The significance of family values in the socialization of you

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Akhmedov Aminjon Amrullayevych
Research fellow of Bukhara State University
Annotation: This article aims to study the importance of family values and traditions in the formation of intellectual and spiritual development of students in the educational process. At the same time, the study of the importance of family values in the development of socialization of students, the importance of family values in the socialization of students, and their influence on intellectual and moral development were discussed.
Keywords: Motivation, education, mutual respect, harmony, citizenship, individual, empathy, modeling, academic.
Article 63 of Chapter XIV of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan contains the following words: “The family is the main link of society and has the right to be protected by society and the state” [1; 12].
Family is one of the most important social factors of ideological education. Because the family is the basis of society and has strong spiritual foundations of many centuries. In today's rapidly changing world, the role of family values in the socialization of students has become very important. Understanding the critical role of families in influencing student behavior and attitudes can help educators and policymakers create educational environments that promote holistic development. In the context of socialization, the family plays a decisive role in the formation of values, attitudes and behavior of individuals. These values can be recognized as the most important in education. The society should support and legitimize the principles of family in order to form a well-rounded and harmonious society. In today's modern society, the role of family values is very important in shaping the process of socialization of the student.
Family is the foundation on which people form their character, values and attitude to society. First of all, family values play an important role in a student's personal development. From a young age, children learn social norms and behavior primarily from their families. By instilling important values such as respect and honesty, parents give their children a moral compass to overcome life's challenges. These values not only shape the student's character, but also influence his decision-making process. It provides responsible and moral socialization. In addition, family values play an important role in the formation of a person's cultural identity. Traditional traditions and rituals that take place in families allow students to deeply connect with their cultural heritage. Such connections develop a sense of pride and belonging that helps students appreciate and respect their own culture. By learning and preserving these values, students contribute to the culturally diverse enrichment of society.
“Family is one of the most important social factors of ideological education. Because the family is the basis of society and has strong spiritual foundations of many centuries. The first concepts characteristic of our national ideology are first of all in the family environment. This process is carried out through grandfather's education, father's love, mother's love. A healthy environment in the family is a source of formation of national ideology. Ensuring the strength, well-being, mutual respect and harmony of each family in the society is the basis for the implementation of the goals envisaged in the national ideology” [2;66].
Apart from personal development and cultural preservation, family values also promote social cohesion among students. Families are a collective support system that fosters a sense of belonging and unity among its members. Students instill these values of solidarity and empathy, enabling them to form strong community bonds and make positive contributions to society. Students with strong family values are more likely to participate actively in community service and build meaningful relationships with their peers. Family values provide students with a foundation for understanding and appreciating societal norms. They learn social etiquette, respect for society and the importance of following rules in the family. These values form a sense of responsibility. In addition, it produces future specialists who will actively contribute to the development of society. This will create a good sense of citizenship.
In addition to personal, cultural, and social aspects, family values also include fundamental principles necessary for academic success. Study discipline, time management, and the importance of family education help students succeed in their academic pursuits. In addition, fostering open communication and a supportive family environment encourages students to seek help when facing academic difficulties. As a result, it improves their achievements and career prospects. At the same time, family values play a decisive role in shaping the mental and emotional well-being of students. Families that prioritize relationships, emotional support, and mental health awareness provide a solid foundation for students to develop resilience and coping mechanisms. The guidance and understanding that students receive in the family unit teaches them to navigate the complexities of the social world and to persevere and persevere in the face of adversity.
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev said the following words: “A healthy environment in the family is a source of healthy ideology formation. Ensuring the strength, well-being, mutual respect and harmony of every family in the society is the basis for the realization of the goals envisaged in the national ideology” [2;66]
Family values contribute to students' ability to form meaningful and satisfying relationships in adulthood. By experiencing healthy family relationships, students learn to develop trust, communication, and respect in their interpersonal relationships. These values form the basis of future close relationships, friendships and professional cooperation. As a result, he leads a more complete and successful personal and social life.
Throughout history, the family unit has been recognized, and it was considered important to transfer cultural and moral values from parents to children as the main source of socialization of children. Traditional family is the basis of social cohesion in Uzbekistan. In it, elders always played an important role in shaping the behavior, beliefs and general character of students. Families have a profound effect on the overall well-being of students and provide emotional support. A close-knit family structure teaches students mental stability, empathy, and self-confidence. At the same time, it develops a sense of belonging and security. Warmth and care in the family helps students develop healthy relationships with their peers and teachers. As a result, it increases their academic success and mental awareness.

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