Describe your favorite season of the year

Describe a place where you want to work

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Describe a place where you want to work
You should say

Well, the place that I have always wanted to work but have yet had the chance to visit is Tokyo, the capital city of Japan. I have been dreaming to work in this city ever since I learned about it from a travel and lifestyle channel. And even though it is considered as a major cosmopolitan city, I'm always amazed at its ability to preserve the cultural aspect of Japan. The existence ofsuch marvellous temples in the centre ofthe city or the sight ofJapanese women wearing kimonos just seems quite amazing to me. Apart from this, the city where I live, Samarkand, is currently suffering from a serious air pollution problem, so it would be a nice break to be able to find a job in one of the cleanest countries in the world. Recently, there have been many agencies and organizations that help to assist undergraduates or newly-graduated students to find employment in Japan, and so if everything goes according to plan, in about 6 months I will start working as a marketing intern for an English centre located in Ginza, which is one of the busiest streets in Tokyo. Fingers crossed that everything goes according to plan and I am able to enter a completely new phase in my life.

Cosmopolitan - containing people or things from many different parts ofthe world. Kosmopolit (dunyoning turli burchaklarini bag'riga sig'dirgan shahar)

Cultural aspect - to do with the ideas, beliefs, traditions and behaviour ofa society - Madaniy jihat
Marvellous – extremely good – Ajoyib
Newly-graduated students - a student who has recentlyfinished - Yaqinda bitirgan talabalar
If everything goes according to plan - follows the plan - Hammasi rejadagidek ketsa
Fingers crossed - a phrase that is used to wish for good luck. Omad kelsa ( inglizlarda ushbu holat omad keltiradi deb hisoblashadi)
Enter a completely new phase in my life - job or move to a new city to start a new big change in your life eg, a new. Mutlaqo yangicha bosqich/hayotga kirmoq

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