Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula

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One of the side "benefits" of the brain-stem scarring, the repeated tortures, the attention that is expected if the slave is to survive, etc. is that they may develop extremely sensitive perception. This extremely sensitive perception may come across as ESP, but it is really subconscious understanding of things such as body language.


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Psychologists have discovered that deep in the mind is an area of thinking they refer to as the Internal Self-helper. Psychologists who attempt to help programmed multiples have been told to find the ISH (internal self-helper) of the victim. Sometimes the "ISH" have surfaced as ‘‘angels’’ and ‘‘spirit guides’’ in a system. They may regulate which alters come out and hold the body. The therapist may point out to a person that angels and spirit guides are never internal, unless they are demonic. The Christian is permitted scripturally to only be led by one internal spirit guide, and that’s is the Holy Spirit. In some systems, the slave’s "Holy Spirit" may turn out to be a cult ISH. The programmers were many steps ahead of the psychologists. Even years before the psychologists began looking for the ISH to help them, the programmers had foreseen this and had their bases covered. In everyday life, for normal people, the internal self-helper serves as a type of guardian angel over each person. The programmers during the early LSD trips watch for the ISH. When it surfaces, they lock it up in the person’s mind, and replace it with a demonic generational spirit, which is commanded to report any work done in the system to the master. When psychologists find the ISH and ask for its help, the ISH does cooperate with them, but this demonic ISH is also one of the principal reporting agents that reports back to the master in photographic detail everything that the therapist does. This is one big reason the programmers have always been several steps ahead of the therapeutic community.


Splintered souls captured on Interject disks is a subject that is beyond verification but is mentioned here because therapists and "UFO abductees", and SRA victims of mind-control may run into it. Readers must draw their own conclusions as to what soul interjects are--whether merely a deception, a new technology, or magical demonic manifestation. Hermetic magic is a nasty form of magic from ancient Egypt. There are a few of the top Illuminati Grand Masters who believe they are capable of carrying out rituals to raise the dead and create interjects onto interject disks. Specialized magic is performed on the dead to raise zombies in order to splinter the zombie’s soul. The Grand Master then believes he can place the splinters of the soul on interject disks, and place these interjects into live slaves. Interestingly, humans claiming contact with "aliens" have claimed that the aliens can separate a human soul from its body, keep it captured, recondition that soul, and finally implant the soul into another body. Some researchers are claiming that they have evidence of a holographic energy template that is associated with a physical body. Is this the soul? They believe that this template works with cellular genetic mechanisms. There is certainly more to learn about what humans are, perhaps some day these claims about zombie souls will have some scientific merit, but for now they lay in the realm of Illuminati Grand Master high magic.

I have reported upon Illuminati beliefs and practices. Likewise, an anthropologist will report on the practices & customs of a people, whether or not the anthropologist personally practices or believes like the people he observes. Of course, these luciferian (or should one say satanic practices) are abhorrent and the author has never practiced them, so the author can’t speak from the viewpoint of a witness, but he can describe as a reporter the views of Illuminati witnesses. One Illuminati belief is that they have managed to design equipment that can catch the soul of a dying person. This capability will play a role in the reign of the anti-Christ. When the Anti-Christ dies, his soul will be captured and he will be resurrected with demons animating the body. When a very high ranking Illuminati adept goes berserk, the Illuminati will insure that they preserve the soul of the man by killing him with equipment that is portrayed in

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the recent movie Lord of Illusion. This is a mask-brace that fits over the portals of the head and then is screwed into the head to capture the soul as it tries to escape the dying body. Then demons are called in to live off the soul matter. Normally, according to Illuminati occult knowledge, the demons can only live a short time within a body, but by the mask-brace capture of a body’s soul, the demons can inhabit a body for a longer length of time and create the walking dead. This is that "line between heaven and hell" that the movie refers to. The Illuminati believe that the highest gift they can give Lucifer are captured souls. They will place souls into jars. This is the highest most secret magic of the Illuminati. Notice, that during the Lord of Illusion movie, jars are smashed during the ritual where a soul is captured. Interviews with alien abductees reveals that some of them believe that the aliens are stealing the souls of mankind. The similarity of the Illuminati beliefs about demons, and the perceived actions of the aliens by abductees are remarkably similar. Also the Illuminati have secretly used special tubing during millions of abortions performed by their abortion clinics to capture the souls of the aborted children. (This is author is not making any claims that they do or don’t succeed, but they believe they are succeeding.) The movie Lord of Illusion is full of Illuminati/high level Masonic symbology. The movie begins with programming concepts, first the galaxies & stars, then the yellow brick road, then a dust storm... An Illuminati phrase "Flesh is a trap, magic sets you free" is mentioned in the movie. In contrast with the movie, these things are not written to entertain the reader, but with the good-natured intent that therapists and victims may gain something by knowing better what is going on to these Illuminati mind-control victims. The Illuminati believe that they can suck the life spirit out of a person through intercourse with what they call the Eye of Horus (the anus). This is why the leaders of this World Order (such as George Bush, Bill Clinton, and tens of thousands of others) are into sodomy, they are trying to vampirize all the years of life out of the victim to gain a longer life. Some of the sad child victims, who have been kept exclusively for this purpose do look like the life force has been sucked out of them. Sodomy has its own secret chamber on the cabalistic tree of life. A metaphysical UFO type magazine entitled WE Walk-Ins for Evolution puts out articles on how souls walk-into a body and how souls braid themselves to other souls. For instance, there was an article "Soul Braiding" in the April-June, ‘96 issue of WE. This appears to be a refraining of various practices that the Illuminati carry out to demonize and control the minds of their people. Rather than speak of a demonization or an interject, front alters of slaves who are not Christians can use metaphysical terms like "soul braiding". The words soul and spirit, and concepts attached to those words are important in programming. Programmed Mormon children will think they have the "Spirit of Elijah" in them, and will robotically sing their programming, "Follow the Prophet, follow the prophet."

WHITE GOLD, other information

Since writing about powdered white gold’s ability to make a person clairvoyant, in Vol. 2, it’s come to my attention that Nexus magazine has had a recent article on this. For those who are interested in crystal travel, crystal travel is an OBE also known as astral projection and is covered in the Vol. 2 book as astral projection. Besides the silver cord, some victims have mentioned a supernatural dark red violet umbilical that connects them to the AntiChrist.

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picture 1 p_10-1.jpg

information about the picture

This is a masonic drawing cailed "The Second Portal". it shows nude boys facing a throne undergoing some type of magical rltuai. The drawing appears In The Hidden Life in Freemasonry after pg. 198. in 1926, Charles W. Leadbeater, a 33º Freemason, printed his book The Hidden Life in Freemasonry. This book was written for people involved in Luciferian rituals In the higher more occult rites of Freemasonry. in the preface, Leadbeater talks of butterflies (pp viii-ix), which has the double meaning in the occult of souls (spirits). in the last chapter, chapter 10, he gives masonic rituals to Invoke angels (demons) through egyptian magic. In these Masonic temples, the checkerboard square is used in a similar fashion as a magic circie for a coven. This picture is given as a paper trail to show the sex-magic rituals that take place within various masonic groups.

The iliuminati Sisters of Light alters rarely appear in therapy because they are used in horrendous masonic rituals, and must be buried very deep in the system. Typically, a Sister of Light would be blindfolded and taken down many flights of steps and through tunnels and would end up in an elaborate underground masonic temple. She would be used as a nymph. in one ritual, for example, she’d be given a golden circle band for her forehead, a cloak with a red lining, and a tunic of black silk with golden rays. The hall would have important masons of society who would be sitting in a semi-circle. The Sisters of Light are given to Beelzebub in an excruciating marriage ceremony. There is a veil which fails into 4 equal parts, which mean the 4 corners of the world. The sisters take oaths around the compass, so that the victim feels locked in no matter what corner of the world they go to.

picture 2 p_10-2.jpg


about the picture

This was some early art work by Cisco to convey what her mind felt as a mind-controlled slave. What the picture shows is the hand of the puppet master controlling his puppet. The puppet is floating--not grounded in reality, but dissociated from the external world in order to survive. All the cities and internal worlds are grids. Everything attaches to grids. The color programming can be seen in the Green, Blue, Silver, Gold, Red, and Yellow colors of the grids. The puppet is totally in the hands of the puppet master and its hands are in a submissive hold, while the puppet master has his fingers covertly wrapped around the left side of the puppet's head.

Chapter 11

Click here for picture

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This is an important ongoing aspect of the mind-control. Vol. 2, introduced this subject: "Learning plays an important part in perception. The Programmers try to get their victims to subscribe to philosophies and ideas that will make it hard for them to rebel against their controllers. This is what is termed indoctrination. The same methods of teaching that others [any other educator would] find useful are employed. Ways of thinking are incorporated by the slave via handlers, programmers, and the cult they belong to. "Everyone tries in their own way to make sense of life. This is a natural brain function, so that the human mind can understand how to deal with the future. The mind takes raw data, and then applies some type of logic, and comes to conclusions. Once accepted these conclusions can be as hard as nails, and they will defy any attempt to change them, even in the light of new evidence. If the Programmer is smart enough, he can get an alter to logically believe anything. Once the belief is embedded, it will remain there tenaciously." In the previously book, it was discussed how indoctrination is done. I will provide more of the details on how indoctrination is accomplished, because it is not being done via rational logical thinking. Rather, the programmer or cult leaders want to access a person’s non-logical imaginative right brain. In order to do that he must distract the left brain. Bill Clinton, an Illuminati handler of slaves, and a good liar, has his speeches prepared in such a way that they take advantage of the brain’s natural functioning to manipulate it. Bill Clinton, when he gives a speech will initiate it by pushing everybody’s green buttons. He will say a number of things that everyone wants to hear and will agree with. This is called "generating a YES SET’. There will be a number of these, the number of these often desired is 3. Then the second stage is to bring in TRUISMS that are facts that after the audience has already been mentally saying yes, the audience will probably accept these facts without any disagreement. Finally, after the approx. three YES SETs, the approx. three TRUISMS, Bill will plant the suggestion, such as "support me in such and such." On important points, Bill will move his left hand, to help imbed certain commands to his viewers. He will also use some subtle hand signals/codes to trigger mind-controlled slaves too. He will ask during his talks for people to imagine or visualize what he wants for them. Again this is manipulation directed at the right brain. One of the most crucial things that protects the mind-control of the Illuminati is the frame-of-reference and world-view they build into people from the cradle to the grave. Our previous experience and the information we have available directly influences how we assign meaning to information we receive. The Illuminati’s control over so much of society allows them to create people’s frames-of-references. Fragments of information that people receive which do not relate to the person’s frame-of-reference will be discarded. A person needs a place in his frame-of-reference to hang information on. The person may puzzle over the tidbits of incongruent fragments, but being unable to relate them to his world view, he finds himself unable to file the fragments away in a meaningful manner. Some of the front alters of very well controlled slaves have had world views (frames-of-references) that believe, a. there is no such thing as Satanic Ritual Abuse, b. there is no such thing as a conspiracy, c. there is no such thing as absolute truth, d. there is no such

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thing as sin. e. There is no connection between God, living a moral life, and finding Truth. f. there is no such thing as Multiple Personality Disorder. g. My religious organization can do no wrong. Making a fundamental change in our frame of reference is a frightening task. This is why victims of total mind-control who have been A. programmed not to believe that a New World Order conspiracy exists, and not to believe Satanism and SRA exist, and then they are B. placed in a culture that reinforces this programming, end up being extremely hard to break free of their mind-control. Conferences where mind-control victims can begin to see the significance of all the fragments of clues that they discarded are very valuable. This author has met a number of mind-controlled victims who didn’t know what their problem was, but had countless clues in their life. But these clues were useless fragments of information until they were given a framework to use them. For instance, one victim of Illuminati total mind-control knew nothing about the significance of the Illuminati bloodlines, nor who the bloodlines were. She stated that her relatives were so and so, and it was then pointed out to her that she was from Illuminati bloodlines on both sides, and the significance of the bloodlines was gone over. Now a meaningless piece of information (her genealogy) had been given a framework of meaning. But this was just one area of many which the establishment has carefully controlled us to have misunderstandings about. Understanding her heritage, allowed her to understand why she was selected for mind-control, when it seemed to her that others might have been better candidates. Occult philosophies by their very nature create frames of references that make it hard to see reality and to see the Truth in Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The New Age, Witchcraft, and Hindu idea that all paths lead to God, is utter nonsense. The idea that Christians are narrow minded is nonsense, but is a common idea taught by many people. It is narrow minded to insist that Christians must go to the same place Hindu’s end up, if Christians seek truth. The New Agers see only one track for truth seekers, since they hold all paths lead to God. The concept is even illustrated by the wheel in India’s flag. All spokes on the wheel lead to the same center point of the circle. The Biblical Christians see two tracks for truth seekers--some don’t find God and Truth, but rather find an imitation of the truth and end up eternally lost, while some do find God and Truth. Perhaps at this point the reader is getting slightly upset because he or she is thinking, "Fritz is preaching what he believes," and is also thinking "there is no absolute truth." That is exactly my point. By accepting the lie--the programming lie--the frame of reference--the paradigm that there is no absolute truth, then every time a fragment of absolute truth comes to you, you will reject it. When I showed evidence to two followers of J.Z. Knight (J.Z. Knight was/is a mind-controlled slave, who has set up an Illuminati front religion in Washington State where converts are subjected to mind-control techniques) that children were being sacrificed by Satanic covens and that this was evidence of Satanic ritual abuse, their world view could not accept the concept of absolute wrongs and sin. They responded, "These satanists may well be killing their babies, but that is not abuse, that is only your idea. It’s just your idea that it is abuse. It’s not abuse to these people." In review, one of the hardest shells protecting the programming of a total mind-controlled slave is when the front part of their system, which holds the body regularly, has been indoctrinated into a frame-of-reference that will not allow them to see the reality of what is being done to make and keep them in slavery. A final example of this, are the zealots of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation who are mind-controlled zealots. These zealots, who are launching a counterattack

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against books like this, have had their world-views carefully constructed by a combination of several techniques of persuasion, a. mass indoctrination, b. subliminal messages via the T.V. and other places in their lives, c. controlled education, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming, in addition to all their regular trauma-based programming. It’s like their world-view is the hard varnish that is first seen & heard, protecting people (even themselves) from realizing that the underlying motivation of these zealots is not their world-view, but Total Mind Control Programming. Within witchcraft, the cosmology that is taught is that a person was originally swirls or vortexes of energy. This coupled with a belief in reincarnation, allows the mind-controlled victim’s witchcraft alters to believe that they began with some molecules of energy forming, and that death is nothing, because everything continues on a vast wheel of reincarnation. The beliefs that are inserted into people via witchcraft are conducive to locking the person into their servitude. European culture, which has been based on Christianity, has had a respect and value on life way beyond the oriental view. For centuries europeans have marvelled about how little value human life has in the oriental view. This is because these Oriental views are identical with what is now called New Age beliefs, which are also about the same thing as witchcraft. Gnostism/ witchcraft philosophy justifies seeking and having power. Persons, who are power hungry, gravitate to this philosophy. Persons who are inculcated with the desire for power rationalize their behavior with the witchcraft philosophy which they are raised in, or programmed to believe, or "discover" to set their minds at ease.


Internal computers are elaborate arrangements of dissociated parts and memories built into the slave’s mind to cause the victim’s mind to have mechanical computer-like responses.

For years, the internal computers escaped the detection of the therapeutic community. The illustrated Guidebook introduced the subject to readers and the Vol. 2 gave the first major & so far to date the only comprehensive expose of these computers. This Deeper Insights book will provide a number of pages to deepen the readers understanding of this important subject. This is all fresh (never been exposed) material so don’t write and ask what book it came from. You may have to refer back to our previous books for a complete understanding.

Installation of the Standard Programming.

The Illuminati take a screen about 6’ by 6’. On the screen is a grid with a Greek or English letter. In front of the screen are colored flashing lights. The flashing colored lights prevent the conscious mind from seeing the screen, but the subconscious mind sees the grid. An Alpha symbol or capital A with tails at the base will be shown on the grid screen for Alpha programming. A Beta or B will be shown for the Beta Programming screen. The programming that is placed in using the different programming associated with various Greek and English alphabets can be read about in Chapter 4 of the Volume 2 Formula book and Chapter 4 in this book. The victim is strapped into a chair with their head locked in place and their eyes forced open. They must endure the flashing lights and the subliminal grid and letter on the screen.

There is a paper trail that they are using flashing lights for hypnotic control of a subject in order to place in messages at the subconscious. One of the pieces of the paper trail was an article "New Device To Induce Hypnosis Developed" in the Chicago Tribune (June 7, 1959). The article was about a Dr. William Kroger, who had tested the use of flashing lights on 200 obstetric patients at the Edgewater hospital in Chicago. Interestingly, this Dr. Kroger lived in Beverly Hills, CA and worked with a Sidney Schneider of Skokie, IL.

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Schneider was skilled in electronics and Kroger was an obstetrician. The article said, "The pulsing pattern in reality an electronic brain wave ‘achieves control’ of the brain’s alpha rhythm, thus inducing a drowsy state, according to Dr. Kroger." "The apparatus...operates on the principal of subliminal and photic stimulation of brain waves...about 30 per cent of the subjects who had received no explanation or had no knowledge of what the brain wave synchronizer would do were hypnotized to various degrees." Now these type of machines are available to any bozo who knows where they are sold.

Another piece of the paper trail is a government study by the Defense Intelligence Agency of July 1972, entitled Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation (Radiowaves and Microwaves) --Eurasian and Communist Countries, ST-CS-01-169-72. DIA,, July, 1972, pp. 77-86. This study, of which this author has a copy, in part VI is written about "Light and Color as a Means of Altering Human Behavior." Although the report claims the communists are the ones who are using flashing light and color to alter human behavior, the real inventors were the Illuminati, and both the Americans and Russians are using flashing colored lights for programming. This DIA study also reports on an American symposium held in the at Tulane Univ., Covington, LA in 1957 concerning the effects of flickering light on the brain. The participants of the 1957 American symposium drew up a paper with 11 conclusions, which included a. flickering light interferes with the human nervous system, b. flickering light can put a person to sleep or into a trance, c. flickering light can interfere with the brains s alpha waves, and d. "photo driving of the EEG by periodic flicker is a well known phenomenon although many subjects do not show the effect..." During the ’50’s through at least the ’70’s, the Illuminati used flickering lights to place into the subconscious the grids used for the various computers. Each block on the grid would have codes, programs, memory and alters attached to it. In other words, dissociated parts of the mind become parts which are built into computers. The mind of victim is hijacked by the programmer.

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