30 days: Change your habits, Change your life

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This book is designed to provide information and motivation to our
readers. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not
engaged to render any type of psychological, legal or any other kind
of professional advice. The instructions and advice in this book are
not intended as a substitute for counseling. The content of each
chapter is the sole expression and opinion of its author. No
warranties or guarantees are expressed or implied by the author’s
and publisher’s choice to include any of the content in this volume.
Neither the publisher nor the individual author shall be liable for any
physical, psychological, emotional, financial or commercial damages,
including, but not limited to, special, incidental, consequential or
other damages. Our views and rights are the same:
You must test everything for yourself according to your own
situation, talents and aspirations.
You are responsible for your own decisions, choices, actions and

The beginning is the most important part of the work.


26. Avoid the mass media
27. Do you “have to” or do you “choose to”?
28. Face your fears
29. Eliminate everything that annoys you
30. Clean out your cupboard
31. Uncluttering and tolerations go hand in hand: A real-life example
32. The most important hour…
33. Find your purpose and do what you love
34. Take a walk every day
35. What are your standards?
36. Adapt an attitude of gratitude
37. The magic of visualization
38. What if?
39. Let go of the past
40. Celebrate your wins
41. Be happy NOW
42. Multitasking is a lie
43. Simplify your life
44. Smile more!
45. Start power napping
46. Read for half an hour each day
47. Start saving
48. Forgive everybody who has wronged you(…and most of all
49. Arrive 10 minutes early
50. Speak less, Listen more
51. Be the change you want to see in the world
52. Stop trying and start doing
53. The power of affirmations
54. Write it down 25 times a day
55. Stop making excuses
56. Keep expectations low and then shine
57. Design your ideal day

91. What price are you paying for NOT changing?
92. Things are only temporary
93. Get a coach
94. Live your life fully. Do it NOW
One last thing…

If you think you can, you’re right,
if you think you can’t, you’re right.
Look around you. What do you see? Look at your surroundings, the
atmosphere and the people around you. Think of your current life
conditions: work, health, friends, people surrounding you. What do
they look like? Are you happy with what you see? Now look inside of
you. How do you feel RIGHT NOW in this moment? Are you satisfied
with your life? Are you longing for more? Do you believe that you can
be happy and successful? What is missing from your life that you
need to make it happy and/or successful? Why do some people
seem to have everything and other people nothing? Most people
have no idea how they get what they get. Some of us just blame it on
fate and chance. I’m sorry that I have to be the one to tell you:
“Sorry, friend! You have created the life you have! Everything that
happens to you is created by YOU—either consciously by design or
unconsciously by default; it’s not a result of fate or circumstances.
I decided to write this book because I’m seeing so many people
that are dreaming of improving their life, being happier, becoming
wealthier yet according to them, the only way that could happen
would be due to some kind of miracle: winning the lottery, marrying
rich or some other stroke of luck. They are looking for outside
influences to happen by chance and change everything. They think
life happens to them. Most of them have no idea that they can be in
total control of their life each and every moment and every day of
their lives. So, they continue daydreaming, doing those things that
they’ve always done, and waiting for some miraculous outcome.
Sometimes, they actually don’t even know what they want! The
following is a conversation I actually had:

Q: “What would you do if you had enough time and money?”
A: “Man! That would be great! I would be happy!”
Q: “And what would ‘being happy’ look like to you?”
A: “I would do everything I want to do!”
Q: “And what is ‘everything you want to do’?”
A: “Oh! Now you got me. I don’t even know!”
The true tragedy is that if they would only stop for one moment, ask
themselves what 

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