to study around the clock and took an active role in learning by doing extra algebra exercises and seeking help from my teachers with any questions that arose. There were times when I was exhausted and disheartened, but the encouragements from my teachers were helpful in keeping me motivated. Finally, the hard work paid off. I was over the moon when informed to be accepted to that university, I was proud of myself for the determination and effort it took to step out of my comfort zone and make my dream come true.

Take pride in - to proud ofsomething. I Faxrlanmoq.
Nerve-wracking - a nerve-racking situation makes you feel very nervous or worried - Asabni buzuvchi.
Dilegent - someone who is diligent works hard and is careful and thorough - Tirishqoq.
Dedicated English teacher - Maxsus Ingliz tili o'qituvchisi.
Mind-opening - seeing something in a new way - Aqlli charxlash/Mustahkamlamoq.
Thought-provoking - makes you think about something - O'ylantiruvchi.
Set one's heart on - You want it very much or want to do it very much - Ich-ichidan/Qattiq xoxlamoq.
To be one's forte - a thing at which someone excels - Kimningdir eng kuchli tomoni.
To be not my thing - it has a similar meaning of" I dislike". I Bu men uchun emas.
Around/round the clock - all day and all night - Kunu-Tun/ Kechayu-kunduz.
To be disheartened - cause (someone) to lose determination or confidence - Ko'ngli qolmoq.
Keep someone motivated - to give motivation to someone - Kimgadir ruhlantirmoq/motivatsiya bermoq.
Paid off - yield good results; succeed - Muvaffaqiyatga erishmoq /Yaxshi natijaga erishmoq.
To be over the moon - to be so happy - Bag'oyatda xursand bo'lmoq.
To be accepted to university/institute/college - to pass a university exam. 🇺🇿Universitet/Institut/Kollejga qabul qilinmoq.

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