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30    | December 2010 | Realising European potential in synthetic biology 


Apart from the work of the European academies in analysing the status of synthetic biology, various other national 

and international bodies have been active in addressing capacity building and governance issues. Some examples 

are listed in Table 3, to illustrate the range. These other sources of information helped to provide the background 

Appendix 2   International activities in synthetic biology: 

analysing ethical and societal implications

Table 3  Issues analysis and other initiatives in synthetic biology

Organisation and initiative

Primary focus

European Commission (DG Research), NEST Pathfi nder 



 and Framework Programme 6-funded projects:

   Toward a European Strategy of 

Synthetic Biology (TESSY)








Inventory of resources, roadmap, analysis of strategic 


Analysis of current research (EU, USA)

Ethics, safety and security

Education, infrastructure and standards

EMBL/EMBO, Conference on Systems and Synthetic Biology, 



Scientifi c and social implications

European Science Foundation meeting and Eurocores project, 

EuroSynBio, opened for applications for research funding, 




Supporting engineering and molecular research in complex 

biological systems and societal context

Kavli Futures Symposium, Ilulissat Statement, 2007


Identifi cation of fundamental, applied and social research needs

US Woodrow Wilson Center report on synthetic 



Anticipating and addressing concerns for laboratory and 


International Risk Governance Council report on synthetic 

biology, 2008


Analysing applications, risks and governance

UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council 

report, 2008


Analysing societal impact, risks and regulation

UK Lloyd’s Emerging Risks Team Report 2009


Analysing risks and governance issues with implications for 

insurance sector

European Group on Ethics of science and new technologies 

(EGE) 2009


Analysing issues for biosafety, biosecurity, industrial applications, 

IPR, societal engagement and research support


‘Synthetic biology, a NEST pathfi nder initiative’ at ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/nest/docs/5-nest-synthetic-080507.pdf.


TESSY fi nal report ‘TESSY achievements and future perspectives in synthetic biology’, December 2008, at www.tessy-europe.



‘An analysis of synthetic biology research in Europe, the United States and Canada’ at www.atg-biosuynthetics.com/



Output as commentary paper ‘Synbiosafe e-conference: online community discussion on the societal aspects of synthetic 

biology’ (M. Schmidt, H. Torgersen, A. Ganguli-Mitra, A. Kelle, A. Deplazes, N. Biller-Andorno) Syst Synth Biol, doi:10.1007/



‘Emergence: a foundation for synthetic biology in Europe’, at www.synbio.org.uk/synthetic-biology-index/1105-emergence-



‘Systems and synthetic biology: scientifi c and social implications’, Heidelberg, Germany, November 2008 at www.embl.org/



European conference on ‘Synthetic biology: design, programming and optimisation of biological systems’, St Feliu de Guixois, 

Spain, November 2007 at www.functionalgenomics.org.uk; EuroSynBio call for proposals on www.esf.org/activities/eurocores/



International discussion meeting in Ilulissat, Greenland. Statement ‘Synthesizing the future – a vision for the convergence of 

synthetic biology and nanotechnology’ accessed at www.royalsociety.org/page.asp?id=7493.


Report ‘Synthetic biology’ by D. Caruso, Hybrid Vigor Institute, at www.science.progress.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/

syntheticbiology.pdf for Woodrow Wilson Center (www.wilsoncenter.org).


Report ‘Synthetic biology risks and opportunities for an emerging fi eld’ by J. Calvert and J. Tait at www.igrc.org/IMG/pdf/RGC_



Report ‘Synthetic biology social and ethical challenges’ by A. Balmer and P. Martin on www.bbsrc.ac.uk.


Report ‘Synthetic biology: infl uencing development’ by Lloyd’s Emerging Risks Team, July 2009, on www.lloyds.com.


‘Opinion on the ethics of synthetic biology’, EGE, November 2009, at www.ec.europa.eu/european_group_ethics/docs/



Realising European potential in synthetic biology | December 2010 |    31

for EASAC inquiry in elucidating what public policy-makers need to know to provide a supportive framework for 

synthetic biology R&D.

Apart from the ethical issues raised about creating life, research funders, NGOs and advisory groups have discussed other 

ethical issues associated with synthetic biology. Concerns relating to trade and global justice have been expressed. For 

example, the synthesis of artemesinin might move production from developing countries to developed countries—but 

this type of concern is by no means confi ned to the products of synthetic biology.

It is also worth noting that in the recent work of the European Commission-funded Synbiosafe project (Ganguli-Mitra 

et al. 2009), a survey of researchers involved in synthetic biology revealed a prevailing view that synthetic biology raises 

no particular ethical issues in itself and that any social implications are exclusively related to specifi c practical applications, 

for example, manipulation of the human genome. It is not clear if these researchers’ perspective is shared more widely 

across the EU, although some initial public expectations are being elucidated (chapter 4). Other commentators have 

raised concerns that synthetic biology raises new ethical issues in creating artifi cial life and in blurring the boundaries 

between animate and inanimate. However, bioethicists themselves differ in their views on this: some perceive a need 

for ‘synthetic bioethics’, others see little novelty in synthetic biology ethical issues. This debate might be helped by 

greater clarity in defi nition. Semantic problems arise in part because researchers use terms and metaphors (such as ‘living 

machines’) that appear to blur the boundary between living and non-living matter.

As there is extensive discussion on ethical issues in synthetic biology in the publications already cited (in particular the 

German Statement and the Royal Society publication described in footnote 21) as well as in the sources listed in Table 

3, the EASAC Working Group did not address these ethical matters in further detail. However, as noted elsewhere in 

this report, EASAC suggests that the academies should support further analysis and debate on ethical issues, perhaps 

through the mechanism of the Standing Committee on Science and Ethics of the All European Academies (ALLEA).

32    | December 2010 | Realising European potential in synthetic biology 



American Association for the Advancement of Science


All European Academies


Central Intelligence Agency

DNA Deoxyribonucleic 


DG Enterprise and Industry 

European Commission Directorate General for Enterprise and Industry

DG Research 

European Commission Directorate General for Research

DG Sanco 

European Commission Directorate General for Health and Consumer Protection


European Academies Science Advisory Council


European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies


European Molecular Biology Organisation


European Medicines Agency

EU European 



Food and Drug Administration

GM Genetically 

modifi ed

GMOs Genetically 

modifi ed organisms

IAP InterAcademy 



International Genetically Engineered Machine


Intellectual property rights

IT Information 



Massachusetts Institute of Technology

NGO Non-governmental 



National Institutes of Health


Research and development

RNA Ribonucleic 



Small and medium-sized enterprises

XNA Xeno-nucleic 


List of abbreviations


Realising European potential in synthetic biology | December 2010 |    33

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34    | December 2010 | Realising European potential in synthetic biology 


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discussion meeting summary. Available at www.royalsoc.

org; additional information is available at the Royal 

Society’s Synthetic Biology resource at www.royalsociety.


For further information:

EASAC Secretariat

Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina

German National Academy of Sciences

Postfach 110543

06019 Halle (Saale)


tel +49 (0)345 4723 9831

fax +49 (0)345 4723 9839

email secretariat@easac.eu

Printed by Latimer Trend & Co Ltd, Plymouth, UK

EASAC policy report 13

December 2010

ISBN: 978-3-8047-2866-0

This report can be found at 


Realising European potential in synthetic biology: 

scientific opportunities and good governance



building science into EU policy

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