Describe your favorite season of the year

Describe an experience when you spent time with a child

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Describe an experience when you spent time with a child.
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So, I'd like to tell you about an experience when I spent time with a kid. It was when I was about 22 years old and I had to look after my brother's 2 year old daughter, who is my niece. It was on a weekend one time when I was visiting my brother and his wife and their daughter. My brother's wife was at work that day and he had to go out to the shops to pick-up some groceries to cook for dinner, but instead of all of us go together, he decided that it would be much more convenient he went alone and I stayed at home to look after my niece while he was gone. At first I was a bit shocked that he came up with this idea because I had never looked after a small child on my own before and I was a bit nervous and didn't know what to do or what to expect. Especially i something went wrong. But my brother reassured me that he would only be gone for about 30 minutes or so and that everything would be fine, and if l needed to contact him in an emergency then I should just call him on his mobile phone. So I reluctantly agreed. Anyway, so my brother went off to the supermarket and I stayed at home with my niece. At first I think I just put on one of her favourite cartoons on the TV to try and keep her occupied for a while, but this only worked for so long. After around 15 minutes, she got bored of that and wanted to do something else, so I then went and got all of her toys from her bedroom and brought them out into the lounge room and tipped them on the floor. We then made a big mess playing with her toys for about 10 minutes before she quickly became bored again. So then after that I went to the kitchen and found some of her favourite snacks and we sat back down to watch cartoons again on the television and eat the snacks. After about 5 minutes though, thankfully she fell asleep until my brother arrived home. So, all in all, it was a fine experience I guess. I was quite relieved that nothing bad happened and I realized that it wasn't that difficult to look after small kids.
Groceries - items of food used to cook eg, fruit, vegetables, meat, canned food, dry noodles etc. Oziq ovqat
To be a bit shocked - feeling very surprised or upset - Ozroq shokda
Come up with this idea - to suggest or think of an idea or plan - Ushbu fikrga kelmoq
Reassured - to comfort someone to stop them from worrying - Ishonch hosil qilmoq
Reluctantly - not wanting to do something, and therefore doing it slowly. Beixtiyor (Xoxlamasdan)
Keep ccupied - to keep busy - Band bo'lmoq
For so long - for a period of time - Bir muddat
Lounge room - a room in a house for general everyday use; a living room - Dam olish xonasi
Tip - to (cause to) move so that one side is higher than another side - Ag'darmoq
Make a big mess - to make something look dirty or untidy. Katta tartibsizlik qilmoq
Quickly become bored - to get quickly bored - Tezda zerikmoq
Thankfully - to show you are happy or grateful about something - Shukrki
Relieved – happy when something unpleasant or not nice has ended. Yengillashmoq

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