Electrical industry of burma/myanmar


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Kyaw Thu, Myanmar Times, 24/03/08. Rewritten. http://mmtimes.com/no411/b002.htm

On 27/02/08, the Dept of Hydropower Implementation (HPID) under the Electric Power Ministry No 1 and China Power Investment Corp (CPIC) signed a contract to build the Chipwi Nge hydropower project in Kachin State. The power plant at the dam will supply the electricity required to build seven other dams that CPIC plans to build [in the upper part of Kachin state].
The installed capacity of Chipwi Nge hydropower project will be 99 MW with costs estimated at more than US$ 50 million. The Chinese firm will foot the bill to build this plant. “Once the other seven projects have been completed, the Chipwi Nge dam will be given to Myanmar,” said an energy expert close to EPM-1.
According to the same source, a feasibility study that will pave the way for the construction of the seven mega-hydropower projects is expected to be finished by the end of 2008. The planned projects will theoretically produce a total of 16,500 megawatts of electricity and are expected to take 15 years to build. Experts from both countries have been conducting surveys to produce the feasibility report for the projects. The reports will likely determine whether Myanmar’s government gives the projects a green light.
Compiler’s note: The CPIC project referred to under this key article is known as the Chipwenge (Chip Nge) hydropower project and is on Chipwe creek about 11 miles (17.6km) southeast of Chipwe. Construction of the dam and related powerhouse and infrastructure began in 2007 and was completed in 2010. Electriicty produced by the Chipwenge station is intended primarily to service the construction phases of the Myitsone and Upper Cascades hydropower projects undertaken by CPIC in northern Kachin State. News reports occasionally confuse the 99-MW Chipwenge creek project with the 2000-MW Chipwi hydropower project which is about 11 miles to the north of Chipwi on the N’maikha river. Both are located in Chipwi township.
Information on the six Upper Cascades projects of the CPIC located on the N’maikha and Malikha rivers can now be found in Appendix 33 under the heading Upper Cascades hydropower projects in Kachin State. For information related to CPIC’s Ayeyawady confluence project (often referred to as the Myitsone dam project), see the following key articles: ‘Agreement signed for Upper Kachin hydropower projects (Myitson)’ (NLM: 02/01/07), ‘Prime minister updated on the Myitson hydropower project’ (NLM: 25/01/11), ‘China’s Investment in Kachin dams seen as cause of conflict’ (IRROL; 16/06/11), ‘President Thein Sein orders suspension of Myitsone dam project’ (IRROL: 30/09/11), ‘CPI president responds to suspension of Myitsone agreement’ (Xinhua: 03/10/11) and ‘KDNG claims work continuing on CPI projects in Kachin State (IRROL: 05/03/12)

For reports on the environmental impact of all of CPI’s hydropower projects in northern Kachin State see: ‘BANCA’S critical report on China-backed dam smothered’ (DVB: 18/07/11) and ‘China Power Investment EIA report on Upper Ayeyawady projects’ (CSPDR: G2011). For information on transmission of the power generated by these projects see Chinese engineers planning grid connection (IRROL: 23/01/10).

Map references:

A good set of maps for understanding the context in which the series of dams in Maykha and Malikha valleys are being built is to be found in Damming the Irrawaddy The locations of the major dams are tentatively pinpointed on doc p 17. Note that some of these locations have changed since publication of the report.


The Burma Rivers Network also has a map its main page showing the locations of the dams in the Maykha – Malikha valleys with the project sites hyperlinked to information about each of the dam components of the larger project. Note that the information on the location and potential megawatt capacity of the dams pinpointed on this map has not been updated in line with recently announced changes.

The Environmental Impact Report prepared by Changjiang Survey Planning Design and Research Institute in 2010 has three maps showing the location of the six Upper Cascaades hydropower projects at http://www.uachc.com/Liems/esite/content/showDetail.jsp?nid=6854&newtype_no=2247 Map 1 shows the main roads connecting the six projects; Map 2 shows the network of hydrological stations linked to the projects; Map 3 indicates the distribution of earthquake monitoring stations in the Upper Cascades region. Note that the Chinese name for N’maikha (Mayhka) river used in the CSPRDRI report is Enmaynua. Although it is not named in English like the six Upper Cascades projects on Maps 1 and 2, the location of the Chipwenge station is shown close to border-crossing point at Pangwah marked in blue near the lower right hand corner of the maps.
Additional references
Data summary: Chipwenge
For information on CPIC’s Myitsone hydropower project see the following key articles in the compendium: ‘Agreement signed for Upper Kachin hydel projects’ (Myitson)’ (NLM: 02/01/07), ‘Prime minister updated on the Myitson hydropower project’ (NLM: 25/01/11), ‘China’s Investment in Kachin dams seen as cause of conflict’ (IRROL; 16/06/11), ‘President Thein Sein orders suspension of Myitsone dam project’ (IRROL: 30/09/11), ‘CPI president responds to suspension of Myitsone agreement’ (Xinhua: 03/10/11) and ‘KDNG claims work continuing on CPI projects in Kachin State (IRROL: 05/03/12). For further information on the six Upper Cascades hydropower projects in Kachin State see: Appendix 32 (ELEP044). For reports on the environmental impact of all of CPIC’s hydropower projects in northern Kachin State see: ‘BANCA’S critical report on China-backed dam smothered’ (DVB: 18/07/11) and ‘China Power Investment EIA report on Upper Ayeyawady projects’ (CSPDR: G2011). For information on transmission of the power generated by these projects see Chinese engineers planning grid connection (IRROL: 23/01/10).
NLM, 08/04/11. Edited and condensed. http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs11/NLM2011-04-08.pdf

EPM-1 Zaw Min receives a delegation led by V-P Zhang Xiaolu of China Power Investment Corp (CPI) for discussions of hydropower projects being implemented by the CPI in cooperation with the ministry. The Minister receive PRC Ambassador Li Junhua for discussions on co-operation in hydropower projects between Myanmar and the PRC.

NLM, 22/03/11. Edited and condensed. http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs11/NLM2011-03-22.pdf

Replying to a question in Parliament from Kachin State representative Zakhun Ting Ring as to what arrangements are being made for the people who live in the area where the Maykha-Malikha hydropower projects are under construction, EPM-1 Zaw Min said that the seven hydropower projects to be implemented in Maykha-Malikha river valleys including the Chepwe, Chepwenge, Wusauk, Khaunglanphu, Yinan, Phizaw and Laiza dams and power stations. Together they will have a generating capacity of 12499 megawatts. It will take 15 years to complete all of them. Currently there are opportunities for locals to work on stone and sand production, building and road construction, civil engineering works in the projects and supplying food for the tens of thousands of workers on the projects. An all-weather 261-mile motorway is to be built from Myitsone to the Yinan dam site and a 170-mile motorway from Myitsone to Laiza.

Kachin Independence Organization, 16/03/11.


Text of an ‘open’ letter addressed by Chairman Lanyaw Zawng Hra of the KIO to the Chairman of the Communist Party of China (CPC) with regard to seven hydropower projects under construction by CPI [China Power Investment Corporation] of the PRC and Asia World Co Ltd of Myanmar along the Mali Hka and Nmai Hka rivers in Kachin State. The letter states that the KIO has no objections to six of the planned dams and hydropower plants but appeals to the Chairman of the CPC for assistance in finding a “suitable solution” to the problem created by locating the seventh dam at the confluence of the Mali and Nmai rivers. It describes the Confluence as an important historical and enviromental site of the Kachin ethnic people and says the KIO has appealed to the Asia World Co to enter into discussions with it regarding the location of the dam at the Confluence. While the letter addresses problems created by the relocation of residents in the area to be flooded by the dam at the Confluence, its main thrust appears to be directed at the deteriorating relationship between the KIO and the Myanmar military regime and the problems this could create for dam construction activites involving the CPI’s other projects in upper Kachin State. “17. The leaders of the Military Government’s Northern Command in Kachin State recently informed us that security concerns and other necessary procedures will be launched in the six dam project locations./ 18. We have replied that the Myanmar military troops will not be allowed to invade the area [assigned to the] KIO [by the 1994 cease-fire agreement] under current circumstances./ 19. We also informed the Military Government that the KIO would not be responsible for civil war if war broke out because of hydro power plant and dam construction.” [Compiler’s note: The text of the points quoted has been modified for the sake of clarity. It should be noted that this ‘open’ letter was not made public until at least a couple of months after it was sent. Also, that the ‘military government’ of General Than Shwe was replaced at the end of March 2011 by the ‘union government’ led by President Thein Sein. The letter should be read in the context of the outbreak of hostilities between the KIA and the Myanmar Army in various parts of Kachin State in May and June 2011. In this connection, see recent items in key articles ELEP037, ELEP035, ELEP 034 and other general sources related to political developments in Kachin State.

NLM, 26/12/10. http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs11/NLM2010-12-26.pdf

The Chipwe [Creek] Hydropower [Station] was opened at the project site on 22/12/10 with the attendance of government ministers and representatives of the China Power Investment Corporation (CPI) and Asia World Co Ltd as well as people from the area. The project is being implemented by CPI Yunnan International Power Investment Co Ltd. Work continues on the power station, and installation of the machinery there. [Photos of the opening ceremony, as well as the dam and the power station are included in the print edition of NLM. The dam and the power station appear to be in separate locations. The photo of the dam shows it be surrounded by steep hills. It would appear to be a file photo as the reservoir area behind the dam has no water in it. The power station where the launching ceremony took place is in a relatively level area where there was seating for a crowd of several thousand people.]

NLM, 30/11/10. http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs09/NLM2010-11-30.pdf

Lt-Gen Min Aung Hlaing of the MoD visits the Chiphwenge hydropower plant and is briefed by U Maw Win of the Hydropower Implementation Dept of EPM-1 and Project Director Wejie of CPI Yunnan International Power Investment Co Ltd. He is given a tour of the power house and water outlet channel. [Accompanied by a photo of the partially completed base of one of the the turbines.]

NLM: 17/10/10. Edited. http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs09/NLM2010-10-17.pdf

The Chipwenge hydropower project is located on the Chipwe River, 11 miles from Chipwe. The main embankment will be of concrete, 722 feet long and 156 feet high. The water tunnel is 6.9 miles long and the water diversion tunnel, 898 feet long. The water storage area is 0.129 square mile. The watershed area is 213.24 square miles. The power house [downstream from the dam site] is of re-inforced concrete, 200 feet long and 93 feet wide. Three 33-MW generators will be installed which are expected to generate 599 million kWh yearly. Engineers and workers are making strenuous efforts for operating the power plant in June 2011. The government is building the hydropower plant by spending a large sum of money. [A good photo shows the partially completed sluice gate of the dam.]

NLM, 24/09/10. http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs09/NLM2010-09-24.pdf

EPM-1 Zaw Min meets with V-P Zhang Xiaolu and Chief Engineer Xia Zhong of China Power Investment Corp (CPI) and GM Li Guanghua and party of CPI Yunnan International Power Investment Co Ltd (YPIC) of the PRC. They focus on joint implementation of hydropower projects.

International Crisis Group, China’s Myanmar Strategy: Elections, Ethnic Politics and Economics, p. 8 (Beijing, 21/09/10). http://www.crisisgroup.org/~/media/Files/asia/north-east-asia/B112%20Chinas%20Myanmar%20Strategy%20%20Elections%20Ethnic%20Groups%20and%20Economics.ashx

Footnote 88: “China Power Investment Corporation is investing $30 billion in the Shweli-2 hydropower facility.” [In support of this statement the footnote cites 于洪海 [Yu Honghai], 《开发东南亚水电,助力西电东送》, [“Develop Southeast Asian hydropower, support transferring power from Western China to Eastern China”], in 《中国能源报》 [China Energy], 12 May 2010.] Compiler’s note: The reference to CPIC investing in the Shweli-2 hydropower project is an error. The citation almost certainly refers to the network of dams and power plants that China Power Investment Corp is developing on the main rivers in northeastern part of Kachin state. According to published reports, the total megawatt capacity of the eight projects including the Myitson confluence project would total 18,500 MW. At a total of $ 30 billion for the entire program this would work out to approximately $ 1.6 million per megawatt.

NLM, 07/03/10. http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs08/NLM2010-03-07.pdf

EPM-1 Zaw Min reports to the Special Projects Implementation Committee that (among others) his ministry currently has the following hydro electric generation projects involving foreign investment under planning and development: Ayeyawady Myitson - 4100 megawatts; Yinan - 1200 megawatts; Khaunglanphu - 2700 megawatts; Phizaw 2000 – megawatts; (6) Wuhsauk -1800 megawatts; (7) Chipwe - 2800 megawatts; (8) Chipwenge - 99 megawatts; (9) Laikzar - 1900 megawatts. (Compiler’s note: this list repeats the same information that EPM-1 Zaw Min reported to a SPIC meeting in November 2008. See below: NLM 16/11/08));

NLM, 01/03/10. http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs08/NLM2010-03-01.pdf

At the Chipwenge hydropower project near MP 12/4 on Chipwe-Panwa Road 11-miles southeast of Chipwe, Lt-Gen Tha Aye of the MoD looks into construction work and the installation of the penstock.

NLM, 31/12/09. http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs08/Electricity_article-NLM2009-12-31.pdf

Completion of the 99-MW Chephwenge hydropower project is targeted for 2011.

China Gezhouba Group, 02/09/09. http://stock.sohu.com/20090902/n266393997.shtml

On 30 August, workers of the Gezhouba Group poured concrete for the first warehouse at the Chibwe dam site in Myitsone, Myanmar. This symbolized the second stage of Chibwe dam's construction, which includes earth excavation and concrete pouring. Chibwe hydropower station is located on the Chibwe river, a tributary of the N'Mai Hka river. The Gezhouba Group has been awarded the contract for construction of the concrete gravity dam which will 47.5m high and 220m long.

NLM, 21/06/09. http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs07/NLM2009-06-21.pdf

[During a visit to the PRC by SPDC Vice-Chairman Gen Maung Aye, . . . Myanmar Ambassador U Thein Lwin and President of China Power Investment Corporation Lu Qizhou signed an MoA between the Dept of Hydropower Implementation and China Power Investment Corp for the development, operation and transfer of the hydropower projects in the Maykha, Malikha and Upstream of the Ayeyawady-Myitsone river basins and exchanged notes” on 16/06/09.

NLM, 02/04/09. http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs6/NLM2009-04-02.pdf

Officials of China Power Investment Co Ltd (CPIC) led by PRC Minister of Energy Zhang Guobao together with Deputy EPM-1 Myo Myint visited the Ayeyawady confluence hydropower on 29/03/09. They were briefed on the implementation of the Ayeyawady Confluence and the Chibwaynge hydropower projects by Engineer Shi Su Byan of CPIC.

NLM, 28/02/09. http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs6/NLM2009-02-28.pdf

Maj-Gen Ohn Myint of the MoD visits Chipwenge hydropower project near Lankyaw village (25° 48' N, 98° 12' E) in Chipwe township and views work on the embankment and intake channel. [A photo of trucks hauling earth is included in the print edition of NLM.]

NLM, 27/02/09. http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs6/NLM2009-02-27.pdf

Maj-Gen Ohn Myint of the MoD visits the worksite of the Chiphwenge hydropower project being implemented by HPID of EPM-1 near MP 82 on the Chiphwe-Panwah road, 11 miles south of Chiphwe, where he inspects No 6 approach tunnel. [A photo of the tunnel entrance is included in the print edition of NLM.]

KNG, 13/01/09. http://www.kachinnews.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=699:over-1000-chinese-workers-in-burmas-chibwe-hydropower-project&catid=1:latest-news&Itemid=50

To expedite hydropower projects near Chibwe, about 1,000 Chinese workers have been brought to the project site since late December, 2008, acdg to local sources. The Chinese workers are employed by [companies contracted by] China's China Power Investment Corporation (CPI) together with about 300 Burmese workers of the Asia World Co. The number of Chinese workers has increased significantly from about 300 in early December, 2008. The workers are engaged in survey work along the N'Mai river near Chibwe as well as in preparations for construction of a smaller hydropower plant on Chibwe creek. The Asia World Company is also working on a building -- 300 x 50 feet -- on the Chibwe football ground which will be used [as the centre of operations] for the hydropower projects. Awng Wa of the Kachin Development Networking Group (KDNG) based on the Sino-Burma border told KNG that the Chinese companies under the CPIC were also taking out valuable minerals from the project areas to China while working on the hydropower project.

KNG, 05/12/08.


Since October, three helipads have been built on the public football ground in the mountainous town of Chibwe near the N'mai river in northeastern Kachin state. They will be used for official visits to the town in connection with hydropower projects in the area. At the moment, over 200 Chinese workers and approximately 300 Asia World Co workers are employed at the site of a project on Chibwe creek. Eye witness reports say they are drilling tunnels through the mountains using power shovels, drilling machines and trucks. The power plant on Chibwe creek is expected to produce electricity that will be used in the construction of much larger dams and power stations on the N’mai hka. Survey work for one of the large projects on the N’maikha near Chibwe town is continuing. Local farmers said they have not been able to work their farms properly since the project started in early 2007. Much of their farmland is in the survey area and some farms have been dug up by power shovels or converted into roads. They have not been compensated for their losses. Moreover, Asia World Co has delayed paying the monthly salaries of local employees for two or more months. Local workers cannot leave the company because their National Registration Cards (NRCs) are kept by the company, added a local worker.

Mizzima, 02/12/08. http://bnionline.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5499&Itemid=1

Work has begun on a small hydroelectric project on the Chiphwi river, about 70 miles northeast of Myitkyina. An official with Asia World Company who is working at the construction site said, "This dam is a small one that will produce electricity to be used in building dams along the Nmai Hka and Mali Hka rivers, including the Myintsone dam at the confluence of the two rivers.”

NLM, 16/11/08. http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs5/NLM2008-11-16.pdf

At a co-ordination meeting (1/2008) of the Special Projects Implementation Committee in the office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army), EPM-1 Zaw Min gave a brief account of six completed projects, 22 ongoing projects and 15 hydropower projects that call for the approval of the Committee. [Among the the fifteen are] the Yi Nan (1200 megawatts), Khaung-lanphu (2700 megawatts), Phizaw (2000 megawatts), Wuhsauk (1800 megawatts), Chiphwe (2800 megawatts), Chiphwenge (99 megawatts), and Laikzar (1900 megawatts) hydropower projects in Kachin state.

[Compiler’s note: There are significant differences in the project list above and those published in NLM on 02/01/07 and 05/05/07. The current list obviously reflects the results of two years of research by field teams financed by the China Power Investment Corp. As indicated in a news report of the Myanmar Times (24/03/08), a feasibility study of the massive project was expected to be delivered by the end of 2008, and the list provided by EPM-1 to the SPIC meeting appears to be in line with the recommendations of that report. Notably, the proposed outputs of several power plants including those at Khaunglanhpu, at Phizaw, at Chiphwe, at Chiphwenge and at Laikzar have been increased. The projects at Pashe and Lakin creek have disappeared. Note the addition of of the 1200-MW Yi Nan project and the omission of the Myitsone dam project.
Khin Hnin Htet, DVB, 29/07/08. http://english.dvb.no/news.php?id=1576

Christian leaders in Chibwe have been questioned by local authorities about a poster campaign against the ongoing Chibwe dam project. Kachin Development Network chairman Aung Wah said pastors had been summoned for interrogation by local authorities after anti-dam posters appeared in the town on 13 July. They were called up again on 24 July and pressured to find out who was behind the poster movement. They were called to the police station one at a time and pressured to find out who was behind the posters – the officials insisted that they knew there was a link between the pastors and the poster campaign," said U Aung Wah. "They were forced to sign an agreement saying that they would find out who the culprits were." The dam project was started on the Chibwe river early this year as a joint project between a Chinese company and the Myanmar-Asia World Co. The project had led to forced seizures of land from farmers in the region and also destruction of the local environment, U Aung Wah said. "They have seized gardens and farmland from the locals and the project has destroyed all the roads in the area," he said. "Their main intention is to find gold and other minerals under the river bed while they are building dams across the rivers."

NLM, 28/02/08. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/08nlm/n080228.htm

Chinese delegation led by D-G Kong Ling Long of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) of the PRC witnesses signing of the contract for the Chipwi Nge hydropower project by D-G Aung Koe Shwe of the Hydropower Department of EPM No 1 and V-P Zhang Xiaolu of China Power Investment Corp (CPI).

NLM, 20/03/08. http://myanmargeneva.org/NLM2008/eng/3mar/n080320.pdf

Northern Commander Ohn Myint visits the Chipwe hydro-power station project in Chipwe township where he is briefed on project data by Engineer Sai Ohn Myint.

NLM, 13/06/07. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/07nlm/n070613.htm

While in Beijing, EPM-1 Zaw Min met with V-Cs Deng Zon Zi and Jin Shoar Lu of China Power Investment Corp at the hall of Grand Hotel Beijing on 07/06/07. They discussed work on the hydropower projects at the Ayeyawady confluence and Chibwe creek and future tasks to be carried out in those places.

NLM, 07/05/07. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/07nlm/n070507.htm

Opening of a project office for the Maykha and Malikha Valley and Confluence Region and Chibwe Creek hydropower projects, in Sitapu ward of Myitkyina. EPM No 1 Zaw Min, V-P Shi Chengliang of CPI, Project Manager Niu Xinqiang of Chiangjiang Design Institute (CISPDR), MD Tun Myint Naing of Asia World Co and an official of CPI Southern Branch participated.

KNG, 07/05/07. http://www.bnionline.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1651&Itemid=6

A Kachin Anti-Dam Committee (KADC) has been formed by four Kachin organizations -- Kachin Labour Union (KLU), All Kachin Students and Youth Union (AKSYU), Kachin Development Networking Group (KDNG) and the Kachin Environment Organization (KEO). KADC was formed after work started on a 65-MW hydroelectric power project on Chibwi creek in Kachin state on April 30. KADC aims to raise awareness both in Kachin state and internationally that will bring a halt to the project. It will have branch offices in Thailand and India.

NLM, 05/05/07 http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/07nlm/n070505.htm (CB)

HPID and the China Power Investment Corp (CPI) of the PRC started construction of a hydropower plant on Chebwe Creek in Kachin State on 30 April. The project, which is expected to generate 65 MW is being built to supply power for seven other hydropower projects to be built on the Maykha and Malikha (rivers) amd at the confluence of the Ayeyawady. The seven other projects include the dam at the Ayeyawady confluence (3,600 MW), a 2000-MW project in the Chibwe area, a 1,600-MW-project at Pashe, a 1,400-MW project at Lakin, a 1,500-MW project at Phizaw, a 1,700-MW project at Khaunglanphu and a 1,560-MW project at Laiza, all in Kachin state. Together the projects are expected to generate 13,360 MW. Participants in the ground breaking ceremony included Maj-Gen Ohn Myint, EPM Zaw Min and CPI V-P Shi Chengliang.

NLM, 02/01/07 http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/07nlm/n070102.htm

EPM-1 Zaw Min met with V-P Shi Chongliang of the China Power Investment Corp (CPIC) at his office here on 28 December. Also present at the call were Dep EPM No 1 Myo Myint, directors-general of enterprises under the the ministry, V-P of the Dept of Planning and Development Wang Xian Chun and responsible persons of CPI Corp, and MD Tun Myint Naing of Asia World Co Ltd. They discussed matters related to the implementation of the Maykha-Malikha valley region hydel power project and the Ayeyawady confluence hydel power project. Next, officials of HPID and personnel of CPI Corp signed an MoU for the Maykha-Malikha Water Resources and Ayeyawady Confluence Hydel Power Project. HPID and CPI will build the 2000-MW Chibwe hydel power project on the Maykha river and the 3,600-megawatt Ayeyawady Hydel Power Project at the confluence of the Maykha and Malikha.

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