Contemporary Problems of Social Work Современные проблемы социальной работы academic journal

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VOLUME 2, No. 1, 2016
Thus, we can note these world view systems have some similarities. First of all, it is – in the 
operation of self-actualization needs of people with low self-esteem. The more a person feels 
his own limitations – the stronger his desire to prove (or rather – to show) their significance. At 
the same time he has by virtue of inconsistency for granted and needs begins to form cognitive 
dissonance – and here he becomes easily perceptible sectarian preachers, which not only offers 
an easy way to self-realization, but also open before the neophyte possibility of joining the 
“environment of chosen”, towering over the mundane banalities. Here one finds the double 
output of his inherent inferiority complex: he is not simply finds a refuge in which his demand 
becomes a reality, and in addition, feels belonging to the community of “truth possessors”, and 
treats own self-realization in the proclaiming this truth to “erring humanity”.
Exploitation of human complexes – one of the most effective recruitment processes, to the 
adepts of destructive cults. In times of personal crisis occurs accentuation of characteristic 
features, in particular – supercilious self-exaltation and arrogance – and the man offered a 
seemingly positive output. However, all of this “positive” comes down to the release of the 
passions and instincts, and because later is the main difficulty in the process of rehabilitation 
of people caught so lightly recruited into the cult.
Feeling the bearer of truth, the owners of the only true understanding of being in a long 
residence time in the sect are so firmly implanted in the consciousness of the adept that he 
considers it impossible to change the ideological space. Moreover, the formation of a bipolar 
thinking helps to perpetuate in the minds adept representation of the outside in relation to the 
world as the cult of the dark area, access to which is tantamount to suicide. Thus, a specialist 
working in the field of rehabilitation technology, literally faced with a split consciousness of 
the person seeking a way out of the cult space, unless he at least initially originated doubts 
about the rightness of former leaders or gurus.
But all of this – is in the future. And yet a person, unclaimed in the life, but sincerely 
seeking the application of owns powers and abilities, finds them as a result of the positive 
response to the proposal voiced by street or virtual preachers. The need for self-realization 
is reinforced by the creation of an artificial atmosphere of goodwill within the organization 
where a person comes, taking the first offer of his new acquaintances. Indeed, between the 
gray ordinariness of everyday life and joyous light “divine love”, emitted by shining faces of 
the community members – an enormous chasm. Amid the euphoria induced in the sectarian 
community, critical thinking neophyte dull – especially given the fact that outwardly 
benevolent atmosphere in which he finds himself, a long time for him was the subject of an 
unsuccessful search. It would seem, here it is – life in its fullness and harmony! Man entirely 
given surging positive emotions – and the process of further entry into the sphere of cult 
thinking is done fairly quickly and easily.
Of course, at the initial stage of participation in the cult life there are doubts, nascent by 
a novice as a natural reaction to the behavior, discordant with the same, familiar stereotypes. 
However, these concerns are overcome, in the first place, by the passage of time: the more a 
person is in a cult – the less he has a desire to criticize the lifestyle to which he was accustomed. 
Secondly, as we enter into a cult, more adept deliberately dismissive of these doubts, because 
the fear of losing the state of euphoria, acquired in the cult and characterized by an emotional 
lift, characterized for him with a return to a past life, is associated with dark and gloomy period.
Initiated in cults bipolarization thought considers pursuing the formation of the most 
negative attitudes towards the former way of life in the consciousness of the adept as the main 
purpose: it’s easier just to keep him from a potential exit from the community. Once hooked for 
“ray of light” that illuminates and warms the “elite”, he perceives the prospects of a catastrophe, 
hopeless dissolution in the darkness, and the final destruction. It is promoted by cult methods 
that increase the emotional background of the adept, or – even worse – the turn of the rise and 
decline of emotional activity.

Alternating activity and sensory deprivation as a control technique of mind is well-developed 
in neo-pentecostalism communities. Unhurried and chanting, which begins charismatic 
“services”, gradually transformed into a loud chant monosyllabic phrases, such as “my God – 
the God Almighty” or “all glory to Thee”, during which the audience falls into a trance state 
characterized by a high degree of suggestibility. Amid the euphoria induced in the course of 
“religious show” the preacher goes and begins to talk in a still, low voice about peace, love, and 
the purpose of this meeting. Gradually the tone of a preacher increases and stimulates frenzy 
audience – and soon gathered come into a state of self-excitation and hysteria. Ultimately, 
exalted followers rushing into convulsions [18].
Confluence into a rage describes the process of achieving “Krishna consciousness” in the same 
religious movement. And in this case, the alternation of emotional ups and downs produces a 
characteristic effect on adept, resulting in disinhibition of sensory activity. A meditation practice 
comes to an end for him falling into cataleptic trance: “Human condition, delivered to a standstill 
while a sense of happiness and sorrow, and not knowing what to do, called pralaya, that is emptiness. 
In the state of pralaya person sometimes falls to the ground, and he manifested all the symptoms 
of ecstatic love... The most important of the many manifestations of ecstasy is a symptom of 
numbness... In contrast to the tears or trembling voice stupor spread to the whole body” [3].
Another essential element of controlling the mind and creativity of cult thinking is the so-
called sectarian “newspeak”. To control the mind of the adept, the leadership of cult introduces 
new communication relations and verbal standards, forcing him to communicate with the image 
of the invention in the interior organization of the lexicon, filled with special words that have a 
kind of meaning. As a result of the introduction of new terminology clich
és, symbols associated 
with the language are the same for all members of the organization.
The fundamental importance of this fact is due to the relationship between language and 
thinking individual that has shown in his research eminent German philosopher and linguist 
of XIX century Wilhelm von Humboldt. As a result of their research, Humboldt came to the 
conclusion that the human mind is formed their conceptual apparatus used. Humboldt first 
formulated the position of linguistics, which was later developed by American ethnolinguist E. 
Sapir and B. Whorf, and presented them as a hypothesis of linguistic relativity.
The essence of this hypothesis is the fact of language influence the way of thinking and 
the formation of a picture of the world by people who are carriers of the language culture. 
Humboldt says that ethnic thinking creates a language, and that, in turn, has an impact on the 
very act of thinking: “Act of thought that creates the unity of the concept corresponds to the 
unity of the word as a sensuous sign, and both unity should be thinking and through speech as 
close as possible to each other. As the thinking and analysis produced division allocation in the 
pronunciation of sounds and back – pronunciation should have a similar effect on the material 
of thought and passing from one undifferentiated complex to the other, through the division 
will pave the way to achieve absolute unity” [13].
Creating a language symbol system allows you to control the thoughts – the provision 
successfully used by the leaders of religious sects. In destructive cults different situations 
denoted terminology labels (stamps). Each such stamp is the verbal expression “boot Language” 
programs the consciousness of the adept in a given situation, initially imposing definitions and 
concepts that become patterns of thought.
As an example, you can cause the sample clich
é terminology used in religious organizations 
International Society for Krishna Consciousness, or the Church of Scientology. Krishnas often 
use the concept of having a well-established treatment is quite specific in religious studies 
(reinterpretation of the classic categories of Hinduism), or in the ordinary and everyday life. 
However, they give these concepts a specific meaning, with the result that the generally 
accepted interpretations have to transform and take on special terms, which “sacred” value is 
available to understand only for community members.

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