Judaism discovered

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Purchasing Kosher Fish From a Goyishe Fish Store

We mentioned above that according to most poskim it is not required to have a Yid check for the kosher signs, and that if one recognizes the fish as being from a kosher species, it is sufficient. Nonetheless, filleted fish may still not be purchased from a goy* since once the fish is filleted, one might not be able to verify whether or not it is a kosher species.

Rav Moshe Feinstein rules that even though the goy is in business (and there is the fear of being shut down or penalized for nusrepresen tation), he cannot be trusted to say what type of jish he is selling. Similarly, a hashgachd"which only requires the mashgiach to make sporadic inspections would not suffice for a goyishe fish store which sells kosher and non-kosher fish. Such a hashgacha only helps eliminate the possibility of fraudulent conduct. A goy would be nervous to tamper with the ingredients of an jtem out of fear of getting caught. However, with regard to the selection of fish, there is really no way to instill fear since the soy can claim afterwards that he accidentally overlooked the non- kosher fish amonpgt a.,11 % oth$T fisn-and thus failedjo rgnioye it.

When purchasing fish from a goyishe store, one must see the complete fish that is being bought, and the kosher signs should be identified. If thejbuver would like the goy to fillet the fish, he must do so in front of the Yid using a clean knife and cutting board.


jlav Yosef Eliyahu Henkin strongly opposed consuming any fish unless a mashgiach was present in the fish plant, and examined each fish. Rav Henkin maintained that one may not rely on a goyishe company's claim that they checked each individual fish.

Gentiles are not to be be trusted

"...a gentile's word is totally discounted regarding ritual prohibitions. Hence, food may be eaten even though a gentile declares that he made it traif (not kosher). However, a Jew should refrain from eating the food if it appears that the gentile is telling the truth.

"If both a Jew and a gentile have stored wine in the same warehouse, and the gentile could enter and lock the entrance in a manner which would prevent the Jew from entering, the wine would be forbidden. This stricture applies even if the Jew's home is above the warehouse. However, the wine is not forbidden if it is possible to observe the gentile's behavior from a window.

"If a gentile is found in a warehouse which contains only Jewish wine and the entrance is locked in a manner which would prevent Jews from entering, the wine would be prohibited. If it were possible for a Jew to enter at any time, the wine would be permitted. If a gentile is frightened of the punishment he will receive from the local authorities for causing a financial loss to the Jew, the wine is permitted. Due to his fear of apprehension, we can be assured that he did not touch the wine.


"If a gentile was apprehended among stores of Jewish wine, in the market place, the wine is prohibited, unless he fears apprehension...

"A Jewish wine merchant may leave a gentile alone with his goods whether they are stored in his place of business, or with his carrier, if the gentile has no knowledge of when he will return. In such a case, the gentile will fear using the wine lest he be apprehended. Even open barrels of wine are permitted in this case.

"In a situation where a gentile's word is not relied upon, his conversion to Judaism will not influence our acceptance of his testimony." 4n

"Neighbors can prevent the sale or renting of an apartment to a person who has been proven to be a bad neighbor. Included in the latter category are gentiles (in a Jewish neighborhood), missionaries, and prostitutes. All community members should do whatever is in their power to prevent such a sale.

"The laws (of fairness) mentioned above only apply between two Jewish neighbors. Gentiles do not necessarily respect these principles and, hence, there is no obligation to show them such consideration in return." 412

Judaism's segregationist laws are promulgated due to contempt for gentiles, fears of racial amalgamation with gentiles and in the interest of maintaining the "purity" of the Judaic nation. The segregationist halacha governs the prohibition of chukas akum, e.g. adopting the customs of the goyim ("akum"). So great is the hatred for the goyim that the halacha prohibiting chukas akum, forbid these "customs" even when they are derived from the Bible: "The Yid should be distinguished from the goyim...Firstly, the basic halacha is that any of the practices that goyim have for their worship are forbidden to the Yiddin. Furthermore, even if the Torah sanctions this worship, Yiddin may not engage in it, if this practice was subsequently adopted by the goyim."


Regarding the introduction of the organ into shuls413: "In attacking the use of the organ, the Orthodox proved that it was a form of worship used in the church, which thereby prohibits its use in a shul. With regard to music, most poskim say that if the goyische songs are used as part of their idolatrous ritual it is forbidden to play or sing those songs, even if the Yiddin sang them before the goyim started to do so.

Regarding the use of flowers in the shul: "The custom to place flowers inside the shul for Shevous414 was banned by the Vilna Gaon. He stated that this practice is done by goyim who decorate their churches and homes with greenery during their holidays. Although this had been an ancient Jewish custom, the Vilna Gaon ruled that once it became an ideological practice of the goyim it is forbidden to the Yiddin to continue doing so."

The American holiday of Thanksgiving

"One should not establish Thanksgiving as a day on which to eat Turkey each year. However, if the reason why one wishes to eat turkey is not because of Thanksgiving but because he received a free turkey from his company or someone else, then it is certainly permitted without making a party. However, one who wishes to act even more stringently should eat it on another night." Judaics are forbidden to celebrate Christian holidays since such holidays are considered a form of idol worship, but a free turkey is hard to overlook, hence the necessity of receiving and eating the turkey not because of Thanksgiving but because it is free. A similar set of somersaults must be turned if a Judaic wishes to give a non-Judaic employee or service person a gift during a non-Judaic holiday season. Since the giving of such gifts, while technically forbidden, are good for business, a loophole is furnished to get around the letter of the law. These loopholes are both a form of self-deception and a way of cheating God and testify to the spirit of dishonesty which Judaism inculcates in its adherents.

The law itself states that one is not to show a gentile a favor.415 Hence it is forbidden to "favor" a gentile with a gift. The loophole entails giving a gift to a gentile with whom one has a business relationship. Dig deeper in the


rabbinic texts and one discovers that the "gift" is not really a gift at all, it's a bribe: "The gift that you are presenting in reality is not a gift but a 'payment' of sorts, like any other business transaction" (cf. Y.D. 151:11; Taz 8). But it is presented under the cover of a gift made during a Christian holiday season — therefore, no specific mention can be made that the "gift" is in honor of the holiday and "the gift should be given a day or two before or after the holiday, rather than on the holiday itself." (Cf. Rama, Y.D. 148:12). Orthodox Judaism is a religion of lies,416 a tangled web of deceit compounded by duplicity and wrapped in guile.

Speaking the language of the goyim

"The Mishnah in 'Meseches Shabbos' states that there were eighteen decrees that the students of Beis Shamai and Beis Hillel adopted. There were extra precautions in observing the law of purity and in preventing assimilation between Yiddin and the goyim,. The Yerushalmi Talmud states that one of the eighteen decrees was the prohibition of adopting the language of the goyim. The Chasam Sofer417 writes that in light of the decree, many revisions were made by the Yiddin in the German language which eventually became known as the Yiddish language. (There are those who explain that the Yerushalmi Talmud did not prohibit one from speaking a secular language, and only prohibited one to speak in a very sophisticated poetic way as many of the catholic noblemen did when delivering their sermons)."



The Talmud and Women

The birth of a girl is a sad occurrence. (BT Baba Bathra 16b).

Women are a "vain treasure" to their fathers. (BT Sanhedrin 110b).

A Jewish male is obligated to say the following prayer every day: "Thank you God for not making me a gentile, a woman or a slave." (BT Menahoth 43b-44a). 418

"If two women sit at a crossroads, one on this side and the other on the other side, and they face one another, they are certainly witches." (BT Pesahim Ilia).

A woman who had intercourse with a beast is eligible to marry a Jewish priest. A woman who has sex with a demon is also eligible to marry a Jewish priest. (BT Yebamoth 59b).

It is not good to talk to women, not even your own wife. (BT Aboth).

Women are lightheaded. (BT Kiddushin 80b).

Walking behind a woman on the road is sinful. (BT Erubin 18b).

It is forbidden to teach the Law to a woman. (BT Kiddushin 29b).

It is permissible to divorce your wife if she burns your dinner, or if you see a prettier girl. (BT Gittin 91a). 419

Deafness is caused by couples talking during sexual intercourse. (BT Nedarim 20a).

Jews are commanded by Rabbinic Law to have sexual intercourse only in the dark. (BT Shabbath 86a).

Even the Best of Women are Witches

Kiddushin 66c: "The best of the gentiles: kill him; the best of snakes: smash its skull; the best of women: is filled with witchcraft." (The uncensored version of this text appears in Tractate Soferim, [New York, M. Higer, 1937],


15:7, p. 282). Other versions delete the misogynist slur. Cf. Y.N. Epstein & E.Z. Melamed, Mekhilta d' Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai ((Jerusalem, 1979), p. 51. "The more possessions the more worry; the more wives, the more witchcraft" (Hillel, first century A.D., Mishnah Abot 2:7).

Every gentile's mother, daughter and sister: NSHGZ

What is Judaism's teaching about gentile women? Judaism teaches that all gentile women are zona (whores) and Niddah (menstruating women). In fact, let's recite the whole litany. According to Orthodox Judaism, all gentile women without exception are NSHGZ, a rabbinic acronym that stands for "Niddah, Shifchah, Goyyah and Zonah" (menstrual filth, slaves, heathens and whores). 420

Rabbinic Sorcery and Magic

Rabbah 45:5 libels Sarah, the wife of Abraham, saying she used witchcraft (specifically, the "evil eye") to cause Hagar to have a miscarriage. This Talmudic account of Sarah follows the modus operandi of the Talmudic witch, Johani, the daughter of Retibi, who also used the evil eye to cause spontaneous abortion. 421 (Libel against Old Testament patriarchs and prophets is a staple of the rabbinic texts. Rabbi Yehuda HaLevi in The Kurzai, a purported dialogue between the king of the Khazars and a rabbi, portrays the patriarch Abraham as tainted by astrology. 422 Brownfeld attributes to The Kurzai the following slur on Abraham: "Abraham was the best of men but he contained in himself some bad elements, and these bad elements came out in the form of Ishmael" 423).

Examples of punishment of Judaic witches in the Talmud are almost non-existent, while in at least one case, gentiles accused of witchcraft were hanged en masse by a rabbi. (According to Hagigah 77d, Rabbi Simeon ben Shetah hanged 80 women in Ashkelon who were accused of witchcraft, but



they were gentile women, not Judaic). Johani the Judaic witch is never punished, perhaps because she is not doing anything contrary to rabbinic teaching. Tikkun olam is the name for the alleged Kabbalistic "redemption of the world," but the rabbinic concept of redemption is very different from what that term signifies to Christians. A deeper understanding can be gleaned from the teachings of one of the major Kabbalistic "sages," Rabbi Isaac Luria, who said that after tikkun was accomplished the spirit of Cain would prevail on earth. 424 Sanhedrin 25d comments on the Talmudic observation that most Judaic women are witches by observing that "such is the way of the world."

By Talmudic standards, Judaic female witchcraft is not something extraordinary; it is an inherent quality of Judaic women, along with other problems endemic to this "sack of excrement" (BT Shabbat 152b) and "valueless treasure" (BT Sanhedrin 100b), including a proclivity for murder (Peskita Rabbati, 107b). These supposed female attributes ascribed by the rabbis are regarded as ineradicable and a foreshadowing of qualities that will predominate once the "tikkun olam" is implemented.

Moreover, witchcraft in the Talmud is not exclusively an attribute of Judaic women. The rabbinic books of black magic of the Babylonian era, such as the Sefer HaRazimand Harba de Mosheh, were compiled by Judaic males. BT Sanhedrin 17a decrees that to be qualified for appointment to the Sanhedrin (religious court), a man must be a practitioner of sorcery.

Many revered rabbis used magic and witchcraft to prevail over their enemies or to demonstrate their thaumaturgic powers. Rabbi Simon ben Yohai used magic to turn an opponent into a "heap of bones" (Shevi'it 38d). Rabbi Hanina and Rabbi Oshaia spent every Sabbath eve in studying the 'Book of Creation,' by means of which they created a third-grown calf425 and ate it. (BT Sanhedrin 65b). Here we see Kabbalistic sorcery appearing in the Talmud, reflecting the unbound, Promethean man-is-god philosophy which stems from the rabbinic doctrine that: everything that G-d created needs completion (hashlamah) and repair (tikkun). G-d initated, but did not perfect the work of creation (ma'aseh bereshit); the universe created by G-d is imperfect and will be made perfect (bara la-asot), by Klal Yisroel (the Judaic people).


Rabbi Hanina and Rabbi Oshaia's act of magical proto-cloning of a calf is viewed in Orthodox Judaism by such luminaries as Menachem HaMeiri, as a proud accomplishment. Whereas in the literature of western civilization from Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, tampering with God's creation was depicted as an unmitigated disaster.

Rashi's commentary on BT Sanhedrin 65a: To call up the demons to assist in sorcery is not idolatry, because the demons are not worshipped as divinities. (Cf. footnote b (1) in the Soncino edition of BT Sanhedrin 65a).

If a corpse is raised from the dead by means of magical incantations, the dead person does not rise up in the usual manner, but upside down and furthermore, he does not rise up on the Sabbath. But, if he is raised from the dead by means of a "skull" (sphere, i.e. crystal ball), then he rises from the dead in the usual manner and even on the Sabbath. (BT Sanhedrin 65b [Steinsaltz]).

Rava once created a person, after having studied the Book of Creation, and learned to combine the letters of the divine name. (BT Sanhedrin 65b [Steinsaltz]).

The me'onen is someone who "captures other people's eyes, deluding them by optical deception into thinking that he is endowed with magical powers." A me'onen is "someone who passes seven kinds of semen from seven different animals over his eyes for magical purposes. (BT Sanhedrin 65b [Steinsaltz]). The me'onen is an important diviner in Judaism who "calculates the times and hours and says: Today is a good day to embark on a journey. Tomorrow is a good day to purchase merchandise." However, so as not to give scandal to the goyim who may be outraged to learn that a practitioner of the magical arts operates within Judaism, Rabbi Maimonides decreed that a me'onen should be whipped. However this supposed ruling is actually a case of dissimulation, because in another passage, this time intended for Judaics, concerning a person who was a me'onen, Maimonides ruled that "such a person is exempt" (from punishment). (BT Sanhedrin 65b, Steinsaltz, v. 18, p. 209). Maimonides is supposed —by the naive, who have dutifully swallowed the Talmudic bait intended for them— to be the one rabbi in Judaism who is not tainted by magic and superstition.


Christians in the Talmud

To understand Judaism's discreditable and hateful attitudes toward Christianity, one has to possess knowledge of the halacha that govern relations with Christians. The rabbinic authorities {poskim) teach that Christianity is avodah zarah (idol worship) 426 The majority of the poskim state didactically that Christianity constitutes idol worship and any place set aside for worship of Jesus Christ is a house of avodah zarah: cf. Yayin Malchus, pp. 234-237; Minchas Elazar 1:53-3; Yechaveh Da'as 4:45. Darchei Teshuvah 150:2 and Tzitz Eliezer 14:91 (e.g. Rav Chaim Palagi).

Hatred for the House of Christian Worship

The level of fanatical hostility toward the Christian house of worship, or church, is amazing to behold. There is even a rabbinic prohibition against a Judaic driving his automobile through the parking lot of a church!

"While church services are being held, it is clearly forbidden to enter the church's parking lot, because it may seem to a bystander that one is entering the parking lot in order to enter the church. Moreover, it is a middas chasidus (act of piety) not to enter the 'courtyard' of a church." 427

Judaics are not only prevented from entering a church they are prevented from entering any city that contains a church. 428 A loophole for this demented law allows Talmudists to live in the cities of the West based on the notion that because Judaics are in "exile," it would be impossible for them to obey the prohibition against entering cities where a church is located, hence Judaics in the West are considered as having the status of anusim (under duress) and therefore are allowed to enter and inhabit such cities. Entering an actual church however, is prohibited. 429


Escape clauses and loopholes concerning the rabbinic ban on churches

If gentiles were to learn of the institutionalized hatred for the Christian church on the part of Orthodox Judaism, the stature of Judaism in gentile society could be severely diminished. Therefore, as in almost all such potential discoveries by gentiles, escape clauses have been created as a contingency, whereby if gentiles discover the existence of anti-Christian halacha, it can be countered that it is an "antisemitic fabrication" to claim there are rabbinic laws against entering a church.

In the event that the contingency must be actualized, the loophole consists in a hair-splitting distinction between the categories of avodah zarah and avodah zarah b'shituf. Gentiles are told that they are considered idol worshippers only if they totally reject the existence of God. Hence, according to this cover story, only atheists are idol worshippers. (This is of course ridiculous, since atheists do not worship any deity). Since Christianity however, combines belief in God with "idolatrous and alien beliefs," it is, for public relations purposes, accorded the halachic category of avodah zarah b'shituf (idol worship in combination, viz. in combination with belief in God).

Christians are informed that avodah zarah b'shituf is not considered full-fledged idol worship and that " is lying when he tells you that Judaism regards Christian churches as houses of idol worship." The following rabbinic texts would then be cited to give the appearance of an impressive rebuttal of "Hoffman's terrible, antisemitic lie": Rama, O.C. 156 according to Pischei Teshuvah Y.D. 147:2; Mor u'Ketziah 224; Sho'el u' Meishiv, Tanina 1:51; Seder Mishnah, Yesodei ha-Torah 1:7.

Judaism's Epistemology of Subterfuge: The Decoy

There are two brobdingnagian problems with this rabbinic tactic. 1. It is completely unscriptural. In the Bible, a person, place or thing constitutes idol worship or it does not; there is no half-strength idol worship. The whole concept was cooked up by the rabbis because their religion is so fundamentally predicated on deceit that they anticipate revelations and penetration by non-Judaic researchers of what Judaism actually teaches, and they misdirect and mislead by constructing decoy texts which are, in this instance, unscriptural and patently contrived to achieve the objective of deceiving the inquirer. 2. We rejoin the rabbinic texts quoted in rebuttal, by furnishing rabbinic texts which, prior to the publication of this book in


August of 2008, were seldom quoted to outsiders. The following texts secretly teach that avodah zarah b'shituf is indeed fully, and without qualification, idolatrous: Noda b' Yehudah, Tanina, Y.D. 148; Sha'ar Efrayim 24 attributed to the Chelkas Mechokek; Pri Megadim, Y.D. 65:45; Teshuvos Chasam Sofer, O.C. 84; Mishnah Berurah 304:4.

Here we discover one of the many deliberately contrived escape clauses devised by the rabbis to misdirect and deceive gentile investigators and researchers who obtain knowledge of the halacha which they are not supposed to obtain. Since, according to the rabbis, the gentiles have no legitimate right to the information, in Judaism it is permissible to deceive the gentiles in this regard. How do we know that this is a deception and not a debate? By applying the criterion of acharei rabim le-hatos: the vast majority of the rabbinic authorities consider Christianity to be idol worship, and they forbid a Judaic from entering a church. If we observe the issur v'heter (how that which is permitted and forbidden by the halacha is actually applied), we discover that the nice-sounding theory quoted to the gentiles to throw them off the trail, is not the actual practice of Orthodox Judaism. Remember this principle because you will encounter it time and again in Judaism's counter -arguments to those who, through forensic documentation, reveal its jealously guarded inner gnosis and epistemology of subterfuge.

Let's examine this at the next level of lawyer's intricacy: a ruling by the poskim that looks like an escape clause but is not. This ruling definitely does indeed free a gentile who is a member of a church, from being classified as an idol worshipper, but for what should be obvious reasons, this ruling is not very frequently quoted to the goyim: Judaism no longer regards many Christians to be idol worshippers, since in our age so many Christians have become so worldly they no longer possess any genuine faith in the gospel of the Jesus of the New Testament — being attached to a church mainly because it's a family tradition, good for business, patriotism, (or similar venal motives). Hence, under such conditions, the participant in Churchianity is considered not to be an idol worshipper. 430

Moses Maimonides ruled unequivocally that true Christians are idol-worshippers (Hilchos Ma'achalos Asuros 11:7. In looking up this passage, keep in mind that many editions of his work censored this passage. It



appears uncensored, however, in the Frankel edition. Also cf. Maimonides, Hilchos Avodah Zarah 9:4 and Hilchos Teshuvah 3:8). Regarding a Muslim mosque, Maimonides did not expressly forbid a Judaic from entering a mosque. 431

Talmud citations concerning Christianity

Christians are allied with hell, and Christianity is worse than incest. (BT Avodah Zarah 17a).

Going to prostitutes is the same as becoming a Christian. (BT Avodah Zarah 17a).

Those who read the Gospels are doomed to hell. (BT Sanhedrin 90a).

When the Messiah comes, he will destroy the Christians. (BT Sanhedrin 99a).

Christians ("min" or "minim") and others who reject the Talmud will go to hell and be punished there for all generations. Sanhedrin 90a. Those who read the New Testament ("uncanonical books") will have no portion in the world to come. (BT Rosh Hashanah 17a).

Jews must destroy the books of the Christians, i.e. the New Testament: "The Books of the Minim (Christians) may not be saved from a lire, but they must be burnt in their place." (BT Shabbat 116a). Prof. Israel Shahak reported that the Israelis burned hundreds of New Testament Bibles in occupied Palestine on March 23, 1980. 432

The murder of Christian missionaries is encouraged: "A person who proselytizes any single Jew, whether man or woman, on behalf of false deities, should be stoned to death. This applies even if neither the proselyte or the Jew actually worshipped a false deity. As long as he instructed him to worship the false deity he should be executed by stoning" (Moses Maimonides, Mishneh Torah, Hilchot Avodat Kochavim VChukkoteihem, 5:1). As previously noted, the twelfth invocation (formerly the nineteenth) of the Amidah (the central prayer of Judaism recited three times daily) is the birkat ha-minim, the curse on Christians.


Insults Against Blessed Mary

Says Jesus' mother was a whore: "She who was the descendant of princes and governors played the harlot with carpenters." Also in footnote #2 to Shabbath 104b of the Soncino edition, it is stated that in the "uncensored" text of the Talmud it is written that Jesus mother, "Miriam the hairdresser," had sex with many men. (BT Sanhedrin 106a).

Rabbi Lies to Induce Mary to Tell the Truth About How Jesus Was Conceived

"The elders were once sitting in the gate when two young lads passed by; one covered his head and the other uncovered his head. Of him who uncovered his head Rabbi Eliezer remarked that he is a bastard. Rabbi Joshua remarked that he is the son of a niddah (a child conceived during a woman's menstrual period). Rabbi Akiba said that he is both a bastard and a son of a niddah.

"They said, 'What induced you to contradict the opinion of your colleagues?' He replied, 'I will prove it concerning him.' He went to the lad's mother and found her sitting in the market selling beans.

"He said to her, 'My daughter, if you will answer the question I will put to you, I will bring you to the world to come' (eternal life). She said to him, 'Swear it to me.'

"Rabbi Akiba, taking the oath with his lips but annulling it in his heart, said to her, 'What is the status of your son?' She replied, 'When I entered the bridal chamber I was niddah (menstruating) and my husband kept away from me; but my best man had intercourse with me and this son was born to me.' Consequently the child was both a bastard and the son of a niddah.

"It was declared '..Blessed be the God of Israel Who Revealed His Secret to Rabbi Akiba..." (BT Kallah 51a, emphasis supplied). In addition to the theme that God rewards clever liars, the preceding Talmud passage is actually about Jesus Christ (the bastard boy who "uncovered his head" and was conceived in the filth of menstruation). The boy's adulterous mother in this Babylonian Talmud story is the mother of Christ, Blessed Mary (called Miriam and sometimes, Miriam the hairdresser, in the Talmud).


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