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Conclusions. Mastering of language and culture is a interdependent process that is sent to socialization of students, id.est mastering and further development their social and cultural experience. Durability of orthographic skills depends on the level of consciousness in the process of their acquisition, it is assisted by developing studies that induces students to active mental and cognitive activity.

Prospects of further searches are in direction of research. A forming problem for the schoolchildren of orthographic abilities and skills in the context of sociocultural subjects is not limited to the questions undertaken in the study. In a prospect it needs to analyse possibilities of sociocultural semantic line at senior school.


1. Гончаренко С. Український педагогічний словник / С. Гончаренко. – К. : Либідь, 1997. – 376 с.

2. Державний стандарт базової і повної середньої освіти // Інформаційний збірник та коментарі Міністерства освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України. – 2012. – № 4-5. – С. 3-13; 25-32.

3. Українська мова. Програма для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. 5-12 класи. – К. : Перун, 2005. – 176 с.

4. Український правопис / АН України, Ін-т мовознавства ім. О.О.Потебні, Ін-т української мови. – 4-е вид., випр. й доп. – К. : Наукова думка, 1993. – 236 с.

5. Хом’як І.М. Зв'язок у вивченні орфографії зі структурними рівнями української мови: навчально-методичний посібник для здобувачів наукового ступеня і студентів української філології / І.М. Хом’як. – Острог: Видавництво Національного університету “Острозька академія”, 2011. – 124 с.

UDC 378.2

N. Arsen'yeva,

Ph.D., Head of Department

(Kharkov University of Air Force)

O. Dorosh,

Senior Lecturer

(Kharkov University of Air Force)
Problem. The pace of international cooperation requires that the graduates of military universities could organically and timely plunge into their scope of responsibilities to enable their professional career start without significant restrictions, and the sooner comes the time when flight officers can apply their knowledge and skills in international cooperation and real activity, the more likely they will fully achieve their career growth and flying skills. [7]

Figuring out the current state of training cadets in safety of flying in international airspace, we can characterize it as not fully adequate to meet the requirements of their future careers. [3, 4, 6] The reason for this, in our opinion, is the orientation of the process of training at transferring the pre-set knowledge, the prevalence of the traditional paradigm of teaching that ignores current trends in international military – technological integration and the need of focusing on anticipatory education, inadequate job training programs and thematic programs, lack of practical orientation at the future activities of peacekeeping units, weak interdisciplinary ties between technical and special courses and the subject "Foreign language for professional purposes," the passivity of students in learning activities due to the domination of outdated methods and forms of education. [8]

Analysis of recent research and publications. Analysis of works of military leaders, scientists and methodologists (D. Gander, R. Makarov, V. Yagupov, O. Kernytskyy) [7, 8, 10, 14] on the planning and organization of training cadets in units of the Armed Forces allowed to reach the following conclusions on their training.

1. The purpose of training is to provide students a new level of competence as future Air Force officers.

2. Contents of training cadets includes a set of professional concepts, ideas, opinions about real situations while performing quasi-professional tasks.

3. The effectiveness of training of cadets is characterized by new knowledge, skills, abilities, experience that reflect the content of their professional activities during peacekeeping missions.

Problem. The purpose of this article is to summarize the experience and the results of pedagogical experiment “Improving methods of teaching the discipline Air Traffic Control and English for Professional Purposes using radiotelephony in Russian and English”, which was held in Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv Air Force University in 2011-2012 school year.

The main material. When designing the pedagogical experiment, we relied on the following principles of its construction [6, 9, 11]:

  •  principle of the purpose of educational material;

  •  principle of integrated communication, integrating and partial didactic purposes;

  •  principle of optimal information transfer using the training materials.

Let us provide a thorough description of the purpose of the principle: the principle purpose of teaching material requires that its content is based on the didactic purposes. In selecting the content of the training materials, the implementation of this principle allows providing highly efficient training for professionals capable of perform flights in international airspace successfully. For this purpose, the analysis of interdisciplinary connections for blocks of subjects was done to identify the content of knowledge, skills and abilities required to comply with the safety requirements in international airspace.

The principle of the target purpose in teaching materials is the basis of the pedagogical experiment “Improving methods of teaching the discipline Air Traffic Control and English for Professional Purposes using radiotelephony in Russian and English”.

The analysis of the curriculum in higher flight schools profile showed that many problems with issues of safety are considered without integrative relationships.

Bearing this in mind we can single out the most typical shortcomings in training cadets that exist today and which are closely related to theoretical, flight-simulator and flight training:

  •  insufficient elaboration of organizational, technological and procedural components of the process of preparing to fly in international airspace to ensure a coherent and elementwise integration of all kinds and means of training students;

  •  unsubstantiated principles of training, lack of sophistication and situational problem tasks, role playing games, which would allow to improve the quality of knowledge on safety.

The leading method of assessment of the readiness for future air traffic controllers to air traffic control is role-playing. At the stage of theoretical training only they can offer an opportunity in conditions close to real professional situations to assess the level of acquisition on such parameters as motivation, ability to reproduce the image of model flying and air situation based on information transmitted in English, predict the development of the situation and predict the outcome.

All of the above mentioned requires a rethinking of training students on the basics of air traffic safety on international flights from the standpoint of modern theories.

Based on the analysis of the investigations (O. Kernytskyy, V. Yagupov etc..) we have identified the following stages in the training of cadets:

1) motivational (formation of internal motivation for future training of flying in international airspace);

2) research (organization by the teacher the research and self-preparation activity of students);

3) control and semantic (self-assessment by cadets of the level of knowledge acquired during the previous stages of learning of the basics of air traffic control);

4) adaptively converting (cadets mastering the ways and means of implementing the use of sky-talk);

5) systematic and generalisation (generalization and systematization of knowledge);

6) control and reflexive (final monitoring and evaluation of the knowledge obtained by the cadets) [8, 14].

We determine the following psycho-pedagogical conditions of providing the teaching of students the basics of air traffic control:

1. To form and maintain the desire of students to identify and assert themselves through educational and professional activities.

2. Minimize training anxiety, diffidence as to professional activities, focus on the development of professional skills, ability of self-regulation.

3. Maintain curiosity through the development of professional interest, critical thinking and independent learning activity among the cadets.

This was carried out through the following:

- saturation the content of training with information that is important for personal growth of a cadet as a professional trainee (professionalization of knowledge);

– systematic diagnostics of really operating motives for learning;

– building up on the content and novelty of educational material;

– creative attitude of the teacher for teaching the subject, interest in science, competence and credibility as a person;

– providing cadets with a certain freedom to identify their creative abibilities;

– encourage self-education among cadets, maintain their interest in everything connected with the future flight activity.

4. Create a foreign language environment in the classroom where the didactic materials of the discipline Air traffic Control are supported and presented through the discipline “English for Professional Purposes” (carrying out task-based teaching in English, developing exercises aimed at practicing oral communication, fast response and faultless use of aviation terminology).

Systematic role-playing helps overcome the language barrier, release time for making and implementing optimal solutions to air traffic control.

Training brings life to the classroom when cadets feel positively are aware of the need to receive knowledge and make progress. In this case the self-esteem is enhanced by success, not by lowering the requirements.

Taking into account everything mentioned above, we planned and conducted a pedagogical experiment “Improving methods of teaching the discipline Air Traffic Control and English for Professional Purposes using radiotelephony in Russian and English”.

In designing the experiment, we took into account the following requirements of researchers (S. Sysoev, A. Kernytskyy, G. Polyakov) [8, 12, 13]:

- the presence of a significant problem (task), which requires integrated knowledge, research for its solution;

- practical, theoretical and cognitive significance of the results that are assumed;

- student-centered approach (individual, pair activities of students);

- structuring the content of the programme (indicating the incremental results);

The experiment is aimed at improving methods of teaching the discipline “Air Traffic Control and English for Professional Purposes using radiotelephony in Russian and English”.

The purpose of the experiment: testing methodology and technical issues in training students in Kharkiv Air Force University using advanced teaching tools.

The object of the experiment: the learning process in preparation of students in the discipline “Combat Mission Aircraft Control” in Kharkiv Air Force University.

The subject of the experiment: methodological foundations for teaching the use of radio communications in English and Russian.

Objectives of the experiment:

1. Testing the techniques and approaches to conducting lessons with the use of common technologies of the department of air navigation and the department of foreign languages in training cadets in Kharkiv Air Force University.

2. The formation of high motivation for professional activities, foreign language knowledge and skills necessary for making and implementing decisions of future pilots and flight control specialists.

3. Identifying the areas for further improvement of the methodological foundations for lectures.

4. Evaluation of the improvement of methodological approaches in order to enhance the learning process.

Stages of the experiment:

1. The development of the scenario and role play for training in "Combat Flight Control".

2. Checking the validity of the role-play.

3. Preparing teachers to conduct classes using the updated methods of teaching.

4. Practical role-play exercises.

5. Collecting statistical data and preparing a final report.

During the experiment methodological basis for the workshops using radiotelephony in Russian and English have been improved; the areas for further improvement of the quality of the workshops conducted by the teachers of the Department of Air Navigation and the Department of Foreign Languages were identified. The results of the experiment performance are shown in Table 1.


Testing Knowledge

(Average for a group)

During the experiment

after 6 days

after 12 days

Radiotelephony in Russian




Radiotelephony both in Russian and in English



Conclusions. During the experiment the following tasks were solved out: the methodological techniques and approaches to teaching cadets sky-talk using both Russian and English as working languages were worked out; the effectiveness of teaching in the interdiscipline environment was proved; the advanced methodological techniques were implemented into the teaching process.

Prospective for further research. We are planning to provide statistical foundation to the experimental data and continue the experiment in creating interdiscipline environment with other departments.

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N. Bakulina,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

(Institute of Pedagogics, National Academy of

Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine)

Presently, when the methodology of the Hebrew language teaching is only budding in Ukraine, the issue of linguocultural approach to language teaching and, in particular, to the formation of elementary school students’ linguocultural competence is topical and calls for comprehensive research. In view of the aim being the formation of linguocultural competence of elementary school students, the key objective within the Hebrew language teaching methodology is the selection of data about the national and cultural specifics of the given linguocultural community and the speech communication of the language individual and introduction of these into the instruction process. At the same time, the said issue should be scrutinized both from the linguistic and the methodological perspectives. The linguistic perspective will encompass an analysis of Hebrew aimed at establishing national and cultural semantics, while the methodological aspect will aim at determining the contents, ways and techniques of introducing, consolidating and activating language units, as well as text analysis and teaching methods.

Analysis of recent research conducted on the issue.

The selected issue is one of the topical issues within the domain of allied sciences, i.e. sociolinguistics, ethnolinguistics, psycholinguistics, lingual country studies, cultural studies and linguocultural studies, linguistics, pedagogics and psychology. Due to its interactive nature, the given scope of issues is potent to determine the following general directions of research: human being as a language individual; language as a system of cultural values embodiment; culture as the highest language level etc.

The initial thesis of the research is expressed in the statements of the linguistic branch of Neohumboldtianism that is characterized by the intention to study language in close relation with the culture of its speakers (W. Humboldt, E. Sepir – B. Wharf, L. Weisgerber), contrastive linguistics (M. Kochergan), lingual (O. Semeniuk, V. Parashchuk) and intercultural (F. Batsevych, V. Boldariev) communication theories, also taking into account linguoculturological principles, theoretical and methodological bases (V. Vorobyov, V. Maslova, Yu. Prokhorov). The psychopedagogical basis of the present research is embedded in theoretical foundations and foreign language education technology (aim, contents, methods and teaching media) in the light of the cultures dialogue issue (Ye. Passov, Ye. Vereshchahin, V. Kostomarov, V. Furmanova, P. Sysoiev). To relevant research objects will also belong the issues of speech conduct (O. Leontiev), language and religion interaction (N. Mechkovska), speech etiquette (N. Formanovska), as well as the text as the highest unit of culture (V. Shakleyin). The linguodidactic basis of the research is expressed by conceptual foundations of competence-oriented language instruction (I. Hudzyk, V. Doroz).

The objects of content in view of the linguoculturological approach to teaching – according to F. Batsevych – encompass non-equivalent lexis, nonverbal communication means, background knowledge, language aphoristics and phraseology that are studied from the perspective of being reflectors of culture, national and psychological specifics etc. of a certain linguocultural community. [3, p. 101].

Analyzing the national and cultural elements of text contents and specific language means of their expression, A. Reichstein distinguishes the following main types: usual-notional (reality words); occasional-notional (contextual definitions of nationally specific factors); usual-background (language units possessing constant typical nationally specific background); occasional-background (language units possessing contextual nationally specific background) [17].

The process of mastering a second or a foreign language is complicated by the existence of lacunas – the absence of certain language, speech and sociocultural phenomena in students’ conscience. To nationally colored culture components that can give rise to various lacunas belong these: customs and traditions; routine culture; verbal and nonverbal conduct of speakers; “national worldviews” that mirror environment perception specifics and national thinking peculiarities. In view of this, in order to effectuate a linguoculturological approach to foreign language teaching, it is necessary to duly address the need to study specific mindset features and linguocultural manifestations of different ethnic communities as compared and contrasted with each other.

Research objective.

The linguocultural features of a certain language are mainly existent at the lexical language level. Thus, the objective of the article is to establish lexical basis precisely for the selection of the teaching at the lexical level of the Hebrew language for the formation of linguoculturological competence of elementary school students.

The selected issue requires that a linguistic analysis of specific features of modern Hebrew lexis be performed and that such features be taken into account in the practical teaching process in Ukrainian schools.

The body.

The lexis of modern Hebrew is closely related to the history of its formation and development, which is attested to by linguistic studies of the Hebrew language. [11; 20; 22; 30]. Since modern Hebrew is the successor of the Ancient Hebrew biblical, postbiblical and medieval languages, it inherited its basic lexis from the Ancient Hebrew language. Etymologically, the vocabulary of modern Hebrew is divided into the following categories: 1) words inherited from earlier periods (non-borrowed vocabulary); 2) innovation words that were coined in Hebrew on the basis of the existing ones or words existent in a certain epoch through productive word formation patterns by way of merging word combinations and those that arose due to onomatopoeia; 3) borrowed words [1, p.100-106; 7, p.409-413; 10, p.852-860; 29].

The specific feature of the formation of the lexical pool of the modern Hebrew language are multiple cases of lexical innovations that came into being due to purposeful activities of certain authors – writers, journalists and scientists, as well as of institutes – language formation bodies (the Hebrew Language Committee (וַעַד הַלָּשׁוֹן הָעִבְרִית , Vaad ha-lashon ha-ivryt, 1890), later, the Hebrew Language Academy (הָאֲקָדֶמְיָה לַלָּשׁוֹן הָעִבְרִית, Ha-Akademya la-lashon ha-ivryt, 1953)), which worked towards the cause of promoting Hebrew as a colloquial language, creating orthoepic norms, enriching vocabulary, and standardizing grammar. In this respect, the replenishment of modern Hebrew vocabulary during the formation period has much in common with artificial language formation process. Linguistic studies yield ground to ascertain that only a certain portion of inherited words that form the body of basic lexis preserved original semantics. A considerable part of Hebrew vocabulary suffered changes under the impact of Aramaisms (biblical and postbiblical periods), borrowings and calques from present-day Romano-Germanic and Slavic languages, the Arabian language and colloquial Hebrew languages (Yiddish, Ladino).

Non-borrowed lexis of modern Hebrew is represented by the words of general Afroasian and general Semitic origin, for instance names of kinship (em
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