Contemporary Problems of Social Work Современные проблемы социальной работы academic journal

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VOLUME 2, No. 1, 2016
24.  Vanderhill E. Mystics of the 20th Century: Encyclopedia. – M.: Lokid Press, 1996. 522 P.
25.  Vissarion. Last Hope. Appeal to Modern Humanity. St. Petersburg, JSC “Ivan Fedorov”, 1999. 
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Development of the Mind. M., 1983. 369 P.
28.  Walter M. The Kingdom of the Cults. – Access:
Bekoryukov, A.V. (2016) Establishment of the Phenomenon of Cult Thinking in Destructive 
Religious Organization, Contemporary Problems of Social Work. Vol. 2. No. 1 (5). P. 88–95. 
DOI: 10.17922/2412-5466-2016-2-1-88-95 (International bibliographic description).

Skorohodova E.Yu.,
doctor of philology, Russian State Social University, Moscow.
Author ID (Scopus): 56748030800
Borodyanskaya E.A.,
postgraduate student, Russian State Social University, Moscow.
Journalistic Text on Modern Television
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Annotation: this article is devoted to the study of journalistic text on modern Russian television. We will 
examine the journalistic text as a whole, the structure of the text on television, the interrelation between the 
text and visual and audio images, the diversity of modern media broadcasts.
Key words: media text, video sequence, television, news programs, Spiegel, introduction, journalistic 
genres, “hard” news.
Today the role of mass media can hardly be underestimated. From mass media people learn 
about what is happening in the world, in their country, home town or even in the house where 
they live. TV, radio, the Press and the Internet are the main sources of information. People of 
different age, education, income choose the source of information which is available for them 
and which coincides with their view of the world. For example, people who do not know how 
to use the computer will not receive any information from the Internet and those who are not 
interested in fashion or show business will not watch shows or передачи read article about 
lives of celebrities. Each mass medium has its own way of presenting the news to a particular 
audience. In order to convey information to the consumer, different media use their specific 
methods. So, on television, in addition to the text, there is a video, and in the newspaper using 
infographics, bold headlines, fill in a special way a newspaper edition and so on. But the text 
itself remains the main component in all types of media. That is why the term “media text” has 
been used recently more and more often, and it is understood as “a dynamic complex unit of 
higher rank, through which verbal communication in the sphere of mass communications is 
carried out “[2]. In this work, we will be taking a close look at the journalistic text on modern 
television, both at central and local. It has its own peculiarities that differ from methods of 

VOLUME 2, No. 1, 2016
constructing media texts of other types. The subject of the study will be the news programs on 
Federal, regional and local TV channels.
The term “text” comes from Latin word “textum”(fabric, plexus, connection). According 
to N.S. Valgina, “text is a sequence of symbolic units unified by sense; its main features are 
coherence and integrity. Such sequence is acknowledged as a communicative unit of the 
highest rank” [21]. The dictionary by S.I. Ozhegov and N.Yu. Shvedova defines text as follows: 
“1. Any recorded speech (literary work, composition, document, as well as an extract or a part 
taken from them). 2. In linguistics: internally organized sequence of segments of a written work 
or recorded, or uttered speech, relatively complete in its content and structure. 3. In printing 
industry: the main part of a print-out (without illustrations, drawings or tables)” [12].
Thus, text can be oral or written. In this case, any form of perception requires external 
coherence, internal meaningfulness and orientation to perception. The definition of “text” can 
be applied both to a whole piece of work and to its parts.
Here we should also consider the varieties of language, which are called functional styles. 
They are divided into literary and conversational (colloquial). It is accepted that literary style 
comprises texts of scientific style, official, publicistic, properly literary and religious. This article 
is not aimed at considering all functional styles, but since a journalistic text on TV belongs to 
the publicistic style, we’ll consider it in more details.
Lately journalistic style has been increasingly defined as the language of the media. It is 
divided into language of newspapers, advertisements, television and so on. Other theorists 
argue that “the language of the media is one of the varieties of the publicistic style of Russian 
literary language, and the sphere of its usage has socio-political basis” [18].
The main functions of the publicistic style are informing and influencing. They are 
implemented by using specific vocabulary and rhetorical techniques. In texts we can hear or 
read words relating to socio-political sphere: elections, referendum, gross domestic product, 
inflation, economy and so on. Assessment vocabulary is also used within this style: “good news”, 
“a real man”, “a parasite”, “a master of his craft”, and so on. Often, the words begin to obtain a 
different meaning in the media texts.
Journalists can use familiar words in an unusual sense (“Cinderella became a mother. Now 
the question, of course, is not about the heroine of the tale, but about the tiger from the wildlife 
park in the Jewish Autonomous region”, channel NTV, program “Today” 19.12. 2015). Also, the 
media often use rhetorical questions (“Who pays for the banquet?”: how the mayor of Samara 
celebrated his anniversary under the guise of a children’s party”, NTV, “Today” 17 December 
2015). Theorists also point out that for the journalistic style «typical saving of linguistic 
resources, brevity and simplicity of presentation with informative intensity» [11].
Journalism is a chronicle of today (as it is sometimes called). From newspapers archives 
and news releases of different years, we can learn what happened in a given period of time in 
the country and in the world. Modern journalism covers all major problems of society, political, 
domestic, philosophical issues, etc. One of the hallmarks of journalism today can be called 
personification. «The merger of the book and spoken language, removal of boundaries in the 
media texts of formal and informal, public and consumer communication researchers explain 
the desire of journalists to implement the main strategy of the modern media – a strategy 
to be close to the consumer» [13].There exist some highly specialized editions, which are 
gaining popularity. For sale has a lot of colorful magazines for children of different age groups, 
and pet lovers can get the magazine for the owners of a particular breed of dog or cat. The 
determining factor in any project becomes the audience, so before the program start’s, «editors 
looking for how many people really read the newspaper; how much gets newspaper subscription, 
the number of buying it in retail; how many viewers are watching a TV program on a regular 
basis» [4], defines the age limit of the audience of the future, the level of education, material 
sufficiency. Meanwhile, modern journalism focuses on thoughts and facts.

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