Destination-b1-tarjimalari pdf

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They spent hours watching comedy on television. - Ular televizorda komediya tomosha qilib soatlab vaqt o'tkazishdi.
S Comedian - komediyachi, qiziqchi
My favourite comedian is Jim Carrey. - Mening sevimli komediyachim - Jim Kerri.
S Emotion - his-tuyg'u
Fear is a normal human emotion. - Qo'rquv bu odatiy insoniy his-tuyg'u.
S Emotional - hissiyotlarga beriluvchan
Nigel is quite an emotional person and gets upset very easily. - Nayjel hissiyotlarga juda beriluvchan odam va u tezda xafa bo'lib qoladi.
S Energy - energiya, quvvat, g'ayrat
She's always full of energy. - U har doim energiyaga boy.
S Energetic - energiyaga boy, serg'ayrat, harakatchan
Jack is really energetic. I can't keep up with him! -Jek juda serg'ayrat. Men unga yetolmayman!
S Excite - hayajonlantirmoq, quvontirmoq
The prospect of a year in India greatly excited her. - Hindistonda bir yil o'tkazish istiqboli uni juda hayajonlantirdi.
S Excitement - xursandchilik
Come to Adventure World for fun and excitement! - O'yin-kulgi va xursandchilik uchun Sarguzashtlar Dunyosiga keling!
S Exciting - hayajonli, ajoyib
Swimming with dolphins must be really exciting. - Delfinlar bilan suzish juda ajoyib bo'lsa kerega.
S Excited - hayajonlangan, xursand
I'm so excited about Georgia's party! - Men Jorjaning bazmidan juda hayajondaman!
S Feel - his qilmoq
I feel great this morning. - Bu tongda o'zimni ajoyib his qilyapman.
S Felt - feel fe'lining past simple va past participle shakllari
I've never felt so happy in my whole life. - Butun hayotim davomida o'zimni bu qadar xursand his qilmaganman.
S Feeling - ko'ngil sezishi
I have a feeling that I've been here before. - Bu yerda avval bo'lganman, ko'nglim sezyapti.
S Feelings - his-tuyg'u
You really hurt my feelings last night. - Kecha tunda siz chindan ham mening hissiyotlarimni og'ritdingiz.
S Happy - xursand

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