Describe your favorite season of the year

Describe an interesting talk or speech you heard

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Describe an interesting talk or speech you heard
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Today I am going to talk to you about a speech that I came across two months ago on TV channel, called "English Speeches". The speech was about the power of vulnerability. The speech was delivered by Angelina Goli who is an American famous actress, an author and a public speaker. She has been involved in research on a range of topics, including vulnerability, courage, shame, and empathy. In accidentally heard her speech when I was watching TV some comedic movies on Youtube at home after a hard day at work. Her Pep till touched my spirit, evoked my sympathy and taught me many lessons. Firstly, I learnt that I cannot ignore all the negative feelings have. If I try to avoid them, I won't be able to feel happy, grateful or joyful, and therefore, I need to have the courage to face and solve all the problems have in order to live happily. Secondly, thanks to this talk, I was able to understand how powerful it is to show other people my vulnerability, and that I should dare to take risks and do the things that I am not so sure about. For example, I should be the one who says I love you first, even if I know I might be rejected. Finally, I learnt how to love myself from the bottom of my heart and was able to give up irresponsible behaviour such as skipping meals or getting wasted whenever I was sad. And in addition to this, once I'm able to love myself, I won't hurt other people who truly love me.
Vulnerability - being open or exposed to being physically or mentally harmed - Zaiflik
To be delivered by-spoken or presented by - Tomonidan yetkazilmoq
Public speaker - someone who gives - Jamoa Spikeri (jamoat oldida nuqt so'zlovchi.)
Empathy the ability to understand and share the feelings of another - Hamdardlik hissi
Accidently heard - to hear by chance - To'satdan eshitmoq
Pep till - a motivation like a drug which can keep your endless energy :Motivatsiya buvasi. (Dopping kabi)
Touched my spirit - had a deep impression or influence on me. Meni ruhiyatimga ta'sir qildi (Tochkaga urgan :yani usha gap unga qattiq ta'sir qilgan
Evoked my sympathy - Hamdardliklikni uyg'otmoq
Teach me many lesson - To install lotsa things that is valuable for life. Menga ulkan dars berdi (majoziy ma'noda)
Have the courage to face - to be brave enough to do something - Biror narsa qilish uchun jasoratga ega bo'lmoq
Take risks - to do things even though you might fail - Tavakall qilmoq
To love from the bottom of my heart - to feel deeply or strongly aboutsomething - Qalbini tubidan sevmoq
Skipping meals - to not eat a meal to try to lose weight - Ovqat yemaslik (ozish uchun)
Getting wasted - getting very drunk - Mast bo'lmoq. (filday ichish oqibatida)

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