Ministry of education and science of ukraine

Conclusions of the research and the possibilities of further research on the problem

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Conclusions of the research and the possibilities of further research on the problem. Thus, the ecological consciousness is a complex structural entity, so it is important to consider all of its components. Underestimating any of them significantly reduces the practical and pedagogical effects of the formation of this phenomenon. According to the research results the use of the participatory methods of ecological education and training of students in higher educational institutions promotes effective absorption of certain ecological values and the formation of cognitive-emotional component of students’ ecological consciousness. The possibilities of further research on the problem we relate to the study of ways of forming of other components of person’s ecological consciousness.

1. Дагбаева Н. Ж. Школа экологической ответственности / Н. Ж. Дагбаева. – Улан-Удэ : Издательство Бурятского госуниверситета, 2000. – 189 с.

2. Дерябо С. Д. Экологическая педагогика и психология : учеб. пособ. для студ. вузов / С. Д. Дерябо, В. А. Ясвин. – Ростов-на-Дону : Феникс, 1996. – 480 с.

3. Концептуальні виміри екологічної свідомості / М. М. Кисильов, В. Л. Деркач, Т. В. Гардашук та ін. – К. : ПАРАПАН, 2003. – 312 с.

4. Льовочкіна А. М. Екологічна психологія / А. М. Льовочкіна. – К. : Міленіум, 2003. – 122 с.

5. Шмалей С. В. Екологічна особистість : монографія / С. В. Шмалєй. – К. : Бібліотека офіційних документів, 1999. – 232 с.

UDC 371.315:61 – 057.875

I. Chernyh,

candidate of pedagogical sciences,

associate professor

(SE „Lugansk state medical university”)

Modern higher education is directed on forming the specialist of high level, the high level of professional preparation and linguistic personality are combined. The different aspects of the problem of perfection of future specialists speech were examined scientists: Z. Bakum, O. Bilyaev, E. Goloborod'ko, N. Golub, O. Goroshkina, N. Dyka, S. Karaman, L. Palamar, M. Pentilyuk, O. Semenog, T. Simonenko, V. Shlyakhova and other.

One of the tasks of higher medical education is a forming at students the skills of culture of professional communication, abilities to use different language means in accordance with a sphere and purpose of utterance, and also by the norms of literary language, in the verbal and writing language. These tasks of communicative orientation of studies are realized under act of theoretical bases of method of the mother tongue, namely: table of contents, forms, principles, methods and facilities of studies. S. Karaman marks, – the successful forming of speaking shills is possible only under condition of systematic and purposeful work, permanent attention to all aspects of studies [2, p. 181].

The purpose of the article to define general didactics and specific principles of speech development, which will be able to provide the improvement of the Ukrainian professional speaking of future doctors.

Realization of certain task foresees the decision of the followings tasks: 1) to analyse linguadidactic literature on issue; 2) to find out general didactics and specific principles of speech development of future doctors; 3) explanation of the use of certain principles.

One of the aspects methodically competent development of the Ukrainian professional speaking of future doctors there is the use of general didactics and specific principles of studies, which make basis for perfection communicative speaking abilities and skills.

General didactics principles have insiuenee, with from psychology of studies in general and determine general direction in development of facilities of studies, which are used for teaching of different subjects in higher educational establishment. They found the reflection in worns of Yu. Babanskogo, M. Danilova, A. Distervega, Y. Komenskogo, V. Onischuka, G. Pestalocci, K. Ushinskogo and other. These principles are the studies related to psychological bases and send students to activation of intellectual work, teach them rationally to think, to develop memory and other cognitive capabilities. To general didactic principles, scientists take principles of scientific character, systematic character, following, perspective, connection of theory, with practice, to evidentness, consciousness, availability of exposition. Exactly on these general didactic principles maintenance of speaking development of students – future physicians, use of methods and receptions, construction of the system of exercises, preparation, is based on Ukrainian (professional direction).

Contribution of linguistic material at the level of authenticity, explained, from positions of modern linguistic science provides principle of scientific character validity. „Scientific character – it authenticity foremost, exact accordance of the expounded material because it is really existed in life and it is set in science, correct opening of essence of the phenomena and their signs, description of their correlations and connections, with other phenomena” [7, p. 37-38]. The scientifically grounded opening of essence of linguistic information assists development and improvement for the students of practical abilities and skills, expansion of scientific range of interests, skills of searching character, acquaintance, with the new going near the study of the linguistic phenomena. Under influence of changes of modern linguistic paradigm students meet with the methodically adapted information from a rhetoric, linguistics of phototypograph communicative linguistics, and others like that.

As practice, speech of students, testifies characterized the insufficient use of stock of language. They often do not realize the substantial signs of linguistic concepts and do not establish of season connections between them, do not have skills of using terms and general scientific concepts, do not keep a sufficient dictionary reserve.

Improvement of communicative speech abilities are carried out by principle of systematic character. This principle is foreseen by the „order of placing of material which provides understanding of linguistic facts and phenomena in intercommunications and integral system” [3, p. 7]. During mastering of linguistic material students not always try in the imagination to create the system of knowledges, bind linguistic concepts to other phenomena. The task of teacher to formulate the system of knowledges from a separate section and from all program of course, which easily will recommence in the system. As O. Tekuchev marks, – mastering of knowledges goes more successfully, with the less expense of forces, and knowledges are stronger, if facts, phenomena, rule or determinations are given consistently, in the severe system [7, p. 38].

Principles of the following and perspective answer general didactic requirements about the necessity of the following support on previous and about the obligatory account of logic of subject [6, p. 39]. In the process of speech development of students the following principle are realized on the basis of expansion and deepening of communicative abilities and skills by support on known. In the process of forming of the professional speech, a teacher uses speaking abilities skills which were formed for students at school. Establishing a connection of new material with the following and preparation of students to perception of separate themes of course takes place by realization of principle of perspective. If a teacher during organization of studing does not foresee connection with next material, which will be studied later, a base will not be created for the strong mastering of next themes and sections.

Fixing the knowledges and forming of necessary practical abilities and skills is provided realization of principle of connection of theory with practice. During the improvement of speech abilities and skills for future doctors this principle is most actual. Principle of connection of theory with practice foresees teaching connection with life. Students develop ability to use the verbal and writing langvage, to come forward before the wide circle of listeners, prepare a document, conduct conversation in different professional situations. All these abilities are important for a future specialist.

Proof skills of the correct use of norms and rules in speech are formed through realization of principle of consciousness. The consciousness of pupil is foresees the deep understanding of educational material intelligent mastering of knowledges, abilities and skills, awareness of specific of future profession, awakening of interest, to it, ability creatively to apply the obtained knowledges in life [6, p. 43]. For the conscious mastering of linguistic facts the mental operations of analysis, synthesis, specification, comparison, are used but other, as a conscious mastering is provided cognitive activity of students. The activity of cognitive activity depends on ability a teacher to come into the notice of students to linguistic material, to explain him practical value and vital meaningfulness, and also creative, non-standard application of different methods and receptions, use of exercises, tasks of different levels complication, interesting tasks.

One of conditions of the conscious mastering of linguistic material there is an observance of evidentness principle. A specification and generalization of linguistic material is carried out by manuals, tables, charts, with the use of hardwares of studies. The evidentness is instrumental in a capture abstract concepts, activates attention of students, their thought. Modern hardwares enable for development of linguistic ear of students and their coherent speech.

As practice testifies, students effectively work with tables charts, which execute the function of auxiliary mean for a reiteration, generalization and systematization of linguistic material, and by background papers which have summarizing character.

The account of age-old features of students, level of their preparation, is required by principle of availability. From point of this principle maintenance of linguistic educational material must be really carried out and cause reflections, reasonings, instrumental in speahing development of students. Messengers gather additionally at the selection of didactics material, interesting tasks, counted on activation mentally vocal to activity, are directed on growth of difficulties.

The accounts of general didactic principles, which sends a teacher to the reliable, systematic exposition explained, foresee connection of theory with practice and directed on the intelligent mastering of linguistic material, makes basis for perfection communicative speaking abilities and skills of students – future doctors.

Principles of methods of language teaching are predefined the features of object are languages, and determine the rules of choice of concrete facilities of studies of language conformities to law of its mastering [4, p. 45]. Attempts to define methodical principles on the basis of conformities to law of mastering of the mother tongue are traced in worhe of F. Buslaeva, K. Ushinskogo, S. Chavdarova, L. Fedorenko.

During determination of specific principles of speech development of future doctors we use principles, certain K. Plisko [6]. In our view, exactly these principles answer a purpose, to maintenance of process of development of speech competence in higher medical educational establishment. They regulate having a special purpose, semantic components and process of studies of language in general. Exactly such principles will help to take into account the practical purpose of course of Ukrainian (as professional direction), making maintenance in accordance with this purpose and adjust the process of development of speech competence in accordance with the requirements of the professional speech of future doctors.

They regulate a special purpose, semantic components and process of studies of language in general. Exactly such principles will help to take into account the practical purpose of course of Ukrainian (as professional direction), making maintenance in accordance with this purpose and adjust the process of development of vocal competence in accordance with the requirements of the professional speaking of future doctors. It is instrumental in perfection of linguistic world view of students are the systems of looks to the language as mean of communication, mean of cognition, mean of exchange opinions.

The functionally communicative orientation of studies of language in higher medical establishment of education appears in the improvement of abilities of students to use all functions of language, especially communicative. A communicative orientation determines the semantic filling of Ukrainian classes, as professional preparation of future doctors needs high level speaking communicative abilities and skills.

Studying of language in structural integrity with obligatory cognition of its levels on Ukrainian classes (as professional direction) requires from a teacher to adhere to structural integrity of language as means of intercourse and cognition. Study an underlying structure and conformities to law of every level of language, students must realize it integral structure.

The study of the linguistic phenomena in unity of manner and matter sends a teacher to the study of grammatical categories in to structurally grammatical, to semantic aspects and establishment of semantics of grammatical categories which enter in the complement of suggestion. These approaches determine unity of manner and matter.

The study of language in interlevel, intralayer and intersubject intercommunications requires establishing connections between, lexical, grammatical and other phonetic levels, and also connections between units of these levels or between their sections. For perfection of knowledges of structure, semantics and functioning of language, copulas have an important value with other, above all things by socialhumanitarian objects which are studied in medical the Institute of higher (by history of the Ukrainian culture, bases of general psychology and pedagogics, history of Ukraine, but other). This principle enables to realize a language as system of subsystems and internal conformities to law of every level of language which will become the background of development of speech abilities and skills for students.

The activization interinfluence of studys language and development of thinking and speech predetermines the necessity of understanding teachers, that language, thinking and speech during the study of language are in intercommunication.

Using of speech practice for mastering of theory the language and, opposite, – in the theory of language for development of speaking needs from the teacher of such organization of educational process, that the study of language was instrumental in the realized development of abilities and skills of students. Mastering of theory of language requires the use of speech practice of students in the process of studies. The analysis of speaking units enables students to realize and perceive not only nature of linguistic categories but also co-operate and functioning of them in the process of intercourse. In addition, speech practice needs a theoretical comprehension. Therefore in the process of study of certain theoretical sections a teacher it is necessary to develop speech student ‘s facilities of language in a few directions: enriching of speaking is from point of lexical and grammatical structure, mastering of norms of literary Ukrainian, improvement of abilities and skills of the coherent broadcasting [6, p. 118].

The certain complex of specific principles of development of speech abilities and skills of students-physicians takes into account conformities to law of mastering of the mother tongue and improvement of the professional speech.

In our view, certain general didactic and specific principles provide the proper level of mastering of the program from Ukrainian (as professional direction) in higher educational establishment of medical type and instrumental in development of communicative abilities and skills of students. These methodical principles are instrumental in opening of specific of mastering of different elements of language, and consequently, help to foresee application those or those facilities of studies in the process of teaching of Ukrainian (as professional direction) in higher medical establishments of education.

The prospects of suture development of the problem in determination of forms, methods and facilities of speaking development of future doctors.


1. Ващенко Г. Загальні методи навчання : підруч. для педагогів / Г. Ващенко. – К. : Укр. вид. спілка, 1997. – 441 с.

2. Караман С. О. Методика навчання української мови в гімназії : навч. посіб. для студ. вищ. навч. закл. освіти / С. О. Караман. – К. : Ленвіт, 2000. – 272 с.

3. Методика вивчення української мови в школі : посіб. для вчителів / О. М. Біляєв, В. Я. Мельничайко, М. І. Пентилюк, Г. Р. Передрій, Л. П. Рожило. – К. : Рад. шк., 1987. – 246 с.

4. Методика викладання української мови в середній школі : навч. посіб. / І. С. Олійник, В. К. Іваненко, Л. П. Рожило, О. С. Скорик ; за ред. І. С. Олійника. – К. : Вища шк., 1989. – 439 с.

5. Пентилюк М. Наукові засади комунікативної спрямованості у навчанні мови / М. Пентилюк // Укр. мова та л-ра в шк. – 1999. – № 3.– С. 8 – 10.

6. Плиско К. М. Принципи, методи і форми навчання української мови: Теоретичний аспект / К. М. Плиско. – Х. : Основа, 1995. – 240 с.

7. Текучев А. В. Методика русского языка в средней школе / А. В. Текучев. – 3-е изд., перераб. – М. : Просвещение, 1980. – 414 с.

UDC 373.5.091.33:54:613.22

T. Shevchuk,

Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences,

an assistant professor

(Melitopol Bohdan Khmelnitsky

State Pedagogical University)
Statement of problem. At present time education at secondary school is going through the stage of intense reforming and improvement. This process requires the development and introduction of some new forms of teaching. To solve this problem in conditions of the modern school it is necessary to intensify the elements of the applied character in the course of teaching chemistry. According to the National doctrine of education in the 21st century the major task is the development of such personality which sees the life as the most significant value and which can responsibly evaluate and solve the problems arising before every individual, his surrounding and the humanity in general.

Taking into consideration all these facts and arguments there has been developed the technique on the formation of healthy diet concept in the course of chemistry in the tenth form. The introduction of this technique will help pupils to grasp the essence of the chemical and biochemical processes happening in the organism with those substances which get into it together with food; it will teach them to mind the labels in order to get the information about the ingredients of the food products and the proportion of main components in them.

Analyses of the latest research works. In Ukraine the project of Concept of chemical education through elective courses (V. Kyzenko, T. Fedoriv, O. Gamanyuk, K. Yankiv and others) helps to solve the contradictions between the urgent necessity in acquiring chemical knowledge about the substances and materials harmful for the man’s health and about the environment-unfriendly matters.

It is very important to develop the pupils’ health diet competence and to make them realize the importance of the healthy life-style [1;2], in particular while studying the subjects of Nature Studies course, one of which is Chemistry [3].

The objective of the article. Within the competence approach the interrelation of the educational material with everyday life and man’s practical activity can be realized in different forms and on various levels. Thus, teachers in classrooms should give such an amount of educational material which can be used in further real life situations and which can develop health-preserving competence. The main goal of the technique is to give pupils enough knowledge about the substances which surround them at home and which contain useful things, harmful and even poisonous ones.

The well-handled chemical experiment carried out either in the laboratory or at home provides the conditions which develop the process of understanding and ability to organize personal activity. For instance, the experimental scrutiny of the information contained in the commercial, in a newspaper or magazine article, on a food product label gives a chance to discover the possible contradictions. So that to solve them pupils can apply the research method making up a preliminary plan and drawing the conclusions afterwards.

Hence, it is greatly important to accentuate in the classroom that we study things which we deal with every day.

Statement of basic materials. The syllabus on the chemistry course for the 10th form consists of three chapters. The first chapter foresees the revision and extending of knowledge. The following two chapters contain the information about the place of the elements in the periodic system, the atomic structure and the structure of the elementary substance, its physical and chemical properties, the natural occurrence and biological role of the elements, extraction, use and effect of the elements and their compounds on the man’s organism and environment.

According to the developed technique on the formation of healthy diet concept within the school syllabus on Chemistry special attention should be paid to the problems of use of non-ferrous and ferrous elements and their compounds in the food industry, their occurrence in the food products and their biological effect on the man’s organism since more than 80 chemical elements are present in our body and it is necessary to preserve the chemical structure of our organism created by nature itself. Well-balanced diet and food additives can fully provide the human organism with all the necessary elements. Pupils are to understand that the right diet is of great importance for the proper physical and mental development and they ought to get a certain optimal minimum of knowledge on these questions.

Combinations of non-ferrous elements with hydrogen are not used in the food industry, but they are accumulated in the food products as a result of deterioration. Nowadays chemical knowledge can be of great benefit if you are going to buy some fresh meat at the market. The colour of meat is determined by the colouring agent with a complex structure which can be found in muscles. A good-quality product is light or rich red colour. Dark-purple colouring and yellow fat indicate that the slaughtered animal was old. In case the meat was frozen and defrosted several times the fat will be pink instead of being white and the tendons will be red. To be sure that the meat is fresh one can put onto the surface of the meat a piece of all-purpose litmus. While the fresh meat is characterized by the faint acid reaction, the spoilt meat is characterized by the alkaline reaction (as a result of ammonia formation). After the given explanation it is good to suggest that the analysis of a few pieces of meat should be carried out by one of the pupils.

It should also be noted that it is characteristic of meat and fish to accumulate hydrogen sulphide. In order to determine it, cut a piece of meat (fish) very small and put it into a bunsen beaker covering with a piece of filtered paper. Then drip some reagent in the middle of the filtered paper (4% solution of lead (II) acetate should be mixed with 30% solution of potassium hydroxide till the white residuum dissolves). In case of hydrogen sulphide presence a brown spot will appear on the filtered paper within 10-15 minutes. The information and the experiments of this kind will favour in overcoming both chemical and common ignorance of contemporary young people.

While studying the topic “Chloride Acid. Chlorides” the main attention should be drawn to their structure, physical and chemical properties. But the fact that chloride acid and some of its sols can be used in the food industry as food additives if it is required by the technology is rarely described in the textbooks. Thus, calcium chloride (E 509) is added to potato flower, dry mashed potato, brynza (feta cheese), marmalade and jams as a solidification agent and stabilizer. Ammonia chloride (E 510) is used as a salt substitute in a healthy diet and as an improver of flour and bread. Such information will favour in understanding the connection of chemistry with everyday life.

While studying this topic one should not forget about the kitchen salt, which is an essential food additive of nearly all the food products. The physiological role of sodium chloride is very important. The human organism needs it to produce chloride acid in the gastric juice. Sodium chloride is a constituent part of interstitial fluids (cell sap, tears, and lymph), blood, and also urine. Decrease in the number of sodium basic ions and chloride acid ions can result in a serious metabolic disorder. But there mustn’t be any excessive use because the kitchen salt detains water in the organism which results in the blood pressure raise. That is why people who suffer from arterial hypertension, obesity and edemas should use it as little as possible. An excessive amount of sodium chloride leads to acute intoxication which in its turn can cause the paralysis of the nervous system. In food products sodium chloride is firstly a preserving agent. Pupils can understand better the useful and harmful effects of the kitchen salt on the human organism while working on the project: to prepare a demonstration under the name “Benefit or Harm”.

Sulphide acid and sulphides are widely used in the food industry. Among them there are bleaching substances – additives which destroy natural pigments, e.g. cupric (II) sulphate (E 519). Sulphate acid (E 513), sodium sulphate (E 514), potassium sulphate (E 515) are used as acidity regulators in case of the technology demands. In order to improve the quality of flour calcium sulphate (E 516) and ammonia sulphate (E 517) are added. Generally speaking all the sulphates belong to the group of preserving agents used in the food products. It is a long talk about the occurrence of sulphates in the food products but it would be much better to demonstrate it with the help of such laboratory experiments as “Determination of sulphates in honey”, “Determination of sulphates in drinking water”. Sulphates can be met in water as a result of the animal proteins decay. These are sols of alkaline and alki-earth metals. Sulphates can be of mineral origin and are met in a great amount, but such kind of water is not considered to be contaminated. A large amount of sulphates in drinking water causes purgative effect and such water tastes bitter. Pupils can check a few patterns of drinking-water themselves to determine if they contain any sulphate-ions.

While studying the topic “Nitrate acid. Nitrates” pupils should be told about the importance of nitrogen in the human organism. The most of nitrogen-containing substances are contained in vegetables (1-2%) and fruit (0,5-1%). Among them a little amount is represented by proteins (e.g. in cabbage – 40%, in potato – 30% and in grapes – 7%).

At the same time nitrogen can be a constituent part of harmful substances. Nitrates are sols of nitrate acid. It may be known to everybody that vegetables and fruit contain some nitrates. But the fact that sausage production is impossible without nitrates can be a real surprise for many people. Potassium nitrite and nitrate (E 350, E 251) in a certain dose impart pink colour to sausage and other kinds of manufactured meat products. In this case demonstration experiment named “Determination of nitrates in sausage” will be quite relevant.

While studying the topic “Mineral fertilizers” special attention should be paid to the questions of quantity measurement of the fertilizers used in the agriculture. Nitrates have a distinctive feature to be accumulated in vegetable food products especially when an excessive amount of nitrogen fertilizers is added into the soil. In vegetables nitrates are distributed irregularly. Thus, in cabbage nitrates are concentrated in the cabbage stalk, in cucumbers and radish – in upper layers and in carrot on the contrary. The following experiments can help to see if there are any nitrates in vegetable patterns. The vegetable pattern should be cut very small and crumbled in a pounder. Then put some drops of the vegetable juice you got onto the glass slide and add two or three drops of diphenylamine. If the diphenylamine changes its colour into blue it proves the presence of nitrates. If the amount of nitrates is little enough the colour of the juice will turn into light blue. In case the amount of nitrates is large the colour turns into dark blue. If there are no nitrates the colour remains unchanged.

While studying the third chapter with the help of demonstration, laboratory and home experiments pupils are to become assured that metal elements, their elementary substances and compounds are widely used as food additives in the food industry and they can be found in the most common products of the daily diet. But the information about the constituent parts of the food products is not enough for having a healthy diet. The more important is their chemical and biological effect on the organism.

The informative part of the lesson “Sodium and Potassium” is to be physical and chemical properties of these chemical elements, but according to the technique on the formation of healthy diet concept it should be noted that Potassium is an essential element in our organism. It takes part in neurotransmission, together with other sols it provides the osmotic pressure, it regulates water-salt metabolism, guarantees the acid-base balance and it regulates the activity of many other organs. In its turn sodium has a rare characteristic to detain water in organism. Its only one molecule binds up 400 water molecules. Sodium acts together with Potassium to provide the balanced distribution of the liquid in the organism and the optimal level of the blood pressure.

The knowledge gained in the course of the lesson pupils can apply in practice during a laboratory or demonstration experiment. Since the use of the chemical experiment of the applied character helps to create problematic situations which are close to the real life, and to formulate the experimental tasks which demand pupils’ knowledge, skills and experience.

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