Describe your favorite season of the year

Describe a lesson that you enjoyed

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Describe a lesson that you enjoyed
You should say

Well, I would like to share with you about a really pleasant experience in an English class I had at Fast Education. During one of our grammar lessons, the regular teacher was sick so the school had to send in a teacher to cover his place. And the substitute teacher, Mr Yashnar, delivered an amazing lecture in English about how he thinks we should all learn languages through watching films . Throughout the two hours, he explained to us the process of learning a language and how films can serve as an effective way to immerse yourself in a language. Basic elements like vocabulary and grammar can be easily absorbed if we focus on dialog in a TV show, and so in the long run our overall language skills can be improved. This method helps us to learn any language effortlessly and in a short period of time. At first, we were all skeptical about the ideas he introduced, however, after watching a short video to practice and doing a trial test, we were all convinced that learning by watching movies was not hard at all and we could apply this to enhance our performance at school. I enjoyed this lesson so much because I find this method to be particularly effective for me .I always felt unmotivated when learning by traditional methods and my results were never desirable. But when I tried learning English using my favorite movies, you know what? My English got better and better and very soon I was able to remember thousands of new words and write really complicated essays l. Now, I can even proudly say that I have mastered the English language.
The regular teacher - a teacher who always teaches you - Har doimgi o'qituvchi
To cover one's place - Kimnidir o'rnini to'ldirmoq/egallamoq (Vaqtincha)
Substitute teacher - O'rinbosar o'qituvchi
Deliver an amazing lecture - to make a beautiful speech for lecture - Ajoyib leksiya/maruza o'qimoq.
Immerse - to be completely involved or surrounded by something - Bahaybat
Basic elements - a main part of something - Asosiy qism
To be absorbed (in) - veryinterested in something.…Ga sho'ng'ib ketmoq/berilib ketmoq
Focus on - to concentrate on something - ga yo'naltirilgan
Effortlessly - easily, without trying - Osongina /Qiyinchiliksiz
To be ceptical - to doubt something - Shubhada bo'lmoq
Trial - a practise test to see ifsomething works Sinov
Enhance - to make better or improve. Rivojlanmoq/ Yaxshilanmoq
Unmotivated - to not want to do something - Motivatsiyasiz
Desirable - the result or affect that is wanted - Kerakli (O'zim xoxlaganday)
Get better - to improve - Yaxshilanmoq
Now, I can even proudly say that I have mastered the English language. G'urur bilan shuni ayta olamanki, men Ingliz tilini o'zlashtirdim

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