Describe your favorite season of the year

Describe a useful website that you often visit

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Describe a useful website that you often visit
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So, if there is anything that I miss about America, it would definitely be Netflix. I am really into TV series, you know, especially the DC comic series like the Flash, Green Arrow and Super-girl and especially Friends. Netfllix is the world's leading internet television network but it's still unauthorized in Uzbekistan, so I found my first few months at home really quite unbearable. Fortunately though, Humoyun who is my good friend and saviour, saved me from this dilemma by introducing me to an unbelievable website called So basically, the website's owners, who apparently are also real movie buffs, manage to get the hottest new shows from around the world and upload them on a daily basis for Uzbek viewers for, if you can believe it absolutely no charge whatsoever. possesses unlimited access to not only my favourite TV series but also many other shows on my movies-to-watch list including things like Game of Thrones and Sherlock Homes. Since this discovery, I've become addicted to the website and am a daily visitor. In conclusion, is a real lifesaver and honestly, I don't think I could put up with all the stress and assignments in my life without my daily dosage of films from
World's leading - the best or most popular in the world - Dunyoda yetakchi
Unauthorized - not allowed, or without permission - Ruxsatsiz
Unbearable - too painful or unpleasant to continue doing or watching - Chidab bo'lmas
Saviour - a person who saves someone from harm or danger - Najotkor
Dilemma - a situation when a difficult choice has to be made - Arosatda
Unbelievable – very surprising - Ajablanarlisi
Movie buffs - a person who knows a lot about and is very interested in films - Kino ixlosmandlari.
Get the hottest news - to get up-to-date news from somewhere or bysomeone - Eng qaynoq yangiliklardan olmoq.
Absolutely no charge whatsoever – free - Hech qanday to'lov olinmaydi
Possesses - to have or own something - Egalik qilmoq
Movies-to-watch list - a list of films that you want to watch - Tomosha qilinishi kerak bo'lgan filmlar ro'yxati.
Lifesaver - a man who always help and keep one's life at time - Qutqaruvchi
Daily dosage - the amount ofmedicine you should take each day - Kundalik doza

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