Contemporary Problems of Social Work Современные проблемы социальной работы academic journal

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VOLUME 2, No. 1, 2016
Thus, the term “Veda” becomes a universal reference unaddressed during the sermon
under the “karmic books” or “waste paper” refers to the worldwide literature; “speculator” – 
independently minded Krishna; “sanskrit” – commented a passage from the Bhagavad-gita as 
presented by Swami Prabhupada; “meditate on Mataji” – indulge in sexual fantasies; “karmic 
family” – family and friends who do not share the ideology; “nectar” – approved by the 
authorities, the relevant doctrine of the organization; “devotee” – the employee organization 
that keepeth 4 regulative principles, japa 16 laps and staying with emotion from the teachings 
of Srila Prabhupada; and so on [14].
Scientology Dictionary – perhaps the most voluminous and difficult to remember, second 
after the theosophical one. Here are some examples to illustrate his workload. “Auditing” – 
Hubbard’s appliances intended for human liberation from the n-gram; “protein” – a supporter 
of Scientology or Dianetics, Hubbard’s idea of   trying to revise; “Involved” – scientologist, 
having another job; “operating thetan” – state achieved after the state treated; “report of the 
famous” – a message that must be sent in writing and Ethics department every scientologist 
(denunciation of another member of the community); “suppressive person” – a person who 
does not want to take the ideas of Scientology; “consciousness” – communication and control 
system between the thetan and his environment; etc. [22].
In addition to creating the loaded language, reforming the sphere of thinking adepts, 
the founders of the cult and leadership development going on so-called speech patterns – 
designs, the purpose of which is to program the mental processes of the individual. Patterns 
are structured in a certain way and are used to manipulate the consciousness of adepts; as a 
result they lose their critical ability in the perception of information. The individuality of the 
person is cleared, it goes into the dissociated state, which increases the degree of suggestibility, 
susceptibility level and depending on the external environment.
This state is a direct path to the formation of groupthink, the adoption of individual socio-
cultural concept, an artificially created by cult environment. Implemented in a religious cult 
phenomenon of group thinking applies to the decision group or organization, and to the 
process of “production” of such decisions – cult activities stereotyping system, programming 
the consciousness of the adept on the adoption and implementation of ideas, profitable 
management. This phenomenon is characterized by the desire for uniformity in the group, 
which is higher than the real motivation evaluating alternatives.
The resulting consequence of groupthink cohesion of its members in advance planned and 
implemented by the leaders of the cult with the help of manipulative techniques, one of which 
is the creation of a single linguistic space in which the members of a religious organization 
are rotating. Here, the “newspeak” is crucial. As a result of the introduction of a unified voice 
of the space formed by the cult slang, there is the desire for uniformity, leading eventually to 
deindividualization. It becomes possible to rigid social control (including stress situations), as 
well as forming the mechanism by which each follower comes into a state of ecstatic compliance 
the doctrine of the cult.
In addition to the implications of the “newspeak”, adepts completely deprived of the ability 
of critical thinking, with the result that there is a cognitive dissonance, and the transformation 
of all areas of the psyche with a complete personality change. Thus, the value and importance 
of the group increased in comparison with the self-esteem so that followers tend to belong to 
a group and follow its rules, even if these rules come into sharp conflict with their former value 
systems, and social and cultural traditions of society.
As can be seen from the above examples, the expectation of novelty for the potential victim 
of worship is opposite of reality, in which she appears as a result. The intoxicating effects of 
the cult to the consciousness forms addictive output from which is extremely difficult. Wanting 
to gain the ability to self-discovery, freedom of realization of his immediate needs, the adept 
enters the strongest slaves. And – surprisingly – with slavery persists illusion of self-discovery 

in which adept believes infinitely despite evidence of exposure to groupthink, in which there is 
a maximum erase his personality and the making of his a docile instrument for the manipulation 
of spectacular sect leaders.
Of course, if human knew in advance about all the implications of his entry into the cult – 
he never would have dared such a radical step. However, the concealment of real information, 
exploitation of his instincts and the needs of self-stimulation lead to results that advance 
the well-known to leaders of the cult. And a human still perceived as a toy, an object of the 
manipulation, in most cases ready to sacrifice material status, health, freedom, and even his 
own life for the cult...
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