Describe your favorite season of the year

Describe a situation when you have to be polite

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Describe a situation when you have to be polite
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I would like to start by saying that I always try to be polite in all situations, because that was how I was brought up. However, I have to admit that there are just some individuals out there who enjoying feeding on negative energy. It happened when I had to work in a team with other university friends on an assignment in Economic Studies. In our group then, there was one person who I disliked because he always had half-baked knowledge on everything and a perception that he knew everything. His attitude made everyone in our group really annoyed and sometimes the teamwork became stressful. So, regarding why I had to be polite, it was because we had to work together over a period of about four months and ensure the best outcome. Although it was difficult at first because of his personality and the fact that he always thought that he was right and had the best ideas, eventually we all managed to work as a team and by the end of the project he wasn't really as bad as he had been at the beginning and was more willing to collaborate with the rest of us in the group. And that was my experience of being nice to someone I disliked. The incident helped me understand that it is impossible to shield yourself from negativity, so the only things you can do are learn how to deal with hateful people and grow thicker skin.
Bring up: look after. Katta qilmoq, Tarbiyalamoq.
To feed on negative energy - Salbiy energiya bilan oziqlanmoq. Half-baked : not well planned or considered. Nimxom. (Puxta ishlanmagan)
Perception - the ability to understand - Idrok.
Ensure - Ishonch hosil qilmoq.
Collaborate – work together - Hamkorlik qilmoq.
Shield - protect. Himoya qilmoq. (Shield "ot" bo'lib kelsa qalqon degani).
Hateful - SYN odious - Jirkanch.
Grow thicker skin - an ability to keep from getting upset or offended by the things other people say and do. Gap ta'sir qilmaydigan (uncha muncha narsaga e'tibor bermaydi).

Bomb Points for IELTS Speaking Part 1.

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