Education of the republic of uzbekistan state university of world languages

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cognitive linguistics edited 2

Research questions
The research questions of this study were as follows:
What is the basis of the evaluative categorization of human intelligence in different linguistic world images?
What are the differential features of the “intelligence” and the “evaluation of human intelligence in linguistic world images” categories?
How we can determine the cognitive classification dimension of “smartness-foolishness”?
How we can describe the specificity of cultural codes used by various linguocultural communities to describe human intelligence, examined the evaluative categorization of human intelligence based on the main categorization?
The methodology of this research is based on the interdisciplinary, cognitive, and anthropocentric approaches, and various methods. The research methods include the contextual analysis method (that facilitates the study of the “smart-foolish” concepts), the contrastive analysis method (the comparative and contrastive analysis of “smart-foolish” personal constructs), and the simulation method (that builds a model of the evaluative categorization procedure). The cognitive evaluation procedure method was based on the consideration of cognitive classification and differential features of human abilities.
The interdisciplinary approach to studying the evaluative categorization of human intelligence is determined by the need for studying the psychological and cognitive aspects of the “intelligence” term. This requires the investigation of its cognitive classification and differential features, the “intelligence” concept, the building of a model, the study of peculiarities of this phenomenon’s conceptualization in the mind of different language speakers, the description of means of expressing the “intelligence” concept in different linguistic world images, the performance of a cognitive procedure of evaluative categorization for the “intelligence” concept, the emphasizing of the “smart” and “foolish” categories and their filling. The anthropocentric approach facilitates the determination of the human role in the subjective axiological activity and distribution of concepts related to the human mental ability by individual categories. The research of the national specificity of the evaluative categorization of the “intelligence” concept applied the methods of conceptual analysis, contrastive analysis, simulation, and the cognitive evaluation procedure, based on the consideration of cognitive classification and differential features.
Studying the “intelligence” concept requires a reference to the analysis of the cognitive field of the “intelligence” concept, which gives an understanding of the psychic factors – mental functions, and their role in developing abilities. According to V. Shadrikov (2012): “human abilities and mental functions are closely interconnected; therefore, it is impossible to consider abilities without considering mental functions”. Hence, the scholar investigates abilities in relation to specific mental functions.
In order to perform an evaluative categorization of the “intelligence” concept, one should perform the cognitive evaluation procedure. According to A. Baranov (1989), the structure of this procedure includes the following crucial components: 1) choosing the object (of the evaluation);
2) choosing a feature (basis) of evaluation;
3) correlating the evaluation object and the evaluation feature;
4) choosing the value of the evaluation feature;
5) assigning the feature value to the evaluated object;
6) orienting the act of assigning the evaluative feature’s value at the possibility of participation in the decision-making process (the latter includes the detection of alternative solutions to a problematic situation, evaluation of alternatives, and the choice of one).
Vocabulary of different languages have been involved as research materials serving to designate the concept of “human intellectual capacity”. It is used in order to identify how to use the tokens in evaluative categorization of human intelligence.

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