
Why do planets and the sun have the shape of a pear?

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4.4 Why do planets and the sun have the shape of a pear?

For the first time the hypothesis that the Earth has the shape of a pear was expressed by Christopher Columbus. His assumption he confirmed by calculations.

Observations from satellites and studies conducted on Earth, confirmed the assumption of Columbus.

Of all the proposed hypotheses, the views on the problem of Vladimir Akimovich Atsyukovsky seem most plausible, since they are based on the influence of the ether wind. (Unfortunately, our views on the mechanics of the ether were dispersed at the conference in Agudzera):

V.A. Atsyukovsky writes:

"Why does the Earth have such a pear shape at all?"

The Earth together with the Sun now and already 3-4 billion years is in such area of ​​a spiral sleeve of the Galaxy in which it is blown by an ether stream from the north. Apex of the ether wind is located, as established by DC Miller in 1927, somewhere in the vicinity of the Zeta star of the constellation of the Dragon (direct ascent 262 degrees, declination 65 degrees). This is Miller's data, perhaps this error has crept in, due to not taking into account the influence of the local relief, in particular, the mountain range, in which Mount Wilson, on which he measured, is located. The Earth's axis is thus somewhat inclined to the direction of the ether wind. In the Northern Hemisphere and partly in the southern hemisphere - from 70 ° C. W. Up to 20 degrees. W. The ether pressure is lowered due to the gradient of the stream velocity enveloping the Earth. The region of the North Pole and its immediate vicinity is the area of ​​increased ether pressure, this is the region of inhibition of the oncoming ether stream: here the ether stream hits directly into the "crown" of the globe. The region south of the twentieth degree of south latitude is the area of ​​normal ether pressure, there is neither an excess nor a decrease in ether pressure in comparison with its pressure in the World Space. According to the laws of the boundary layer after 110 degrees, counting from the point at which the ether stream hits the right angle, that is, somewhat below the equator, this stream begins to break away from the surface. Between this detached stream and the surface of the Earth in the region of the forties and fifties of the southern latitudes, an attached toroidal vortex of ether forms. Here one can state that the position of the toroidal ether vortex accompanying the attached ether vortex is tied to the star coordinates; This can be checked by meteorologists. Streams of ether, braking about the atmosphere, rotating together with the Earth, experience Coriolis acceleration, due to which the western component of the stream appears, which causes winds of the corresponding direction in this region.

As a result of the airwind of the Earth's surface, the ether pressure in the northern hemisphere is less than in the southern hemisphere. This not only caused the continents to move in the north direction, but also led to deformation of the entire globe: its shape became a "geoid", a sort of pear stretched toward the north. Thus, taking into account the presence of the ether wind, it became possible for the first time to consider from one standpoint not only the structure of the Galaxy and the Solar System, but also our native Earth. It should be noted that similar phenomena in one form or another must exist on all the planets of the solar system. This can verify the planetologists. We need only not forget that the boundary layer of the ether streams, which blow the planet, essentially depends on the presence of an atmosphere on it. "

Unfortunately, many of the statements on this or that question are of an allegedly unsubstantiated nature, and, often, not true. For example, "the Earth ... is blown by the ether stream from the north (the geographic pole is meant)," V.A. Atsyukovsky writes. In fact, as established in studies 3.6 and 4.2, the ether stream is directed toward the southern geographic pole. However, modern knowledge has no other.

Study 3.7 allows us to justify the pear-shaped form of the Earth. The earth is a drain. In Fig. 4.4.1. The Earth model is presented. The dashed line indicates the right ball, and the solid line indicates the geoid. The solid arrow indicates the angular velocity vector of the Earth's rotation - , And the white arrows indicate the vectors of the total forces acting on the Earth's surface at these points - (Figure 3.8.5, equation 3.8.11) Consider the equations 3.8.11. Forces , Applied at points A and C of the northern geographic hemisphere, will be greater than at points B and D of the southern geographic hemisphere. Moreover, the closer the points A, B, C, D are to the axis of rotation, the more these forces will be, since the mass of ether streams passing through the surface of the Earth will increase. The maximum force will be applied along the axis of rotation in the northern geographic hemisphere, which leads to the convexity of the geoid in the vicinity of the northern geographic pole. The additional effect of the unevenness of the flattening of the Earth is created by centrifugal forces , which in the northern geographic hemisphere will be greater than in the southern hemisphere. Consequently, the Earth's extension in the northern hemisphere will be greater than in the southern hemisphere. In Fig. 4.4.1 shows the shape of the geoid that corresponds to the results of the study 3.7. Fig. 4.4.2 shows the shape of the geoid obtained from the results of space research. We arrive at a similar result when studying the sources 3.8.9 and 3.8.10. Only in this case the forces and will be larger in the southern geographic hemisphere and the picture will be opposite, as shown in Fig. 4.4.3.


Fig. 4.4.1

is shaped like a pear

Fig. 4.4.2


Fig. 4.4.3


Vladimir Akimovich is right in saying that "similar phenomena in one form or another must exist on all the planets of the solar system" and the Sun itself. Only from the "presence of the atmosphere" this phenomenon does not depend - in this case there is an entirely different mechanism

The results of the study allow us to solve, on a mechanical basis, previously unexplained geoid of our planet. The findings of the study fully correspond to the data of space observations and the experimental results of ground surveys.

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