Contemporary Problems of Social Work Современные проблемы социальной работы academic journal

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VOLUME 2, No. 1, 2016
the exact opposite of their promises, because the revolution do not take down the old regime 
prison – they have expanded them. For example, the legacy of the French and Russian revolutions 
resulted in the strengthening of the very evils from which suffered pre-revolutionary France and 
Russia: the subordination of the entire country and the uncontrollable bureaucracy expanding. 
The consequences of the October Revolution, as it is known, were new serfdom (and not only for 
farmers) and all-powerful corruption, the suffocating bureaucracy power – the very properties 
of the tsarist regime, against which the Russian revolutionaries protested the most.
The revolution can be a creative process, a prime example is a management revolution, when 
each revolution, the management, the process is improved in the framework of the effectiveness 
But, as the revolution due to inefficient management practices, is a destructive process, and 
consequently, the institutions are unable to the self-development.
The revolution in the field of municipal management is sharply rising trend of the social and 
economic development of living in areas people. It is essential to review the functions of the 
municipal management in the municipal education management system can be in the Russian 
municipal practice.
The “city manager” is the head of the municipal administration, who is to address the current 
challenges and works under the contract with the city council [3]. At the same time the long-
term development strategy, the public functions and the communication with authorities are 
laid on the functional mayor.
Also, it should be noted that in the Russian society was entered a synonym of the term “of 
the local administration professional manager” – the “city manager”. From a theoretical point 
of view, the “city manager” term is relatively identical to the term of “the local administration 
professional manager”. But in the conditions of the Russian municipal practices, it is more 
correct definition of “the local administration professional manager”, as the “city manager” in 
the history of Russia is different, otherwise the contents of the authority and, hence, a different 
operation system. In addition, the definition of “city manager” does not appear in any of the 
regulatory and legal sources of the Russian Federation.
On April the 22nd the International scientific-practical conference “Local institutions and 
local self-government: History and Modernity”, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the local 
institutions in Russia, where the author conducted of a survey among the participants – experts 
(deputies of the representative bodies of the RF subjects, members of the Council Federation, 
including the first Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Alexander Torshin AP). Experts 
question was asked, “Do you think the concept in relation to the” city manager “is acceptable 
for use in the public discourse” – 90% of respondents answered “professional manager of the 
local administration”, 5% – “City Manager”, 5% – “The head of the local administration on a 
contract basis”. [19; 20].
The benefits of this model are obvious:
–  Firstly, the economic functions of the city provides a professional-manager, not a politician. 
He is not a member of the representative body. The head of the local administration carries out 
the basic powers that are reserved to it under the law and the terms of the contract. In this 
regard, it is not the subject of political processes in the municipality;
–  Secondly, the professional manager of the local administration elected by the competition 
commission, which includes the representatives of both the local administration and the local 
council, and the regional authorities. The elected takes triple responsibility;
–  Thirdly, the head of the local administration can dismiss the case of violation of the 
contract on his part, gathering a bilateral commission. The procedure for changing the power 
of maximum transparency.
The advantages of using the system of City Manager underlined today by many scientists. In 
particular, Doctor of Sociology, Professor O.A. Urzha said: “The appointment of the head of the 

administration on the contract decision of the representative body of the municipality creates 
conditions for overcoming dissidence among local elites” [20].
A number of bipolar tendencies were revealed by upholding the status of the local 
administration professional manager. The uniqueness of the “city manager” functioning 
form is the potential of increasing the efficiency of the municipal administration, but at the 
same time, the model has significant shortcomings in terms of its practical implementation. 
The situation of the crisis requires real action on the professional executives formation of 
the housing. This may be a highly qualified specialists who could move flexibly around the 
municipalities of Russia, participate in competitions and do not become “self-sufficient and 
autocratic masters” of cities, districts, villages, who were hired by the local community to 
solve its strategic objectives [12].
Unfortunately, today many of the factors that determine the specificity of the model, are 
being developed spontaneously, thereby limiting the main advantages of the contract-
contractual forms of attracting professionals to the practice of the municipal management.
To be effective city manager needs to create the optimal conditions for his implementation. 
Firstly, the legislative framework that regulates the introduction of this model should be 
supported by the methodological recommendations for its implementation. This issue is relevant 
today. The Scientific Society in conjunction with the Society of Professional Managers needs 
to develop recommendations for the heads of local administrations, reflecting the specificity of 
its activities, as well as interaction with the head of the municipality, the representatives and 
the public sector. The developed document should be a scientific basis, containing in itself the 
rules, methods and principles for the implementation of the professional management activities 
of the local administration.
Secondly, it is necessary to develop a standard form of contract with the head of the local 
administration of the representative authorities. Since the contract with the head of the 
local administration is a legal precedent, the contract duplicates the legal provisions of the 
Labor Code, the federal law on the municipal service and “On the General Principles of the 
Local Self-Government of the Russian Federation”. This fact raises a number of the institutional 
contradictions in the head administration activities.
Thirdly, it is necessary to introduce into the educational program of the students receiving 
education in the “State and municipal management” the course of “specialization of the local 
administration manager”.
Fourthly, it is necessary to introduce a model system of the professional managers’ selection 
of the local administration to the federal legislation. Analyzing the features of the personal 
selection of the professional managers of the local administration it is necessary to developed a 
number of procedures for the selection of the local head administration at the federal legislative 
level. But the representative authority should decide independently what competitions should 
contain, what stagers and selection criteria for a professional manager should be. Often, the 
system provides a blur content of procedures, as the representative authorities rarely take 
initiative and use a competitive process of the substitution positions aimed at identifying more 
effective qualities of the candidates for the post of head of the local administration.
Blurred evaluation criteria does not provide the value of the professional and educational 
criteria in the competitive selection procedure, which means that the level of the effectiveness 
of the local head administration is also minimized. It should be a mandatory legal regulation 
of certain competitive selection procedures for professional managers. Making independent 
decision must be preserved. Paying attention to such elements as personal characteristics (for 
example age), specific characteristics (place of residence or knowledge of the territory and the 
functioning elements of the particular area inherent).
When you create the optimum conditions for the functioning of the “city manager” model 
it needs to develop a performance evaluation system. The most effective evaluation system is 

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