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Mayer, Jean-Christophe. “Les Annotations manuscrites des premiers lecteurs de Shakespeare (XVIe- XVIIIe siècle).” Bulletin du Bibliophile, 2010, no. 2 (2010), 283-94. [Within a forum on “Annotations manuscrites dans les livres de la Renaissance.” On the marginal annotations to copies of the first folio of Shakespeare (1623).]

Mays, J. C. C. “Coleridge’s Borrowings from Jesus College Library, 1791-1794.” Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society, 8, no. 5 (1985), 557-81.

Mays, Sas (ed.). Mays, Sas (ed.). Libraries, Literature, and Archives / Libraries, Literature, and Archives. New York: Routledge, 2014. Pp. 308; illustrations; index. [Of note among the fourteen essays, beside the editor’s introduction, are Geoffrey Bennington, “Index” (20-39); Emily Bowles, “’Under a Heap of Dust they buried Lye within a Vault of some small Library’: Margaret Cavendish and the Gendered Space of the Seventeenth-Century Library” (40-56); and Elizabeth Evenden, “Agendas and Aesthetics in the Transformation of the Codex in Early Modern England” (97-114). Rev. by Gill Partington in Archives and Manuscripts, 42 (2014), 301-02.

Mazurek, Monika. “The Author and the Reader: “Us and Them” in Maria Edgeworth’s Texts for Children and Young Adults.” Studia Anglica Posnaniensia: An International Review of English Studies, 43 (2007), 283-90; summary.

Mazzola, Elizabeth. Learning and Literacy in Female Hands, 1520-1698. (Women and Gender in the Early Modern World.) Farnham: Ashgate, 2013. Pp. 154; bibliography; index. [Rev. by Mel Evans in Women’s Writing, 22 (2015), 116-18; by Johanna Harris in TLS (7 March 2014), 30-31; My Jessica L. Malay in Seventeenth-Century News, 72, nos. 1-2 (2014), 72-74;by Sara Read in Women’s Writing, 22 (2015), 406-08; by Edith Snook in Renaissance Quarterly, 67 (2014), 1417-18; by Marion Wynne-Davies in MLR, 110 (2015), 1112-13.]

Mazzoni, Luca. “Apogeo ed eclisse della filologia: I cultori veronesi di Dante nel XVIII secolo e le loro sorti.” Seicento & Settecento, 9 (2014), 125-38.

Mazzoni, Luca. “Chiose di Girolamo Tartarotti a Rerum vulgarium fragmenta I-LXV.” Versants: Rivista svizzera della letterature romanze, 61, no. 2 [Italian issue] (2014), 89-103. [On the studies of Girolamo Tartarotti (1706-1761), into figures such as Petrarch and Dante (he produced a manuscript of observations on Petrarch, held by the Biblioteca Civica in Rovereto).]

Mazzoni, Luca. Dante a Verona nel Settecento: Studi su Giovanni Iacopo Dionisi. Verona: Centro di Recerca sugli Epistolari del Settecento, 2012. Pp. x + 284; indices.[Rev. by Alessandro Ledda in L’Almanacco bibliografico, no. 26 (June 2013), 32.

Mazzoni, Luca. Fra Dante, Petrarca, Boccaccio e studi eruditi: Carteggio Giovanni Iacopo Dionisi-Bartolomo Perazzini (1772-1800). (Centro di Recerca sugli Epistolari del Settecento, Edizioni e Strumenti, 11.) Verona: QuiEdit, 2015. Pp. xxxvi + 358. [[Rev. by Alessandro Ledda in L’Almanacco bibliografico, no. 34 (June 2015), 8-9.

McAulay, Karen. Our Ancient National Airs: Scottish Scottish Song Collecting from the Enlightenment to the Romantic Era. Farnham: Ashgate, 2013. Pp. 294; bibliography; 10 illustrations; 1 map; index. [Rev. by Hugh Cheape in Eighteenth-Century Scotland, 28 (Spring 2014), 38-39; by Ronnie Gibson in Music and Letters, 95 (2014), 682-84; by John Purser in Scottish Literary Review, 5, no. 2 (2013), 106-08.]

McCann, E. J. W. “Jonathan Swift’s Library.” Book Collector, 34 (1985), 323-41; illus.

McCann, E. J. W. “The Priced Copy of the Auction Catalogue of Swift’s Library, and Some Other Dublin Catalogues.” Swift Studies, 1 (1986), 64-66.

McCarthy, J. P. "In Search of Cork's Collecting Traditions: From Kilcrea's Library to the Boole Library of Today." Journal of the Cork Historical and Archaeological Society, 100 (1995), 29-46.

McCarthy, Muriel. "Archbishop Marsh and the Foundation of the First Public Library in Ireland." East-Central Intelligencer, 10, no. 2 (May 1996), 3-9

McCarthy, Muriel. Marsh's Library: All Graduates and Gentlemen 1980; rpt. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2003. Pp. 272 + [8] of plates after p. 160; bibliography; 47 illus.; index. [First published in 1980 by O'Brien Press; pp. 239; illus.; index.]

McCarthy, Muriel. "Narcissus Marsh and His Library." History Ireland, 4, no. 3 (1996), 17-22.

McCarthy, Muriel. "Swift and the Foundation of the First Public Library in Ireland." Swift Studies, 4 (1989), 29-33.

McCarthy, Muriel, and Ann Simmons (eds.)..Marsh’s Library—A Mirror on the World: Love, Learning, and Libraries, 1650-1750. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2009. Pp. 311; illus.; maps. [Includes W. N. Osborough’s “6 Anne, Chapter 19: ‘Setting and Preserving a Publick Library for ever’”; Michael Brown’s “Locations of Learning in Mid-Eighteenth-Century Ireland” (104-26); C. D. A. Leighton’s “Philip Skelton and the Irish Origins of the British Protestant Counter-Enlightenment”; Philip Benedict and Pierre-Olivier Léchot’s “Library of Elie Bouhéreau: The Intellectual Universe of a Hugenot Refugee and His Family” 165-84); Toby Barnard’s “Bishop Stearne’s Collection of Books and Manuscripts” (185-202); Raymond Gillespie’s “Manuscript Collectors in the Age of Marsh” (234-50); Elizabethanne Boran’s “Writing History in Seventeenth-Century Ireland: Dudley Loftus’s Annals” (203-31); A. C. Elias’s “Richard Helsham, Jonathan Swift, and the Library of John Putland” (251-78); Marie-Louis Legg’s “Whose Books? The Synge Library Catalogue of 1763” (279-94). Rev. by Rosemary Dixon in Parliamentary History, 29 (2010), 248-49; by Allison Neill Rabaux in Eighteenth-Century Ireland, 25 (2010), 202-04.]

McCarthy, William. "The Celebrated Academy at Palgrave: A Documentary History of Anna Letitia Barbauld's School." The Age of Johnson, 8 (1997), 279-92.

McCarthy, William. "Mother of All Discourses: Anna Barbauld's Lessons for Children." Princeton University Library Chronicle, 60 (1999), 196-219; illus.

McCorison, Marcus A. "The New England Primer Enlarged, 1727." Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, 108, Part 1 (1998 [1999]), 63-66. [See also Avery, G.]

McCormack, W. J. “Sources for the Library of Edward Worth.” In Georgian Dublin. Edited by Gillian O’Brien and Finola Kane Dublin: Four Courts, 2008. Pp. 208; illustrations; maps; index.

McDayter, Mark. "The Haunting of St. James Library: Librarians, Literature, and The Battle of the Books." Huntington Library Quarterly, 66 (2003), 1-26.

McDermid, Jane. The Schooling of Girls in Britain and Ireland, 1800-1900. (Routledge Research in Gender and History.) New York: Routledge, 2012. Pp. 226; bibliography; index. [Includes a chapter on “The Education of Young Ladies” and another on “The Making of a Female Teacher.” Rev. by Ruth Watts in Economic History Review, 66 (2013), 1195-96.]

McDermott, Anne. “The Reynolds Copy of Johnson’s Dictionary: A Re-Examination.” Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, 74, no. 1 (1992), 29-38.

McDowell, Nicholas. “Levelling Language: The Politics of Literacy in the English Radical Tradition, 1640-1830.” Critical Quarterly, 46, no. 2 (2004), 39-62.

McGrath, Brian. “Roussau’s Crusoe: Or, On Learning to Read as Not Myself.” Eighteenth-Century Fiction, 23, no. 1 (Fall 2010), 119-39.

McKay, Barry, John Hinks, and Maureen Bell (eds.). Light on the Book Trade: Essays in Honour of Peter Isaac. (Print Networks.) Introduction by Bell; tribute to Isaac by McKay. London: British Library; New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 2004. Pp. xvi + 224; checklist of Isaac's publications [213-16]; illus.; index. [Festschrift honoring the late Peter Isaac, with foreword on Isaac by McKay and intro. by Maureen Bell; it includes David Hounslow's "From George III to Queen Victoria: A Provincial Family and their Books" (61-72); and Barry McKay's "Books in Eighteenth-Century Whitehaven" (51-60). Rev. by T. H. Howard-Hill in PBSA, 99 (2005), 351; by Julian Roberts in Library, 7th series, 6 (2005), 202-04; by John R. Turner in SHARP News, 14, nos. 1-2 (Winter & Spring 2005), 17.]

McKee, Jane. "Irish Church Libraries and the French Enlightenment." Pp. 213-32 in Ireland and the French Enlightenment 1700-1800. Edited by Graham Gargett and Geraldine Sheridan. Basingstoke, Hampshire, U.K.: Macmillan, 1999. Pp. xvii + 293; index. [Surveys history and holdings of eight libraries: Trinity College Dublin, Kilkenny, Marsh's Library, Derry Diocesan Library, Bolton Library in Cashel, Antrim Presbytery Library in Belfast, Public Library of Armagh, and the St. Patrick's College Library in Maynooth. Rev. (with anr. book) by Robert L. Dawson in Libraries and Culture, 35 (2000), 479-80. ]

McKelvy, William R. The English Cult of Literature: Devoted Readers, 1774-1880. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 2007. Pp. xii + 322. [Rev. by H. J. Jackson in TLS, (7 September 2007), 28; by David Latané in Journal of British Studies, 47 (2008), 443-44; (briefly with other books, in review essay "Recent Studies in the Restoration and Eighteenth Century") by Adam Potkay in SEL: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900, 48 (2008), 702-03; by Terry R. Wright in Journal of Eighteenth-Century Studies, 32 (2009), 272-74.]

McKendry, Andrew. “’For thou can’st read’: Cultural Silence and Education in Gray’s Elegy.” Lumen, 31 (2012), 101-14.

McKenna, Antony. "Les Manuscrits clandestins dans la bibliothèque du marquis de Méjanes." Pp. 19-40 in Treize études sur Aix et la Provence au XVIIIe siècle. Aix-en-Provence: U. de Provence, 1995. Pp. 223.

McKenna, Antony. “Prévost lecteur de Malebranche et de Bayle: Les Plaisirs et le bonheur.” Pp. 159-72 of Les Lumières en mouvement: La Circulation des idèes au XVIIIe siècle. Edited by Isabelle Moreau. Lyon: ENS, 2009. Pp. 318.

McKitterick, David. Cambridge University Library: A History: The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. Cambridge: Cambridge U. Press, 1986. Pp. xvii + 812; illus. [This volume chronologically follows J. C. T. Oates’s 1986 volume on the “History from the Beginning to the Copyright Act.” Rev. by Eric W. Nye in ECCB, n.s. 12 (for 1986 [1992]), 19; by David Vaisley in TLS (26 Feb. 1988), 228; by W. L. Williamson in Library Quarterly, 59 (1989), 69-71.]

McKitterick, David. “Customer, Reader and Book Binder: Buying a Bible in 1630.” Book Collector, 40 (1991), 382-406.

McKitterick, David (ed.). The Making of the Wren Library, Trinity College, Cambridge. Cambridge: Cambridge U. Press, 1995. Pp. xvii + 153; appendix [letter of Sir Christopher Wren]; illustrations; index. [Rev. (favorably) by Giles Barber in TLS (Dec. 22, 1995), 26; by Calhoun Winton in ECCB, n.s. 20-21 (for 1994 and 1995 [2001), 130-31.]

McKitterick, David. "[Review essay:] New Needs in Libraries." Book Collector, 56 (2007), 11-12, 15-20, 23-24, 27-28, 30. [Includes discussion of François Moureau’s La Plume et le plomb (2006), Michael North and Eric Holzenberg’s Printed Catalogues of French Book Auctions and Sales by Private Treaty, 1643-1830 in the Library of the Grolier Club (2004); and Claire Lesage, Eve Netchine, and Veronique Sarrazin’s Catalogues de libraires, 1473-1810 (2006).]

McKitterick, David. “Women and their Books in Seventeenth-Century England: The Case of Elizabeth Puckering [d. 1689].” Library, 7th ser., 1 (2000), 359-80.

McLaren, Colin A. Rare and Fair: A Visitor's History of Aberdeen University Library. Aberdeen U. Library, 1995. Pp. 20.

McLaverty, James. “Pope in the Private and Public Spheres: Annotations in the Second Earl of Oxford’s Volume of Folio Poems, 1731-1736.” Studies in Bibliography, 48 (1995), 33-59. [In a folio collection of 25 folio poems, 20 (both by Pope and others) have annotations by Pope’s friend Edward Harley (and one may have three corrections in Pope’s hand).]

McLennan, David. "The Forgotten Bibliophile: Andreas L. Kolver." Quarterly Bulletin of the South African Library, 47 (1993), 129-32; illus.

McManus, Antonia. The Irish Hedge School and its Books, 1695-1831. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2002. Pp. 270; illus.; index. [Reprinted in paperback in 2004. Rev. (with another book) by Liam Chambers in Eighteenth-Century Ireland, 19 (2004), 231-32.]

McMullen, Haynes. American Libraries before 1876. (Beta Phil Mu Monograph Series, 6.) Foreword by Kenneth E. Carpenter. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2000. Pp. xiv + 179; bibliography; charts; glossary; index; maps; tables. [A fine statistical account of its subject (10,000 libraries founded before 1876), reaching to colonial times and attending to the number and types of collections (on which there are good statistical tables) and discussing the reasons for libraries' being established and their founders and users. Rev. (fav.) by Thomas Augst in Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 96 (2002), 126-28; by Edward Goedeken in Library Quarterly, 71 (2001), 528-29; by Bill Olbrich in Libraries and Culture, 37 (2002), 132-37; by Charley Seavey in Library History, 19 (2003), 64-66; (fav.) by Judith Segal in College and Research Libraries, 62 (2001), 381-82.]

McMullen, Haynes. “The Treatment of Libraries in Periodicals Published in the United States before 1876.” Journal of Library History, 21, no. 4 (1986), 641-72; illus.

McNally, Peter F. (ed.). Readings in Canadian Library History, 2. Ottawa: Canadian Library Association, 1996. Pp. vi + 407; index.

McNeely, Ian F., with Lisa Wolverton. Reinventing Knowledge: From Alexandria to the Internet. New York: W. W. Norton, 2008. Pp. 318.

Medick, H. "Ein Volk 'mit' Büchern: Buchbesitz und Buchkultur auf dem Lande am Ende der Frühen Neuzeit: Laichingen 1748-1820." Aufklärung, 6 (1992), 59-94.

Medlin, Dorothy. "André Morellet's Library." Libraries and Culture, 31 (1996), 574-602.

Meer, Jan Ij van der. "Reading Societies and Political Clubs in Poland in the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century." Österreichische Osthefte, 42 (2000), 173-94.

Meise, Helga. “Lesen und Schreiben als Kulturkonflikt: Adelige Lese- und Schreibpraktiken im ausgehenden 18. Jahrhundert.” Pp. 193-98 in Germanistik im Konflikt der Kulturen”: Band 7: Bild, Rede, Schrift; Kleriker, Adel, Stadt und ausserchristliche Kulturen in der Vormoderne; Wissenschaften und Literatur seit der Renaissance. (Jahrbuch für Internationale Germanistik: Reihe A: Kongressberichte [11th congress, Paris, 2005].) Edited by Jean-Marie Valentin, and others. Bern: Peter Lang, 2008. Pp. 452.

Melançon, François. “La Bibiothèque du Conseil supérieur de Québec (1717-1760): Formation et contenu.” ).” Mens. Revue d’histoire intellectuelle de lAmérique française, 5, no. 2 (spring 2005). Electronic journal.

Melançon, François. "La Circulation du livre au Canada sous la domination française." Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada, 37 (1999), 35-58.

Melançon, Benoit. "La Configuration épistolaire: Lecture sociale de la correspondence d'Élisabeth Bégon." Lumen, 16 (1997), 71-82.

Meldini, Piero (ed.). La Biblioteca Civica Gambalunga: L'edifico, la storia, le raccolte. Rimini: Biblioteca Civica Gambalunga; Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Rimini, 2000. Pp. 109; illus. [History of city library with parallel English text.]

Mellot, Jean-Dominique. "Au coeur de la vie érudite du livre: Emery Bigot (1626-1689) et la Biblioteca Bigotiana." Sources travaux historiques, 41/42 (1995), 65-78.

Melton, James Van Horn. The Rise of Public in Enlightenment Europe. (New Approaches to European History.) Cambridge: Cambridge U. Press, 2001. Pp. xiv + 298. [Rev. (fav.) by Mary Helen McMurran in SHARP News, 11, no. 4 (Autumn 2002), 9, noting the study, treating England, France, and German-speaking territories, is broken into sections on public opinion, with much on print culture, on "readers, writers, and spectators," and on "sociability," with short bibliographical essays following each chapter.]

Menato, Marco (ed.). Biblioteche e bibliografia: Vade mecum disciplinare e professionale. Rome: Bulzoni, 1994. Pp. 446. [A critical examination of Italy's library system. Rev. (favorably) by Mary Jane Parrine in College and Research Libraries, 56 (1995), 461-64.]

Menéndez González, Alfonso. “Sociedad y cultura del libro en el siglo XVIII: El ejemplo de Asturias.” Boletín del Real Instituto de Estudios Asturianos, 42 (1988), 805-29.

Ménissier, Patricia. “De l’acquisition à la circulation du livre: Le rôle des amies de Voltaire.” Pp. 173-84 in Voltaire & le livre. Edited by François Bessire and Françoise Tilkin. Ferney-Voltaire: Centre Internationale du XVIIIe siècle, 2009. Pp. 336; bibliography; 98 illustrations; index.

Mergenthal, Silvia. “Caledonia Germanica? German Women Writers Discover Scotland.” Scottish Studies Review, 9, no. 1 (2008), 49-60.

Merisalo, Outi. “Classical and Humanist Works in the Libraries of Early Modern Finland between the Sixteenth and Eighteenth Centuries.” Renaissance Studies, 23, no. 2 (April 2009), 186-99.

Messbarger, Rebecca. “Voice of Dissent: A Woman’s Response to the Eighteenth-Century Italian Debate on the Education of Women.” Cincinnati Romance Review, 13 (1994), 69-80. [On Aretafila Savini De Rossi’s Apologia il favore degli studi delle donne (1729).]

Messerli, Alfred, and Roger Chartier (eds.). Lesen und Schreiben 1500-1900: Vergleichende Perspektiven / Perspectives comparées / Perspetive comparate. Basel: Schwabe, 2000. Pp. 652; illus.; index. [With 30 essays presented at the conference "Lesepraktiken und Schreibpraktiken in Europa, 1500-1900," held in November, 1996, in Ascona, Monte Verità. Rev. by Albert Labarre in Bulletin du bibliophile (2002), 397-99.]

Mészáros, István, Júlia Cservenka, Anna Jászo, and Lilla Könyves-Tóth. A Magyar olvasástanítas története [History of Hungarian reading instruction]. Budapest: Tankönyvkiadó, 1990. Pp. 343; index. [Rev. (in English) by Marc Depaepe in Pedagogica Historica, 27 (1991), 144-45.]

Meyer, Günther. Bücher, Bibliotheken und Leser in der Uckermark: Ein Beitrag zur Kulturgeschichte der nördlichen Mark Brandenburg. (Arbeiten des Uckermärkischen Geschichtsvereins zu Prenzlau, 1.) Prenzlau: Uckermärkischen Geschichtsvereins, 1999. Pp. 244; illus. [Rev. by Heinz Gittig in Marginalien, no. 161 (2001), 90-91.]

Meynell, Guy. "Books from Philip Miller's Library Later Owned by Sir Joseph Banks." Archives of Natural History, 18 (1991), 379-80.

Miall, David S. "Empirical Approaches to Studying Literary Readers: The State of the Discipline." Book History, 9 (2006), 291-311.

Michaelson, Patricia Howell. Speaking Volumes: Women, Reading, and Speech in the Age of Austen. Stanford: Stanford U. Press, 2002. Pp. xiv + 261; bibliography; index. [With an important examination of reading literature aloud (as to family members), incorporating material from her "Women in the Reading Circle," Eighteenth-Century Life (1989). Rev. by Alistair M. Duckworth in a review essay in ECF, 16 (2004), 471-92; (fav.) by Marie McAllister in East-Central Intelligencer, n.s. 17, no. 1 (Jan. 2003), 12-15.]

Michaelson, Patricia Howell. "Women in the Reading Circle." Eighteenth-Century Life, n.s. 13, no. 3 (Fall 1989), 59-69. [Argues "that reading aloud was much more prevalent in the eighteenth century than we have believed, and second, that the reading of novels in the middle-class family circle was . . . patriarchal reading" (59-60).]

Miech, Stéphanie. “Ecriture picturale et morale: Une rhétorique du discours pédagogique dans les romans fèminins de la seconde moitié du XVIIIe siècle.” Pp. in Conversations entre les Muses. (Publications de Centre des millieux litéraires.) Edited by Lise Sabourin. Nancy: Presses universitaires de Nancy, 2006.

Miech, Stéphanie. “L’Education des filles chez les romancières au siècle des Lumières.” Ph.D. dissertation. Nancy: Université Nancy 2, 2007.

Miehe, Dorothea. "Kurze Geschichte einter Rettungsaktion: Die Bibliothek der St. Georgs-Gemeinde in Spitalfields, London." German Studies Library Group Newsletter, no. 22 (July 1997), 7-10. [On the British Library's acquisition, from a German Lutheran church in London, of a large collection of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century books.]

Miehe, Dorothea, and Christopher Skelton-Foord. "A Press for Natives and Immigrants: German Newspapers in the British Library." Newspaper Library News, 27 (Winter 1999/2000), 8-10.

Migon, Krzysztof. "Pastor G. B. Scharff, jego ksiegozbiór i czasopismo Gelehrte Neuigkeiten Schlesiens." Roczniki biblioteczne, 33 (1989).

Miguel Alonso, Aurora. "Del plan Pidal a la ley Moyano: Consolidación de la Biblioteca de la Universidad Central." Pp. 681-701 of Estudios históricos: Homenaje a los professores José Ma, Jover Zamora, y Vicente Palacio Atard. Madrid: Universidad Complutense, 1990.

Milani, Chiara. “Per i 350 anni della Biblioteca comunale di Como.” Biblioteche Oggi, 31, no. 8 (2013), 11-15. [Founded 1663.]

Milano, Alberto (ed.). Colporteurs: I venditori di stampe e libri e il loro pubblico. Milan: Medusa, 2015. Pp. 180; color illustrations. [Ranging from the 16th through the 19th centuries. It includes Laura Carnelos’s “La stampa in laguna: Breve percorso nella Venezia della prima età moderna” (91-108); Elda Fietta’s “Vita Quotidiana dei venditori ambulati di stampe di libri” (47-64); Marie-Dominque Leclerc’s “La ‘Bibliothèque’ in Francia” (65-90); Dominque Lerch’s “Il colportage in Alsazia tra XVIII e XIX secolo” (109-31); Milano’s own essay, “L’immagine dei colporteurs” (7-45); and Claudio Salsi’s “Achille Bertarelli e i Tesini” (133-34). Rev. (the volume and essays, briefly) by Alessandro Tedesco in L’Almanacco bibliografico, no. 34 (June 2015), 17, 15, 19, 24, 35 respectively.]

Milhous, Judith, and Robert D. Hume. "The Drury Lane Theater Library in 1768." Yale University Library Gazette, 68 (1994), 116-34.

Millás i Castellví, Carles. "Una approximación a los planes de estudio y a las bibliotecas de la franciscanos en Catalunya (siglos XVI-XVIII)." Archivo Ibero-Americano, 56 (1996), 385-428.

Mellen, Roger P. “An Expanding Public Sphere: Women and Print in Colonial Virginia, 1736-1776.” American Journalism, 27, no. 4 (2010), 7-35.

Miller, Laura. “Libraries and Booksellers in the Long Eighteenth Century.” Library & Information History, 31 (2015), 155-56 [Introduction to an essay with that special topic.]

Miller, Laura. “Publishers and Gendered Readership in English-Language Editions of II Newtonianismo per le Dame.” Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture, 42 (2013), 191-214.

Miller, Nancy K. “Men’s Reading, Women’s Writing: Gender and the Rise of the Novel.” Yale French Studies, 75 (1988), 40-55.

Miller, Sarah Jordan. “A Distribution of Books by the Continental Congress: The Nation’s Earliest Legislation Addressed to Libraries.” Journal of Library History, 22, no. 3 (1987), 294-311; illus.

Millett, Benignus. “Irish Franciscans Ask Propaganda to Give Them Books for their Pastoral Ministry in Ireland, 1689-1696.” Collectanea Hibernica, 44/45 (2002/2003), 63-75.

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