Evagrius on Psalms

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4. qusi/a t%= qe%= pneu=ma suntetrimme/non.

e PG 10


10. Eiãpate e)n toiÍj eÃqnesin, oÀti Ku/rioj e)basi¿leuse, k. t. e(.

e`. Eiãpate toiÍj a)di¿koij, oÀti dikaiosu/nh e)basi¿leuse: kaiì toiÍj aÃfrosin, oÀti kurieu/ei fro/nhsij: kaiì toiÍj yeu/staij, oÀti despo/zei h( a)lh/qeia: kaiì toiÍj a)gnoou=sin, oÀti kekra/thken h( gnw½sij.

j P9(1)

9. Saleuqh/tw a)po\ prosw¯pou au)tou= pa=sa h( gh=.

j`. Saleu/etai yuxh\ a)po\ gnw¯sewj Qeou= ei¹j polu/qeon pla/nhn e)kpi¿ptousa.

z PG 11



11. Eu)fraine/sqwsan oi¸ ou)ranoiì, k. t. e(.

j`. Toute/stin, oi¸ katoikou=ntej e)n toiÍj ou)ranoiÍj.111

h PG 12



12. To/te a)gallia/sontai pa/nta ta\ cu/la tou= drumou=, k. t. e(.

h`. PoiÍa a)gallia/sontai112 cu/la; lege/twsan oi¸ th\n a)llhgori¿an paraitou/menoi.

q P13(1)

13. Pro\ prosw¯pou Kuri¿ou, oÀti eÃrxetai, oÀti eÃrxetai kriÍnai th\n gh=n: krineiÍ th\n oi¹koume/nhn e)n dikaiosu/nv, kaiì laou\j e)n tv= a)lhqei¿# au)tou=.

j`. Ou) th\n gh=n krineiÍ, a)lla\ tou\j katoikou=ntaj e)piì th=j gh=j, o(mwnu/mwj prosagoreuome/nouj th\n gh=n.



a PG 12.1555

1. Eu)franqh/twsan nh=soi pollaiì, k. t. e(.

a`. Nh=so/j e)sti nou=j a)klinh\j, u(po\ tw½n tou= bi¿ou tou/tou kuma/twn periktupou/menoj.

b PG 12.1555

3. Kaiì pu=r e)nw¯pion au)tou= proporeu/setai, k. t. e(.

b`. To\ pu=r tou=to kai¿ei cu/la, xo/rton, kala/mhn, toute/sti ta\j eÀceij ta\j moxqhra/j.

g P4

4. ãEfanan ai¸ a)strapaiì tv= oi¹koume/nv.

g`. ¹Astraph/ e)sti didaskali¿a pneumatikh\ a)po\ tw½n nohtw½n nefelw½n genome/nh, aiâj polla/kij e)nte/lletai Ku/rioj e)rgazome/noij mh\ bre/cai e)p' au)tou\j u(eto\n, iàna gi¿nhtai limo\j, ou)k aÃrtou, ou)de\ di¿ya uÀdatoj, a)lla\ limo\j tou= a)kou=sai lo/gon Kuri¿ou.

d P5



5. Ta\ oÃrh e)ta/khsan w¨seiì khro\j a)po\ prosw¯pou tou= Kuri¿ou.

d`. àOper ph/gnusin o( Bor)r(a=j, tou=to th/kei o( no/toj. Dio\ kalw½j le/gei h( nu/mfh e)n toiÍj #Ãsmasin tw½n #)sma/twn: ¹Ecegei¿rou, Bor)r(a=, kaiì eÃrxou, no/te, dia/pneuson kh=po/n moi, kaiì r(eusa/tw a)rw¯mata.113

e P7

7. Ai¹sxunqh/twsan pa/ntej oi¸ proskunou=ntej toiÍj gluptoiÍj, oi¸ e)gkauxo/menoi e)n toiÍj ei¹dw¯loij au)tw½n.

e`. To\ glupto\n, hÃtoi dia\ th\n fu/sin proskunhto\n, hÄ dia\ to\ sxh=ma. Kaiì ei¹ me\n dia\ th\n fu/sin e)stiì proskunhto\n, lege/twsan dia\ ti¿ mh\ pa/ntej oi¸ li¿qoi proskunhtoi¿. Ei¹ de\ dia\ th\n glufh\n to\ sxh=ma proskunhto\n, kaiì ou)x h( fu/sij, a)lla\ pa=n sxh=ma sw¯matoj prosde/etai pro\j to\ eiånai. ¸O de\ Qeo\j ou)deno\j xrh/zei pro\j to\ u(pa/rxein, ou)k aÅra to\ sxh=ma Qeo/j: ei¹ de\ mh\ Qeo\j, ou) proskunhto/n. Pa/lin tou= sxh/matoj ge/noj hÄ poio/thj: tou= de\ Qeou= ou)k e)stiì ge/noj hÄ poio/thj: ou)k aÃra to\ sxh=ma Qeo/j. Kaiì ei¹ me\n to\ shmaino/menon u(po\ tou= gluptou= le/goien eiånai proskunhto\n, ei¹pa/twsan ti¿ to\ shmaino/menon. Po/teron sw½ma/ e)stin hÄ a)sw¯maton; kaiì ei¹ me\n sw½ma, ou) proskunhto/n: ou)de\n ga\r tw½n sunestw¯twn e)k tw½n tessa/rwn stoixei¿wn proskunhto\n dia\ to\ eiånai fqarto/n. Ei¹ de\ a)sw¯maton le/goien, pa/lin e)rw¯thson po/teron eÃxei gnw½sin hÄ ou)k eÃxei. Kaiì ei¹ me\n eÃxei gnw½sin, pepoi¿htai kaiì diplou=n e)stin. Ei¹ de\ diplou=n, ou) Qeo/j. ãIdion ga\r Qeou= h( a(plo/thj. Ei¹ de\ ou)k eÃxei gnw½sin, tuflo/n e)sti, mhde\n e)pista/menon. Ei¹ de\ au)to/gnwsi¿j e)sti, lege/twsan pw½j sxh=ma to\ e)n t%½ li¿q% su/mbolo/n e)sti gnw¯sewj.

j 10

10. oi¸ a)gapw½ntej to\n Ku/rion, miseiÍte ponhra/

6. toute/stin, oi¸ a)gapw½ntej th\n gnw½sin, miseiÍte ponhra/. [ =PG 12.1555]

z PG 12


12. Kaiì e)comologeiÍsqe tv= mnh/mv th=j a(giwsu/nhj au)tou=, k. t. e(.

z`. ¹EcomologeiÍsqe, mnhmoneu/ontej th=j a(giwsu/nhj au)tou=.



2(2). e)nanti¿on tw½n e)qnw½n a)peka/luye th\n dikaiosu/nhn au)tou

1. « dikaiosu/nh ga\r Qeou= e)n au)t%½ a)pokalu/ptetai e)k pi¿stewj ei¹j pi¿stin. » [= PG 12.1557]

2(2), he has revealed his righteousness in the sight of the nations


3(3). eiãdosan pa/nta ta\ pe/rata th=j gh=j to\ swth/rion tou= Qeou= h(mw½n.

2. e)a\n mh/tij ge/nhtai e)n toiÍj pe/rasi th=j gh=j, ou) du/natai i¹deiÍn to\ swth/rion tou= Qeou=: o( ga\r toiou=toj ou)k e)stiìn e)n sarkiì, a)ll' e)n pneu/mati. [= Pitra 3]

3(3) all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God


6(1). e)n sa/lpigcin e)lataiÍj kaiì fwnv= sa/lpiggoj kerati¿nhj.

3. h( kerati/nh sa/lpigc su/mbolon ni/khj e(stin, oi( ga\r E)brai=oi nikw=ntej e)n toi=j pole/moij t$= kerati/n$ e)sa/lpizon: ou(/twj kai\ I)wa\b nikh/saj to\n A)bessalw\m e)sa/lpisen t$= kerati/n$. ei)/ tij ou)=n kata\ to\n a)po/stolon du/natai ei)pei=n: to\n dro/mon tete/leka, th\n pi/stin teth/rhka, ou(=toj nikh/saj to\n zhtou=nta labei=n th\n basilei/an tou= Xristou= h(mw=n tou= Daui\d e)sa/lpisen t$= kerati/n$. [only VG 754]

6(1). Sing to the Lord with a harp, with a harp, and the voice of a psalm With trumpets of metal, and the sound of a trumpet of horn

3. The trumpet of horn is a symbol of victory, for the Hebrews won victory over the cities by means of a trumpet of horn (Jdg 7.18-20). And Joab also was victorious over Absolom with a trumpet of horn. (2Sam 18.16). If so, then according to the apostle it may be said I have finished the race, I have kept the faith (2Tim 4.7), thus victorious with David’s trumpet of horn in receiving the sought-for kingdom of our Christ.

a(/ma de\ kaiì tou=to i¹ste/on oÀti pollaxou= to\ ke/raj nou\j le/getai tou= a)nqrw¯pou, w¨j to/: u(ywqh/setai w¨j monoke/rwtoj to\ ke/raj mou, dhlonti o( nou=j. u(you=tai ga\r t%½ Qe%½ t%½ oÃnti e)n toiÍj u(yi¿stoij a)kolouqw½n. [cf Pitra 5-6(2-3)]

8(1). potamoiì kroth/sousi xeiriì e)piì to\ au)to\, k. t. e(.

4. ei¹ ta\ xari¿smata tou= pneu/matoj tou= a(gi¿ou potamoiì le/gontai kata\ to/: «potamoiì e)k th=j koili¿aj au)tou= r(eu/sousin uÀdatoj zw½ntoj, » kalw½j oi¸ meqe/contej tou/twn tw½n potamw½n kaiì au)toiì potamoiì le/gontai. shmeiwte/on de\ kaiì to\ « e)piì to\ au)to\ » eiånai tou\j potamou\j iàna to\ au)to\ le/gwsi pa/ntej, kaiì mh\ vÅ e)n au)toiÍj sxi¿smata. [= PG 12.1557]

8(1). The rivers shall clap their hands together

4. If the gifts of the Holy Spirit are said to be “rivers” as in [the text] Rivers of living waters will flow from His womb [koilias] (Jn 7.38), then it is fitting to say of those who are participants in those rivers that they are also rivers. And symbolically the [term] together is what they should all be: [that is,] that there be no division among them.



4[3]. su\ h(toi¿masaj eu)qu/thtaj

1. eu)qu/thtaj hÃtoi tou\j eu)qeiÍj, hÃtoi ta\j a)reta/j. [=PG 12.1557]

98.4[3]. You have prepared righteousness.

1.righteousness” [describes] the righteous, which are the virtues. [=PG 12.1557]

5. kaiì proskuneiÍte t%½ u(popodi¿% tw½n podw½n au)tou=

2. to\ u(popo/dion tw½n podw½n eiåpo/n tinej eiånai th\n sa/rka th\n tou= Xristou=, hÀtij dia\ to\n Xristo/n e)sti proskunhth/: o( de\ Xristo\j proskunhto\j dia\ to\n e)n au)t%½ Lo/gon qeou=. [=PG 12.1557]

98.5. and worship at the footstool of his feet.

2. The footstool of his feet refers to something like the flesh of the Christ, which may be worshiped because of the Christ; while Christ may be worshipped because of the Divine Word within Him.

6. kaiì Samouh\l e)n toiÍj e)pikaloume/noij to\ oÃnoma au)tou

3. ouÂtoj e)pikaleiÍtai th\n dikaiosu/nhn o( dikaiopragw½n, kaiì th\n a)lh/qeian o( mh\ yeudo/menoj kaiì th\n a)ga/phn o( mh\ misw½n. [=PG 12.1557]

98.6. and Samuel among them that call upon his name

3. Thus they are called “justice” who act justly, and “truth” who do not lie, and “love” who do not hate.

7. e)n stu/l% nefe/lhj e)la/lei pro\j au)tou\j

4. o( stu=loj kaiì h( nefe/lh logikaiì fu/seij ei¹si/n di' wÒn e)la/lei pro\j tou\j a(gi¿ouj o( ku/rioj. [=PG 12.1557]

98.7. He spoke to them in a pillar of cloud

4. the pillar and the cloud are reasoning natures through whom the Lord speaks to the saints

9. u(you=te ku/rion to\n qeo\n h(mw½n

5. u(po\ kaqarou= nou= pe/fuken u(you=sqai qeo/j. [=PG 12.1557]

98.9. Exalt the Lord our God

5. By means of a pure nous one naturally exalts God.



4. ei¹se/lqete ei¹j ta\j pu/laj au)tou e)n e)comologh/sei

1. pu/lai sofi¿aj, a)retai¿: dia\ ga\r au)tw½n ei¹serxo/meqa ei¹j th\n basilei¿an tw½n ou)ranw½n. [= PG 12.1557]

99.4. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving

1. The gates of wisdom are the virtues; for through them we enter into the kingdom of Heaven.



1(2). e)leoj kaiì kri¿sin #Ãsomai¿ soi, ku/rie

1. to\n periì pronoi¿aj kaiì kri¿sewj #Åsai qe/lei lo/gon. [=PG 12.1557]

100.1 Of mercy and judgment will I sing to you, O Lord

1. He wishes to sing of the logos of providence and judgment.

2(1). yalw= kai\ sunh/sw e)n o(d%= a)mw/m%: po/te h(/ceij pro/j me;

2. o( ei)rhkw\j t%= qe%= « po/te hÀceij pro/j me, » ti¿na kaiì po/sa eu)tre/pisen pro\j u(podoxh\n au)tou=, katale/gei. plh\n tou=to i¹ste/on, oÀti xwriìj Qeou= to\n periì pronoi¿aj kaiì kri¿sewj lo/gon noh=sai a)du/nato/n e)stin: dio/per kaiì ouÂtoj boulo/menoj e)faya=sqai tou= lo/gou tou/tou, Qeo\n kaleiÍ pro\j bohqei¿an, e(auto\n w¨j eÃni ma/lista makari¿saj. [cf Pitra 2(2)b]

100.2. I will sing [a psalm] and I will be wise in blameless ways. When will you come to me?

2. The one saying to God, When will you come to me, recounts how and in what way he prepared to receive him. But take note of this: that apart from God it is impossible to comprehend the logos of providence and judgment; and therefore the one who wishes to grasp this logos cries to God for assistance, that this will especially bless him.

3. a)paqou=j lo/gou.

3. A saying of one who posesses apatheia.

5(1). to\n katalalou=nta la/qra tou= plhsi¿on au)tou=, tou=ton e)cedi¿wkon

4. xrh/simon to\ r(hto\n pro\j tou\j katalalou=ntaj. [=PG 12.1557]

100.5. The one secretly slandering his neighbor - him I have expelled.

4. This saying is useful for slanderers.

5(2). u(perhfa/n% o)fqalm%½ kaiì a)plh/st% kardi¿#, tou/t% ou) sunh/sqion.

5. u(perhfani¿a e)stiìn mi¿mhsij megaloyuxi¿aj h)\ propoi/hsij. [cf Pitra 5e]

100.5(2), The proud of eye and insatiable of heart – with him I will not dine.

5. Pride is an imitation of magninimity or preparedness.

100:6. oi( o)fqalmoi/ mou e)pi\ tou\j pistou\j th=j gh=j tou= sugkaqh=sqai au)tou\j met ) e)mou=. [poreuo/menoj e)n o(d%½ a)mw¯m%, ouÂto/j moi e)leitou/rgei] 114

6. xrhste/on to\ r(hto\n pro\j tou\j i¸eratikou\j u(phretoume/nouj u(po\ dou/lwn ponhrota/twn. [=PG 12.1557]

100.6. My eyes will be on the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me [He who walked in a perfect way - this one ministered to me.]

6. The saying is to be directed towards priestly ministries exercised for themselves by most wicked servants

8(2). tou= e)coloqreu=sai e)k po/lewj kuri/ou pa/ntaj tou\j e)rgazome/nouj th\n a)nomi/an.

7. nu=n po/lin Kuri¿ou le/gei th\n e(autou= yuxh\n, e)n v pa/ntaj a)pe/kteine logismou\j parano/mouj. [=PG 12.1557]

100.8(2) that I might utterly destroy from the city of the Lord all workers of lawlessness.

7. Here city of the Lord means his own soul, in which he has put to death all unlawful [tempting-] thoughts.



4(2). kaiì ta\ o)sta= mou w¨seiì fru/gion sunefru/gisan

1. a)llaxou= de/ fhsi: pa/nta ta\ o)sta= mou e)rou=sin. [=Pitra 4-6(1)]

101.4(2). and my bones have been parched like a stick.


5(1) e)plh/ghn w¨seiì xo/rtoj, kaiì e)chra/nqh h( kardi¿a mou,

2. chrai¿netai nou=j uÀdatoj pneumatikou= a)porw½n, tou= r(e/ontoj e)k th=j phgh=j th=j gh=j. [cf Pitra 4-6(2)]

101.5(1). I am blighted like grass, and my heart is dried up

7(1). w(moiw¯qhn peleka=ni e)rhmik%½

3. to\n peleka=na tou=to/n fasin t%½ oi¹kei¿% aiàmati e)gei¿rein ta\ teqnhko/ta tw½n te/knwn. [=Pitra 7(4)]

101.7(1). I have become like an owl in a ruined house


Ant 1.17

8. ¹Hgru/pnhsa kaiì e)geno/mhn
w¨sei\ strouqi¿on mona/zon e)piì dw¯mati

4. ou)de\n aÃllo to\n nou=n ouÀtwj a)perga/zetai kou=fon w¨j a)grupni¿a. [=PG 12.1557]

101.8. I have watched, and am become as a sparrow dwelling alone on a roof.

4. Nihil aeque mentem levem efficit ac isomnium

101:10. o(/ti spodo\n w¨seiì aÃrton eÃfagon
kaiì to\ po/ma mou meta\ klauqmou= e)ki¿rnwn

5. xrh/simon to\ r(hto\n pro\j tou\j para\ to\n kairo\n tou= po/tou au)loiÍj kaiì %©daiÍj terpome/nouj. [=PG 12.1557]

101.10. For I ate ashes as if it were bread, and mixed my drink with weeping.

5. This saying is useful for those who at mealtime make merry with flutes and songs.

12. Ai¸ h(me/rai mou w¨seiì skia\ e)kli¿qhsan

6. skia\ ga/r e)stin o( bi¿oj h(mw½n e)piì th=j gh=j. [=Pitra 12]

101.12. My days have declined like a shadow;


13. su\ de\, ku/rie, ei¹j to\n ai¹w½na me/neij
kai\ to\ mnhmo/suno/n sou ei)j genea\n kai\ genea/n.

7. e)gwÜ me\n pro/skairoj kaiì qnhto\j, su\ de\ a)i¿+dioj kaiì a)qa/natoj. [= PG 12.1557-60]

101. 13. But thou, Lord, endurest for ever, and thy memorial to generation and generation.


14. Su\ a)nasta\j oi¹kteirh/seij th\n SiwÜn

8. nu=n th\n SiwÜn th\n fu/sin le/gei th\n logikh\n th\n pefukuiÍan skopeu/ein ta\ e)poura/nia. [= P 101.14]

101.14 You will arise and have compassion on Zion.

8. Here ‘Zion’ means the reasoning nature naturally disposed to behold the things of heaven.

15. kaiì to\n xou=n au)th=j oi¹kteirh/sousi

9. toute/sti tou\j xoi+kou/j au)th=j a)nqrepouj. [cf Pitra 101.15]

101.15. and they shall pity her dust.


17(1). oÀti oi¹kodomh/sei Ku/rioj th\n SiwÜn

10. eiã tij oi¹kodomeiÍ e)piì to\n qeme/lion tou=ton xrusi¿on, a)rgu/rion, li¿qouj timi¿ouj. [= Pitra 17(3)]

101.17(1). For the Lord shall build up Sion


19(2). Kaiì lao\j o( ktizo/menoj ai¹ne/sei to\n Ku/rion

11. eiã tij e)n Xrist%½, kainh\ kti¿sij. [= Pitra 19-20(1)]

101.19(2). and the people that shall be created shall praise the Lord


101:21(2) tou= lu=sai tou\j ui(ou\j tw=n teqanatwme/nwn

12. oi( a(martwloi\ a)/nqrwpoi/ ei)sin ui(oi\ tw=n teqanatwme/nwn.

101.21(2). , to loosen the sons of the slain


25(1). Mh\ a)naga/gvj me e)n h(mi¿sei h(merw½n mou

13. Tw½n ginome/nwn h(merw½n u(po\ tou= h(li¿ou th=j dikaiosu/nhj. [= PG 12.1560]

101.25. Take me not away in the midst of my days:


27(1). Au)toiì a)polou=ntai, su\ de\ diameneiÍj

14. a)polou=ntai oi¸ ou)ranoiì ou) kat' ou)si¿an, a)lla\ kata\ to\ sxh=ma: « para/gei ga\r, » fhsiìn o( ¹Apo/stoloj, « to\ sxh=ma tou= ko/smou tou/tou. » [= PG 12.1560]

101.27. They shall perish, but thou remainest


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