Describe your favorite season of the year

Describe a piece of furniture you like (in your home)

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Describe a piece of furniture you like (in your home)
You should say

  • What kind of furniture it is

  • What it looks like

  • Who bought it

  • What the furniture are made of

  • Who you like the furniture

I'm going to describe my night lamp, which my father gave me when I had to leave home for studying. It is a medium - sized plastic lamp, maybe twice or three times the size of a teddy bear. It is shaped like a panda, with the socket hidden at the bottom of the lamp and the switch seated neatly on its head. There's a battery holder beside the socket, so you can always use the battery if you cannot find an outside electrical socket to plug it in. It was the very first time I'd been given a night light. I'd never used this type of lamp before, so I felt really excited and grateful upon receiving it. My father told me that this lamp could help me sleep better. And you know what, it actually worked! The lamp gives out a nice cozy yellow light, and I am able to really sleep soundly with it on. I've been sleeping with this lamp beside my bed every night since the day I received it, and this cute little thing is one of my treasures. I plan to have it with me for a long time, so I'm trying to keep it in the best possible condition. I really like my night lamp for two reasons, firstly that is a gift which represents for my father's love for me and I owe him a lot of gratitude. Secondly, it also offers me a feeling of warmth and comfort when having it in my room.

Night lamp - A bed - side lamp to use at night - Tungi chiroq
To be shaped - in the shape of - Shaklida bo'lmoq
Battery holder - A holder for a battery - Batereya quvvatlagich
Socket - A place to plug in electronics and get electricity - Rezitka
Nice cozy - Qulay
Treasure - a very valuable and important object such as a painting or ancient document - Xazina
Sleep soundly - sleep well - Yaxshi uxlamoq
It also offers me a feeling of warmth and comfort when having it in my room - Shuningdek, u mening xonamda bo'lganida menga iliqlik va qulaylik hissi beradi
Describe a TV program
You should say

  • What the program is

  • How you know it

  • What it is like

  • Why you like it

I'm going to talk about “Who wants to be a millionaire", one of my favorite TV shows ever. As far as I can remember, it was originally a UK TV Game Show, and it made its first debut in Uzbekistan around 10 years ago. This was kind of a quiz show in which contestants have to go through a set of 15 questions with increasing difficulty. The first 5 questions are pretty silly really, and they always give me and my family a good laugh. Contestants are given 4 lifelines to aid them with difficult questions, and most of them are usually used up when the contestant reaches around question 7 or 8. The entire show is a sea of knowledge. Many questions from different fields are asked, ranging from trivial things like ingredients needed to make cookies to academic stuff like quantum physics and archeology. You know, I'm quite a curious man, so back when I was a high school kid, I hardly missed an episode. When the Internet became available in Uzbekistan, I started to watch the UK and US version as well, and knowledge acquired from those shows were really helpful to me in many of my high school knowledge quizzes.

Give somebody a good laugh - make someone laugh in excitement - Kimnidir hayajonga qoldirmoq
A sea of knowledge - a lot of knowledge - Bilimlar dengizi (ko'p bilimli)
As far as I can remember -to the extent that I am able to remember - Esimda qolgunicha
Go through - undergo a difficult period or experience - Qiyin davrlarni boshdan kechirmoq
Lifeline - something which someone depends on completely - Hayot umri
To be curious - marked by desire to investigate and learn - Istagida bo'lmoq

Do young people like to watch TV nowadays?

I would say no. The Internet is a much better option; everything from films and TV series to music is available on the Net, some of which are free of charge. Young people, with their smartphones in hand, no longer feel the need to watch TV.

What kind of TV programs do young people like?

Mostly soap operas, I believe. More women watch TV than men do, and romances are their favorites. Also, cartoons are popular among kids, and students in Uzbekistan also love quiz shows.

Do you think TV will be replaced by computers?

Yes , it's very likely . I can see that coming really. As I said you, the Internet has been a much better option; everything from films and TV series ' to music is available on the Net, I would call it the “natural” selection of technology.

What do you think about TV advertisements?

TV commercials help us to know about stuff we need to buy, so I think it's pretty useful. However, at times it can be very annoying when it interrupts our favorite shows.

To be available - Mavjud.

To be free of charge - without payment Bepul.
No longer feel need to - it is not necessary anymore - Endi kerak emas.
To be popular among - to be popular with - ... Orasida mashxur.
At times -occasionally; sometimes - Ba'zi-ba'zida
It can be very annoying when it interrupts our favorite shows - Sevimli shoularimizni ko'rayotganda rek bo'lsa bu haqiqatdanda asabga tegadi.

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