Energia s. P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia

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The Russian Federation Government Decision No.1214 of 31.12.2010 «On Improvement of the Procedure to Manage Public Joint-Stock Companies whose shares are in Federal Ownership and Federal State Unitary Enterprises».

Make sure that the Annual Report structure matches that recommended in the Government Decision

The Corporation made sure that the Annual Report structure matches that recommended in the Government Decision

FPMA’s Letters of 04.04.2014 No. OD-11/14076 «On preparation for holding AGSM at the end of 2013», dated 14.07.2014 No.09/30333.

Directive of the Russian Federation Government dated 17.05.2014 No. 2942p-P13

About support for holding annual general stockholders meetings.

Hold pre-annual meeting of the Board of Directors

In accordance with FPMA’s Letter No OD-11/42239 of 12.09.2013 «On making Arrangements for Preparing Proposals by the Joint-Stock Companies to Nominate Candidates to Managerial and Control Bodies for 2014», the Board of Directors’ Committee on Personnel and Remuneration (Minutes No.1 of 23.10.2013) organized work, made preparations and approved the proposals for nominating the candidates to RSC Energia Board of Directors as the Russian Federation representatives, taking into account of FPMA’s recommendations on attraction of professional directors to managerial bodies of the joint-stock companies with state participation aimed at most efficient replacement of government officials in their memberships and due to the need to have independent directors and professional proxies in the Board of Directors memberships, as well as considering special importance attached to the strategic tasks being fulfilled by the Corporation in the interests of the RF Ministry of Defense; international cooperation in manned cosmonautics and military-technical cooperation. Board of Directors (Minutes of the Meeting dated 21.02.2014 No.6) reviewed and approved the lists of candidates to stand for the election at the annual general stockholders meeting to the Board of Directors and the Auditing Commission.

To execute FPMA’s orders, the agenda of the general stockholders’ meeting included items proposed by FPMA. The major events took place within periods specified by legislation.

The information needed to be published within the framework of preparations for and holding of AGSM was posted on the ID Portal in a timely manner.


5.1. Development and approval of the Innovative Development Programs

Develop and approve Innovative Development Programs

Innovative Development Programs:

  • review at the BOD the issue of advisability of developing an innovative development program;

  • if advisable, charge the Strategy Committee with developing a concept of an innovative development program;

  • approve the Innovative Development Program at the BOD;

  • review the issue of tying the program fulfillment to the KPI of the JSC;

  • review the issue of raising special-purpose science and technology funds;

  • the program can be extended to SAC.

Within the framework of the RF President Order concerning drawing up innovative development program (No.Pr-307 of 07.02.2011), the Corporation Board of Directors (Minutes No 1 dated 14.07.2011) reviewed and approved the Innovative Development Program (IDP) of RSC Energia for 2011-2020 period.

The Corporation Board was charged with assuring that the Program would be carried out taking into account recommendations of the Working Group for the development of public-private partnership in sphere of innovation under the auspices of the Government commission on high technology and innovations.

RF Ministry of Economic Development reviewed the report on implementing RSC Energia Innovative Development Program by the 2011 performance and in its Letter No.2114-OF/D19 of 11.02.2013 the Ministry informed the Corporation that RSC Energia on the whole had put into effect the measures in all fields foreseen in IDP; the target figures were achieved by most of the key performance indicators, except for those determining R&D financing.

In order to carry out the order issued by the Chairman of the Interdepartmental Committee on Technological Development of Presidium at the RF President’s Council on Economic Modernization and Innovative Development of Russia (Letter from the RF Ministry of Economic Development No.5854-АК/D19 of 29.03.2013), the Corporation took part at the interdepartmental Committee meeting on 04.04.2013 and delivered the report on progress in implementing Innovative Development Program at RSC Energia.

At the Board of Directors’ meeting (Minutes No.11 of 29.04.2013):

- it was noted that some of the indicators set in the Innovative Development Program, including proceeds and net profit indicators had not been achieved by the 2012 performance;

- medium-term plan for 2013-1015 under the Innovative Development Program at RSC Energia was approved;

- proposals to update RSC Energia’s IDP for 2013-2020 were approved.

Corporation took note of FPMA Procedural Materials for medium-term plan for implementing Innovative Development Program for 2013-2015. (MERT Fax message No 7884-OF/D19i of 22.04.2013).

At the meeting of the Board of Directors, Committee on Strategic Planning, Modernization and Innovative Development held with participation of the Board of Directors’ Committee on Personnel Remuneration consideration was given to KPI indicators proposed to be included in the Corporation Work Program for 2014 and Innovative Development Program. It was resolved to recommend the Committee on Personnel to submit for repeated consideration the issue on KPI, including problems of changing specific weight of financial and production indicators (such as quality, state defense order execution indicators) towards increased share of the latter.

The Report on the results of carrying out the Corporation Innovative Development Program (IDP) for 2013 was submitted for review and approved at the Board of Directors of the Corporation held on 29.04.14 (Minutes No 10). Instructions were also given:

  • to bring to the notice of the Corporate management the need to update IDP to take into account the Corporation’s manufacturing program and approve such an update by the Board of Directors of the Corporation.

  • for the Corporation management to refine proposals on updating the IDP and submit it with a draft Corporate Strategy for review at a meeting of the Committee for strategic planning, modernization and innovation development of the Board of Directors in May 2014 for further review at a meeting of the Corporation’s Board of Directors.

The report on the results IDP implementation for 2014 is slated for review by the Corporate administration in April 2015 and by the Board of Directors in May 2015.

Subparagraph«b» Item 1 of the List of Orders of RF President dated 07.02.2011 No.Pr - 307

Directive of the Russian Federation Government dated 24.03.2011 No. 1221p-P13

Additionally: The Program must be in line with the provisions of the Government directive

Address to the RF Federal Assembly of 12.11.2010

Additionally: The Innovative Development Program must be integrated into mid- and long-term Strategy of the JSC

Minutes of the meeting of the Government Commission for high technologies and innovations dated 30.01.2012 No.1

The list of orders of the RF President dated 27.12.2013 No.Pr-3086 Information on the meeting of the meeting of the RF Government dated January 30, 2014, Minutes of the Meeting No.3
FPMA letter dated 19.08.2014 No. 11/35746 “About approval of the long-term development program”

Develop and approve Investment Program, Long-term Development Programs

The schedule for submitting the programs to the RF Government:

  • Investment Program – during the 1st half of 2014;

  • Long-term Development Programs - before 01.10.2014.

5.2. Development and approval of the JSC Strategy

“Recommendations on the development of Innovation Development Programs” approved by the decision of the Government Commission for high technologies and innovations dated 30.08.2010, Minutes of the Meeting No.4

Approve the Strategy of JSC activities, including the following documents:

  • the list of KPI and their target values

  • Provision on remuneration of the executive body, BOD

  • The JSC investment and financial policy

  • Interactive financial model

  • Regulations for scientific and technical funds

  • prediction of scientific and technological development, modernization and optimization of the used technologies

  • Energy Saving and energy Efficiency Program

Prior to approval, analyze the JSC activities to compare with comparable companies (by the provided list of key indicators)

Develop strategic aims of the company development (taking into account the provided list) Develop the list of specific measures:

  • manufacturing,

  • investment and financial,

  • managerial,

  • personnel,

  • to organize the corporate structure

In an effort to enhance efficiency in operation of the joint-stock companies with state participation, as well as improve the system of their management on the shareholder’s part, and in accordance with p.2, item 2 of the Minutes resulting from the meeting held at the First Deputy Chairman of the RF Government No.ISh-P13-98pr of 03.10.2013 (relative to approval of the companies development strategies by the Board of Directors), Federal State Property Management Agency (Letter No.11/54024 of 20.11.2013) considers it necessary to work out medium-term (for 3-5 year period) and long-term (for 5-10 years period or even longer) development strategies for the joint-stock company.

Board of Directors (Minutes No.9 of 22.04.2011) approved the concepts of the Corporation Development Strategy for short-term, medium-term and long term periods.

The Committee on Strategic Planning, Modernization and Innovative Development of the Board of Directors (Minutes No.1 of 23.12.2013) took note of the main directions of the Corporation Strategy and approved the principles of prioritizing in development of the Corporation projects, as well as availability of the proposals in long-term perspective. At the Committee meeting it was decided to charge the Committee on strategy together with the Corporation management to update the submitted materials.

Board of Directors (Minutes No.5 of 23.12.2013) considered and took note of Draft Strategy of the Corporation and also put the Corporation management in charge of updating and giving further consideration to Draft Strategy of the Corporation emphasizing at that:

- baseline projects (baseline option) with economic estimates up to 2020 and for a longer perspective;

- proactive (ambitious) projects – justification of these projects progress, enlarged economic estimate;

- «critical» products (articles) – justification of the need for their manufacture at RSC Energia; unique character/significance, economic calculations;

- analysis of prospects for the Sea Launch Project implementation with the required economic justification.

Strategic Planning, Modernization and Innovative Development Committee of the Board of Directors on 19.02.14 (Minutes of the Meeting No.2) reviewed basic provisions of the Corporate Strategy and made the decision:

1.1. Approve the approaches to forming the draft Strategy in so far as its ideology is concerned. Update the draft strategy to take into account the criticisms:

- develop the strategy structure for major units (ideology, key projects and areas of activities, production development, economic parameters, international cooperation, social component;

- include into the draft Strategy a text part, which contains the rationale for the most important components of the Strategy (covering, among other things, the projects geared to the government programs; development and upgrade of production facilities to reduce labor input/consumption of materials, improvement of labor productivity; proposals for deep-space exploration; the need to attract budget investment and other areas of Corporation development).

1.2. If needed, when finalizing the draft Strategy, use the service of consultants/experts; hold working discussions with individual members of the Committee, send them intermediate revisions of the draft Strategy and/or its sections (attachments).

On 29.04.2014 the Corporation Board of Directors (Minutes of the Meeting No.10) instructed the Corporation management to refine proposals on updating the IDP and submit it with a draft Corporate Strategy for review at a meeting of the Committee for strategic planning, modernization and innovation development of the Board of Directors for further review at a meeting of the Corporation’s Board of Directors.

Included in the Plan of the meetings of the Board of Directors for the 1st half of 2015 was the issue of Corporate Strategy (about harmonizing development strategies of OAO URSC and RSC Energia).

Para.2 of Item 2 of the Minutes of the Meeting at the First Deputy Chairman of the Russian Federation Government I.I. Shuvalov dated 03.10.2013 No. ISh-P13-98pr

Approve the Strategies by the end of 2014

Order of the RF President of 27.12.2013 No..Pr-3086 Order of the RF Government of 30.12.2013 No. DM-P13-9589, directives of the RF Government of 17.07.2014 No. 4955p-P13

Secure approval of long-term development program, procedure for conducting its audit

Corporation Boards of Directors:

  • are to make sure that JSC develops and approves a long-term development program;

  • are to make that LDP implementation is audited and a standard for conducting such an audit is approved;

  • are to make sure that changes are introduced into provisions on the remuneration of the JSC single-member executive body.

5.3. Optimization of activities of integrated structures

Para.4 of the Minutes of the Meeting at the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Federation Government D.O. Rogozin dated June 15, 2012 No. RD-P13-45pr

Within the framework of optimizing the activities of the integrated structures, make sure that BOD meetings are held on the subject of evaluating the efficiency of activities of the organizations included into VIS, in terms of the current intended purpose of the organization within the national economy

To be analyzed within the framework of the activities of the integrated structures are the following aspects: whether the organization is needed, whether it is in demand, the feasibility of replacing it, its level of competitiveness, whether there are redundant functional areas of activities in the organizations (research and development, marketing, sales and procurement, manufacturing, financing, human resource management, support for activities of information programs and systems), changes in the structure of the organization’s assets (as regards productive assets, long-term financial investments and intangible assets), dynamics of changes in the amounts of administrative expenses of organizations, the floor areas of immovable property owned by the organization, the floor areas that are not used in core activities, the cost of plant and equipment, measurement and control devices (as of 2007 and at the end of 2011)

This order was not posted in the personal account of the Corporation on the Interdepartmental Portal for managing government property.

The parameters must be analyzed as of the year, which follows the year when the first block of shares was contributed to the charter capital of the holding per RF President's Decree, but there no increases in the RSC Energia’s charter capital made by the above method.

5.4. Approval of principles of co-investment in Russian and international venture capital funds

Order of RF President D.A. Medvedev dated 03.11.2011 N PR-3291

Order of the RF Government of 31.01.2012 No.VS-P8-501

Make sure that BOD reviews issues involved in the introduction of the Principles of co-investment into Russian and international venture capital funds

The Principles must contain provisions determining mechanisms, criteria of advisability and conditions for co-investing in Russian and international venture capital funds by companies that are fully or partially owned by the state and have approved innovation development programs, by organizations which coordinate technology platforms of the Russian Federation, including:

  • the need to conduct the analysis of advisability of using the mechanism of co-investment in venture capital funds;

  • the need to approve the procedure for participating in venture capital funds in case a decision is made that it is advisable to co-invest in them , which must be implemented either through a competitive tender, or through the use of public offering;

  • The possibility of involving specialized development institutions to provide consultative support to the Organizations;

  • The higher priority of participation in venture capital funds established within the Russian jurisdiction;

  • existence of requirements for mechanisms of transferring the technology of the venture capital fund portfolio companies to the Russian Federation territory in the interests of the Organizations.

To carry out the order of the Russian Federation President D.A. Medvedev based on the results of the meting of the Russian Federation Presidential Commission on Modernization and Technological Development of the Russian Economy held on 26.10.2011 on the subject of mechanisms, advisability criteria and conditions for co-investing in Russian and international venture capital funds dated No. PR-3291 dated 03.11.2011, as well as the order of the Russian Federation Government No. VS-P8-501 dated 31.01.2012, the Corporate Board of Directors reviewed the advisability of the Corporation participation in venture capital funds.

On 18.03.2013 (Minutes of the Meeting No.8) the Corporate Board of Directors made the following decision: to consider it advisable for the Corporation to continue its contacts with venture capital funds in order to identify mutually beneficial areas of cooperation.

5.5. Assuring energy efficiency of companies

Order of the RF Government of 19.06.2008

Assure the development of Energy Conservation Programs

The Programs must be in line with the recommendations of the Russian Ministry of Energy approved on 02.10.2008 by the director of the Consolidated Department for the State Energy Policies of the Russian Ministry of Energy S.A. Mikhailov

In order to implement Article 15 of Chapter 4 in Federal Law No. 261-FZ “On Energy Saving and Enhanced Energy Efficiency and Making Amendments to Particular Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” and get unbiased information about volume of power (energy) resources being used; determine indices of energy efficiency; specify energy-saving potential and enhanced energy efficiency, the Corporation conducted activities focused on mandatory inspection, of its power facilities (analysis of equipment content; conditions of heat, electric power and water supply; survey of power networks and power distribution equipment; inspection of heat distribution system, heating system; ventilation system; hot water supply system; making instrumental measurements, including infrared imaging control; inspection of water supply and disposal systems). Activities on mandatory inspection of power facilities (energy audit) at RSC Energia were conducted by ZAO Group ENTER, the specialized organization.

During inspection of power facilities the following documents were developed, agreed upon, approved and made available to the Corporation:

- Report on mandatory inspection of RSC Energia power facilities which covers energy-saving recommendations and technical solution with estimated costs required to implement the scheduled actions and possible payback periods;

- RSC Energia Energy passport registered with SRO NP Energo Prof Audit (Reg. No.E-015/048-13 of 27.02.2013) is forwarded to the Russian Federation Ministry of Power Engineering according to the Regulations. Energy passport is drawn up in accordance with the Requirements set forth in the Order No.182 of 19.04.2010 issued by the RF Ministry of Power Engineering.

At present time, the Corporation has developed and implements the Plan for carrying out the proposals of the commission, established by the Order of the senior vice president No. 487/O dated 03.10.2014 to eliminate functional redundancies and optimize the costs of providing power to the manufacturing facilities of the Corporation.

Federal Law 261-FZ "On energy conservation and improving power efficiency ...": p.2 article 15 ch.4, article 25 ch.7 Order of the Russian Ministry of Energy No.182 dared 19.04.2010

Draw up the energy passport of the organization. Approve the program of energy conservation and improvement of energy efficiency

5.6. Providing mechanisms of environmental responsibility

Subparagraph «l» of the list of orders of the RF President dated June 6, 2010, No.Pr-1640

Make sure that decisions are made to develop proposals on the procedure for applying voluntary mechanisms of environmental responsibility

JSC with 100% of government ownership must regularly publish relevant reports

The Corporation does not fall into the category of JSC with 100% of government ownership (so it does not have to publish the relevant reports)


6.1. Assuring transparency of financial and business activities of the organizations

Orders of the RF government of 28.12.2011 No.VP-P13-9308, of 12.01.2012 No.IS-P13-80, of 13.01.2012 No.IS-P13-127, of 05.03.2012 No.VP-P24-1269

Provide certificates of income, assets and liabilities of the JSC managers

In pursuance of Article 8, Federal Law No.273-FZ of 25.12.2008 «On Corruption Counteraction», the RF Government Decree No.613 of 22.07.2013; Federal Space Agency Orders No 160 of 06.08.2013 and No.167 of 23.08.2013, the Corporation President issued orders No.19 of 17.01.2014 and No.192 of 08.04.2015. These orders approved the List of the posts appointing to which and replacement of which required that respective employees are to submit information about their income, expenditures, assets and liabilities. In the fulfillment of the order, additional agreements to labor contracts were concluded with the employees indicated in the approved List of the posts.

In order to counteract corruption, posted on the Corporate web site is information about the income, expenses, assets and liabilities provided by the employees filling senior positions in the organization established for fulfilling the tasks given to the Government of the Russian Federation for the financial year from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013.

Information about the results of 2014 will be provided within the time established by law.

Article 92 of the Federal Law No. 208-FZ dated December 26, 1995 «About Joint Stock Companies»

Chapter VIII of the order of FSFR of Russia No. 11- 46/pz-n dated October 4, 2011 «On the approval of regulations for the disclosure of information by the issuers of equity securities»

Order of the Russian Federation Ministry of Economic Development

No.208 of May 11, 2011 «On approval of procedure for disclosing information by Public Joint-Stock Companies whose shares are in state or municipal ownership, and by state (municipal) unitary enterprises».

Assure better transparency of the JSC activities

Disclose information to the extent and per regulations established by the federal executive body for the securities market.

Disclose information by JSC included in the privatization forecast plan.

Corporation discloses information to the extent and per procedure established by the federal executive body for the securities market.

The Corporation is not included in the privatization forecast plan.

Para.7 of Item 2 of the Minutes of the Meeting at the First Deputy Chairman of the Russian Federation Government I.I. Shuvalov dated 03.10.2013 No. ISh-P13-98pr

Publish those decisions of the BOD that do not constitute a commercial secret.

The Corporation publishes those decisions of the BOD that do not constitute a commercial secret in the annual report.

Corporate documents were posted in the personal cabinet of the Corporation on the FPMA ID Portal (copies of the minutes of general stockholder meetings, meetings of the board of directors, specialized committees and commissions).

Order of the Russian Federation President dated 17.01.2012 No. Pr-113

Orders of the Russian Federation Government dated 27.01.2012 No. VP-P13-459 and 07.12.2012 No. ISh-P13-7501

Disclose information about the income of the single-member executive body, final beneficiaries of particular counterparts, possible conflicts of interest, interested party transactions.

In order to pursue anticorruption policy and take effective measures to prevent and settle conflict of interests, as well as with the aim to ensure common corporate standards relative to the Corporation and its SAC, amendments were made to labor contracts of the Corporation President and SAC general directors (fulfillment of the order of the RF President dated 17.01.2012 No.Pr-113 on the subject of preventing conflict of interests during conclusion of contracts).

The single-member executive body is included in the list of positions the information about the incomes of which is posted on the Corporate web site.

6.2. Remuneration to managers and employees of organizations, development of a KPI system

Order of RF President dated 06.04.2009 No..Pr-825

Order of the RF Government dated 06.04.2009 No.VP-P13-1823, dated 20.04.2009 No.VP-P13-2099, dated 28.07.2009 No.V3-P13-4252

Set up specialized Committees at the Board of Directors

Review at the BOD the issue of developing a KPI system for the JSC

Develop Provisions on the Payments to Managers of JSC, to BOD members, tie them in with the KPI system.

It is recommended that 4 indicators should be included in the KPI list:

  • cost effectiveness in terms of net profit

  • liabilities / profit on sales

  • quarterly earnings history

  • quarterly net profit history

Recommendations are provided on tying the remuneration of the managers in with the KPI performance.

Disclose information on the size of remunerations on the web page of the JSC

The information is provided in Paragraph 2.2.
The information about the size of remunerations was posted on the web page of the JSC within the quarterly report of issuers

Presented in the personal cabinet of the Corporation on the FPMA ID Portal is information about payments (remuneration) to the Corporation’s managerial personnel (single-member executive body/chairman of collective execute body, managers of structural subdivisions, members of the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) who are entitled to get remuneration (RF Government Order No ISh-P13-2232 of 08.04.2010; FPMA’s Letter No YuM-13/10638 of 27.04.2010; FPMA’s Fax message No 81 of 05.07.2010; No 93 of 04.08.2010).

Ad Hoc Committees attached to RSC Energia Board of Directors are set up and have been operating since December 2009. The Corporate Board of Directors’ meeting held on 08.12.2009 (Minutes No 4) approved provisions governing the activities of these committees: Provisions on the Strategic Planning Committee, the Personnel and Remuneration Committee, the Committee on Audit.

RSC Energia’s Provision on the Committee on Audit sets forth the concepts recommended by FPMA (Letter No 11/53825 of 19.11.2013) and defines the list of the Committee’s powers, including auditing financial-business activities of the organization, management and financial statements (including reports on the management progress in achievement of the established KPIs).

In accordance with the Directive of FPMA No GN-15/9084 of 27.03.2012, the Corporation Board of Directors on 21.11.2012 (Minutes No 3) considered the issue of setting up the Committee on Modernization and Innovative Development. It was resolved that it was inexpedient to establish it. By its resolution the Board of Directors broadened the objectives and functions of the Committee on Strategic Planning, adding innovative development objectives to the list of the existing ones and changing the name of the Committee appropriately. The Board of Directors approved the Provision on the Committee on Strategic Planning, Modernization and Innovative Development.

Personal cabinet of the Corporation at FPMA’s ID-portal presents information about available Ad hoc Committees at the Corporation Board of Directors, copies of the Provisions on Ad Hoc Committees approved, as well as information about the Committees’ meetings (agenda, voting results, Minutes of the Committees’ meetings).

The Corporate Board of Directors (Minutes of the Meeting No. 15 of 10.04.2015) discussed the list of key Corporation performance indicators, their target values for 2015 and made the decision to include in the KPI list the following new indicators:

  • Cost effectiveness of investment capital, cost effectiveness in terms of net profit, net profit, labor productivity, completion of the subject plan within the framework of state programs;

  • size of dividends;

  • Quality Management System performance.

Also, the Board of Directors approved the target values for key performance indicators (KPI) of the Corporation for 2015.

Order of the RF Government of 08.04.2010 No.ISh-P13-2232

Order of the Russian Federation Government dated December 4, 2010 No. KA-P13-8297

Consider the feasibility of bringing the remuneration system for employees and BOD members of the JSC in line with the recommendations

Recommendations in the FPMA letter detail the best practices for developing the system of material incentives for employees and BOD members

Para.3 of Item 2 of the Minutes of the Meeting at the First Deputy Chairman of the Russian Federation Government I.I. Shuvalov dated 03.10.2013 No. ISh-P13-98pr

Expand the functions of the Audit Committee, in particular with respect to the KPI performance by the management

Order of RF President dated 05.07.2013 No..Pr-1474

Order of the RF Government of 27.03.2014 No.ISh-P13-2043

FPMA letter dated 26.06.2014 No. OD -11/22160

Make sure that the KI of the company are approved, and that KPI performance is linked to the size of remuneration of the JSC management taking into account the attached guidelines

Initiate a meeting of the board of directors of the company with the following issues on the agenda:

  • Approval of provisions on the KPI of the company activities.

  • Approval of the KPI for the management performance, which must be taken into account when making decisions on labor compensation and personnel decisions.

  • Make sure that the KPI are approved, and that KPI performance is linked to the size of remuneration of the JSC management taking into account the attached guidelines

6.3. Liability insurance of independent directors –representatives of the state

Order of the Russian Federation President dated August 3, 2011 No. Pr-2206

Consider the issue of liability insurance of independent directors

The Corporation Board of Directors on 28.05.2012 (Minutes No8) addressed the issue of advisability of liability insurance of members of the RSC Energia governing bodies and made the decision:

- liability insurance for the members of the RSC Energia governing bodies against negative consequences caused by their actions (inaction) during performance of their duties is currently not advisable.


7.1. Joining the anticorruption charter of the Russian business

Section IV of the minutes of the meeting at the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia No.53-OF dated 24.05.2013
FPMA letter dated 10.12.2014 No. 11/52852

It is recommended to support basic principles of conducting entrepreneurial activities and interactions with the state reflected in the charter

FPMA’s proposal for a possible joining by RSC Energia the Anti-Corruption Charter of Russian Business is currently under study at the Corporation Security and Confidentiality Office with legal department involved.

Anticorruption policy of RSC Energia has been developed

7.2. Establishing a common information space (personal cabinet of the Corporation at the FPMA ID Portal)

FPMA letter dated 04.10.2013 No. 11/46314 “On entering information in the personal cabinet at the ID Portal”

About the need to enter information in the personal cabinet of the Corporation at the FPMA ID Portal

1. Section of ID-portal has been completed in online mode “Background Information about the Organization” (contact data, information about state backing, indices of the Corporation operation, classification by kinds of economic activity, industry).

2. Section «Equity Capital Structure» covers information on a monthly basis about the shareholders whose share in the Charter (contributed) capital exceeds 2%.

3. Section «Control and Managerial Bodies» addresses information about membership of the Joint Stock Company managerial bodies (Board of Directors, Collegiate Executive Body (Management), Single-member executive body (Corporation President), Auditing Committee, Committees at the Board of Directors), as well as their competence.

4. Section «Corporate Events» presented current information about RSC Energia corporate events (general shareholders’ meetings, Board of Directors meetings, meetings of ad hoc Committees at the Board of Directors). In so doing, the Corporation via ID-portal reported topical information about participation of members of the Corporation managerial bodies in its meetings as well as placed corporate documents of RSC Energia (copies of the Minutes drawn up at the general shareholders’ meeting held, Board of Directors meetings, ad hoc Committees and commissions meetings held).

FPMA letter dated 03.04.2014 No. OD -11/13840

Post financial statement on the ID Portal

5. ID-Portal Section «Reporting» placed on a quarterly basis the Corporation bookkeeping information electronic files and scanned copies of quarterly interim reporting in PDF.

6. ID-Portal Section «Orders» placed information about progress in execution of the orders at regular intervals.

7. ID-portal Section «Documents» in addition to the earlier placed in-house documents of the Corporation regulating its activity (constituent, incorporation documents; Provisions on the Joint-Stock Company managerial bodies; Provisions on Ad Hoc Committees; Dividend Policy Provisions; Investment Fund Provision; Non-Core Assets Alienation Program; Procurement Policy; Provision on Information Interface between RSC Energia and other ID-portal users relative to exchange of data and legally significant documents; Provisions on Remuneration and Compensations paid to the Board of Directors’ and Auditing Committee’s members; Provision on Key Performance Indicators System at RSC Energia; Code of Corporate Conduct; Procurement Activity Provision; Provision on organizing the Corporation executive body activity on information interface via ID-portal; etc.), presents organization-order documents approved by the Corporation in 2014 (new revisions of the Corporate Charter, Provisions on General Meetings of Corporation Stockholders, Provisions on the Corporate Board of Directors, Provisions on the Corporate Executive Board, Provisions on the Corporate Internal Audit Commission, Report on financial-business activity, etc.).

FPMA letter dated 05.12.2014 No. 11/52045

Post information on SAC on the ID Portal

8. Section «Subsidiary and Affiliated Companies» provides information about the Corporation SAC (contact data, information about their share in the Charter (contributed capital of the Corporation).

FPMA letter No. 11/9288 of 07.03.2014

About advisability of following recommendations on managing the intellectual property rights

Initiate a meeting of the board of directors of the company with this issue on the agenda.

Post on ID Portal information regarding taking the corporate actions.

The Corporation Board of Directors on 11.06.2014 (Minutes No. 12) addressed the issue of advisability of following recommendations on managing the intellectual property rights and made the decision:

- take note of the information about implementation in the Corporation of measures to manage intellectual property rights;

- charge the corporate management with development and approval of basic provisions for managing intellectual property rights.

Information about the Board of Directors’ meeting is posted on the ID Portal.

The issue of reviewing the basic provisions for managing intellectual property rights is included into the plan of activities of the Board of Directors for 2015.

7.3. About complaints with respect to weapons and military equipment products

FPMA letter dated 21.04.2014 No. VB-09/16976 «About reviewing the issue of complaints with respect to weapons and military equipment products»

Initiate a meeting of the board of directors of the company with this issue on the agenda.

The Corporate Board of Directors held on 23.10.2014 (Minutes No.6) reviewed the issue of complaints in the first half of 2014 that were related to faults (failures) of weapons and military systems and products caused by non-compliance with the customer requirements, and of holding liable the organization’s managers and officials, and made the decision:

- take note of the information about the absence in first half of 2014 of complaints to the Corporation from the Government customers as to the quality of military hardware systems and products caused by non-compliance with the customer requirements.

The Corporate Board of Directors held on 25.02.2015 (Minutes No.13) reviewed and took note of the information about the absence in first half of 2014 of complaints to the Corporation from the Government customers as to the quality of military hardware systems and products caused by non-compliance with the customer requirements.

7.4. About forming and submitting reports from the representatives of the Russian Federation interests in the managerial bodies of public joint-stock companies

FPMA letter dated 31.07.2013 No. OD -18/34902
OAO URSC letter No. 967 of 02.10.2014

About filing reports from the representatives of the RF interests in the managerial bodies of JSC

The Corporation employees taking part in corporate events are afforded an opportunity to place electronic documents whose legal validity is certified by electronic digital signature on ID-portal. The members of the Corporation Board of Directors representing the RF interests post annual and quarterly reports on their activities in the Corporate managerial bodies on ID-portal. The procedure for the above reports submission and its details are distributed among corresponding members of the Board of Directors.

The report is based upon information about participation of the Russian Federation interests representative in corporate events to be placed on ID-portal by the Corporation. For correct generation of the above reports the Corporation (as corporate events are convened) is placing in «personal cabinet» data on the Russian Federation interests representative incorporated into the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board); as well as information about the representative of the interests taking part in RSC Energia corporate events being held.

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