Contemporary Problems of Social Work Современные проблемы социальной работы academic journal


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staff are trying to deeply move the audience while the staff of the news agency just report the 
To sum up, it is worth noting that television as a medium is very specific. The more developed 
technical equipment of television media is, the more evident becomes the difference between 
TV and the press. Today, scientists engaged in journalism, linguistics, philology, etc., are talking 
about “the television picture of the world” which differs from that of the print media. “Unlike 
newspapers and magazines, where visual images (photographs, drawings) perform a supporting
background function, in a television “language” a significant role is performed by video and 
audio images.”[3]. Text and visuals not only complement each other, but develop together. We 
cannot speak about television text without taking into account visual and audiovisual images. 
Meanwhile television discourse is the foundation for a television picture of the world and for 
transformation of knowledge about the reality in minds of those people, to whom the message 
is addressed. Television text differs from texts of other types because it has verbal and non-
verbal sign systems. Text, together with video sequence and audiovisuals plays a huge role in 
influencing function of modern mass media. In addition, many people rely on television much 
more than on other media, since they see the events and hear what the people interviewed by 
journalists say. But some people do not perceive a journalist’s text due to the fact that the 
video and interviews predominate over it. If you ask the viewers what the journalist said, some 
of them will not be able to remember his words. However, they will tell you what the story was 
about, who appeared in it, what was shown on the screen. But if a journalist uses such phrases 
that can evoke strong emotions, the audience will remember the text. Or they will pay attention 
to a stylistic or orthoepic inaccuracy, which also can be heard on TV. Therefore, when writing a 
text, you need to take into account the specificity of television as a medium.
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VOLUME 2, No. 1, 2016
17.  Solganik G.Ja. (2009). Text Stylistics: Training Manual. M.: Flinta: Nauka.
18. Spiking Good / Pod red. M.A. Kormilitsinoy and O.B. Sirotinoy (2007). Izd 2-е, cor. М.: 
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19.  Tsvik V.L. (2011). Television Journalism: Training Manual for Students, for Students That 
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20. Tsvik V.L. (2013). Television News Service: Tutorial for Students on the Specialty 
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21.  Valgina N.S. (2003). The Theory of the Text.
22. Zarva M.V. (2015). The Word on the Air. About the Language and Style of the Radio 
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Skorohodova, E.Yu. & Borodyanskaya, E.A. (2016) Journalistic Text on Modern Television
Contemporary Problems of Social Work. Vol. 2. No. 1 (5). P. 96–103. DOI: 10.17922/2412-
5466-2016-2-1-96-103 (International bibliographic description).

Shalashnikova V.Yu.,
postgraduate student, Russian State Social University, Moscow.
Shimanskaya I.Yu.,
postgraduate student, Russian State Social University, Moscow.
UDC 316; 35.352
Analysis of Factors and Effectiveness of Heads of Local 
Administration in Modern Russian Municipalities
Receiving date:
Preprint date:
Taking to print date:
Annotation: the article is devoted to the study and interpretation of the “city-manager” concept, 
the analysis of the conditions and factors of the professional management improvement of the local 
administration at the modern municipalities of the Russian Federation. The author suggests the KPI (Key 
Performance Indicators) indicators system to ensure the effective municipalities functioning.
Key words: city manager, professional manager of the local administration, the local government 
professionalism, municipal management, efficiency, KPI, performance.
Socio-economical and political reforms of recent decades have led to radical changes in 
the life of the Russian society. So social, political and economic conditions of modern Russia 
(the economic crisis, the import substitution process from the contradicting relationship 
with foreign trade strategic partners) require new approaches to management in a state and 
municipal services system.
The municipalities need to create a stable professional municipal service system. Since the 
primary social needs to the quality of life appears at the local places, i.e. the municipality 
territory. Therefore, the process of modern municipal service professionalization is particularly 
important. “The most important condition for achieving social objectives is professionalism. 
This characteristic is fixed in the federal law, and, in fact, is the main quality of the innovative 
executive power system. The effective work condition of the executive authority in the local 
government system is the municipal services professionalization. The municipal service 
professionalism is a highly professional employees work at the professional organization” [12].
The direct embodiment of the municipal professional principles service is on the first place, 
it may be implemented within a professional manager framework at the local administration 
municipal practice of the “city manager”.
The “City Manager” means a highly qualified professional manager, who is involved with 
the substitution method on the competitive position, to solve the strategic objectives and to 
develop the municipality. First of all, the effectiveness of the “city manager” activities depend 
on the regulatory framework, the mechanisms and the competitive selection procedures, the 
clear definition criteria of evaluation activities.
The separating process of management from ownership functions led to changes in the main 
management subject and to the appearance of managers as a class, that is an independent from 

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