Contemporary Problems of Social Work Современные проблемы социальной работы academic journal

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VOLUME 2, No. 1, 2016
6.  Falcons S.L. Public-Private Partnership Forms in Socially Important Branches of Economy//
the Siberian Financial School. 2012. No. 3. P. 56–61.
7.  Filosofova T.G. Leasing Business: the Textbook for Students of the Higher Education 
Institutions Which Are Trained in the Economy and Management directions / T.G. Filosofova. 
4 prod., edit. and additional. M.: UNITY-DANA, 2012. 343 P.
8.  Grinkevich L.S., Banin S.A. Conceptual Model of Formation of Socially Oriented and Effective 
Regional System of Financing of the Medical Organizations // Finance and credit. No. 36. 
P. 35–47.
9.  Health Care in Russia. 2015: Rosstat. M.: 2015. 174 P.
10.  Investments in Russia. 2015: / Rosstat. M.: 2015. 190 P.
11.  Kulikova E.V., Halipina D. in Forecasting of Development of Leasing of Biomedical Equipment in 
Russia and Germany // Economy and Management: Problems, Decisions. 2015. No. 9. P. 10–17.
12.  Makarov I.N. The Main Forms of Public-Private Partnership in World Practice and the Russian 
Economy // Economic Sciences. 2008. No. 8 (45). P. 83–87.
13.  Miroshnichenko Yu.V., Saffron Milk Caps M.V. Social-Economic Assessment of Efficiency of 
Leasing, As Equipment Mechanism Medical-Preventive of Establishments by Modern Medical 
Equipment // Farmakoekonomika. Modern Farm-Economic and Farm-Epidemiology. 2011. No. 
4. P. 85–87.
14.  Ognev D.V. Comparative Characteristics of Alternative Forms of Financing of Investments and 
Advantage of Leasing // Problems of Modern Economy. 2008. No. 3(27). P. 600–604.
15.  Piskunov S.V., Chevtayeva N.G. Governmental-Part Partnership in Management of Health Care 
// Questions of Management. 2015. No. 3. P. 38–48.
16. Pozdnyakova S.V., Kakushkin M. A. About Development of Public-Private Partnership in 
Health Care // Scientific Notes of the Tambov Office of ROSMU. 2016. No. 5. P. 183–195.
17.  Rotakhina O. N. Development of Forms of Public-Private Partnership in Regions of Russia 
at the Present Stage // The Social and Economic Phenomena and Processes. 2010. No. 4. 
P. 83–88.
18.  Sinyakova of A.F. Concessional of the Agreement: Attraction to the Region of Investments 
by Means of Public-Private Partnership//Regional Economy: Theory and Practice. 2007. No. 
3–10 (49). P. 59–64.
19.  Skvortsova V.I. The Budget of Health Care in 2016 Has Grown by 4,3%. URL:
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20.  Sosna S.A. Concession Agreements: Theory and Practice. M.: Spark Publishing House, 2002. 256 P.
21.  Sycheva I.V., Naidyonov D.A. Research of Forms and Mechanisms of Public-Private Partnership 
in World and Domestic Practice // News of TULGU. Economic and Jurisprudence. 2010. No. 
2–2. P. 23–33.
22.  The Federal law “About concession agreements” of July 21, 2005 No. 115-FL (an edition from 
12/30/2015)//Collection of the legislation of the Russian Federation. 2005. No. 30 (p. II). Art. 
23.  The Federal Law “About Modification of Article 665 of Part Second of the Civil Code of the 
Russian Federation and the Federal Law “About Financial Rent (leasing)” of December 31, 
2014 No. 512-FL // Collection of the Legislation of the Russian Federation. 2015. No. 1. Art. 65.
24. The Methodical Recommendations for Public Authorities of Subjects of the Russian 
Federation About Use of Mechanisms of State-Private Interaction in Health Sector Approved 
at a meeting of Coordination Council of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation 
on State – to Private Partnership (the protocol from 3/10/2015 No. 73/23/9)//Health care. 
2015. No. 5, 6, 7.
25.  The Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 23, 2010 No. 
1238 “About Creation of Kazmedtekh Joint-Stock Company”.
26.  Ten Principles for successful PPP.
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27.  Zakharova E.N., Kovalyova I.P. Intercompany Integration and Public-Private Partnership in 
Regional System Of Medical Services: the monograph / E.N. Zakharova, I.P. Kovalyov. Maykop: 
AGU publishing house, 2015. 187 P.
Yandavletova, D.Kh. (2016) Leasing As the Instrument of Investments in Health System, 
Contemporary Problems of Social Work. Vol. 2. No. 1 (5). P. 80–87. DOI: 10.17922/2412-
5466-2016-2-1-80-87 (International bibliographic description).

Bekoryukov A.V.,
senior lecturer, postgraduate student of social philosophy, religion and theology, 
Russian Social State University, Moscow.
Establishment of the Phenomenon 
of Cult Thinking in Destructive Religious Organization
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Annotation: in this paper we consider the formation and emergence of the phenomenon of group thinking 
in destructive cults. The study aims to identify and analyze the facts of the negative impact on adherents, 
in order to avoid the introduction of cult potential victims, and with the prospect of further rehabilitation 
recruited followers.
For specific examples of religious organizations the process of adept implementing worship space is shown, 
also the use of manipulation and mind control techniques in a confined space of the sect. The paper used the 
theological and psychological analysis of the sacred texts of religious cults, methods of committing “service” 
and methods of manipulation of consciousness.
Conclusions of the work permit to classify the recruitment methods in destructive cults, and may be useful 
as information for potential victims of a religious sect, and for professionals in the field of rehabilitation 
Key words: Alternative spirituality, bipolarization thinking, destructive cult, initiation, induction, religious 
consciousness, manipulation, self-realization, the sect, the emotional background.
Every year the concept of “alternative spirituality” increasingly penetrates into the life 
of modern Russia. It’s a category associated with the consequences of the so-called “choice 
of freedom of conscience”, provided to citizens of the Russian Federation by national 
legislation. Most often, this notion is associated with new religious movements, which 
are called as “cults” among the traditional religions. However, it will be more correctly to 
define an alternative spirituality not only as the perception of religion in a particular cult, 
but rather as a way of thinking based on the choice of the path of personal and spiritual 
development. Alternative spirituality may be perceived as a system in which the formation of 
a certain world views, to implement sustainable patterns of new value paradigm. In this case 
a man with a non-traditional understanding of the spiritual life for Russian society does not 
consist in any religious association necessarily – more often he is guided by the principles, 

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